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Do you agree with Irene?

Yes, I do.

Where do you prefer to shop for food: at a street

market or a supermarket? Why?

Depends the situations, I usually prefer supermarket

because you have a lot choice.

Are markets popular where you live?

Yes, I live near two markets.

What do you usually buy at a street market? At a


I sually buy at a street market: vegetables, fruts,

meat, chicken, fish; and at a supermarket: Rice,
Sugar, noodles and others groceries.
Zara: I buy all my food at the outdoor market in my neighborhood or small local
stores because I know it's fresh. I don't trust the supermarkets. With other
things, like clothes, I also like to support small local businesses and market
people. I prefer to give my money to them and not a big international company.
The only thing I buy in big stores are large items like furniture, exercise
equipment, or appliances like a washing machine or refrigerator.

Ha-jun: I don't have a lot of time to shop, so I buy everything online. Well,
everything but clothes – I go to the mall for clothes. I want to see and feel
clothes before I buy them. But all other things, I buy online. I buy all my food
online now, too. It's so easy.
I love looking for discounts, and online stores always have special offers. On
Black Friday, for example, you can get a lot of things very cheap, sometimes
half price! That's the best.

How are you with money?

I'm careful

Are you careful and smart with it or not so smart?

Yes, I'm careful

Do you put it in the bank or go shopping?

I put in the bank

Do you always know how much you have, or is it always a surprise?

I usually know how much

Do you think he bought the sweater online or in a store?

I think online

Do you like shopping online, or do you prefer to go to a store?

I usually prefer to go a store

What do you plan to do today or tomorrow?

I clean house and laundry clothes and I go to market for buy vegetables
and fruts

What do you need to buy in the next few days?

I need to buy rice and sugar

Do you plan to do any special shopping in the next week? Yes, I plan go
to shopping for gift for my goddaughter
Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day (the fourth
Thursday of November) in the United States. Many people
start their shopping for the holidays on this day, so stores
open very early and offer sale prices on most items. At
some big stores, people wait outside for hours so they can
be the first people in the store and get the best prices on
the best items. Now, stores also offer Black Friday deals

 Is there something like Black Friday in your country?

What do you call it? When is it?
 Do people wait for hours for stores to open?
 Did you ever do this? Would you like to experience
Black Friday one day? Why or why not?

Black Friday is back! We asked some people what they

think of it. Here's what they said.

Katie: I didn't know today was Black Friday. I only came

here to return a shirt – but forget it! I'm going to come back
next week, when it's not so crazy!

Seb: I love Black Friday. I save for months and months and
even borrow money from friends. I go crazy! I usually spend
my money on clothes and shoes, but this year I'm going to
buy a TV.

Marcia: I hate Black Friday! I have to work all day and...

excuse me. Are you going to buy that?

Adam: I'm here with my wife, but I can't find her now! I

really want to go home. We're not going to come back next
year. We're going to shop online in the future .
Paola's shopping plan
Operation Black Friday – yes! My partner and I
already have a plan… We're not going to waste
time on clothes or sports equipment. We're
going to focus our attention on technology. I'm
going to buy three things: a color printer, a big
flat-screen monitor, and a new phone. We're
going to arrive early in the morning before they
sell everything. It's going to be noisy and
crowded, but we're going to save so much

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