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Holy Child Jesus College

Gumaca, Quezon

I- Objectives
a. determine what is polygon
b. Identify what is convex and non convex polygon
c. Determine the number of diagonals and triangles of a polygon.
II- Subject Matter
Topic: Polygon
Reference: Realistic Math pp.298-306
Authors: E. Gromio, M.M. De Gracia, R. Perez
Materials: chalk, chalkboard

III- Learning Experiences

Teachers Activity. Learners Activity

A. Preparatory activities
1. Review
Ok class, what lesson did we tackle
Yesterday? Sir about percentage Increase
or decrease
B. Developmental Activity
1. Motivation
(Show a polygon)

Can you identify what this is? Polygon sir

Very good!

2. Presentation
Now class, what is polygon? A polygon is a closed figure
made up of line segment that is
intersected only at their end

(Draw a triangle)
-what do we call to this polygon? Triangle sir

-how about this one?

(Draw a square). Square sir

This one?
(Draw a heptagon). Heptagon sir

Very good, so their names are

based on the number of their sides.

(Draw a convex and a non covex polygon)

Now class, i want you to look at this
Two polygons. What do you think are they? Convex and non convex polygon

-what is convex polygon? the diagonals of a convex

polygon will all be in the interior of
the polygon

-how about non convex polygon? certain diagonals of a non convex

polygon will lie outside the polygon

-lets now proceed to identifying

The number of diagonal and triangles
Of a polygon.

-to identify the number of diagonals

All you have to do is, the number of
Sides minus 3.

(Draw a square)
How many side does a square have? 4 sir
Then 4-3 is equals to? 1 sir

So, how many diagonals a square have? 1 diagonal line sir

Very good!

-and to identify the number of triangles

Number of sides minus 2.

(Draw a pentagon)
-how many sides does a pentagon have? 5 sir
Then, 5-2 is eauals to? 3 sir

So how many triangles does a

Pentagon has? 3 triangles sir

Very good!

3. Generalization
What is polygon again class? A polygon is a closed figure
made up of line segment that is
intersected only at their end

How about convex polygon? the diagonals of a convex

polygon will all be in the interior of
the polygon

How about non convex polygon? certain diagonals of a non convex

polygon will lie outside the polygon
And how to identify the number of
diagonals and triangles? Sir to get the no. Of diagonals no.of
sides minus 3. And to get the no.of
triangles, no.of sides minus 2.

4. Application
Identify the number of side
Based on their names.
1. Pentagon
2. Hexagon
3. Octagon
4. Quadrilateral
5. Decagon

IV- Evaluation
Draw the ff. Polygon base on the number of
sides and identify the number of diagonals
from one vertex and number of triangles
and its name

1. Eight sides
2. Ten sides
3. Nine sides
4. Three sides
5. Twelve sides

V- assignment
Cut atleast five pictures of an object that is polygon.

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