Both, Eithrr Neither, Exam

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both, either, neither – quantifiers

Óleo Capilar Capilatis Natural

Oil Argán - Frasco 60 ML

S/. 25.90

Grammar » B1 Grammar lessons and exercises » both, either, neither – quantifiers

Exercises Explanation

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Exercise 1
Choose the correct forms of both, either, neither to complete the sentences.

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1 Can neither   you or Lisa take me to the station?

Correct answer: either

➪ We can say either A or B to mean one person/thing or the other.
2 Neither   of them could take me to the station, so I had to take a taxi.

➪ We say neither of + you/them to mean 'zero out of two people'.

3 A: Are you from Spain or from Italy? B: Neither   . I'm from Portugal.

➪ neither= not A and not B (zero out of two things or people)

4 Both of us   can win this game.

➪ We can use both of / either of / neither of + us/you/them

➪ We can say both (of) the + noun, but we CANNOT say the both.

5 With a tourist visa, you can neither   work nor study.

➪ We use neither … nor … to mention the two things or people that we are talking about.

6 He showed us two apartments but we didn't like either   of them.

➪ We cannot use both or neither with a negative verb. We have to use either.

7 Both   John and Sara were invited.

➪ We use both ... and ... to mean two people or things.

8 The tennis game was fantastic. Both   players were great.

➪ We use both + plural noun and either/neither + singular noun.

9 The match was really boring. Either   team played well.

Correct answer: Neither

➪ We use both + plural noun and either/neither + singular noun.
➪ We use neither + noun to mean 'zero out of two people or things'.

10 You can choose neither   of those two presents. Which one do you prefer?

Correct answer: either

➪ We can say either A or B to mean one person/thing or the other.

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