Sum Test 1

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Direction: Write the capital letter of the best answer.

For items 1 to 3, read the passage carefully.

Jessa is always tired and hungry after her morning class. Every day, she
went to the canteen and have a burger and soda only. As this continues, she
became ill and overweight. And her concerned friend told her that the
adjacent food stand sells healthier home cooked meals like laswa, sinigang,
pakbet, bangrus and even offers free cup of rice and drinking water. And
that changes Jessa’s choice of food.

1. What can you infer about Jessa’s daily food intake after her morning
A. It helps her to be physically fit.
B. It gives nutrients to energize herself.
C. It is delicious and healthy.
D. It is rich in sugar and carbs.

2. After she was told of the adjacent food stand, why did it change Jessa’s
choice of food?
A. It will make her obese.
B. It will cause her malnutrition.
C. It provides her choices for balanced diet.
D. It is like an “instant food.”

3. If you saw Jessa eating burger and soda, what would you possibly tell
A. “It’s better than fruits!”
B. “It won’t make you fit.”
C. “You will achieve wellness!”
D. “”The bigger you get, the better!”

4. You were asked by your mother to go to the market and buy healthy food
for your lunch, since she is sick and cannot cook. What will you buy?
A. longganisa, fried rice, egg, and coffee
B. fried chicken, rice, lychee, and juice
C. sinigang, rice, pakbet, and ripe banana
D. barbecue, rice, watermelon, and soda

5. Jef always eat in a fast food chain and does less physical activity
everyday. What would be the effect of his unhealthy lifestyle?
A. functional body systems C. overweight
B. physical fitness D. mental wellness

6. To stay at a healthy weight, one should choose a healthful diet with

A. high calories from sweets
B. fibers from fruits and vegetables
C. fats and oils from processed foods
D. caffeine from chocolate and coffee

7. Eating healthy diet can help reduce the risk of developing health
problems such as:
A. physical wellness C. heart and respiratory diseases
B. high blood pressure D. both B and C
8. Michael suffers from emotional stress when he became overweight. Now,
he wants to avoid candies and eat better. Which of the following should he
A. bring burgers with him C. shift to sweet pastries
B. avoid foods rich in nutrients D. bring healthy

9. Which of the following statements about the human respiratory system is

A. when we breathe in, air travels from the pharynx to the trachea
B. the bronchioles branch into bronchi
C. Alveolar ducts connect to the alveolar sacs
D. gas exchange between the lungs and the blood takes place in the alveolus

10Which of the following statements about the circulatory system is NOT

A. blood in the pulmonary vein is deoxygenated
B. blood in the inferior vena cava is deoxygenated
C. blood in the pulmonary artery is deoxygenated
D. blood in the aorta is oxygenated

11. The respiratory system ________________.

A. provides body tissues with oxygen
B. provides body tissues with oxygen and carbon dioxide
C. establishes how many breathes are taken per minute
D. provides the body with carbon dioxide

12. Which of the following is the correct order of airflow during inhalation?
A. Nasal cavity, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

B. Nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

C. Nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi, alveoli

D. Nasal cavity, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

13. Where does the right ventricle sends blood?

A. the head C. the upper body
B. the lungs D. the lower body
14. The following are conducting organs except _________
A. alveoli B. trachea C. larynx D. bronchi

15. The term respiration refers to _________

A. breathing
B. gas exchange within the lungs
C. oxygen utilization within the cells
D. all of the above

16. As a result of low blood pressure, blood in the veins as it returns to the
heart could backflow. This is prevented by the presence of __________
A. thick walls B. valves
C. thin walls D. elastic layer

17. Which of the following can help in taking care of our respiratory and
circulatory system?
A. Eating high cholesterol foods
B. Cigarette smoking
C. Drinking a lot of water
D. Stress

18. Which of the following is correctly paired?

A. arteries-deoxygenated blood
B. veins-oxygenated blood
C. alveoli-oxygen
D. right atrium-oxygenated blood
19. You always hear and see the statement, “Government warning: Cigarette
smoking is dangerous to your health.” How does cigarette smoking increase
the risk of developing cardio vascular diseases?
A. The chemicals in cigarette harm the blood cells and can damage the
function of the blood.

B. The chemicals in cigarette are negligible in terms of developing heart


C. Cigarette smoking is only dangerous for firsthand smokers

D. Smoke from cigarettes does not penetrate the heart.

20. What will happen if oxygen is not transported by the blood to other parts
of the body?
A. Our body will still be in normal function.
B. The cells in our body will not be able to process the nutrients to
provide energy for the body.
C. Oxygen will just go out of the body.
D. Our cell will still produce carbon dioxide and energy without oxygen.

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