Professional Education Questions With Answer and Rationalization

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1. Edward de Bono designed a system which describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking
commonly called as the ______.

A. Six Thinking Hats B. Seven Thinking Hats

C. Huddle System D. Philips 66

Answer: A. Six Thinking Hats is a system designed by Edward de Bono which describes a tool for group
discussion and individual thinking involving six colored hats. It provides a means for groups to plan
thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way, and in doing so to think together more effectively. The
premise of the method is that the human brain thinks in a number of distinct ways which can be
deliberately challenged, and hence planned for use in a structured way allowing one to develop tactics for
thinking about particular issues. De Bono identifies six distinct directions in which the brain can be
challenged. In each of these directions the brain will identify and bring into conscious thought certain
aspects of issues being considered.

2. According to Edward de Bono, which of the six thinking hats focuses on creativity, possibilities,
alternatives and new ideas?

A. Red Hat B. White Hat

C. Blue Hat D. Green Hat

Answer: D. Green Hat.


 Managing (Blue) – what is the subject? what are we thinking about? what is the goal? Can look at
the big picture.
 Information (White) – considering purely what information is available, what are the acts?
 Emotions (Red) – intuitive or instinctive gut reactions or statements of emotional feeling (but not
any justification)
 Discernment (Black) – logic applied to identifying reasons to be cautious and conservative.
Practical, realistic.
 Optimistic response (Yellow) – logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony. Sees the
brighter, sunny side of situations.
 Creativity (Green) – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes.
Thinks creatively, out of the box.

3. In Grace Goddell’s Reading Skills Ladder, which is found at the very bottom and needed to move up to
the sequential ladder of reading skills?

A. Vocabulary building B. Phonetic analysis

C. Basic sight words D. Structural analysis

Answer: C. Basic Sight Words are found at the very bottom of Grace Goddell’s Reading Skills Ladder.
Basic Sight Words include the 220 words found in the list of Dolch words. These words are most
frequently found words in books that children read. Many of these words cannot be sounded out because
they do not follow decoding rules, so they must be learned as sight words.

4. According to Edgar Dale, which among the following is closest to direct learning experience?

A. Contrived experiences B. Study trip

C. Dramatized experiences D. Demonstration

Answer: A. In the Cone of Experience, contrived experience is next to direct purposeful learning
experience. The following is the proper sequence of the different learning experiences (bottom to top of
the cone): a.Direct Purposeful Experiences, b.Contrived Experiences, c.Dramatized Experiences,
d.Demonstrations, e.Field Trips, f.Exhibits, g.Motion Pictures, h.Still Pictures, Radio and Recordings,
i.Visual Symbols, j.Verbal Symbols.
5. Which among the following is TRUE about the Cone of Experience?

A. It is arranged in chronological order.

B. It is arranged from the simplest to the most complex.

C. It is arranged from the most concrete to the most abstract.

D. It is arranged in no particular order.

Answer: C. Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience is designed to show the progression of learning
experiences. This is arranged to the degree of abstraction and that is from the most concrete experience to
the most abstract one.

6. Fredo, a promdi and new to Manila, closely observed how his friends played a computer game. Later,
the next time that he went to an internet cafe, he already knew how to play the game by himself. What
theory is being exemplified in this situation?

A. Classical conditioning B. Social Learning

C. Operant conditioning D. Insight Learning

Answer: B. Social Learning stresses that learning is a product of observing and imitating a model.

7. Teacher Hera was not yet finished discussing the topic all about adjective. The next day, her learners
were surprised when she discussed a new topic about adverb wherein fact she was not done explaining the
first topic. This event is an example of _____.

A. thrust B. dangle C. flip-flop D. stimulus-bound

Answer: B. Dangle occurs when a teacher leaves a topic without having it finalized or completed.

8. In his English class, teacher Randy uses poetry dramatic reading by students, using
movements(posture, gestures, facial expressions, creative movements, etc.). What learning outcome is he
looking for?

A. Non-discursive communication B. Fundamental movements

C. Skilled movements D. Characterization

Answer: A. Per definition of non-discursive communication, objectives in this level refer to expressive
movements through posture, gestures, facial expressions, and/or creative movements like those in mime
or ballet.  These movements refer to interpretative movements that communicate meaning without the aid
of verbal commands or help.

9. An essay type of test is composed of questions that are ______.

A. factual B. divergent

C. convergent D. low-order

Answer: B. Divergent questions are open-ended questions. These questions do not have definite answers
and such answers differ from one person to another.

10. Running and jumping fall under what level in the psychomotor domain?

A. Non-discursive communication B. Fundamental movements

C. Skilled movements D. Perceptual abilities

Answer: B. Objectives under the fundamental movements refer to skills or movements or behaviors
related to walking, running, pushing, pulling and manipulating. They are often components for more
complex actions.
11. In her Social Science class, Teacher Edna uses a contest on current events to determine champions in
identifying people, places and events. This implies that Teacher Edna wants her students to achieve what
learning objective?

A. Application C. Comprehension

B. Knowledge D. Analysis

Answer: B. Objectives under the “knowledge” level focuses on simple recall or retrieving of facts and
previously learned materials. As such, identifying people, places and events belongs to “knowledge”

12. In Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives, this refers to theability to grasp or construct meaning from a

A. Application C. Comprehension

B. Knowledge D. Analysis

Answer: C. Comprehension means understanding or constructing meaning out from a given situation or
material. Activities which belong to this level include interpreting, summarizing and explaining.

13. It occurs when a teacher is teaching a lesson or one topic, but then inserts unrelated material from a
previous lesson.

A. thrust C. flip-flop

B. dangles D. stimulus-bound

Answer: C. Flip-flop happens when a teacher is teaching a lesson or one topic, but suddenly inserts an
unrelated material from a previous lesson. This act destroys student concentration, and they are now
confused as to where to focus and give their attention.

14. Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from students and parents?

A. No, unless the principal allows.

B. No, especially if done in exchange for requested concessions.

C. Yes.

D. Yes, in- season and out- of- season gifts.

Answer: B. According to Section 4, Article VIII of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, a
teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their behalf in exchange for
requested concessions, especially if undeserved.

15. According to Slavin (2005), the following are the teaching implications of Piaget’s Cognitive
Development Theory EXCEPT for _________.

A. A focus on the process of children's thinking, not just its products.

B. Recognition of the crucial role of children& s self-initiated, active involvement in learning activities.

C. The use of varied types of reinforcement to strengthen a good behaviour.

D. Acceptance of individual differences in developmental progress.

Answer: C. Option C belongs to “Operant Conditioning” and NOT to Cognitive Development Theory.
16. According to Jean Piaget, conservation can be attained by a child during what stage?

A. Pre-Operational Stage C. Concrete Operational Stage

B. Sensorimotor Stage D. Formal Operational Stage

Answer: C. Conservation belongs to the Concrete Operational Stage. Conservation is the ability of a child
to see that objects or quantities remain the same despite a change in their physical appearance.

17. In this stage, children are able to think about things symbolically.

A. Pre-Operational Stage C. Concrete Operational Stage

B. Sensorimotor Stage D. Formal Operational Stage

Answer: A. Symboling Functioning can be developed by a child during the Pre- Operational Stage.
Symbolic Functioningis the ability of a child to make one thing – a word or an object – to stand or
represent for something other than itself.

18. In the context of teaching, this refers to a grouping strategy in which the members of the class are
organized into groups. The students are then reorganized into; groups containing one member from each
group. The members of the expert group work together to learn the material or solve the problem, then
return to their original groups to share their learning.

A. Huddle Method B. Phillips 66

C. Clark 22 D. Jigsaw

Answer: D. Jigsaw is an effective way of engaging students both with course material and with each
other. The peer teaching aspect requires that each student understands the material well enough to teach it
to others (individual accountability), and each student is required to contribute meaningfully to a group
problem-solving component (group goals). In this way, the work of the expert groups is quickly
disseminated throughout the class, with each person taking responsibility for sharing a piece of the

19. Under the 1987 Constitution, what is the condition for allowing students to be taught religion in
public schools?

A. Catechists paid by government B. Extra pay for teachers

C. Outside of school hours only D. Upon written permission by parents

Answer: D. According to Article XIV, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution, at the option expressed in
writing by the parents or guardians, religion shall be allowed to be taught to their children or wards in
public elementary and high schools within the regular class hours by instructors designated or approved
by the religious authorities of the religion to which the children or wards belong, without additional cost
to the Government.

20. Which is TRUE of the periodic merit exam for teacher provided for in R.A.7836?

I. Consist of oral exam II. Consist of written exam

III. May serve as additional basis for merit promotion in addition to performance rating

IV. Taken with fee of P1000 per examinee

A. I, II, III and IV B. I, II and III C. II and III D. II, III and IV

Answer: B. Article III, Section 19 of Republic Act 7836 which is all about “Periodic Merit Examination
of Teachers” says that “to encourage continuing professional growth and development and to provide
additional basis for merit promotion, in addition to their performance rating, teachers may take an oral
and written examination at least once in five (5) years as basis for merit promotion.   In taking this
examination, no fee shall be required.” Therefore, the correct answer is OPTION B.
21. Which among the Four Pillars of Learning is essential for two conflicting countries so that they may
achieve a lifelong culture of peace?

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: C. According to UNESCO, the Pillar of Learning to Live Together aims to expose individuals
to the values implicit within human rights, democratic principles, intercultural understanding and respect
and peace at all levels of society and human relationships to enable individuals and societies to live in
peace and harmony. With that, the Pillar of Learning to Live Together is essential for two conflicting
countries so that they may achieve a lasting culture of peace.

22. It is a tool that serves as a guide for teachers’ continuous learning and development within a calendar
year. It is structured in a way that every professional teacher regularly and individually prepares,
implements, monitors and updates the plan.


Answer: C. The acronym IPPD literally means Individual Plan for Professional Development. It is
structured such that every professional regularly and individually prepares, implements, monitors &
updates the plan. It is based on the identified development needs revealed by the Training and
Development Needs Assessment (TDNA) appropriate for the specific profession & is consistent with
the priority development goals of the school, division & region.

23. What is the primary legal prerequisite for employment of teachers in basic education schools?

A. Passing of the interview Program B. Passing of LET

C. Conduct of a Teaching demo D. Attendance in the Teacher induction

Answer: B. Passing of LET. According to Republic Act 7836, no person shall engage in teaching and/or
act as a professional teacher as defined in this Act, whether in the preschool, elementary or secondary
level, unless he is a duly registered professional teacher, and a holder of a valid certificate of registration
and a valid professional license. One can only have a valid certificate of registration and a valid
professional license if he is already a LET passer

24. DepEd Order No.54, s.2012 ventured on a new government program which aims to primarily address
the problems on congestion and other situations, and circumstances which prevent children from going to
and staying in school. What program is this?

A. Alternative Learning System C. Education Service Contracting Program

B. Alternative Delivery Mode D. Voucher Program

Answer: B. Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM) are tried and tested alternative modalities of education
delivery within the confines of the formal system that allow schools to deliver quality education to the
marginalized students and those at risk of dropping out in order to help them overcome personal, social
and economic constraints in their schooling.

25. Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and
potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the
realization of dreams and aspirations. Personal development therefore is an example of _____.

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: D. Based on UNESCO’s Report, the Pillar of Learning to Be aims to provide self analytical and
social skills to enable individuals to develop to their fullest potential psycho-socially, affectively as well
as physically, for a holistically-developed person. With this, personal development therefore is an
example of the Pillar of Learning to Be.
26. How do you call a classroom management composed of coping strategies used by effective teachers
to stop misbehaviour without disrupting the flow of the lesson?

A. low-profile B. high-profile

C. preventative D. disruptive

Answer: A. Low-profile Discipline is a kind of strategy wherein the teacher redirect the students to the
lesson yet flow of the lesson remains to be uninterrupted. Examples of Low-profile Discipline include eye
contact and name-dropping.

27. What is meant by the acronym RPMS?

A. Results-Based Performance Management System

B. Research-Based Performance Management System

C. Results-Based Performance Management Standards

D. Research-Based Performance Management Standards

Answer: A. RPMS means Results-Based Performance Management System. This is the newest teacher’s
appraisal system which is currently used among all the public schools in the country. RPMS is a shared
undertaking between the superior and the employee that allows an open discussion of job expectations,
key result areas, objectives and how these align to overall departmental goals.

28. What is known as a self-appraisal for professional growth that is acceptable and useful for recognizing
weakness and strengths for a new or beginning teacher?

A. Self-evaluation C. Master teacher’s evaluation

B. Student’s evaluation D. Principal’s evaluation

Answer: A. Self-appraisal is synonymous with the term self-evaluation. Some forms of self-evaluation
include journal, self-video tape of class performance, teachers’ portfolio, etc.

29. What does the “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers” say about corporal punishment?

A. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners but he can make deductions from
their scholastic ratings as a punishment.

B. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make deductions from their
scholastic ratings as a punishment.

C. A teacher may inflict corporal punishment provided that the parents wrote a formal letter stating their
permission to the teacher to give such punishment to their children.

D. A teacher may inflict corporal punishment only when the need arises such as when proactive discipline
is no longer effective to implemented in such group of students

Answer: B. According to Article VIII, Section 8 of the “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”, a
teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners NOR make deductions from their
scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not manifestation of poor scholarship.

30.  Concentration, memory skills and critical thinking skills are part of _____.

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: A. As stated on UNESCO’s Report, the Pillar of Learning to Know aims to provide the cognitive
tools required to better comprehend the world and its complexities, and to provide an appropriate and
adequate foundation for future learning. So, concentration, memory skills and critical thinking skills are
parts of Learning to Know.
31. Which among the following verbs belongs to the “comprehension” level?

A. list C. summarize

B. enumerate D. identify

Answer: C. The verb “summarize” falls under the “comprehension” level while the verbs “list”,
“enumerate”, and “identify” belong to the “knowledge” level. “Comprehension” means demonstrating an
understanding of a concept or a lesson. However,“knowledge” means simple recall of previously learned

32. What is the key element of the Teacher Education Development Program?



Answer: A. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is at the heart of the Teacher
Education Development Program (TEDP). It is the key element of TEDP. It defines effective teaching as
being able to help all types of students learn the different learning goals in the curriculum. It is composed
of domains, strands and performance indicators.

33. Teacher Jherame went from one topic or activity to other topics. She discussed a lesson then later
inserted an unrelated topic from a previous lesson. This act of Teacher Jherame is an example of ____.

A. thrust C. flip-flop

B. dangle D. stimulus-bound

Answer: C. Flip-flop occurs when a teacher is teaching a lesson on one topic, but then inserts unrelated
material/topic from a previous lesson. This act destroys student concentration, and they are now confused
as to where to focus their attention. Once a lesson has been concluded, and another one begun, avoid
reminiscing back to previous material (except to relate the earlier material directly to this new subject
matter in order to facilitate comprehension).

34. Teacher Alexa, an experienced teacher, has the ability to keep all students actively participating in her
lesson. This ability of Teacher Alexa is also known as _____.

A. group focus C. stimulus-bound

B. overlapping D. wittiness

Answer: A. Group focus is the ability of a teacher to keep the whole class involved and interested of the

35. The following are examples of Low-profile Discipline EXCEPT for ____.

A. non-verbal gesture C. unwholesome words

B. proximity control D. eye contact

Answer: C. The use of unwholesome words is not an acceptable form of punishment, nor it is an example
of low-profile discipline.

36. When a student would misbehave, Teacher Jestoni would often go near to the misbehaving student or
stand beside the student to give a signal to that student that he should refrain from misbehaving. This
situation is an example of what low-profile response of a teacher?

A. non-verbal gesture B. proximity control

C. redirecting student D. name-dropping

Answer: B. As a form of low-profile discipline, “proximity control” stresses the idea thatsimply being
physically near to the students improves their behavior and focus. Examples of this include sitting beside
the students or putting the teacher’s hand on the learner’s desk.
37. Instead of saying unwholesome words, Miss Jazz resorted to frowning upon her students because of
their unruly behavior. What did she do to address the misbehavior?

A. non-verbal gesture C. redirecting student

B. proximity control D. dialogue

Answer: A. The use of non-verbal gesture as a form of low-profile response includes frowning, eye
contact and hand signals.

38. It is a classroom method wherein 5 or 6 people are assigned to discuss a certain problem. In this
method, the group usually begins by choosing a captain or quarterback to lead the discussion.

A. Huddle Method B. Phillips 66 C. Clark 22 D. Jigsaw

Answer: A. According to Holmes and Mortensen (1983), huddle method is productive because the small
groups are conducive to natural, nonforced and informal conversatiions.

39. In this Pillar of Learning, the emphasis is the complete fulfillment of man and his development in a
holistic way as an individual, member of a family and community and as a responsible citizen.

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: D. The complete fulfilment of man implies the goal of being holistically- developed as a person.
That is being able to maximize one’s potentials and become well-rounded individuals. With this, the
complete fulfilment of man is an example of Learning to Be.

40. Which domain of the NCBTS is being emphasized if the teacher makes it sure that students appreciate
and model the value of learning through her interactions with them?

A. Social Regard for Learning C. Learning Environment

B. Diversity of Learners D. Curriculum

Answer: A. The domain of Social Regard for Learning focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive
and powerful role models of the values of the pursuit of learning and of the effort to learn, and that the
teacher’s actions, statements, and different types of social interactions with students exemplify this ideal.

41. Maya Angelou, a world-famous American author once said, "It is time for parents to teach
young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength." Her appreciation on
diversity can be attributed to what Pillar of Learning?

