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Barb West

Writing – Tuesday 2 p.m.

Ispánovity Krisztina

words: 252

We live in the 21th century so there are a wide variety of choices to thinking of which type of films

we prefer the most. I am absolutely keen on fantasies and romantic dramas. However I also like


To begin with, I have always loved films about magical creatures and hidden worlds because only

human imagination is capable of creating a brand new world, where everthing is possible. My passion

probably started when I had read The lord of the rings and after that I watched the adaptaion at the

age of 13. Since then I have seen many movies about imagined ways of living and I still adore them.

On the other hand, romantic dramas are far different from the fantasies. They are a bit bounded to

the ground. In their centre there is love and according to this theme it is easier to relate with the

characters in my age. I like these types of films since they can show us that there is happy ending.

Unfortunately, not every film about love is worth to see. We can find many stereotyped movies and

this is why it is hard to identify which romantic drama is good and which is not.

In conclusion, we are in a very lucky position so everybody can find themselves the most suitable

kind of films. The scale is too large so noone can remain without a favourite type of films. I prefer

fantasies and romantic dramas the most but even comedies are warmly welcomed.

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