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• fashion, since each new decade brings in fresh, widely followed fashion trends in what people wear
or how they style the most recent or popular items.
• Since I was younger, I've been exposed to technology and seen how quickly things change, advance,
and get better. New technology is always being released or invented, such as new types of cellphones
that are more advanced than the previous generation. AI robots that aid humans in living more
• I grew up participating in famous sports in the Philippines, such as basketball and baseball.
•I grew up watching news, so I am familiar with what has been trending over the years and what is
currently happening. I can observe all the trends in the news.
• I adore eating Filipino cuisine, including malagkit, puto, and bibingka. I like riding in the tricycle and
jeep because it was an enjoyable experience. Not only is Jolliee well-known for Filipinos, but I also
enjoy the flavor of their meals.
• The nice thing about music is that it is constantly being adapted according to popular cultural
• I grew up watching cartoons and anime I always wake up early to not miss any of my favorite
2. The biggest influence on me comes from watching animated television, especially Ben-10,
Doraemon, Marco, and other well-known series. I am passionate in drawing many things, including
portraiture, anime, and animation, because of them. Drawing people's faces for clients helps with
income, but doing portraits is the most difficult because it takes a lot of skill and is realistic. I
also gained money by illustrating anime, in addition to drawing commissions for fans' favorite
characters. Animation is challenging since each paper must be drawn individually in order for the
drawing to move. Drawing is something I enjoy doing and it really helps me to release my stress,
especially right now with all of my schoolwork. Some of the music that I still treasure is Anak by
Freddie Aguilar and El Bimbo by Eraserheads. They are the singers whose music has affected my life
the most, even now. It is nostalgic, and it teaches me valuable lessons while calming and sooths my
3. Indeed, I did learn a lot from these icons. As I mentioned earlier, Ben 10, Doraemon, and Marco
have had the most influences on my life as a result of watching animated television. Ben 10 has
powers from a watch that has 10 different powerful aliens which he uses to aid people, Ben 10
teaches me to not be ignorant and to assist those who are in need. As a result, I help those who lack
the money to buy their food. Doraemon taught me how to make friends and cherish them even in
difficult times because you are the ones who will assist one another when other friends need
assistance. Marco taught me to be brave and to never give up on a goal. The protagonist of Marco is a
little kid who wants to see his mother. He travels great distances to see her, encountering both good
and horrible things, but nothing could discourage him from his objective in the end they meet and live
together . That encourages me to keep going and give my all in pursuit of my objectives. Anak and El
Bimbo's music has the most influence on me. Anak is a song about us that helps us realize how much
our parents sacrifice for us in order for us to be decent people, and that we shouldn't have to pay
them back with evil deeds that ruin our lives since it hurts them to watch us lose our way in life. This
song touch my heart And I cried.El Bimbo is a song with a children's love story in which the two of
them fall in love, but after some time has gone, they are separated. The boy then discovers his
childhood and learns that the girl is now have a child without a husband, and one night the girl is hit
by a car. I learned from this song that awful things do happen, we can't stop them from happening,
and we just have to accept it and move on.
4.Pop culture can be useful to us. It increases our awareness of current events and helps us keep up
with other nations. We can use technology to our advantage to treat some illnesses or perform
surgeries that other individuals cannot. We can pass on this culture to the following generation so
that they can enhance it further and occasionally witness its evolution.

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