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: C. The Pillar of Learning to Live Together can be achieved by developing an understanding of
others and respect and peace at all levels of society and human relationships to enable individuals and
societies to live in peace and harmony. Consequently, finding beauty and strength in diversity promotes
peace and harmony in the world. As such appreciating diversity is an example of the Pillar of Learning to
Live Together.

42. Abraham Maslow’s concept about self-actualization is one of the elements of _____.

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: D. According to Maslow, self-actualization involves fulfilling your potential and becoming all
that you can be. Similarly, the goal of the Pillar of Learning to Be also means being able to maximize
one’s potentials and become well-rounded individuals. Therefore, self-actualization is an example of the
Pillar of Learning to Be.
43. In applying for a job, an applicant must ensure that his technical skills are in line with the occupation
he is applying for. This situation demonstrates what Pillar of Learning?

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: B. As stated in UNESCO’s Report, the Pillar of Learning to Do implies that learning must
transform certified skills into personal competence. It is assessed by looking at a mix of skills and talents,
social behaviour, personal initiative and a willingness to work. Finding a job that is in line with your
technical skills is a good example of the Pillar of Learning to Do.

44. Skills in reading with comprehension, asking questions, gathering data and selecting information fall
under what Pillar of Learning?

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: A. Skills in reading with comprehension, asking questions, data gathering and selecting
information are collectively known as the learning-to-learn skills. And learning- to-learn skills belong to
the Pillar of Learning to Know.

45. Mahatma Gandhi is famous for his quote that says .The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in
the service of other.  In line with this, developing love and concern for others through service is an
example of _____.

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: C. Learning to Live Together involves the development of social skills and values such as
respect and concern for others, social and inter-personal skills and an appreciation of the diversity of all
people. Therefore, developing love and concern for others through service is part of the Pillar of Learning
to Live Together.

46. K to 12 curriculums is a learner-centered curriculum. It focuses on the optimum development of the

Filipino child. This feature of K to 12 is in line with what Pillar of Learning?

A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Live Together

B. Learning to Do D. Learning to Be

Answer: D. The K to 12 Curriculum stresses the optimum development of the Filipino child. The term
optimum development means being able to maximize one’s potentials and become well-rounded
individuals. For that reason, the correct answer is LETTER D: Learning to Be.

47. This theoretical perspective believes that the processes by which students are labeled either as fast or
slow learner, gifted or learning disabled, smart or dumb affect the quality as well as the extent and speed
of learning.

A. Exchange Theory C. Functionalist Theory

B. Libelling Theory D. Interaction Theory

Answer: B. labelling Theory asserts that the expectations of significant others on the Learners determine
to a large extent in the behaviour of students.

48. The following terms are associated with the Conflict Theory EXCEPT _____.
A. Competition B. Revolution C. Consensus D. Inequality

Answer: C. Consensus is a general or widespread agreement among all members of a particular society.
Contrary to consensus, conflict refers to the clash between ideas, principles and people.

49. This theoretical perspective is based on the concept of reciprocity. Reciprocal

interactions bind people with obligations.

A. Exchange Theory C. Functionalist Theory

B. Labeling Theory D. Interaction Theory

Answer: A. Exchange Theory is based on the idea of reciprocity or mutual benefit. People behave in such
a way that one individual can get something from the other and vice versa. Reciprocal interactions bind
people with obligations. And the consequences of such interactions include reward and benefits.

50. It is a field of study and an emerging discipline whose major aim is to create equal educational
opportunities from diverse racial, ethnic, social class and cultural groups.

A. Differentiated Instruction C. Consensus

B. Multicultural Education D. Interaction

Answer: B. Multicultural Education envisions to to transform the school so that male and female students,
exceptional students, and students from diverse cultural, social- class, racial and ethnic groups experience
an equal opportunity to learn.

51. The founder of the Conflict Theory is _____.

A. Talcott Parsons C. Emile Durkheim

B. Karl Max D. Max Weber

Answer: B. Karl Max is the man behind the Conflict Theory. He asserted that because the class system
separates the employers from workers and workers from the benefits of their own labor, class struggle is

52. Ana is a nine-year old girl who knows how to to arrange a group of pencils according to its length
such as from the shortest up to the longest pencil. This ability of Ana is known as ____.

A. Conservation B. Egocentrism C. Decentering D. Seriation

Answer: D. Seriation is the ability of a child to order things logically based in dimensions such as weight,
volume, length or size. A child demonstrates this ability during the concrete operational stage.

53. In what structure of personality do instincts belong?

A. Id B. Ego C. Super-ego D. Libido

Answer: A. According to Sigmund Freud, instincts belong to Id. Id operates on “pleasure principle”.

54. What is the most commendable and ideal drive expected from teachers in participating programs for
professional development?

A. Optimal use of time and resources B. Continuing professional growth

C. Support for training programs D. Promotion and higher merit pay

Answer:B. According to Article IV, Section 3 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, every
teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program of the Professional
Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as will improve his efficiency, enhance the
prestige of the profession, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be
nationally and internationally competitive. Now, among all the choices stated above, OPTION B is the
most commendable and ideal drive since it is a form of intrinsic motivation and therefore, the teacher will
participate in programs for professional development because he is intrinsically motivated and not
because for some external incentives. OPTIONS A, C & D are forms of extrinsic motivation.

55. What main legal basis which provides the necessary support to advance quality education in our

A. Priority Fiscal Allocation C. Building more classrooms

B. Certificate transfer program D. Hiring of new teachers

Answer: A. Priority Fiscal Allocation. According to Article XIV, Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution, the
State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensure that teaching will attract and
retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job
satisfaction and fulfillment.

56. The discrimination index of a test item is -0.34. This means that _______.

A. More students from the lower group answered the item correctly.

B. More students from the upper group answered the item correctly.

C. More students from the lower group answered the item incorrectly.

D. Cannot be interpreted

Answer: A. A negative discrimination means that more students from the lower group answered the item

57. Juan Miguel’s raw score in the Science class is 34, which is equal to 85 th percentile. What does this

A. 85% of Juan Miguel’s classmates got a score equal to 34.

B. 85% of Juan Miguel’s classmates got a score lower than 34.

C. 85% of Juan Miguel’s classmates got a score higher than 34.

D. Juan Miguel’s score is less than 34% of his classmates.

Answer: B. The statement can be transformed in this way, P85=34. This implies that there are 85% of
those who took the exam in Science got the scores lower than Juan Miguel’s score which is 34.

58. What type of education can best prepare the global teacher towards a limitless and boundless world?

A. Formal education C. Alternative education

B. Inclusive education D. Multi-cultural education

Answer: D. According to James Banks (2001), the primary goal of multicultural education is to transform
the school so that male and female students, exceptional students and students from diverse cultural,
social-class, racial and ethnic groups experience an equal opportunity to learn.

59. Which among the following is the most essential in maintaining peace and order in the school?

A. Academic curriculum C. Community participation

B. Campus cleanliness D. Rules of discipline

Answer: D. Rules of Discipline is one of the vital components in achieving the third

pillar of education (learning to live together). Consequently, learning to live together is

essential in building and maintaining a lasting culture of peace and order in the school

and in the world as a whole.

60. Kindergarten Law is also known as _____.

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: B. Republic Act 10157 is an act institutionalizing the Kindergarten Education into the Basic
Education System of the Philippines and appropriating funds therefore.

61. What government program aims to minimize the gap between low social status and educational
opportunities for deserving learners?

A. National Achievement Test B. National College Admission Examination

C. Education Service Contracting Scheme D. Annual Fiscal Allocation

Answer: C. ESC or Education Service Contracting program is a government program which provides a
fixed tuition subsidy to graduates of public elementary schools who op to enroll in participating private
high schools. It contracts private schools to provide secondary education to “would-have-been” public
school students. It is an example of a moderate public-private partnership in the World Bank’s conceptual
framework. The aim of this program is to minimize the gap between low social status and educational
opportunities for deserving learners.

62. Which among the following is a form of emotional bullying which should be stopped?

A. Ridiculing C. Spanking

B. Punching D. Pinching

Answer: A. Ridiculing. OPTIONS B, C and D are forms of physical bullying.

63. Bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by the following three minimum
criteria EXCEPT for _____.

A. there is hostile intent C. imbalance of power

B. must be physical in nature D. repetition over a period of time

Answer: B. Bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by the following three

minimum criteria: (1) hostile intent (i.e., the harm caused by bullying is deliberate, not accidental), (2)
imbalance of power (i.e., bullying includes a real or perceived power inequity between the bully and the
victim), and (3) repetition over a period of time (i.e., more than once with the potential to occur multiple
times). Bullying can be physical, sexual, verbal or emotional in nature.

64. Can Lisa Macuja be given a special permit to teach ballet in high school?

A. No, she cannot. In the very first place, she is not an education graduate.

B. No, she has not passed the LET.

C. Yes,she is a graduate of ALS.

D. Yes, she has excelled and gained international recognition.

Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, a special permit may also be issued by the Board to a
person who has excelled and gained international recognition and is a widely acknowledged expert in his
or her respective field of specialization.”
65. Hera took the LET last March 2016. However, she failed in the examination. Is she qualified for the
position of para-teachers?

A. No, she needs to take the examination again.

B. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 15 percentage points from the passing general average rating.

C. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 10 percentage points from the passing general average rating.

D. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 5 percentage points from the passing general average rating.

Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, those who have failed the licensure examination for
professional teachers, with a rating of not lower than five percentage points from the passing general
average rating, shall be eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a two-year special permit,
renewable for a non-extendible period of two (2) years.

66. According to Batas PambansaBlg. 232, the following are the rights of school

EXCEPT for ___.

A. Right for basic education to determine subjects of study

B. Right to provide for the proper governance

C. Right to enforce administrative systems

D. Right for institutions of higher learning to determine academic grounds for admission

Answer: A. According to Batas PambansaBlg. 232, the following are the rights of school: 1. The right of
their governing boards or lawful authorities to provide for the proper governance of the school and to
adopt and enforce administrative or management systems. 2. The right for institutions of higher learning
to determine on academic grounds who shall be admitted to study, who may teach, and what shall be
subjects of the study and research. OPTION A is not stated in this law.

67. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in ____.

A. attendance, character, merit and quality of academic performance

B. attendance, beauty, merit and quality of academic performance

C. attendance, merit and quality of academic performance

D. merit and quality of academic performance

Answer: D. According to Article VIII, Section 6 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, a
teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit and quality of academic performance.

68. Which is true of LET passers?

A. Every LET passer shall be required to take the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional

B. Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer.

C. The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional Teacher.

D. The taking of oath must be within one month from passing the LET.

Answer: A. According to Article III, Section 18 of Republic Act 7836, every LET passer shall be required
to take his professional oath before practicing as a professional teacher.
69. Among the following, which directly qualifies the teacher candidate to be registered at par with other
professions like medicine, law, nursing, and the like?

A. Teaching job placement B. Licensure examination

C. Continuing professional education D. Membership in professional associations

Answer: B. One common thing among the professions like medicine, law, nursing and teaching is
licensure examinations. Republic Act 7836 prescribes the Licensure Examination for Teachers and
strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippines. According to this
law, no person shall engage in teaching and/or act as a professional teacher as defined in this Act, whether
in the preschool, elementary or secondary level, unless he is a duly registered professional teacher, and a
holder of a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license.

70. Jen passed the PBET in 1993. She decided to apply in the public school in 2016 as an elementary
teacher. However, DepEd requires that every teacher applicant should be a LET passer. Will DepEd
accept the application of Jen?

A. Yes. B. No.

C. Only if there is scarcity of LET passers in the division where she applies

D. No, she is not a LET Passer.

Answer: A. According to Section 2 of Republic Act 9293, upon approval of the application and payment
of the prescribed fees, the certificate of registration and professional license as a professional teacher shall
be issued without examination as required in this Act to a qualified applicant who is a registered
professional teacher with the National Board for Teachers under the Department of Education, Culture
and Sports (DECS) pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1006 (PBET). This means that being a PBET
passer is equivalent to being a LET passer.

71. What is at the heart of the Teacher Education and Development Program (TEDP)?


Answer: A. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is at the heart of the Teacher
Education and Development Program (TEDP). It is the key element of the TEDP. It defines effective
teaching as being able to help all types of students learn the different learning goals in the curriculum.

72.It is a tool that serves as a guide for teachers’ continuous learning and development within a calendar
year. It is structured in a way that every professional teacher regularly and individually prepares,
implements, monitors and updates the plan.


Answer: C. The acronym IPPD literally means Individual Plan for Professional Development. It is
structured such that every professional regularly and individually prepares, implements, monitors &
updates the plan. It is based on the identified development needs revealed by the Training and
Development Needs Assessment TDNA) appropriate for the specific profession & is consistent with
the priority development goals of the school, division & region.

73. What is the constitutional exemption for prohibition to establish schools solely for aliens in the

A. School for Asians only B. School for special alien children

C. Religious or mission schools D. Schools for children of diplomats and their dependents

Answer: D. According to Article XIV, Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution, no educational institution shall
be established exclusively for aliens and no group of aliens shall comprise more than one-third of the
enrolment in any school. However, the provisions of this subsection SHALL NOT apply to schools
established for foreign diplomatic personnel and their dependents and, unless otherwise provided by law,
for other foreign temporary residents.
74. How can collaboration among teachers for sustained professional practice be best achieved?

A. Independent work B. Mentoring system by experienced teachers

C. Individual Plan for Professional Development D. Support for beginning teachers

Answer: B. Mentoring system by experienced teachers is one of the professional practices in DepEd. For
example, newly hired teachers will be given technical assistance by the master teachers to better help such
neophyte teachers in implementing and improving the quality of instruction.

75. Fe is a licensed teacher but has quit teaching for the past years. After five years, she decided to serve
as a teacher again. Can Fe go back to teaching immediately?

A. Yes, she is a licensed teacher. B. No, she has abandoned the teaching profession.

C. Yes, especially if there is no other teacher who can fill in the vacant position.

D. No, she has to take first a 12-unit refresher course before she can go back to teaching.

Answer: D. According to Section 2 of Republic Act 9293, professional teachers who have not practiced
their profession for the past five (5) years shall take at least twelve (12) units of education courses,
consisting of at least six (6) units of pedagogy and six (6) units of content courses, or the equivalent
training and number of hours, to be chosen from a list of courses to be provided by the Board and the
Department of Education, before they can be allowed to practice their profession in the country.

76. Are vocational teachers required of professional license?

A. Only if they teach in the regular school. B. Yes.

C. Only if they have less than 5 years of teaching experience. D. No.

Answer: B. According to Article I, Section 4 of the Republic Act 7836, the term teacher refers to all
persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels, whether on full-time or part-time
basis, in the private or public schools, including industrial arts or VOCATIONAL TEACHERS and all
other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools in the aforesaid levels
and qualified to practice teaching under this Act. Therefore, vocational teachers, as stated above, are part
of the scope of Republic Act 7836 and shall therefore earn a license as a professional teacher before they
can practice the teaching profession.

77. This law makes some amendments of certain sections of Republic Act 7836 such as the Qualification
Requirements of Teacher Applicants, Registration and Exception.

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: D. Republic Act 9293 amends specific sections of Republic Act 7836 such as Section 15,
Section 26, and Section 31.

78. When should teachers support one another?

A. At all times for whatever cause

B. When they dialogue with administration

C. When there is rift among teachers

D. When the best interest of the learners is at stake in a controversy

Answer: D. According to Article V, Section 1 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, teachers
shall, at all times, be imbued with the spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in one
another, self-sacrifice for the common good, and full cooperation with colleagues. When the best interest
of the learners, the school, or the profession is at stake in any controversy, teachers shall support one
79. What Republic Act that punishes any person who practices the teaching profession in the Philippines
without having first a license as a professional teacher?

A. Republic Act 1006 C. Republic Act 7836

B. Republic Act 7796 D. Republic Act 7722

Answer: C. According to Article IV, Section 27 of the Republic Act 7836, except as otherwise allowed
under this Act, no person shall practice or offer to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines or be
appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teaching position without having previously obtained a
valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license from the Commission.

80. Which among the following allows the teachers to practice individual accountability

for professional growth and shared responsibility for the entire organization’s development?


Answer: C. The acronym IPPD literally means Individual Plan for Professional Development. It is
structured such that every professional regularly and individually prepares, implements, monitors &
updates the plan. It is based on the identified development needs revealed by the Teachers’ Strengths and
Needs Assessment (TSNA) appropriate for the specific profession & is consistent with the priority
development goals of the school, division & region.

81. This decree is known as the Decree Professionalizing Teaching.

A. Educational Decree of 1863 C. Presidential Decree 1006

B. Educational Decree of 1853 D. Presidential Decree 1009

Answer: C. President Ferdinand Marcos was the president who approved the Presidential Decree 1006.
As stated, this Decree shall be known as the Decree Professionalizing Teaching.

82. An Act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an Integrated System of Education.

A. Batas Pambansa Blg.232 C. Education Act of 1972

B. Batas Pambansa Blg.262 D. Education Act of 1962

Answer: A. Batas Pambansa Blg.232 is also known as the Education Act of 1982. It is an Act providing
for the establishment and maintenance of an Integrated System of Education. This Act shall apply to and
govern both formal and non-formal systems in public and private schools in all levels of the entire
educational system.

83. Any person who practices the teaching profession in the Philippines without having previously
obtained a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license is punishable by ___.

