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Unit – 4 Earth and its habitats

Answer the following

1. What shape is the Earth?
The Earth is ball-shaped. It is actually slightly flattened
at the North and South Poles, and it is called a geoid,
which means Earth-shaped.
2. What does the surface of the Earth consist of?
Land and sea
3. What do you think might be underneath of the surface?
Molten rock and metals.
4. Describe the external structure of a peach. (Refer the LB
PNo. 71).
The peach has a thin, pink skin covering the flesh.
5. Does the right-hand image show the external structure or
the internal structure of a peach?
The internal structure.
6. Name the two layers which make up the internal
structure of a peach?
The flesh and the stone.

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7. What is the layer below the Earth’s crust called?
The mantle
8. What material does this layer consist of?
9. Describe about Magma?
It is molten rock that is very hot and flows like a liquid.
10. Discuss which of the seven results of a volcanic
eruption are positive effects and which are negative
• Underground water in volcanic regions is hot enough
to heat people’s houses and make electricity
• Lava makes good soil.
• Ash fertilises the soil.
• Crops grow very well.
• People can be injured or killed by ash and hard lumps
of lava.
• Lava burns and buries crops and buildings.

11.What is a tsunami?
A tsunami is a huge sea wave.

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12.What causes a tsunami?
A tsunami happens when there is an earthquake or a
volcanic eruption under the sea. The energy from the
earthquake transfers to the sea to make huge waves.
13. Why did the tsunami increase in height when it
reached the coast of Japan?
The sea close to the coast is shallow, which causes the
waves to get bigger.
14. What do fish use to breathe under water?
They use their gills.
15. Why do fish sometimes have to move very fast?
Which part of their bodies do they use to move fast?
They have to move away from predators (bigger fish that
will eat them). They use their fins to move fast.

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