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To Barb West

writing – Tuesday 2pm

Ispánovity Krisztina
267 words

Last summer I could get really close to the nature as me and some of my friends went to canoeing

on river Rába. We spent the whole week on the river and slept under the stars at the bank of Rába.

At first, the idea of rowing was ridiculous. It just came up in a short conversation. However, by the

next day the canoes were hired and there was no way back. To begin with, the weather was perfect

since the temperature was not too high and was not too low luckily. The Sun was shining and the

wind was slightly blowing. The boat was slowly rolling down the river. Willows were rising above us.

The water was rather greyish than blue but we loved it anyway because after a 6-hour-long rowing

we needed something fresh. The air was clean even though the vapid water was not always pleasant.

I just enjoyed being cut off from the fast moving world. We had no wifii and we could not make calls.

I was able to thinking about things that I have not before. In addition, spending the night outside of

the house gives a different concept of sleeping. Firstly, there was total darkness, which was strange

as we all were used to the light pollution. What is more, for us it was odd that everything was wet

when we got up. It was so fresh walking on the wet grass in the morning. All in all, this canoeing

adventure led us closer to the nature and I am sure this was not the last time we were rowing.

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