A. A fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos
(P20,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less than six (6) months nor more than five (5) years, or both, at the
discretion of the court.

B. A fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos
(P20,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less than six (6) months nor more than two (2) years, or both, at the
discretion of the court.

C. A fine of not less than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) nor more than Fifty thousand pesos
(P50,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less than six (6) months nor more than five (5) years, or both, at the
discretion of the court.

D.A fine of not less than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) nor more than Fifty thousand pesos
(P50,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less than six (6) months nor more than two (2) years, or both, at the
discretion of the court.
Answer: A. According to Article IV, Section 28 of the Republic Act 7836, any person who practices the
teaching profession in the Philippines without having previously obtained a valid certificate of
registration and a valid professional license is punishable by a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos
(P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less than six (6)
months nor more than five (5) years, or both, at the discretion of the court.

84. Self-evaluation allows the teacher to examine one’s strengths and weaknesses. The following are
forms of self-evaluation EXCEPT for _______.

A. Journa B. Self-videotape of class performance

C. Evaluation tool/instrument D. Teachers’ Quality Circle / Peer Feedback

Answer: D. Teacher’s Quality Circle/Peer Feedback is a form of peer assessment NOT a form of self-

85. This is an act mandating and strengthening the continuing professional development program for all
regulated professions, creating the continuing professional development council and appropriating funds

A. Republic Act 10157 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 10912 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: B. Per definition of Republic Act 10912.

86. According to Republic Act 10533, this term refers to the second stage of compulsory basic education
which is composed of six (6) years.

A. Kindergarten C. Secondary Education

B. Elementary Education D. Tertiary Education

Answer: B. According to Section 4 of Republic Act 10533, enhanced basic education program
encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of elementary education, and
six (6) years of secondary education. Kindergarten education shall mean one (1) year of preparatory
education for children at least five (5) years old as a prerequisite for Grade I. Elementary education refers
to the second stage of compulsory basic education which is composed of six (6) years. Secondary
education refers to the third stage of compulsory basic education. It consists of four (4) years of junior
high school education and two (2) years of senior high school education.

87. Teacher Andres easily gets sick and therefore would oftentimes give his students seatworks and
activities instead of giving interactive discussions and thorough explanations about the lesson. As a result,
his students get a poor rating during the National Achievement Test. What certain provision in the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers did he violate?

A. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render the
best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning and growth.

B. In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of his own, every teacher shall be
physically, mentally and morally fit.

C. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to duty.

D. Every teacher shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

Answer: B. According toArticle II, Section 3 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, in the
interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of his own, every teacher shall be physically,
mentally and morally fit.
88. Teacher Toni is in a relationship with his student. Is this allowed?

A. Yes, they should be proud of their relationship by revealing in the entire the classtheir real status.

B. No at all times.

C. Yes, provided that Teacher Toni should exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal,
gossip and preferential treatment of thelearner.

D. No, unless the principal allows.

Answer: C. According to Article VIII, Section 7 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, in a
situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between the teacher and the learner, the
teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of
the learner.

89. The following supports the statement that “every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit”
EXCEPT for ____.

A. the conduct of neuro-psychological exam as one of the requirements in applying for a teaching

B. the conduct of x-ray test, urine test, hepatitis test and other related physical examinations

C. negative drug test

D. must be able to identify one’s blood type

Answer: D Option D or identifying one’s blood type does not necessarily guarantee and assure that a
teacher is already physically fit. In other words, Option D has nothing to do with physical fitness, mental
fitness or moral fitness. 90.Rea took the LET last March 2015. Unfortunately, she failed in the
examination. Is she qualified for the position of para-teachers?

A. No . C. Yes, if her LET rating is below 75.

B.Yes, if her LET rating is 71-74. D. Yes, if her LET rating is 70-74.

Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, those who have failed the licensure examination for
professional teachers, with a rating of not lower than five percentage points from the passing general
average rating, shall be eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a two-year special permit,
renewable for a non-extendible period of two (2) years.

91. Can Lea Salonga be given a special permit to teach Music in high school?

A. No, she cannot. In the very first place, she is not an education graduate.

B. No, she has not passed the LET.

C. Yes, she is a graduate of ALS.

D. Yes, she has excelled and gained international recognition.

Answer: D. According to Section 2 of Republic Act 9293, a special permit may also be issued by the
Board to a person who has excelled and gained international recognition and is a widely acknowledged
expert in his or her respective field of specialization.

92. Cirilo is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. He wants to proceed the
teaching profession by earning units in professional education. Now, how many units in professional
education does the law require for a non-education graduate to earn before he can take the LET?

A. 10 units C. 32 units

B. 12 units D. 18 units
Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, an individual with a bachelor’s degree in education or its
equivalent with a major and minor, or a bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences with at least eighteen (18)
units in professional education is qualified to take the LET.

93. This Act is also known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.”

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: B. Republic Act 7836 is an act that strengthens the regulation and supervision the practice of
teaching in the Philippines and prescribes a licensure examination for teachers. It is also known as the
“Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.”

94. This Republic Act is known as the "Magna Carta for Public School Teachers".

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: A. Republic Act 4670 is known as the "Magna Carta for Public School Teachers". It
applies to all public school teachers except those in the professorial staff of state colleges and universities.

95. Which among the following refers to the Republic Act that enhances the Philippine Basic Education
System by strengthening its curriculum and increasing the number of years for basic education?

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. The
enhanced basic education program encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6)
years of elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that sequence.

96. According to Republic Act 10533, secondary education includes _____.

A. Four (4) years of senior high school and two (2) years of junior high school education.

B. Four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school education.

C. Three (3) years of junior high school and three (3) years of senior high school education.

D. Five (5) years of junior high school and one (1) year of senior high school education.

Answer: B. Republic Act 10533 is also known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. In this
curriculum, secondary education includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior
high school education.

97. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in ____.

A. attendance, character, merit and quality of academic performance

B. attendance, beauty, merit and quality of academic performance

C. attendance, merit and quality of academic performance

D. merit and quality of academic performance

Answer: D. According to Article VIII, Section 6 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, a
teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit and quality of academic performance.

98. What does the TEDP require for pre-service teachers before they can be employed as a professional


Answer: D. The Teacher Education and Development Program (TEDP) requires all pre- service teachers
to earn their license as professional teachers before they can be employed as a professional teacher. With
that, pre-service teachers should therefore take and pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

99. According to the “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”, the term teacher includes the following

A. Full-time Preschool Teacher C. Part-time Elementary Teacher

B. Full-time High School Teacher D. Full-time College Teacher

Answer: D. The “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers” covers all public and private school teachers
in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels whether
academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include industrial arts or
vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and /or administrative functions in all
school at the aforesaid levels, whether on full-time or part-time basis.

100. The acronym NCBTS means _____.

A. National Competency-Based Teaching Standard `

B. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

C. National Competence-Based Teaching Standards

D. National Competence-Based Teacher Standards

Answer: B. NCBTS means National Competency-Based Teacher Standards. It is an integrated theoretical

framework that defines the different dimensions of effective teaching.

101. What is at the heart of the Teacher Education and Development Program (TEDP)?


Answer: A. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is at the heart of the Teacher
Education and Development Program (TEDP). It is the key element of the TEDP. It defines effective
teaching as being able to help all types of students learn the different learning goals in the curriculum.

102. Following Kolberg’s theory of moral development, what is the moral reasoning or perspective of
social activists who seek human rights and the welfare of citizens beyond what is given by laws?

A. Social Contract B. Law and Order C. Mutual Benefit D. Punishment

Answer: A. Social Contract. In the stage of Social Contract, the person is looking at various opinions and
of different people while considering the welfare of the majority before coming up with the decision on
the morality of the action.

103. The child continues his development but sexual urges are quiet. In line with Freud’s Theory, the first
statement falls under what stage?

A. Genital Stage B. Anal Stage C. Latency Stage D. Phallic Stage

Answer: C. In the Latency Stage, the child’s sexual urges goes inactive and quiet that is why Freud used
the term LATENCY to describe the stage because LATENCY literall means dormant or inactive.

104. Jheremy received a candy after correctly completing his assignment. He always tries to complete all
assignments correctly for him to have a candy once again. What is being shown in the situation?

A. Classical conditioning C. Operant conditioning

B. Social Learning D. Insight Learning

Answer: C. Operant conditioning is founded by B.F. Skinner. According to this theory, a good action will
be strengthened by giving reinforcement while a bad action will be weakened by giving punishment.
105. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is composed of how many domains?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

Answer: C. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) has seven domains. These are
the following: 1.Social Regard for Learning, 2.Learning Environment, 3.Diversity of Learners,
4.Curriculum, 5.Planning, Assessing, and Reporting, 6. Community Linkages, 7.Personal Growth and
Professional Development.

106. Who among the following Philippine presidents approved a Republic Act that professionalizes
teaching and that strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippines?

A. Marcos B. Ramos C. Estrada D. Arroyo

Answer: B. President Fidel V. Ramos was the president who approved Republic Act 7836 on December
16, 1994. Republic Act 7836 is an act that strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of
teaching in the Philippines. It is also known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.”

107. This law makes some amendments of certain sections of Republic Act 7836 such as the Qualification
Requirements of Teacher Applicants, Registration and Exception.

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: D. Republic Act 9293 amends specific sections of Republic Act 7836 such as Section 15,
Section 26, and Section 31.

108. The Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) comes to existence because of what Republic Act?

A. Republic Act 1006 C. Republic Act 7836

B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: C. Republic Act 7836 is the Republic Act that prescribes the Licensure Examination for
Teachers and strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippines. It is
also known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.”

109. According to Republic Act 10533, the following are some of the features of the “Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013” EXCEPT for _____.

A. Junior High School C. Bilingual Education

B. Senior High School D. MTB-MLE

Answer: C. Bilingual Education is NOT a feature of the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”.
Instead of Bilingual Education, this curriculum adheres to the principles and framework of Mother
Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) which starts from where the learners are and from
what they already knew proceeding from the known to the unknown.

110. Mr.RodyBinoy, a private high school teacher, is being hired by a certain senatorial candidate to
serve as one of the UNA Party poll watchers for the 2016 elections. Is this allowed?

A. Yes, it is one his rights as a Filipino citizen to support a political party that he wants.

B. No, unless his principal allows him to do so.

C. Yes, he is a private school teacher, not a public school teacher.

D. No, it is not allowed regardless if he is a public or private school teacher.

Answer: D. According to Article II, Section 5 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, a teacher
shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not,
directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or service or other valuable material
from any person or entity for such purposes. This applies to all public and private school teachers, from
preschool up to high school, on full-time or part-time basis.
111. The “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers” covers _____.

A. All licensed public and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary,
elementary, secondary and tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal,
whether on full-time or part-time basis.

B. All licensed public and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary,
elementary, and secondary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal,
whether on full-time or part-time basis.

C. All licensed public and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary,
elementary, secondary and tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal,
on full-time basis.

D. All licensed public and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary,
elementary, and secondary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal, on full-
time basis.

Answer: B. According to Article I, Section 2 of the “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”, this Code
covers all licensed public and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool,
primary, elementary, and secondary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-
formal. The term “teacher” shall include industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other persons
performing supervisory and /or administrative functions in all school at the aforesaid levels, whether on
full time or part-time basis.

112. The following are the domains of NCBTS EXCEPT for _____.

A. Tenure of Office C. Curriculum

B. Learning Environment D. Community Linkages

Answer: A. Tenure of Office is not a domain of NCBTS. The complete domains of NCBTS are the
following: 1.Social Regard for Learning, 2.Learning Environment, 3.Diversity of Learners, 4.Curriculum,
5.Planning, Assessing, and Reporting, 6. Community Linkages, 7.Personal Growth and Professional

113. According to Republic Act 4670, the term “teacher” includes _____.

I. Full time teachers II. Vocational teachers

III. Guidance counsellors IV. Librarians

A. I, II and III C. I and II

B. I, II, III and IV D. III and IV

Answer: B. As used in Republic Act 4670, the term teacher shall mean all persons engaged in classroom
teaching, in any level of instruction, on full-time basis, including guidance counselors, school librarians,
industrial arts or vocational instructors, and all other persons performing supervisory and/or
administrative functions in all schools, colleges and universities operated by the Government or its
political subdivisions; but shall not include school nurses, school physicians, school dentists, and other
school employees.

114. During conferences and meetings, Teacher Miguel often introduced himself by saying “I am only a
teacher.” This line implies that ____.

A. The teaching profession is insignificant. B. Teachers receive the lowest salaries.

C. The speaker is a reluctant teacher. D. The speaker is not proud to be a teacher.

Answer: D. The line that says “I am only a teacher”, especially because of the word “only”, implies that
Teacher Miguel is not proud of his profession as a teacher. According to Article IV, Section 1 of the
“Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”, very teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest
profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

115. Teacher Randy, a Grade-8 Teacher is socially detached from his learners’ parents so as not to be
perceived as biased and unfair by other parents especially in selecting the deserving honor students of the
class. Is Teacher Randy’s behavior correct?

A. No, a teacher should maintain cordial relations with parents.

B. Yes, it is his personal choice and right as a teacher.

C. Yes, Teacher Randy’s behavior of being socially detached is a good example in order to avoid
inequalities and being partial to his learners.

D. Yes, provided that such behavior receives approval from the school head.

Answer: A. According to Article IX, Section 1 of the “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”, every
teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and shall conduct himself to merit their
confidence and respect.

116.Republic Act 4670 is commonly known as the _____.

A. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

B. Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

D. Commission on Higher Education Act

Answer: A. Republic Act 4670 is known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
It applies to all public school teachers except those in the professorial staff of state
colleges and universities.

117. Is the Continuing Professional Education for every teacher compulsory?

A. Yes, it is compulsory as stated in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
B. Yes, it is compulsory as stated in the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.
C. Yes, it is compulsory as stated in Republic Act 9293.
D. No, it is optional. A professional has the choice whether to go for CPE or not.

Answer: A.According to Article IV, Section 3 of the “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”, every
teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program of the Professional
Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as will improve his efficiency, enhance the
prestige of the profession, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be
nationally and internationally competitive.

118. Republic Act 10533 is widely known as the _____.

A. Kindergarten Law B. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Act

C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 D. Commission on Higher Education Act

Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. This
Republic Act enhances the Philippine Basic Education System by strengthening its curriculum and
increasing the number of years for basic education.

119. Republic Act 7722 was approved during the year 1994. This Act is commonly known as the___.

A. Kindergarten Law B. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Act

C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 D. Commision on Higher Education Act

Answer: D. Also known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, the Republic Act 7722 created the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) whose main task is to regulate and develop tertiary education
in the Philippines.
120. What Republic Act that punishes any person who practices the teaching profession in the Philippines
without having first a license as a professional teacher?

A. Republic Act 1006 C. Republic Act 7836

B. Republic Act 7796 D. Republic Act 7722

Answer: C. According to Article IV, Section 27 of the Republic Act 7836, except as otherwise allowed
under this Act, no person shall practice or offer to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines or be
appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teaching position without having previously obtained a
valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license from the Commission.

121. Mr. Anton Garcia and Mr. Jheremy Lopez are vocational teachers. Are they required to earn first a
professional license before they can teach?

A. No, unless if they apply in the public school.

B. Yes.

C. No, unless if they have less than 5 years of teaching experience.

D. No, vocational teachers are not part of the scope of Republic Act 7836.

Answer: B. According to Article I, Section 4 of the Republic Act 7836, the term teacher refers to all
persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels, whether on full-time or part-time
basis, in the private or public schools, including industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other persons
performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools in the aforesaid levels and qualified
to practice teaching under this Act. Therefore, vocational teachers, as stated above, are part of the scope
of Republic Act 7836 and shall therefore earn a license as a professional teacher before they can practice
the teaching profession.

122. Can NonitoDonaire be given a special permit to teach boxing in a school?

A. No, he cannot. In the very first place, he is not an education graduate.

B. No, he has not passed the LET.

C. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS.

D. Yes, he has excelled and gained international recognition.

Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, a special permit may also be issued by the Board to a
person who has excelled and gained international recognition and is a widely acknowledged expert in his
or her respective field of specialization.”

123. Tina took the LET last September 2015. However, she failed in the examination. Is she qualified for
the position of para-teachers?

A. No.

B. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 15 percentage points from the passing general average rating.

C. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 10 percentage points from the passing general average rating.

D. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 5 percentage points from the passing general average rating.

Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, those who have failed the licensure examination for
professional teachers, with a rating of not lower than five percentage points from the passing general
average rating, shall be eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a two-year special permit,
renewable for a non-extendible period of two (2) years.
124. Edna took the LET last year. Unfortunately, she failed in the examination and got an overall rating of
69. Now, is she qualified for the position of para-teachers?

A. No. C. Maybe.

B. Yes. D. Yes, provided that she is a first-taker.

Answer: A. According to Republic Act 9293, those who have failed the licensure examination for
professional teachers, with a rating of not lower than five percentage points from the passing general
average rating, shall be eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a two-year special permit,
renewable for a non-extendible period of two (2) years.

125. What Republic Act that strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the
Philippines and prescribes a licensure examination for teachers?

A. Republic Act 6470 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: B. Republic Act 7836 is an act that strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of
teaching in the Philippines and prescribes a licensure examination for teachers. It is also known as the
“Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.”

126. Which among the following refers to the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”?

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 7836q D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. This
Republic Act enhances the Philippine Basic Education System by strengthening its curriculum and
increasing the number of years for basic education.

