Midterm Lecture Oct 312022

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Main Energy Level or Principal Quantum Number region around the nucleus where electrons
are most likely to be found.

Atomic Orbital region in space surrounding the nucleus in which one is most likely to find an
electron within a given quantum number.

Pauli’s Exclusion Principle limit of two electrons per orbital with opposite spin.

Aufbau Principle electrons will successively occupy the available orbital in order of
increasing energy. 1s,2s,2p,3s,3p,4s, 3d,4p,5s,4d,5p,6s,4f,5d,6p,7s,5f,6d,7p,……

Hunds’ Rule of Multiplicity when electron enter a sublevel containing more than one orbital
the distribution is done singly before pairing with the opposite spin.

Octet Rule states that elements of the representative elements form bonds so as to have
access to eight outer electrons.

Valence electron the outer s and p electrons in the atoms of a representative element.

Lewis dot symbol represent the valence electron as dots around the symbol of the element.

Metal loses one to three electrons to form cation positive charge.

Nonmetal gain one to three electrons to form anion. Negative charge.

Horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table are called PERIODS or SERIES. Each
period ends with a member of the family of elements called NOBLE GASES.

Families of element fall into vertical columns called GROUPS. Most commonly used label
employs Roman numerals followed by an A or a B. Now groups 1 through 18.

Transition Metals (Group B Elements)

Inner Transition Metals are the lanthanide and actinide series.

Metalloids are elements with intermediate properties between metals and nonmetals.

Periodic Trends
1. atomic size decrease left to right…increase top to bottom.
2. metallic property decreases left to right…increase top to bottom.
3. ionization energy amounts of energy required to remove an electron. Increase left to
right…decrease top to bottom.
4. electronegativity increase left to right….decrease top to bottom.

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