Leaving Phone Messages: Before Class

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Chapter II


11 Leaving
Phone Messages
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use new vocabulary
and speech patterns to leave phone messages.

Before class 1
Saying It Right

Please ask him to call to me at 123-456-7890?

Please ask him to call me at 123-456-7890?

Proper Sentence : Please ask him to call me at 123-456-7890?

1/ Bu sine ss c our se - Ba sic

Before class

Chapter II Business Calls


S Hello? May I speak to Mr. Thomas?

T I’m sorry, Mr. Thomas is unavailable.

Would you like to leave a message?

S Yes, please.
Could you tell Mr. Thomas that Hannah Jung called?

T Hannah Jung, right?

S Yes, that’s right. Also, would you mind telling Mr. Thomas
that I wanted to talk about the Project Carrot sales

T Sure. And how should Mr. Thomas return your call?

S Please ask him to call me at 123-456-7890. Thank you.

Un it 1 1 L e a vin g P h o n e M e s s a g e s / 2
Before class 3

Key Expressions

1 Could you tell Mr. Thomas that Hannah Jung called?

Could you tell A that B called?

- Could you tell Dr. Lewis that Mark Lowes called?

- Could you tell Lawrence that Alice called?
- Could you tell Lisa that Meredith called?

2 Would you mind telling Mr. Thomas that I wanted to talk

about the Project Carrot sales agreement?
Would you mind telling A that I wanted to talk about B?́

- Would you mind telling Alison that I wanted to talk about the Capricorn
- Would you mind telling Peter that I wanted to talk about the concert on
- Would you mind telling Joseph that I wanted to talk about the new office

3 Please ask him to call me at 123-456-7890.

Please ask him/her to ~.

- Please ask him to call me on my mobile at 345-654-2398.

- Please ask her to stop by my office when she has a chance.
- Please ask her to check the e-mail I sent her as soon as possible.

3/ Bu sine ss c our se - Ba sic

1:1 Practice

Chapter II Business Calls

Warm up – Name Five Things

Guide Name five things you can do with your smartphone.

Example send text messages, play games…


S Hello? May I speak to Mr. Thomas?

T I’m sorry, Mr. Thomas is unavailable.

Would you like to leave a message?

S Yes, please.
Could you tell Mr. Thomas that Hannah Jung called?

T Hannah Jung, right?

S Yes, that’s right. Also, would you mind telling Mr. Thomas
that I wanted to talk about the Project Carrot sales

T Sure. And how should Mr. Thomas return your call?

S Please ask him to call me at 123-456-7890. Thank you.

Un it 1 1 L e a vin g P h o n e M e s s a g e s / 4
1:1 Practice 2
Exercise I

Structure “ Could you let ____________ know that I called to

____________? And could you also let him/her know that
he/she can reach me at ____________ ? Thank you.”

Task 1
Call recipient Reason for call Contact method

discuss new call office 212-567-9183 or

Laura Sanders
website design mobile 917-123-4598

Task 2
Call recipient Reason for call Contact method

call mobile 435-

Dennis Lark confirm lunch appointment tomorrow

Sample Answer

Task 1: Could you let Laura know that I called to discuss the new website design? And could you
also let her know that she can reach me at my office at 212-567-9183 or on my mobile at
917-123-4598? Thank you.

Task 2: Could you let Dennis know that I called to confirm our lunch appointment tomorrow?
And could you also let him know that he can reach me on my mobile at 435-6738-2938?
Thank you.

5/ Bu sine ss c our se - Ba sic

1:1 Practice

Chapter II Business Calls

Exercise II

Situation You have an appointment with a client, Jennifer Michaels. She

is supposed to meet you at Bloom House restaurant, but she is
20 minutes late. You call her office because you are worried.

S You T Jennifer’s secretary

Step 1
Greet the secretary and ask to speak with Jennifer.

Step 2
Give your name and explain why you are calling.

Step 3
Tell the secretary that Jennifer can contact you on your mobile number or
the restaurant number (582-2472-2847).

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1:1 Practice 4
Further Application

Task One of the hardest parts of phone messaging is making sure

the person taking the message has the right name and phone
number. In the following examples, practice spelling the
person’s name and confirming the phone number.

1 Jae Min Kwon. (+82) 2-4255-8293

2 Anya Korlikovna. (+8) 495-324-49-53

3 Amadi Ouagadou. (+226) 61-60-23-74

Challenge Question
Sometimes we accidentally (or maybe on purpose) leave weird or funny
phone message. Can you think of any weird or funny phone message you
have received or made? If so, what was it?

7/ Bu sine ss c our se - Ba sic

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