127. Republic Act 7796 was approved during the year 1994. This Act is widely known as the___.

A. Kindergarten Law B. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Act

C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 D. Commission on Higher Education Act

Answer: B. Also known as the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Act (TESDA) of
1994, Republic Act 7796 has the objective of providing relevant and quality technical education that is
accessible to all and to create the agency that will manage technical education and skills development in
the Philippines.

128. Which decree that provided for the establishment of primary school for boys and girls in each town
of the country?

A. Educational Decree of 1863 C. Presidential Decree 1006

B. Educational Decree of 1853 D. Presidential Decree 1009

Answer: A. Educational Decree of 1863 provided for the establishment of primary school for boys and
girls in each town of the Philippines.

129. This decree is known as the Decree Professionalizing Teaching.

A. Educational Decree of 1863 C. Presidential Decree 1006

B. Educational Decree of 1853 D. Presidential Decree 1009

Answer: C. President Ferdinand Marcos was the president who approved the Presidential Decree 1006.
As stated, this Decree shall be known as the Decree Professionalizing Teaching.
130. The following are behaviorists EXCEPT for _____.

A. Max Wertheimer C. John Watson

B. Ivan Pavlov D. B.F. Skinner

Answer: A. Max Wertheimer. He is a cognitivist, not a behaviorist. He founded the Gestalt Psychology
which asserted that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. On the other hand, Ivan Pavlov is the
man behind the Classical Conditioning Theory. John Watson is the Father of Behaviourism. B.F. Skinner
is the proponent of the Operant Conditioning Theory. These three theorists are all behaviourists.

131. In Erikson’s Pschosocial Theory of Development, which affirmation belongs to the stage of identity
versus role confusion?

A. Only few people in the world can really be trusted

B. I get a good deal of pleasure from working

C. I wonder what sort of person I am

D. I feel competent

Answer: C. If a person wonders what sort of a person he is, it implies that the person is uncertain about
himself and therefore he belongs to the stage of identity versus role confusion. On the other hand,
OPTION A belongs to the stage of Trust versus Mistrust, OPTION B and D belong to the stage of
Industry versus Inferiority.

132. Among examples listed, which does NOT represent teaching strategies to develop metacognition?

A. Have students develop questions about what is going on around them

B. Have teachers who monitor and rate learning achievement

C. Have students to monitor their own learning and thinking

D. Have students make predictions about what is to be represented

Answer: B. Metacognition is comes from the root word "meta", meaning beyond. It can take
many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or for
problem-solving. OPTIONS A, C, and D promote metacognition while OPTION B does not.

133. In Piaget’s Formal Operational Stage in his Cognitive Development Theory, which of the following
is NOT among the characteristics of the child’s thinking ability?

A. Logical thinking C. Hypothesis-making

B. Abstract problem solving D. Centration

Answer: D. Centration. Centration belongs to the Pre-Operational Stage, not on the Formal Operational
Stage. Example of Centration includes when a child is presented with two identical beakers containing the
same amount of liquid. The child usually notes that the beakers do contain the same amount of liquid.
When one of the beakers is poured into a taller and thinner container, children who are younger than
seven or eight years old typically say that the two beakers no longer contain the same amount of liquid,
and that the taller container holds the larger quantity (centration), without taking into consideration the
fact that both beakers were previously noted to contain the same amount of liquid. Due to superficial
changes, the child was unable to comprehend that the properties of the substances continued to remain the
134. This process is characterized by how humans perceive and adapt to new information. It is the process
of fitting new information into pre-existing cognitive schemas.

A. Assimilation C. Equilibrium

B. Accommodation D. Disequilibrium

Answer: A. Assimilation occurs when humans are faced with new or unfamiliar information and refer to
previously learned information in order to make sense of it. On the other hand, accommodation means the
process of taking new information in one environment and altering pre-existing schemas in order to fit in
the new information. For equilibrium, a child is considered to be in a state of equilibrium or in a state of
cognitive balance when she or he is capable of explaining what he or she is perceiving (schema) at the
time. Disequilibrium is an imbalance between what is understood and what is encountered.

135.Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I
guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select - doctor,
lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants,
tendencies, abilities, vocations and the race of his ancestors” This famous line is from _____.

A. Edward Thorndike C. John Watson

B. B.F. Skinner D. Ivan Pavlov

Answer: C. John Watson is the Father of Behaviorism. Behaviorism as as a learning theory asserts that
man is a product of one’s environment and that we can shape one’s behavior by controlling his or her

136. According to Sigmund Freud, this is the stage in a child’s life wherein he learns to realize the
differences of males and females.

A. Genital Stag C. Latency Stage

B. Anal Stage D. Phallic Stage

Answer: D. Phallic Stage is the stage of a child’s life wherein he becomes aware of sexuality.

137. Among the structures of personality, savage desires fall under what structure?

A. Id B. Ego C. Super Ego D. Super Id

Answer: A. Id is also known as the pleasure principle structure. Instincts and savage desires belong to Id.

On the other hand, Ego is the reality test and deciding principle while Super Ego is the morality and
conscience—cantered principle. Super Id does not exist.

138. What is the term given by Sigmund Freud’s in his stages of development?

A. Psychosocial B. Psychosexual C. Sociocultural D. Sociosexual

Answer: B. Sigmund Freud is famous for his Psychosexual Stages of Development. It is a developmental
theory wherein he believes that progress occurs through the stages as the libido is directed to different
body parts. He asserted that children are born with a libido – a sexual urge.

139. “Success in this stage will lead to the virtue of wisdom. Wisdom enables a person to look back on
their life with a sense of closure and completeness, and also acceptdeath without fear.” According to
Erikson, the aforementioned line can be categorized under the stage of _____.

A. Generativity versus Stagnation C. Industry versus Inferiority

B. Intimacy versus Isolation D. Integrity versus Despair

Answer: D. Integrity versus Despair is the time in one’s life that we contemplate our accomplishments
and are able to develop integrity if we see ourselves as leading a successful life.Erik Erikson believed if
we see our lives as unproductive, feel guilt about our past, or feel that we did not accomplish our life
goals, we become dissatisfied with life and develop despair, often leading to depression and hopelessness.
140. Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development is often described as _____.

A. Psychosocial C. Sociocultural

B. Psychosexual D. Sociosexual

Answer: A. Psychosocial. Erikson’sStages of Development is psychosocial in nature because they involve

psychological needs of the individual (i.e. psycho) conflicting with the needs of society (i.e. social).

141. The following are the domains of learning EXCEPT for _____.

A. Cognitive B. Adaptive C. Affective D. Psychomotor

Answer: B. Adaptive. The correct three domains of learning include Cognitive Domain (which is
concerned with the development of mental processes and concepts), Affective Domain (which involves
assimilation of values, emotional reactions and acquisition of attitudes) and Psychomotor Domain (which
deals on the development of skills, senses and muscles).

142. Who is behind the famous experiment about a dog who salivated just by the appearance of the bell
because the dog already associated the bell to the food and the food to the bell?

A. Edward Thorndike B. B.F. Skinner C. John Watson D. Ivan Pavlov

Answer: D. Ivan Pavlov was the proponent of Classical Coditioning. Classical Conditioning theory
involves learning a new behavior via the process of association. In simple terms, two stimuli are linked
together to produce a new learned response in a person or animal.

143. Jess got perfect scores in all his quizzes. As a result, Teacher Anton told him that he will be
exempted to take the major examination. This act of Teacher Anton is an example of __.

A. Punishment C. Positive Reinforcement

B. Negative Reinforcement D. Primary Reinforcement

Answer: B. Negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is a kind of reinforcement given to

strengthen a good behavior by the removal of something such as exempting a well-performing learner to

take the major examination. On the other hand, punishment is given to weaken a bad behavior while
positive reinforcement is given to strengthen a good behavior by giving something to the learner. Primary
reinforcement refers to giving someone his basic needs such as food, water and shelter as a way to
strengthen a good behavior.

144. Based on Erikson’s theory, which affirmation does NOT belong to the stage of initiative vs. guilt?

A. People can hardly be trusted.

B. In times of hardship, I will not quit.

C. I am ready to take a risk.

D. I believe what happens to me is the result of what I have done.

Answer: A. The statement in OPTION A belongs to the stage of Trust versus Mistrust while OPTIONS B,
C, and D fall under initiative versus guilt.

145. The theory of B.F. Skinner can be applied to classroom by_____.

A. connecting facts and concepts B. fostering conducive learning environment

C. using reinforcement D. using manipulative devices

Answer: C. The theory of B.F. Skinner is entitled the Operant Conditioning. By definition, operant
conditioning is a theory which asserts that a good action will be strengthened by giving reinforcement
while a bad action will be weakened by giving punishment.
146. He introduced the notion of zone of proximal development and “scaffolding”.

A. Watson B. Vygotsky C. Piaget D. Kohlberg

Answer: B. Lev Vygotsky is the person behind the Socio-culutural Theory. He described the "zone
of proximal development" as the zone where learning occurs, where the child needs scaffolding or
assistance from the environment.

147. Hera was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure Hera wont cheat again in short span of time,
but this does not guarantee that Hera won’t cheat ever again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment
and learning, this shows that _____.

A. Punishment strengthens a response B. Punishment removes response

C. Punishment doesn’t remove a response D. Punishment weakens a response

Answer: D. By definition, punishment is given to decrease the chances of a response to occur gain. In
particular, a bad action will be given punishment so as to weaken the said negative action.

148. Kindergarten Law is also known as _____.

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: B. Republic Act 10157 is an act institutionalizing the Kindergarten Education into the Basic
Education System of the Philippines and appropriating funds therefore.

149. “When I grow up, I cannot imagine doing anything else but to be an elementary teacher,” says Ana,
a 6-year old child.

A. Vocation C. Profession

B. Mission D. Occupation

Answer: A. Teaching as a vocation means an individual has the noble calling, deep love and inner
motivation to be a teacher. Dreaming to become a teacher even at an early age demonstrates vocation, a
passion for teaching.

150. Teachers should go through continuing professional education.

A. Vocation C. Profession

B. Mission D. Calling

Answer: C. Teaching as a profession means an individual has to undergo formal training and education,
and meet all the necessary qualifications of a professional teacher as required by the law before he/she
can practice the teaching profession. The “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers” mandates every
teacher to go through continuing professional education. With that, the correct answer is LETTER C,
Teaching as a Profession.

151. Teacher Jess targets to reach a Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of 90% in the coming National
Achievement Test.

A. Vocation B. Mission C. Profession D. Occupation

Answer: B. Teaching as a mission means an individual sees teaching as a specific task to be

accomplished. That task is a specific goal, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded.

152. Only licensed teachers are hired in the public school.

A. Vocation B. Mission C. Profession D. Calling

Answer: C. Teaching as a profession means an individual has to undergo formal training and education,
and meet all the necessary qualifications of a professional teacher as required by the law before he/she
can practice the teaching profession. Earning a license as a professional teacher is a concrete example of
teaching as a profession.
153. Submitting school forms and daily lesson plans are examples of teaching as ____.

A. Vocation B. Mission C. Profession D. Calling

Answer: C. Teaching as a profession means an individual has to undergo formal training and education,
and meet all the necessary qualifications of a professional teacher as required by the law before he can
practice the teaching profession. Not only that, teaching as a profession also means an individual meets
the expectations of his job and that he fulfills his roles, duties and responsibilities as an employee. Such
responsibilities include submitting school forms and daily lesson plans.

154. “K-to-12 Act” is otherwise known as _____.

A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533

B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293

Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013” or the “K-to-
12 Act”. The enhanced basic education program encompasses at east one (1) year of kindergarten
education, six (6) years of elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that

155. An Act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an Integrated System of Education.

A. Batas Pambansa Blg.232 C. Education Act of 1972

B. Batas Pambansa Blg.262 D. Education Act of 1962

Answer: A. Batas Pambansa Blg.232 is also known as the Education Act of 1982. It is an Act providing
for the establishment and maintenance of an Integrated System of Education. This Act shall apply to and
govern both formal and non-formal systems in public and private schools in all levels of the entire
educational system.

156. According to Education Act of 1982, the following are the objectives of elementary education
EXCEPT for _____.

A. To discover and enhance the different aptitudes and interests of the learners so as to equip him with
skills for productive endeavour.

B. To provide learning experiences which increase the learners awareness of and responsiveness to the
changes in and just demands of society and to prepare him for constructive and effective involvement.

C. To provide the knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes, and values essential to personal
development and necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing social milieu.

D. To promote work experiences which develop the learner's orientation to the world of work and
creativity and prepare himself to engage in honest and gainful work.

Answer: A. Based on Education Act of 1982, Option A is an objective of secondary education, NOT an
objective of elementary education.

157. Among the special rights of teachers, which is NOT provided by law?

A. Right to be free from compulsory assignments not related to their duties as defined in their
appointments or contracts, unless compensated therefor, conformably to existing law

B. Right to receive, primarily through competent instruction, relevant quality education in line with
national goals and conducive to their full development as person with human dignity

C. Right to be accorded due respect

D. Right to be accorded due protection

Answer: B. Based on Education Act of 1982, Option B is a right of the students, NOT of the teachers.
158. The Enhanced Basic Education Program encompasses the following EXCEPT_____.

A. Alternative Learning System C. Senior High School

B. Tertiary Education D. Junior High School

Answer: B. Tertiary Education is not part of the Enhanced Basic Education Program. The Enhanced Basic
Education Program only encompasses Kindergarten, Elementary and Secondary Education as well as
Alternative Learning Systems for out-of-school learners and those with special needs.

159. It is a group of tried and tested alternative modalities of education delivery within the confines of the
formal system that allow schools to deliver quality education to the marginalized students and those at
risk of dropping out in order to help them overcome personal, social and economic constraints in their

A. Alternative Learning System B. Alternative Delivery Mode

C. Education Service Contracting Program D. Voucher Program

Answer: B. Alternative Delivery Mode is a government program launched through DepEd Order No.54,
s.2012. This program aims to primarily address the problems on congestion and other situations, and
circumstances which prevent children from going to and staying in school.

160. Teacher Anton is often described by his students as highly demanding and imposes rules without
explanation. With this, the teaching style of Teacher Anton is categorized as _____.

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D . Authoritative

Answer: A. Authoritarian is a kind of teaching style wherein the teacher is highly demanding but not
warm.The authoritarian teacher is the sole authority in the classroom and a dictator who frequently
lectures, encourages little interaction and establishes fervent competition among students. This style is too
teacher-centered and students’ ideas and efforts are not that welcomed and recognized.

161. If a teacher is not demanding nor warming to his students, how will you classify his teaching style?

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D. Authoritative

Answer: C. Detached or Uninvolved teaching styles are just the same. The detached or uninvolved
teacher tends to be neither warm nor demanding to his learners. A teacher under this category does not
have a genuine concern for students’ learning. She does not address their needs and interests and she does
not know her students that well. This is the worst kind of teaching style.

162. Which among the four teaching styles is the ideal style for an effective teacher?

A. Authoritarian C. Detached

B. Permissive D. Authoritative

Answer: D. Authoritative teachers are effective teachers because they are both warm and demanding.
Being warm means caring and emotional support for students. Being demanding in the good sense means
expecting something from your students, both in terms of academic work and behavior. The authoritative
teacher is the ideal. This teacher has a positive, kind and supportive relationship with her students, but
they know when she “means business”.

163. Teacher Fred is the favorite teacher of Rose. According to Rose, her teacher is so nice, warm but not
demanding and he just ignores the disruptive behavior of his students.

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D. Authoritative

Answer: B. Permissive. Teachers in this category are often “too nice.” They are warm and supportive but
not very good at setting limits. Thus, students’ behaviors become out of control. Permissive teachers may
focus on effort while de-emphasizing the quality of students’ productions. Disruptive behavior may be
ignored or handled with weak, soft- spoken “reprimands” or pleading.
164. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who are indifferent and undemanding of
students’ involvement?

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D. Authoritative

Answer: C. Detached or Uninvolved teaching styles are just the same. The detached or uninvolved
teacher tends to be neither warm nor demanding to his learners. A teacher under this category does not
have a genuine concern for students’ learning. She does not address their needs and interests and she does
not know her students that well. This is the worst kind of teaching style.

165. How will you describe effective classroom managers?

A. demanding but does not have to be warm

B. warm but does not have to be demanding

C. neither demanding nor warm

D. demanding yet warm

Answer: D. The phrase “demanding yet warm” refers to the authoritative teacher. Because of these
qualities, authoritative teachers are effective classroom managers. Being warm means caring and
emotional support for students. Being demanding—in the good sense—means expecting something from
your kids, both in terms of academic work and behavior.

166. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who lack confidence in enforcing and in
demanding compliance to rules?

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D. Authoritative

Answer: B. Permissive. Teachers in this category are often “too nice.” They are warm and supportive but
not very good at setting limits. Thus, students’ behaviors become out of control. Permissive teachers may
focus on effort while de-emphasizing the quality of students’ productions. Disruptive behavior may be
ignored or handled with weak, soft- spoken “reprimands” or pleading.

167. Teacher Ben is a detached kind of teacher and fails to address important “warning signs” from
students who are having trouble, academically or behaviorally. With this, the teaching style of Teacher
Ben is classified as _____.

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Uninvolved D. Authoritative

Answer: C. Detached or Uninvolved teaching styles are just the same. The detached or uninvolved
teacher tends to be neither warm nor demanding to his learners. A teacher under this category does not
have a genuine concern for students’ learning. She does not address their needs and interests and she does
not know her students that well. This is the worst kind of teaching style.

168. In this kind of teaching style, the classroom atmosphere is fearful and punitive, as teachers in this
category exercise rigorous control but shows little interest in involvement.

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D. Authoritative

Answer: A. Authoritarian is a kind of teaching style wherein the teacher is highly demanding but not
warm.The authoritarian teacher is the sole authority in the classroom and a dictator who frequently
lectures, encourages little interaction and establishes fervent competition among students. This style is too
teacher-centered and students’ ideas and efforts are not that welcomed and recognized.

169. In this teaching style, students’ efforts are well-recognized but learners’ behaviors are out of control.
Constructive learning does not flow well.

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D. Authoritative

Answer: B. Permissive. Teachers in this category are often “too nice.” They are warm and supportive but
not very good at setting limits. Thus, students’ behaviors become out of control. Permissive teachers may
focus on effort while de-emphasizing the quality of students’ productions. Disruptive behavior may be
ignored or handled with weak, soft- spoken “reprimands” or pleading.
170. A teacher who belongs in this category may sit at her desk when students are working or grade
papers when “supervising” the playground. Students who need extra emotional support do not get it from
her, and students who need firm behavioral limits do not get that either.

A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Detached D. Authoritative

Answer: C. Detached or Uninvolved teaching styles are just the same. The detached or uninvolved
teacher tends to be neither warm nor demanding to his learners. A teacher under this category does not
have a genuine concern for students’ learning. She does not address their needs and interests and she does
not know her students that well. This is the worst kind of teaching style.

171. Which qualities best describe the permissive teachers?

A. demanding but NOT warm B. warm but NOT demanding

C. NEITHER demanding NOR warm D. demanding YET warm

Answer: B. Permissive. Teachers in this category are often “too nice.” They are warm and supportive but
not very good at setting limits. Thus, students’ behaviors become out of control. Permissive teachers may
focus on effort while de-emphasizing the quality of students’ productions. Disruptive behavior may be
ignored or handled with weak, soft- spoken “reprimands” or pleading.

172. It is a field of study and an emerging discipline whose major aim is to create equal educational
opportunities from diverse racial, ethnic, social class and cultural groups.

A. Differentiated Instruction C. Consensus

B. Multicultural Education D. Interaction

Answer: B. Multicultural Education envisions to transform the school so that male and female students,
exceptional students, and students from diverse cultural, social-class, racial and ethnic groups experience
an equal opportunity to learn.

173. The mastery of basic 3Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) is anchored in what philosophy?

A. Essentialism B. Behaviorism C. Existentialism D. Pragmatism

Answer: A. Essentialism is a school of thought that stresses the traditional or back to the basic approach
in education. Such “basics” include reading, writing, arithmetic and right conduct.

174. “Life is what you make it.” This old adage exemplifies the philosophy of _____.

A. Essentialism B. Behaviorism C. Existentialism D. Pragmatism

Answer: C. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity and proclaims man’s freedom in the
accomplishment of his destiny. The line “life is what you make it” implies that an individual has the
freedom to live life the way he wanted to it be lived. As such, the said line exemplifies the philosophy of

175. What philosophy envisions to teach the learners basic knowledge, skills and values for them to
become model citizens?

A. Essentialism B. Behaviorism C. Existentialism D. Pragmatism

Answer: A. Essentialism is a school of thought that stresses the traditional or back to the basic approach
in education. Not only that, essentialism envisions to prepare the learners to become competent and model
citizens of the society.

176. Teacher Jhera sees to it that she provides opportunities for her students to apply the lesson they have
learned for the day. Based on that, Teacher Jhera therefore is an advocate of ______.

A. Essentialism B. Behaviorism C. Existentialism D. Pragmatism

Answer: D. The term “pragmatism” is synonymous to applicability and practicality. The philosophy of
pragmatism puts emphasis on the functionality and applicability of the lesson. Thought must therefore
produce actions rather than remaining only in the mind and leading into uncertainty.
177. “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.”

A. Essentialism B. Behaviorism C. Existentialism D. Pragmatism

Answer: C. The line “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” connotes that an individual
has the freedom to be the in-charge of his own destiny and to live life the way he wanted to it be lived. As
such, the said line exemplifies the philosophy of Existentialism. It is important to recall that existentialism
is the philosophy of subjectivity and proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny.

178. Experiential Learning is often attributed to what school of thought?

A. Progressivism C. Idealism

B. Behaviorism D. Perennialism

Answer: A. Progressivism as a philosophy stresses that teachers teach for learners to live fully by
employing experiential methods since they believe that “one learns by doing”.

179. Ana’s circle of friends used to say bad words. As a result, Ana starts to say bad words just like her
friends do.

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: B. In line with the philosophy of behaviorism, teachers should teach to modify and shape
students’ behavior by providing a favorable environment since our students are a product of their
environment. In the situation above, Ana becomes a product of her friends’ characters; she becomes a
product of her environment.

180. What is useful is true. This is an example of ______.

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: D. The term “pragmatism” is synonymous to the term usefulness, applicability and practicality.
It puts emphasis on the functionality and applicability of the lesson. Thought must therefore produce
actions rather than remaining only in the mind and leading into uncertainty.

181. “This is my life. Let me live.” This line reflects what philosophy?

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: C. The line above implies that an individual has the choice and freedom to live life the way he
wanted to it be lived. As such, the said line reflects the philosophy of Existentialism. The central concept
of existentialism says that man has the freedom and independence in the accomplishment of his own

182. He is the man behind the philosophy of existentialism.

A. William Bagley C. Jean Paul Sartre

B. John Watson D. John Dewey

Answer: C. Jean Paul Sartre is the main proponent of existentialism. According to him, man is
condemned to freedom, a freedom from all authority, which he may seek to evade, distort, and deny but
which he will have to face if he is to become a moral being. The meaning of man's life is not
established before his existence. Once the terrible freedom is acknowledged, man has to make this
meaning himself, has to commit himself to a role in this world, and has to commit his freedom.
183. Who among the following philosophers is commonly considered as the founder of essentialism?

A. William Bagley C. Jean Paul Sartre

B. John Watson D. John Dewey

Answer: A. William Bagley is the founder of essentialism. Essentialism is a school of thought that
stresses the traditional or back to the basic approach in education. Not only that, essentialism envisions to
prepare the learners to become competent and model citizens of the society.

184. This man is widely recognized as the Father of Behaviorism.

A. William Bagley C. Jean Paul Sartre

B. John Watson D. John Dewey

Answer: B. John Watson is the Father of Behaviorism. Behaviorism as a school of thought asserts that
man is a product of one’s environment and that we can shape one’s behavior by controlling his or her

185. Who is the main proponent of progressivism?

A. William Bagley C. Jean Paul Sartre

B. John Watson D. John Dewey

Answer: D. John Dewey is commonly known as the main proponent of progressivism. As defined in the
previous item, progressivism as a philosophy stresses that teachers teach for learners to live fully by
employing experiential methods since they believe that “one learns by doing”.

186. All of the classmates of Ana cheat in the exam when their teacher goes out from the classroom.
However, Ana chooses to remain honest and minds her own work because she believes that she does not
have to follow the behavior of her classmates.

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: C. Existentialism. The choice of Ana to remain honest and her freedom to behave in the
classroom the way she wanted to behave justify why the answer is existentialism. She is not affected by
her classmates or her environment. Instead, she chooses to mind her own work. As explained in the
previous item, existentialism as a philosophy stresses that man has the freedom and independence in the
accomplishment of his own destiny. He has the choice to live life the way he wanted to it be lived.

187. All of the classmates of Ana cheat in the exam when their teacher goes out from the classroom. As a
result, Ana also cheats, opens her notes and shares answers with her friends. This situation exemplifies

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: B. Behaviorism. Unlike item no. 113, Ana this time is affected by her environment. She imitates
the behavior of her classmates and cheats in the exam just like they do. For this reason, item no.
114exemplifies behaviorism. It can be recalled that behaviorism as a school of thought asserts that man is
a product of one’s environment and that we can shape one’s behavior by controlling his or her
188. Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything
he does.

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: C. The line above is one of the famous quotes of Jean Paul Sartre. And Jean Paul Sartre is the
main proponent of existentialism. As discussed above, existentialism as a philosophy stresses that man
has the freedom and independence in the accomplishment of his own destiny.

189. According to this philosophy, to learn means to acquire understanding of the great and everlasting
works of civilizations.

A. Perennialism C. Pragmatism

B. Progressivism D. Existentialism

Answer: A. Perennialism. The word “perennial” literally means everlasting, ageless or eternal. In this
philosophy, teachers teach to develop the learners’ rational and moral power. They are generalists and
teach history’s most timeless concepts.

190. “Education is not a preparation for life, it is life.”

A. Perennialism C. Behaviorism

B. Progressivism D. Essentialism

Answer: B. Progressivism. The line above came from the mouth of John Dewey. John Dewey is the main
proponent of progressivism. He asserted that “education is not a preparation for life, it is life.” He
believed that the main goal of education is “to teach according to the needs of the students and skills to
cope with change through experiential learning so that students may live life fully NOW.” In other words,
for John Dewey, education is not all about tomorrow, education is all about today.

191.Teachers teach through a variety of options and choices in order to help students understand and
appreciate themselves as unique individuals by creating an environment which they freely choose their
own preferred way. This is the goal of ____.

A. Perennialism C. Pragmatism

B. Progressivism D. Existentialism

Answer: D. As explained in the previous page, existentialism as a philosophy stresses that man has the
freedom and independence in the accomplishment of his own destiny. He has the choice to live life the
way he wanted to it be lived. In line with that, existentialist teachers teach through a variety of options
and choices in order to help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals by
creating an environment which they freely choose their own preferred way.

192. Which among the following philosophies is the most student-centered?

A. Perennialis`m C. Behaviorism

B. Progressivism D. Essentialism

Answer: B. Progressivism. Progressivist teachers teach according to the needs of the students and skills to
cope with change through experiential learning so that students may live life fully now. Teaching
according to the needs of the students means the teacher considers, respects and addresses the individual
differences of the learners, their interests, talents, potentials, strengths, weaknesses and various learning
styles towards a more meaningful, more relevant and more successful teaching-and-learning process.
193. “An action is right if it tends to promote happiness.” Which philosophy supports this notion?

A. existentialist ` C. constructivist

B. pragmatic D. utilitarianist

Answer: D. According to utilitarianism, an action is right if it tends to promote happiness and wrong if it

tends to produce the reverse of happiness—not just the happiness of the performer of the action but also
that of everyone affected by the said action.

194. In his Grade-10 class, Teacher Toni provides his students with experiences that allow them to
hypothesize, predict, manipulate objects, pose questions, research, investigate, imagine, and invent.

What philosophy governs in this kind of classroom?

A. existentialism C. constructivism

B. pragmatism D. utilitarianism

Answer: C. Constructivism is a philosophy wherein the teacher only acts as a facilitator because the
learners are the ones responsible for their own learning. The teacher provides the learning experiences
while the learners are the ones who build and create meaning and knowledge out from the said learning

195. What teaching style is being described in the phrase “neither warm nor demanding”?

A. Authoritarian C. Uninvolved

B. Permissive D. Authoritative

Answer: C. Detached or Uninvolved teaching styles are just the same. The detached or uninvolved
teacher tends to be neither warm nor demanding to his learners. A teacher under this category does not
have a genuine concern for students’ learning. She does not address their needs and interests and she does
not know her students that well. This is the worst kind of teaching style.

196. Practical ideas should be accepted while unpractical ideas should be rejected.

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: D. The term “pragmatism” is synonymous to applicability and practicality. The philosophy of
pragmatism puts emphasis on the functionality and applicability of the lesson. Thought must therefore
produce actions rather than remaining only in the mind and leading into uncertainty.

197. Teacher Mary asked her son what course he would like to choose when he would go to college. This
act of Teacher Mary is anchored on the philosophy of _____.

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: C. The act of giving your son a chance to choose his own course agrees to the idea that an
individual has the freedom to be the in-charge of his own destiny and to live life the way he wanted to it
be lived. As such, the said line exemplifies the philosophy of Existentialism. It is important to recall that
existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity and proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of
his destiny.

198. One of the objectives of elementary education includes “to provide the knowledge and develop the
skills, attitudes, and values essential for personal development, a productive life…” This is objective is
based on the philosophy of _____.

A. Essentialism C. Utilitarianism B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: A. Essentialism as a philosophy envisions to teach the learners essential knowledge, skills and
values for them to become model citizens. Moreover, essentialism stresses the traditional or back to the
basic approach in education.

199. “Experience is the best teacher.” Who best subscribes to this thought?

A. Perennialist C. Utilitarianist

B. Progressivist D. Existentialist

Answer: B. Progressivism as a school of thought stresses that teachers teach for learners to live fully by
employing EXPERIENTIAL methods since they believe that “one learns by doing”.

200. It is a set of standards andan integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions
of effective teaching. It is composed of domains, strands and performance indicators.



Answer: A. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is at the heart of the Teacher
Education and Development Program (TEDP). It defines effective teaching as being able to help all types
of students learn the different learning goals in the curriculum.

201. Which qualities best describe the authoritarian teachers?

A. demanding but NOT warm B. warm but NOT demanding C. NEITHER

demanding NOR warm D. demanding YET warm

Answer: A. Authoritarian is a kind of teaching style wherein the teacher is highly demanding but not
warm.The authoritarian teacher is the sole authority in the classroom and a dictator who frequently
lectures, encourages little interaction and establishes fervent competition among students. This style is too
teacher-centered and students’ ideas and efforts are not that welcomed and recognized.

202. It is a program whose main aim is focused on the professional development of the teachers. It is the
articulation of a singular competency-based framework for teaching and teacher development that would
guide all policies, reforms, and activities related to teaching and teacher development.



Answer: A. TEDP means Teacher Education and Development Program. TEDP conceptualizes the
teacher’s career path as a continuum that starts with the entry to a teacher education program and
concludes when a teacher reaches retirement from formal service.

203. Teacher Lester is often described by his learners as demanding. Moreover, he imposes rules and
gives corresponding explanations. He corrects mistakes but still he recognizes students’ efforts. With this,
the teaching style of Teacher Lester is classified as _____.

A. Authoritaria n C. Detached

B. Permissive D. Authoritative

Answer: D. Authoritative teachers are effective teachers because they are both warm and demanding.
Being warm means caring and emotional support for students. Being demanding—in the good sense—
means expecting something from your students, bothm in terms of academic work and behavior. The
authoritative teacher is the ideal. This teacher has a positive, kind and supportive relationship with his
students, but they know when he “means business”.
204. The following are the domains of NCBTS EXCEPT for _____.

A. Academic Freedom C. Curriculum

B. Learning Environment D. Community Linkages

Answer: A. Academic Freedom is not a domain of NCBTS. The complete domains of NCBTS are the
following: 1.Social Regard for Learning, 2.Learning Environment, 3.Diversity of Learners, 4.Curriculum,
5.Planning, Assessing, and Reporting, 6. Community Linkages, 7.Personal Growth and Professional

205. What does “Once a teacher, forever a teacher” imply for the professional teacher?

A. Professional commitment C. Professional license

B. Professional wage and salary D. Professional camaraderie

Answer: A. There is professional commitment in teaching. Just like learning, teaching is a lifelong

206. This domain in the NCBTS focuses on the idea that teachers help the students to learn whatever their
capabilities, learning styles, cultural heritage, socio-economic backgrounds, and other differences are.

A. Social Regard for Learning C. Learning Environment

B. Diversity of Learners D. Curriculum

Answer: B. Domain 3 (Diversity of Learners) emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning
process in diverse types of learners, by first recognizing and respecting individual differences, then using
knowledge about students’ differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure that all
students can attain appropriate learning goals.

207. What is facilitated by the adoption of a national language under the 1987 Constitution?

A. Communication among diverse linguistic groups

B. Tagalog as the national language

C. National sovereignty

D. Indigenous cultural heritage

Answer: A. According to Article XIV, Section 6-7, the main reason of having a national language is for
the purpose of communication and this includes communication among diverse linguistic groups.

208. It is a shared undertaking between the superior and the employee that allows an open discussion of
job expectations, key result areas, objectives and how these align to overall departmental goals.



Answer: B. RPMS means Results-Based Performance Management System. This is the newest teacher’s
appraisal system which is currently used among all the public schools in the country. It provides a venue
for agreement on standards of performance and behaviors which lead to personal and professional growth.

209.This domain in the NCBTS includes certain elements such as the teacher’s knowledge of subject
matter, teaching-learning approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning resources. It is
commonly known as the total learning experience of the learners as planned and enacted by the teacher.

A. Social Regard for Learning C. Learning Environment

B. Diversity of Learners D. Curriculum

Answer: D. Curriculum refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence
to help students achieve the curricular goals and objectives, and to attain high standards of learning.

210. Who among the following philosophers is the man behind the philosophy of existentialism?

A. William Bagley C. Jean Paul Sartre

B. John Watson D. John Dewey

Answer: C. Jean Paul Sartre is the main proponent of existentialism. According to him, man is
condemned to freedom, a freedom from all authority, which he may seek to evade, distort, and deny but
which he will have to face if he is to become a moral being. The meaning of man's life is not
established before his existence. Once the terrible freedom is acknowledged, man has to make this
meaning himself, has to commit himself to a role in this world, and has to commit his freedom.

211. “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” This old adage exemplifies the
philosophy of ____.

A. Essentialism C. Existentialism

B. Behaviorism D. Pragmatism

Answer: B. Behaviorism as a school of thought believes that man is a product of one’s environment and
that we can shape one’s behavior by controlling his or her environment. The saying above implies that
our friends can influence our character as a person, and that the people around us or our environment in
general can affect and mold our personality.

212. “Learning is a process that is activated by the learner himself. The learner is the one who learn and
create his meaning and knowledge.” This notion is anchored on the philosophy of _____.

A. existentialism C. constructivism

B. pragmatism D. utilitarianism

Answer: C. Constructivism is a philosophy wherein the teacher only acts as a facilitator because the
learners are the ones responsible for their own learning. The teacher provides the learning experiences
while the learners are the ones who build and construct meaning and knowledge out from the said
learning experiences.

213. Teacher Tina embraces new technology in presenting and discussing her lesson.

This act of Teacher Tina is an example of what philosophy?

A. Perennialism C. Pragmatism

B. Progressivism D. Existentialism

Answer: B. Progressivism as a philosophy believes that the goal of education is “to teach according to the
needs of the students and skills to cope with CHANGE through experiential learning so that students may
live life fully NOW.” In the situation above, the act of Teacher Tina is an example of progressivism since
she embraces CHANGE or INNOVATION.

214. “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I learn.” The philosophy behind this proverb is

A. Perennialism C. Utilitarianism

B. Progressivism D. Behaviorism

Answer: B. Progressivism as a school of thought stresses that teachers teach for learners to live fully by
employing EXPERIENTIAL methods since they believe that “ONE LEARNS BY DOING”.
215. Fredo, a Grade-1 pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated. Piaget’s theory
states that this pupil is under what developmental stage?

A. Pre-Operational Stage C. Concrete Operational Stage

B. Sensorimotor Stage D. Formal Operational Stage

Answer: A. What is being referred by the situation above is Egocentrism and Egocentrism falls under the
Pre-Operational Stage. In an experiment, three views of a mountain are shown to a child, who is asked
what a traveling doll would see at the various angles. The child will consistently describe what they can
see from the position from which they are seated, regardless of from what angle they are asked to take the
doll's perspective. Egocentrism would also cause a child to believe, "I likeSesame Street, so
Daddy must like Sesame Street, too". In short, egocentrism is the tendency of the child to only see
his own perspective, his own side and his own feeling of the situation.

216. Toni, a 2-year old child already learns that even when his father covers his toys, his toys are still
there. So even when the toys are no longer in his sight, he already has an idea that the toys continue to
exist. Based on Piaget’s theory, to what stage does Toni belong?

A. Pre-Operational Stage C. Concrete Operational Stage

B. Sensorimotor Stage D. Formal Operational Stage

Answer: B. What is being referred by the situation above is Object Permanence and Object Permanence
belongs to the Sensorimotor Stage. Object Permanence is a child’s understanding that objects continue to
exist even though the said objects cannot be seen or heard.

217.It is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-

verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.

A. Autism C. Down Syndrome

B. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder D. Trisomy 21

Answer: A. Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in
communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

218. It is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21.It is
typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to
moderate intellectual disability.

A. Autism C. Down Syndrome

B. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder D. Asperger’s Syndrome

Answer: C. Down Syndrome is also known as Trisomy 21. It is a chromosomal condition that is
associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone
(hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability
is usually mild to moderate.

219. This is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and
adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling
behavior, and hyperactivity.

A. Autism C. Down Syndrome

B. ADHD D. Asperger’s Syndrome

Answer: B. ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has the following symptoms: be easily
distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another, be very
impatient, blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without
regard for consequences.
220. This is a mild version of autism. Individuals who have this kind of disorder usuallywant to fit in and
have interaction with others; they simply don’t know how to do it. They may be socially awkward, not
understand conventional social rules, or may show a lack bof empathy.

A. Mental Retardation C. Down Syndrome

B. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder D. Asperger’s Syndrome

Answer: D. What distinguishes Asperger’s syndrome from autism is the severity of the symptoms and the
absence of language delays. Children with Asperger’s syndrome may be only mildly affected and
frequently have good language and cognitive skills.

221. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which among the following is the most basic of all needs?

A. Safety Needs C. Self-Actualization

B. Physiological Needs D. Esteem Needs

Answer: B. Physiological Needs include the needs we have for oxygen, water, food and sex.

222. Cognitive Development Theory: Sensorimotor Stage Psychosexual Stages of


A. Genital Stage C. Latency Stage

B. Anal Stage D. Oral Stage

Answer: D. Cognitive Delopment starts at the Sensorimotor Stage. In the same manner, the Psychosexual
Stages of Development begins in the Oral Stage. In this stage, infants achieve gratification through oral
activities such as thumb sucking, feeding and babbling.

223. According to Piaget, this means the process of taking new information in one environment and
altering pre-existing schemas in order to fit in the new information.

A. Assimilation C. Equilibrium

B. Accommodation D. Disequilibrium

Answer: B. Accommodation. Accommodation happens when the existing schema (knowledge) does not
work, and needs to be changed to deal with a new object or situation. On the other hand, assimilation
occurs when humans are faced with new or unfamiliar information and refer to previously learned
information in order to make sense of it. For equilibrium, a child is considered to be in a state of
equilibrium or in a state of cognitive balance when she or he is capable of explaining what he or she is
perceiving (schema) at the time. Disequilibrium is an imbalance between what is understood and what is

224. This theory asserts that learning involves a sudden realization distinct from cause- and-effect
problem solving. It is the abrupt realization of a problem's solution.

A. Classical conditioning C. Operant conditioning

B. Social Learning D. Insight Learning

Answer: D. Insight Learning is a completely cognitive experience that requires the ability to visualize the
problem and the solution internally - in the mind's eye, so to speak - before initiating a behavioral

225. The proponent behind the Insight Learning Theory is _____.

A. Wertheimer C. Chomsky

B. Kohler D. Bandura

Answer: B. In his experiment, Wolfgang Kohler hung a piece of fruit just out of reach of each chimp. He
then provided the chimps with either two sticks or three boxes, then waited and watched. Kohler noticed
that after the chimps realized they could not simply reach or jump up to retrieve the fruit, they stopped,
had a seat, and thought about how they might solve the problem. Then after a few moments, the chimps
would solve the problem by stacking the boxes on top of each other, which allowed them to climb up to
the top of the stack of boxes and reach the fruit.

226. Lester, a promdi and new to Manila, closely observed how his friends used the elevator. Later, the
next time that he rode an elevator, he already knew how to operate it by himself. What theory supports
this situation?

A. Classical conditioning C. Operant conditioning

B. Social Learning D. Insight Learning

Answer: B. Social Learning stresses that learning is a product of observing and imitating a model.

227. If your learners belong to Piaget’s concrete operational stage, then you should give

them ___.

A. Activities for metacognition

B. Activities that involve problems of classification and order

C. Activities for evaluation purposes

D. Activities that can develop deductive and inductive reasoning

Answer: B. Activities that involve problems of classification and order are appropriate for children who
belong to the Concrete Operational Stage since in this stage, the children already have the ability to order
things logically based in dimensions such as weight, volume, length or size. OPTIONS A, C, and D are
appropriate for learners under the Formal Operational Stage.

228. According to Erikson, high school learners belong to the stage of _____.

A. Industry versus Inferiority C. Initiative versus Guilt

B. Intimacy versus Isolation D.Identity versus Role Confusion

Answer:D.In Erikson’s theory, adolescents are faced in the stage of Identity versus Role Confusion.

229. Edna, a three-year old child suddenly uttered a bad word. Laughing at a child who spoke bad words
such as in the case of Edna is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child’s life, the child is

A. Considering the perspectives of others

B. Distinguishing sex differences

C. Scaffolding

D. Distinguishing right from wrong

Answer: D. Laughing at a child who spoke bad words may be perceived by the child as an approval of her
action. With that, the said bad action might be considered as a good action in the eyes of the child due to
the wrong response given by the adults around her. 230. It is the basic building block of intelligent
behavior, a form of organizing information that a person uses to interpret the things he or she sees, hears,
smell, and touches.

A. Scaffolding C. Equilibrium

B. Schema D. Operation

Answer: B. A schema can be thought of as a unit of knowledge, relating to one aspect of the world
including objects, actions, and abstract (theoretical) concepts. We use schemas to understand and to
respond to situations. We store them and apply them when needed.
231. According to Erikson, industry versus inferiority takes place during _____.

A. College Years C. High School Years

B. Elementary Years D. Adulthood

Answer: B. Industry versus Inferiority occurs during the elementary years. In this stage, if children are
encouraged and reinforced for their accomplishments, they begin to feel industrious and feel confident in
their ability to achieve goals. If they are not encouraged, if they are restricted by parents or teacher, then
the child begins to feel inferior, doubting his own abilities and therefore may not reach his or her

232. This theorist stresses the importance for the educator to present moral dilemmas for discussion that
would encourage an individual’s thought to move into the next moral stage and thus encourage their own
development in that direction.

A. John Watson C. Wolfgang Kohler

B. Lev Vygotsky D. Lawrence Kohlberg

Answer: D. Lawrence Kohlberg is the proponent of the Moral Development Theory. In his theory, he
defines the concept of stages of cognitive moral development as the structure of one’s reasoning.

233 Modelling is a learning activity rooted from the theory of ____.

A. Jean Piaget C. Albert Bandura

B. Lev Vygotsky D. Ivan Pavlov

Answer: C. Albert Bandura is the man behind the Social Learning Theory. Social Learning Theory
stresses that learning is a product of observing and imitating a model.

234. Mr.Wilfredo, a public school principal tasked Teacher Josephine to employ Operant Conditioning on
her learners so as to increase the chances of of higher learners’ participation during discussion. If you are
one of her fellow teachers, you should suggest Teacher Josephine to ___.

A. employ activities that will allow students to learn how to learn

B. give more emphasis on sharing and consistently guide the students to new ideas

C. help the learners discover their strengths and use them to achieve high academic success

D. give a star token to those who will interact and participate

Answer: D. The term Operant Coditioning was coined by B.F. Skinner. It means roughly changing of
behavior by the use of reinforcement and reward which are given after the desired response. On the other
hand, punishment is given after an undesirable response.

235. Who is the man behind the Multiple Intelligences Theory?

A. Kohler C. Ausubel

B. Skinner D. Gardner

Answer: D. Howard Gardner is the proponent of the Multiple Intelligences Therory. He cited 9 different
kinds of intelligences. He asserted that every individual is different and intelligent in their own ways.

236. According to Erikson, Intimacy versus Isolation takes place during _____.

A. Play Age C. Adolescence

B. School Age D. Young Adulthood

Answer: D. Young Adulthood. Occurring in young adulthood (ages 18 to 40 years), in the stage of
Intimacy versus Isolation, we begin to share ourselves more intimately with others. We explore
relationships leading towards longer term commitments with someone other than a

family member. Successful completion of this stage can lead to comfortable relationships and a sense of
commitment, safety, and care within a relationship. Avoiding intimacy, fearing commitment and
relationships can lead to isolation, loneliness, and sometimes depression. Success in this stage will lead to
the virtue of love.

237. A teacher who employs Differentiated Instruction is a teacher who understands the principle of

A. reinforcement as an effective tool in increasing the learners’ participation

B. morality can be developed either negatively or positively depending on the individual’s

accomplishment of the tasks before him

C. facilitating learning which focuses on addressing individual differences

D. allowing the learners to be exposed to various teaching techniques

Answer: C. Differentiated Instruction addresses “individual differences” by providing a variety of

learning activities to suit the different needs, interests, talents, potentials and learning styles of the
students. Learners are different from one another and therefore the instruction must also be differentiated.

238. Senator Manny Pacquiao excelled and gained international recognition in the field of boxing. With
this, will he be given a special permit to teach boxing in high school?

A. No, he cannot. In the very first place, he is not an education graduate.

B. No, he is not a licensed professional teacher.

C. Yes, he is a graduate of Alternative Learning System.

D. Yes.

Answer: D. According to Section 2 of Republic Act 9293, a special permit may also beissued by the
Board to a person who has excelled and gained international recognition and is a widely acknowledged
expert in his or her respective field of specialization.

239. Which among the following is NOT TRUE about “para-teachers” as stated in Republic Act 9293?

A. They got a rating of not lower than ten percentage points from the passing general average rating.

B. They shall be eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a two-year special permit,
renewable for a non-extendible period of two (2) years.

C. They shall be assigned to areas where there is a shortage or absence of a professional teacher.

D. The special permit shall indicate the area of assignment of the para-teacher.

Answer: A. According to Section 2 of Republic Act 9293, para-teachers are those who have failed the
licensure examination for professional teachers, with a rating of not lower than five percentage points
from the passing general average rating.

240. According to Edward de Bono, which of the six thinking hats signifies feelings, hunches and

A. Red Hat C. Blue Hat

B. White Hat D. Green Hat

Answer: A. Red Hat.

 Emotions (Red) – intuitive or instinctive gut reactions or statements of emotionalfeeling (but not

any justification)
 Information (White) – considering purely what information is available, what are the facts?
 Managing (Blue) – what is the subject? what are we thinking about? what is the goal? Can look at
the big picture.
 Creativity (Green) – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes.
Thinks creatively, out of the box.

241. Inter-agency efforts (DepEd, CHED, PRC and CSC) can be best attained for the training and
development of teachers when there is _____.

A. Coordination C. Agency integration

B. Streamlining D. Cost- reduction

Answer: A. Coordination for inter-agency efforts means different government agencies work hand in
hand, plan harmoniously and discuss collaboratively in order to come up with a program that is well-
organized, well-studied, well-agreed and well-crafted. This is highly important in such a way that through
coordination, these various government agencies will not be creating mismatched programs that are
contradictory, inappropriate and irrelevant from one another. For example, PRC and CHED must
coordinate with each other so that the questions that PRC asked during board examinations must also be
congruent and in line with the curriculum that CHED prescribes for the tertiary education.

242. What is the primary legal prerequisite for employment of teachers in basic education schools?

A. Passing of the interview Program

B. Passing of LET

C. Conduct of a Teaching demo

D. Attendance in the Teacher induction

Answer: B. Passing of LET. According to Republic Act 7836, no person shall engage in teaching and/or
act as a professional teacher as defined in this Act, whether in the preschool, elementary or secondary
level, unless he is a duly registered professional teacher, and a holder of a valid certificate of registration
and a valid professional license. One can only have a valid certificate of registration and a valid
professional license if he is already a LET passer.

243. What is the key element of the Teacher Education Development Program?



Answer: A. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is at the heart of the Teacher
Education Development Program (TEDP). It is the key element of the TEDP. It defines effective teaching
as being able to help all types of students learn the different learning goals in the curriculum. It is
composed of domains, strands and performance indicators.

244. Which of the six thinking hats below symbolizes brightness and optimism?

A. Black Hat C. Blue Hat

B. Yellow Hat D. Green Hat

Answer: B. Yellow Hat.

 Discernment (Black) – logic applied to identifying reasons to be cautious and conservative.

Practical, realistic.
 Optimistic response (Yellow) – logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony. Sees
the brighter, sunny side of situations.
 Managing (Blue) – what is the subject? what are we thinking about? what is the goal? Can
look at the big picture.
 Creativity (Green) – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought
goes. Thinks creatively, out of the box.
245. The world has become a global village. What sound practice is expected of teachers?

A. Ethnocentrism C. Ethnic cleansing

B. Respect of diverse cultures D. Xenocentrism

ANSWER: B. In line with multicultural education, teachers must exhibit respect for diverse cultures.

246. Which theory calls for adaptation to the learner’s biological and developmental set of

A. Multiple Intelligence Theory

B. Reading Readiness Theory

C. Emotional Intelligence Theory

D. Learning Style Theory

ANSWER: D. Per definition of the Learning Style Theory.

247. Educated in a religious school, Andresa goes to confession everyday to be free of any kind of sin.
How do you characterize Dona moral attitude?

A. Pharisaical C. Callous

B. Strict D. Scrupulous

ANSWER: D. The scrupulous conscience is very afraid of committing evil. It decides that an action is
sinful based on weak or insufficient reasons. And it tends to see sins even when there are none.

248.How is behavior of children classified when they are shy and withdrawn from classmates?

A. Physical C. Moral B. Intellectual D. Psychological

ANSWER: D. Being shy and withdrawn from classmates is a form of psychological behavior.

249.How should the pattern of class discipline be established?

A. After class discipline has been observed B. Later after weeks of classes

C. After signs of lack discipline D. Early in the first weeks of classes

ANSWER: D. As a basic rule in classrrom management, patterns of class discipline such as classroom
rules and routines should be established on the first day or the first weeks of classes.

250. What is the hidden goal of students who refuse to cooperate or participate in class activities?

A. To seek power C. To get revenge

B. To get attention D. To isolate self

ANSWER: D. To isolate self. According to Acceptance Approach to Discipline, there are four categories
of students with their corresponding mistaken goals, to wit:

ATTENTION GETTING-Students seek the attention of their classmates and teachers because students
are not getting the recognition they desire, continually seek help, and refuse to work unless the teacher
hovers over them.

POWER SEEKING-In this category, the child asserts his aggressiveness. The child expresses his defiance
in acquiring, contradicting, teasing, temper- tantrums, and low level hostile behavior.

REVENGE SEEKING-The child hurt others to make for being hurt or rejecte

WITHDRAWAL-A child wants to isolate self simply because he is no longer interested to learn and
therefore he withdraws learning which can be manifested in actions like yawning, sleeping, daydreaming.

Pillars of Learning
 Promotes International Cooperation and Implementation of International
 JACQUES’ DELORS – headed the International Commission on EDUCATION for
the 21st Century

5 Pillars of Education’

Learning to Know
 Learning to learn skills
 Includes the development of the faculties of memory, imagination reasoning &
 It is a ‘process of discovery’, which takes time and involves going more deeply
into the information/knowledge delivered through subject teaching
 Focuses on specialization requires of every individual

Learning to Do
 Implies the application of what have learned or known into practices
 It is closely linked to technical-vocational education and work skill training
 Implies a shift from skill to competence, or mix of higher-order skills specific to
each individual

Learning to Live Together

 Knowledge and understanding of self and others
 Appreciation of the diversity of the human race
 Awareness of the similarities between and the interdependence of all humans
 Empathy and cooperative social behavior in caring and sharing
 Respect of other people and their cultures and value systems
 Capability of encountering others and resolving conflicts through dialogue
 Competency in working towards common objectives

Learning to Be
 “Learning to be human”
 Aimed at holistic development of individuals
 Acquisition of knowledge, skills & values conducive to personality development
on its intellectual;, moral, cultural & physical dimensions

Learning to Transform
 Knowledge, values and skills for transforming attitudes and lifestyles
 Work toward a gender neutral, non-discriminatory society
 Integrate sustainable lifestyle for ourselves and others
 Be respectful of the earth & life in all its diversity

The Foundational Principles of Morality

What is morality?
 The quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good or evil
 Your human action is right when it conforms with the norm, rule, or law of

What is the meaning of foundational moral principle?

 Principle – comes from the Latin word, “princeps” which means a beginning, a
 A principle is that on which something is based, founded, originated, initiated.

 Foundational Moral Principle – the universal norm upon which all other
principles in the rightness or in the wrongness of an action or based.

Where can you find the foundational moral principle?

 It is contained in the natural law
 natural law – is the law written in the hearts of men
 it is the law that states “Do good and avoid evil”. THIS IS THE
 Teacher as a person of good moral character

 An act is “good” or “bad” depending on the results it brings about
 The consequences of the act is what is judge

The Principles of Double Effect

 Relieving a terminally ill patient’s pain may also cause an effect one would
normally be obliged to avoid (sedation & a slightly shortened life)
Ex. Euthanasia

The Choice of Lesser Evil

 The principle that when face with selecting from two unpleasant situations, the
one which is the least harmful should be chosen.

The Principle of Cooperation

 A willing participation on the part of the cooperative agent on the sinful act of
the principal agent.

A. The Principle of Cooperation

 In formal cooperation in the evil of others, one intends the evil that is done and
participate in the evil-doing by advising, counseling, promoting or condoning it.

B. The Principle of Material Cooperation

 Material cooperation is a type of cooperation in which one does not intend the
evil that others are doing but only permits or tolerates this evil for the sake of
avoiding even more serious evils.

4 ways of describing good moral character:

 Being fully human
 You have realized substantially your potential as a human person
 Being a loving person
 You are caring and unselfish at mature manner with yourself, other
people and God
 Being a virtuous person
 You have acquired good habits and attitudes and you practice them
consistently in your daily life
 Being a morally mature person
 You have a reached a level of maturity in the spiritual, emotional,
intellectual and social levels.
Different Kinds of Conscience
 Right and Erroneous Conscience
 Right conscience – judge what is really good as good and evil what is
really evil
 Erroneous conscience – judges what is bad as good and vice versa
 Pharisaical Conscience – this means that a person is “hypocrite” – saying good
things, but doing the opposite.
 Certain Conscience – subjective assurance of the lawfulness or unlawfulness
of certain actions to be done or to be admitted

 Doubtful Conscience – Suspends judgment on the lawfulness of an action and

therefore (it is possible) the action should be omitted.
 Scrupulous Conscience – Constantly afraid of committing evil. This conscience
is a result of stubborn character
 Lax Conscience – knows excuses. Conscience that tends to follow the easy way
and to find excuses for mistakes
 Guilty Conscience – Disturbed conscience trying to restore good relations with
God by means of sorrow and repentance
 Callous – insensitive, heartless

Assessment of Learning Examination Part 2

Multiple Choice: Read each item and choose the correct answer that best describe
the statement on the choices provided.

1. Which of the following does not belong to the group when we talk about projective
personality test?
Sentence completion test
Word association test
Thematic Apperception test

2. Which of the following is the main purpose of administering a pretest and posttest
to the students?
Measure the value of the materials used
Accustom the students in frequent testing
Measure gain in learning
Measure the effectiveness of instruction

3. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?

The mean, The median and the moderate are equal
Most of the scores are low
Most of the scores are high
The mode is high

4. A teacher put together the output of her colleagues in one workshop and published
it with her name as author. Which is unprofessional about the teacher‘s behavior?
Failing to correct what appears to be unprofessional conduct
Giving due credit to others of their work
Not giving due credit to others for their work
Holding inviolate all confidential information concerning associates

5. In the context of multiple intelligences, which one is the weakness of the

paperpencil test?
It put non-linguistically intelligent pupils at a disadvantage
It requires paper and printing and is so expensive
It utilizes so much time
It lacks reliability

6. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely X, Y and Z, no pupil

chose Z as an answer. This implies that Z is .
An effective distracter
A plausible distracter
A vague distracter
An ineffective distracter

7. The Thematic Appreciation Test is an example of a (an) .

Self-report technique
Projective technique
Interest inventory
Socio-metric technique

8. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?

Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge
An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score
An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score
Portfolio assessment is dynamic assessment
9. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34,
34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. what is the characteristic of the score distribution?
Skewed to the right
No discernible pattern

10. The criterion of success in Teacher Edna‘s objective is that ―the pupils must be
able to spell 90% of the words correctly.‖ Linda and other 24 students in the class
spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly while the rest scored 45 and above. This
means that Teacher Edna .
Did not attain her lesson objective because of the pupil‘s lack of attention
Attained her lesson objective because of the pupil‘s lack of attention
Attained her lesson objective
Failed to attain her lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concerned

11. Which is true when standard deviation is big?

Scores are concentrated
Scores are not extremes
Scores are spread apart
The bell curve shape is steep

12. Which statement is true in a bell-shaped curve?

There are more high scores than low scores
Most scores are high
The scores are normally distributed
The bell curve shape is steep

13. All the examinees obtained scores below the mean. A graphic representation of the
score distribution will be:
Perfect normal curve
Negatively skewed
Positively skewed

14. In a normal distribution curve, a T-score of 70 is:

Two SDs above the mean
Two SDs below the mean
One SD below the mean
One SD above the mean

15. The following are trends in marking and reporting system, except:
Supplementing subject grades with checklist on traits
Conducting parent-teacher conferences as often as needed
Raising the passing grade from 70 to 80
Indicating strong points as well as those needing improvement

16. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set of scores?
Scatter gram
Scatter plot
Frequency polygon
17. A test item has a difficulty index of .81 and discrimination index of .13. What
should the test constructor do?
Retain the item
Make it a bonus item
Revise the item
Reject the item

18. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10?


19. Which statement correctly applies to student who got a score of 72 in the test?
He surpassed the scores of 72 students
He correctly answered 72% of the items in the test
He obtained a raw score of 72
He answered only items in the test

20. Which measure (s) of central tendency can be determined by mere inspection?
Mode & Median

21. To determine student‘s entry knowledge and skills that test should be given?

22. What is the mode in the following score distribution: 96, 97, 98, 97, 93, 90, 89,
97, 81, and 80?

23. If a teacher is concerned with the development of student‘s higher order thinking
skills, his lesson objectives must go beyond.

24. A test item has a difficulty index of .81 and discrimination index of .13. What
should the test constructor do?
Retain the item
Make it a bonus item
Revise the item
Reject the item

18. Which is the final, indispensable component of a lesson plan?


19. For mastery of learning in a certain subject, which type of testing is appropriate?
Formative testing
Criterion reference testing
Aptitude testing
Norm reference testing

20. Which is NOT included in item analysis?

Determining the percentage equivalent of the cut off score
Identifying the highest score
Determining the cut off score
Determine the effectiveness of distracters

21. The first thing to do in constructing a periodic test is for a teacher to.
decide on the type of test to conduct
go back to her instructional objective
decide on the number of items for the test
study the content

22. To have a test with a wide coverage, power to test analytical thinking and ease of
scoring. Which type should teachers use?
Short answer
Alternate response
Multiple choice

23. The mode of a score distribution is 25. This means that

twenty five is the average of the score distribution.
twenty five is the score that occurs least.
twenty five (25) is the score that occurs most
there is no score of 25.

24. If a teacher gets the difference between the highest and lowest score, he obtains
standard deviation
level of difficulty

25. Which one described the percentile rank of a given score?

The percent of cases of a distribution within the given score
The percent of cases of a distribution above the given score
The percent of cases of a distribution below and above a given score
The percent of cases of a distribution below the given score

26. The index of difficulty of a particular test is .10. What does this mean? My
found the test item was neither easy nor difficult
performed very well against expectation
were hard up in that item
gained mastery over that item

27. In which competency do the students find greatest difficulty? In the item with the
difficulty index of _.

28. What does it mean if the difficulty index of an item is 1?

Very difficult
Missed by everyone
Very easy
quality item

29. You targeted that after interaction, your student should be able to show their
ability to solve problems with speed and accuracy. You then designed a tool to
measure this ability. What principle of assessment did you consider in this situation?
Assessment should be based on clear and appropriate learning targets or objectives
Assessment should have a positive consequence on students‘ learning
Assessment should be reliable
Assessment should be fair

30. With synthesizing skills in mind, which has the highest diagnostic value?
Essay test
Performance test
Completion test
Multiple choice test

31. Which of the following test is used as a basis in giving grades or rating?
Post test

32. It is the process of judging an attribute based on certain goals or standards.

33. Which of the following criteria is the most important in test construction?
Preparation of Table of Specification
Items must jive with the objectives
Arrange events in occurrence
The stem should contain the central problem

34. Which of the following type of test is not advisable to be used as a diagnostic test?
Multiple choice
Short response
true false

35. Why should negative terms be avoided in the stem of multiple choice items?
They may be overlooked
It increases the difficulty of scoring
It increase the length of the stem
They make the construction of alternatives more difficult

36. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class?

Standard Deviation

37. What is the norm of a test?

The mean of grouping scores
The standard of for adequate performance
The standard deviation of a group of scores
The typical performance of a certain group of individuals who took the test

38. Which of the following is the most important stage in testing process?
Constructing test items
Establishing test reliability
Improving test items
Interpreting test result

39. What does a Table of Specification establish?

construct validity
content related validity and criterion reference
content validity and construct validity
content validity and content related validity

40. Aura Vivian is one half standard deviation above the mean of his group in
arithmetic and
one standard deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?
she excels both in spelling and arithmetic
She is better in arithmetic than in spelling
She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic
She is better in spelling than in arithmetic

41. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that
NSAT and NEAT fall under?
criterion reference test
intelligence test
aptitude test
norm reference test

42. These are significant in formation about a student, gathered through the use of
various techniques, assembled, summarize and organized in such a way that they may
be used effectively. What is referred to?
Cumulative record
Case studies
Test profiles
personnel inventory

43. A test is considered reliable if

it is easy to score
it served the purpose for which it is constructed
It is consistent and stable
it is easy to administer

44. Which is an element of norm referenced grading?

the student‘s pat performance
an absolute standard
the performance of the group
what constitutes a perfect score

45. Mario obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that
He surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees
He got a score of 80
He surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees
He answered 80 items correctly

46. Of the types of validity tests, what is concerned with the relation of test scores to
performance at some future time, e.g. Freshmen college test can show success in
Curriculum validity
Criterion validity
Content validity
Predictive validity

47. The test questions in Teacher Dae Dae‘s test were confusing and subject to wrong
understanding, especially to poorer students. What was wrong with the test?
Inappropriate level of difficult of items
Unclear directions
Test items inappropriate for outcomes being measured

48. Of the following, which exemplifies the best example of cooperation and
voluntarism in the Parent-Teacher Associations?
Helping hands after a natural crisis, e.g. devastating storm
Attending regular meetings
Fund raising for PT funds
Running the school canteen

49. Among standardized tests, which reveals strengths and weaknesses for purposes
of placement and formulating an appropriate instructional program?
Personality tests
Achievement tests
Diagnostic tests
Competency tests

50. Among standardized tests, which can show how students perform in comparison
with each other and to students in other schools?
Competency tests
Subject exit tests
Achievement tests
Diagnostic tests

51. Teacher Bea Bunana makes her tests easy for students to understand, easy to
administer and score and suitable to test conditions, e.g. time. What is she achieving
for her tests?

52. Of the following subjects, which does not belong to performance-based subjects in
which direct instruction is effectively used?
Values education

53. Which of these approaches would reform assessment outcomes?

Apply sanctions on low performing schools
Focus on testing without investing the learner’s needs
Use understanding as means of giving feedback on students learning
Compare results of performance of all schools

54. Using extrinsic motivational assessment, what could be the noblest motive in
students pursuing a lifetime work and mission for the teaching profession?
Promise of high rank and prestige
Social service to upcoming generations
Economic security and welfare
Respected position in society

55. To what process of evaluation does determining the extent objectives are met

56. Which form of the foundation of all cognitive objects without which the next level
of higher thinking skills cannot be attained?

57. What primary response factor is considered by Essay questions?

Factual information
Wide sampling of ideas
Less time for construction and scoring

58. Among written categories of assessment methods, what did teacher Maggie Lagid
use when she assessed the stock knowledge of her students through questioning in an
open class?
Oral questioning
Performance test
Product rating scale
Observation and self-report

59. In the context of the 6 facets of understanding cited by Wiggins and McTIghe, what
is a proof of a studentes understanding a principle?
Stating given examples
Repeating it as given by the teacher
Applying it to solve his problem
Retaining it in memory for a long period of time

60. What does it mean if student Pete got a 60% percentile rank in class?
He scored better than 60% of the class
He scored less than 60% of the class
He got 40% of the test wrongly
He got 60% of the items correctly

61. Which of the following may not be adequately assessed by a paper and pencil test?
Sight reading in music
Multiplication skills
Subject-verb agreement
Vocabulary meaning

62. What should be done with test item whose difficulty index is .98?
Revise it
Retain it
Reject it
Reserve it for another group of students

63. What is known as the scoring guides for rating open-ended questions?

64. What does it mean to say that the facility index of a test item is .50?
It is reliable
It is valid
It is moderate in difficulty
It is very easy

65. With the mode of answering as a point of reference, which of the following does not
belong to this test group?

66. One half of the class scored very low. Teacher Janus gave another tests to
determine where were the students were weakest. What type of test is this?
Aptitude test
Remedial test
Diagnostic test
Readiness test

67. On what is normative marking based?

High marks of few students
Failure of some students
Normal curve of standard distribution
Student achievement relative to other students

68. What cognitive domain is involved in the student es clarifying information from

69. Which of the following indicates a strong negative correlation?


70. What is the graphic illustration for the relationship between two variables?
Normal curves
Frequency polygons
Scatter diagram

72. What is the deviation from a standard or desired level of performance?

A problem
A deficit
A defect
A gap

73. How does a studentes 80 percentile score interpreted?

High in all the skills being tested
Higher than 80% of the members of the group
Better relative to the competencies targeted
80% of the specified content

74. Of the types of validity for tests, what is focused on the extent to which a
particular tests correlates with acceptable measure of performance?
Curricular validity
Content validity
Criterion validity
Predictive validity

75. Among general categories of assessment methods, what instruments did pre-
school teacher Justine use when he rated the handwriting of his students using a
prototype handwriting model?
Product rating scale
Performance test
Written response instruments
Observation and self-reports

76. Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is not one of them:
Use of an evaluation instrument
Written reflection
Self-videotape of class performance
Per feedback session

77. In her test, Teacher Marian R unknowingly gave clues to the answers that reduce
usability of the test. What was wrong with the test?
Unclear directions
Poorly constructed test items
Test too short

78. In preparing classroom tests, which of the following checklists is the LAST among
steps in tests preparation?
How are the objective items to be scored?
How are the test results to be reported?
How I have prepared a table of specifications?
How are the test scores to be tabulated?

79. What formula is used to total and compute test scores at the end of the year?
[Test scores = transmutation table] x 100
[Highest score + Lowest possible score] x 100
[Studentes score x 100]
[Studentes score + Highest possible score] x 100

80. What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution?
A few students performed excellently
Most students performed well
Almost all students had average performance
Most students performed poorly
81. Which is true when the standard deviation is small?
Scores are toward both extremes
Scores are spread apart
Scores are tightly bunched together
The bell curve is relatively fat

82. In her tests, Teacher Tomden made tests that were either too difficult or too easy.
What was wrong with her tests?
Unclear directions
Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items
Identifiable patterns of answers

83. What is an alternative assessment tool that consists of a collection of work

artifacts or in progress accomplishment by a targeted clientele?
Evaluation instrument
Achievement test

84. What computation did teacher Panny use in getting the difference between the
highest and lowest scores in each class?
Standard deviation

85. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely
high and low?
Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given

86. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable to get a picture of the class
performance whose raw scores in a quiz are: 97, 95, 85, 86, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1?
None. It is best to look at individual scores

87. Self-evaluation has become an important kind of performance assessment among

teachers, useful as an honest self-criticism and a starting point to removal evaluation
by supervisors, peers, or students. How is self-evaluation described?
Evidence of teaching performance
Substitute to supervisores rating
Guide for self-adjustment
Tool for salary adjustment

88. What is the common instrument used in measuring learning in the affective
Multiple choice

89. On the test giveres list of Does, which of the following is not relative to
motivating students to do their best?
Read test directions
Reduce test anxiety, e.g. “Take a deep breath”
Explain the purpose of the test
Tell students: ”I will be proud of you if you perform well”

90. What is the range if the score distribution is: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85 ,
85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 51, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1?
Between 51 and 34

91. What does the test mean if the difficulty index is 1?

Very difficult
Missed by everyone
Very easy
A quality item

92. What is the meaning of a negative correlation between amount of practice and
number of errors in tennis?
The increase in the amount of practices does not at all affect the number of errors
As the amount of practice increases, the number of errors decreases
The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes affects the number of errors
Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease in the number of errors

93. An entering college would like to determine which course is best suited for him.
Which test is appropriate for this purpose?
Aptitude test
Intelligence test
Achievement test
Diagnostic test

94. Which of the following criteria is the basis for selecting tests that yield similar
results when repeated over a period of time?

95. From structures in Multifunctional Cooperative Learning, which involves each

student writing in turn one answer as a paper and pencil is passed around the group?
Inside-outside circle

96. Among cognitive objectives, what is also known as an understanding and is a step
higher than more knowledge of facts?

97. How does the \humaneness. of the teacher best described when he/she is full
interest and enthusiasm in the work of teaching?

98. Teacher Lester Cruz Valdez gets more information about how his students learn in
order to upgrade his pedagogy. What principle is he following?
Teachers should keep track of learning outcomes
Teachers should value information
Teachers should document information data on students
Teachers should teach and test learning

99. In order to assist new teacher, which is the most effective way to clarify the
schools’ goals and responsibilities early in the first year?
Student’s handbook
Principalse memorandum
School curriculum

100. Of components of direct instruction, which involves teachers and students

working together on a skill or task and figuring out how to apply the strategy?
Guided practice

101. Teacher JanJan made certain his lesson content is within the capacity of his
young forum grade learners. What is the quality of John es lesson content when he
fits lesson to learneres capacity to absorb lesson content?

102. From structures of Multifunctional Cooperative Learning, which makes each

group to produce a group product to share with the whole class?
Team Word-Webbing

103. The test results revealed that a great majority of the student failed. What is the
action that an effective teacher should take to insure that learning will take place?
reteach the items that are heavily missed
analyze the difficulty, test them again
give more difficult test
scold the pupils

104. It is a chart prepared to determine the goals, the content and the number of
items to be included in the test
test chart
test book
table of specifications
skewed chart

105. Hardware, designs, and environment

Desiring to find out which among the schools she supervises achieve or underachieve
the yearly target goals, Dr. Mendez will use what measure
Measure of Dispersion
Measure of Central tendency
Measure of Popularity
Measure of Locality

106. A test of intelligence based on the actual measurement of what the individual can
actually do of a certain task under time pressure.
Performance test
Skill test
Aptitude Test
None of these

107. A test given to determine specific aspect of achievement made on certain skills to
provide the needed remedial help to the learner.
daily test
diagnostic test
achievement test
none of the above

108. A test given to get a representative sampling of the general area of

made on certain field of learning taught and learned.
survey test
aptitude test
none of the above

109. A childes emotional behavior and problems can be measured by:

direct observations
behavior checklist
psychological test
all of the above

110. Intelligence tests that can used with children who have language difficulties
the Draw-A-Man test
the Letter International Performance Scale
ravenes progressive Matrices Test
All of the above

111. Ken obtained a percentile rank of 30 on a mathematics test. Ken es parents will
learn that :
Ken is a top student in the above class
Ken got 30% of the test items correct
Ken obtained a score higher than 30% of the students in the class
Ken got 70% of the items correct

112. Which of the following is a characteristic of criterion-referenced teaching

Desire behaviors are specified- for example,. Given 10 sentences containing
errors in noun-verb agreement, the student will be able to correct them with
100% accuracy..
Adequate instruction is given to enable students to perform the behaviors that
are specified.
Using measures such as tests or specified performance, the teacher makes an
analysis of whether objects are being met
All of the above

113. Research shows that students who follow the cognitive learning approach
manifest all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
a global orientation toward the discovery of new question and solutions
an analytic mind-set toward new problems
an impulsive habit in drawing conclusions
a reflective manner when examining data

114. Blood content that at least 90% of students could reach \mastery level. if
appropriate teaching techniques were used. Which of the following would NOT be
appropriate advice or a teacher who wants to help underachievers to succeed?
Provide more time or slower students to complete a task
Break the curriculum into small steps, teaching incrementally
Determine grades through competitive examinations, giving constant feedback
to comparative performance.
Pursue a comprehensive list of performance objectives

115. Critics of behavior-referenced instruction find that it limit students in all of the
following areas EXCEPT in :
the range of behavioral objectives associated with such instruction.
The expectations for performance held out to gifted students
Opportunities for student decision-making
The accuracy of evaluations possible with such instruction

116. When a teacher reports the outcome of norm-referenced objective tests, he or she
the performance of all students in the class
the objectives that were to be measured
the items missed by each student
all of the above

117. A teacher planning to use a criterion-reference measurement presumably would

begin with:
a set of specific objectives for pupils achievement
varying norms of students of different abilities
modular scheduling
a variety of leaning experiences to determine student abilities

118. Standardized test for measuring pupil achievement have many advantages over
teacher-made test. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of standard tests?
Students are tested under matching conditions
Such test have high reliability
Such test have high variability
Such tests are most costly than teacher-made test.

119. A non-participating classroom observer can provide valuable information to a

the observer is probably less subjective than the teacher
the observer can spend full time recording observations
the observer can focus on certain behaviors and systematically code them for a
all of the above are true

120. Research on individual learning differences indicates the need for:

the traditional \lockstep. approach to classroom instruction
maximizing off-task behaviors
plenty of free time for each pupil
the use of the aptitude-treatment-interaction model

121. Students with low achievement levels prefer a classroom learning environment
that is:

122. For a grade placement, which of the following tests would be best to administer to
a 10-year-old Puerto Rican boy who does not speak English?
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
The test of General Ability
The Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test
The Arthur Point Scale of Performance Test

123. A teacher gave two forms of a standardized test to a class of third graders. She
found that the amount of fluctuation between class scores on both forms was as
slight as reported in the test publisher’s:
item analysis
standard error
standard deviation
history reliability

124. Which one of the following factor is NOT a significant advantage of a standardized
test over day-to-day teacher made test?
The standardized test is cost-effective.
The standardized test is more valid.
The standardized test is more reliable.
The standardized test is based on national norms.

125. Interest inventories are valuable for counseling secondary school student because
the are given;
In percentiles.
In the form of a career advice.
In the form of a psychological profile.
In staines scores.

126. The ratio of “exceptional” children in general population is about.


127. Which of the following is useful for a teacher involved in a “majesty learning”
Summative testing over several units.
Formative testing during instruction.
Diagnostic testing.
All of the above.

128. when constructing a teacher-made test, it is most important for the teacher to:
develop one-fourth of the question at the level of challenge appropriate for the
ask question based on both factual and conceptual learnings
ask students to express their point of view
stress the objectives used during the lesson.

129. When teaching concepts at the elementary grade level, it is most helpful to
provide pupils with
examples and non-examples of the concept
a cluster of concepts at one time
a definition of the concepts
disjunctive concepts

130. A junior high school principal wants to evaluate the science program. What is the
first he should take?
Analyze pupil achievement scores
Look at national norms for achievement in the sciences
Confer with parents
Review and, if necessary, revise objectives for the program

131. The process of identifying educational goals and the extent to which these
objectives have been realized or met.
None of these
132. The degree to which the test scores in a class spread.
None of these

133. The item in a multiple-choice type of test which serves as a \joker.

none of these

134. A type of scores arrangement in a class which includes all possible score values
from highest to lowest with the list of learners \names include.
Frequency table
Grade norms
Frequency distribution
None of these

135. A special liking or inclination for a particular type of undertaking.

none of these

136. In psychological measurement, a score of 50 is generally considered as

49.9 . 50.9
49.25 . 50.75
49 . 51
49.5 . 50.5

137. What is the best measure of typical performance to use when there are extreme
standard deviation

138. What measure of central tendency is affected by extreme measures?

standard deviation

139. If the mean is larger than the median, the mode is :

below the mean
below the median
above the mean
above the median

140. When plotting the frequency polygon, which part of the score class do we use?
lower limit
higher limit
entire class interval

141. A distribution with the greatest frequency at and around the middle and a few
high and low scores is:

142. A distribution in which the scores are cluster at either end and shows a curve
which is:

143. One should interpret the percentile rank of a given score in the terms of
percentage of:
number of correct responses
number of items in the test
number of cases in the distribution
number of wrong response

144. A distribution that is step with a narrow range is called:


145. The least reliable measure o dispersion is the:

146. What test includes items which measure variety of mental operations combined
into a single sequence from which only a single score is taken?
objective test
none of the above
147. What is measure of an individual’s intelligence which considers both his scores in
an intelligence test and his chronological age?
Intelligence quotient
Individual test of intelligence
Mental age

148. What diagram is used to determine the social interactions among individuals in a
scatter diagram

149. What test is made after certain norms have been established?
standardized test
speed test
none of these

150. What type of scores is obtained when a highly reliable measuring instrument is
True score

151. The kind of statistics that is used to describe a big number o data on hand.
These data usually include numerals, decimals, fraction and percentages.
descriptive statistics
inferential statistics
survey statistuics
simple statistuics

152. A test where the results are obtained from a large group. The evaluation is based
on certain norm or standard set, hence, the norm becomes the basis of the test
criterion-reference test
summative test
norm-reference test
formative test

153. The test results in this type o test are compared with an absolute standard. They
indicate whether or not a student needs more or less help on certain skills.
criterion-reference test
norm-reference test
formative test
summative test

154. This evaluation device includes an analysis of all the scores in a given
distribution. It is commonly used to estimate the test validity.
standard deviation
quartile deviation

155. The information shows by these data, includes the highest, middle, and lowest
scores, even the missing scores in a tabulated data presentation.
frequency data
concluded data
gathered data
surveyed data

156. The measure of variability not influenced by extreme scores is the:


157. The semi-quartile range is a measurement of:

central tendency

158. The measure of scores density around the median is the

quartile deviation
mean deviation
standard deviation

159. The greatest weakness of the range as a measure of variability it its

intricate computation
extreme in stability
ease of computation
difficulty of interpretation

160. The largest measure o variability from the central tendency distribution is:
average deviation
quartile deviation
standard deviation

161. Which of the following cannot illustrate two distribution is:

Cumulative frequency curve
Cumulative percentage curve

162. A distribution characterized by many high scores and a few very low scores is:
Negatively skewed
Platykurtic skewed
Positively skewed

163. The range is an expression of:

central tendency

164. The root-mean-square deviation is generally known as:

Average deviation
Quartile deviation
Standard deviation

165. Synonymous to median, this term refers to the common average of a set of sores.
class interval
none of these

166. A system of grouping closely-related score values into a single category which is
often used in tallying scores for a class.
Converted scores
Class interval
None of these
167. A statistical index which represents the relationship between two varying
measures which occurs within a class.
correlation coefficient
none of these

168. The difference between the highest and lowest score in a given set of
None of these

169. Scores tendency to group at one end and spread out at the opposite end of a
given distribution of scores.
none of these

170. When a test succeeds in determining accurately the particular attribute of a

person who is tested, it is said to be
none of these

171. The standard used to interpret test scores

none of these

172. An index of a person’s intelligence in relation to other of his own age group
intelligence quotient
grade norm
none of these

173. Test on reading readiness examples of a group of tests.

prognostic test
vocabulary test
cognitive test
none of these

174. A rational treatment of raw scores arranged in numerical order or grouped in

intervals to get information about how an individual of a group compares with the
total population.
equalization of scores
frequency distribution
none of these

175. Test norms are based on:

the actual performance of a representative group of students
the predetermined levels of standards of performance
he performance of a selected group of students
the anticipator performance of a group of students

176. A test with a difficulty index of 0.85 is considered:

high, therefore difficult
low, therefore easy
high, therefore easy
low, therefore difficult

177. A clear example of a future-oriented test is the :

Philippine Achievement Test
Otislemon Mental Ability
Personality Test
National College Entrance

178. Which of the types of ability is not generally measured by intelligence tests?

179. The Rorschach Test and Thematic Association Test are oath referred to as _

180. Which of the following is considered as a serious with personality tests?


181. Attitudes towards communism or socialism are best measured with:

questionnaires & interviews
checklist & multiple choice
forced triads

182. Two classes are given the same arithmetic test and the mean for both classes is
57. The standard deviation for class A is 5.1, while that of Class is 10.3. On the basis
of the above data, we may conclude that with respect to arithmetic achievement:
Class A is more heterogeneous than Class B
The teaching of arithmetic is more effective in Class A.
Class B is more heterogeneous than Class A
There is no sufficient data for making a comparison.

183. In the following distribution: 1,3,3,3,5; we can say that:

the mean is greater than the median
the median is greater than the mode
the mode is greater than the mode
the median, median and the mode have the same value

184. The distribution given in no.39 is:

skewed to the left
skewed to the right
185. Which of the following is an important duty of a teacher?
evaluating pupil’s progress
soliciting contributions
safekeeping of the properties of the school
going on a vacation

186. Which of the following is not to be considered in preparing items for objectives
make each test items comprehensible
group items belonging to the same type together
provide specific directions on how the test is to be taken
very difficult test items

187. To promote better student learning, which of these should be practical in testing?
check the papers long after the test has been given
check and return corrected papers to the student as soon as possible to appraise them
of their performances
pile test papers in the stockroom
use to get even with the students

188. In scoring essay test, which of the following is not a good practice?
decide what qualities are to be considered in scoring the answer
write comments and correct errors on the answers
rearrange the papers after checking one questions before starting to check the next
accept all answers written by the tester

189. Which type of objective test is best or evaluating mastery of facts and
completing type

190. In making test items of objective type, which o the following should be observed?
no clues to the correct response should be given intentionally
each test item should be related to the item
the vocabulary level of the test should present some form of difficulty
test items should include also the irrelevant part of the lesson

191. Which of the following is not a good characteristic of an evaluative technique?

has clear goals
utilizes various forms of testing
consider the nature of the learners
has ambiguous presentation

192. Which of the following is not an objective type of teacher-made test?

matching type
completion type
essay test

193. Which of the following is not criterion in determining the effectiveness of a test?
cost of test
items based on factor analysis

194. Which of the following is not a purpose of evaluation?

provide educational guidance
appraise the total school program
provide for the individual differences
none of these

195. Assessment must be authentic. If you want to know how well children read and
write, which should you do?
Have them read and write
Have them mark, circle and underline words after you have read them
Allow children to select how they will be evaluated
Have them list the stories they read for the month

196. Which practice goes with authentic assessment?

Make students dance tango to determine if they learned how to dance tango
Make students recite the multiplication table to check for mastery
Make students check their own answer after quiz
Make students come up with a flow chart to demonstrates a process
197. In what way are the results of summative assessment utilized?
To assign a grade
To diagnose learning difficulties
To guide teacher in her choice of class activity
To check attainment lesson objectives

198. What does a grade given to the student‘s measure?

Learners achievement
Learners intelligence
Parents involvement in the learning of a child
Teacher effectiveness

200. What does the phrase assessment for learning imply?

Assessment is meant to improve learning.
Assessment is a necessary ingredients of the teaching learning process
There can be no learning without assessment
There is no assessment without learning

201. In an average grading system, what will be the average of grade VI students with
the following grades 75, 78, 76 and 75 in the 4 grading periods?

202. Which is a valid assessment tool if I want to find out how well my students can
speak extemporaneously?
Writing speeches
Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
Performance test in extemporaneous speech
Display of speeches delivered

203. Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further
determine in which particular skill(s) her pupils are weak, which test should Teacher J
Standardized test
Aptitude test

204. ”Group the following items according to phylum” is a thought test item on.

205. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective
on working with and relating to people?
Writing articles on working and relating to people
Organizing a community project
Home visitation
Conducting mock election

206. While she was is in the process of teaching, Teacher J finds out if her students
understand what she is teaching. What is Teacher J engaged in?
Formative evaluation (PART OF INSTRUCTION)
Summative evaluation
Norm-reference evaluation

207. With types of test in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
Restricted response essay
multiple choice
Short answer

208. In a one hundred-item test, what does Ryanes raw score of 70 mean?
He surpassed 70 of his classmate in terms of score
He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score
He got a score above the mean
He got 70 items correct

209. Which statement holds TRUE to grades? Grades .

Are exact measurements of intelligence and achievement
Are necessarily a measure of studentse intelligence
Are intrinsic motivators for learning
Are a measure of achievement

210. Is it a wise practice to orient our students and parents on our grading system?
No, this will court a lot of complaints later
Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customer’s the students.
Yes, so that from the very start student and their parents know how grades are
No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential

211. Zero standard deviation means that: (verify)

The studentse scores are the same
50% of the score obtained is zero
More than 50% of the score obtained is zero
Less than 50% of the scores obtained is zero

212. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?

Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
Oral performance to assess studentes spoken communication skills
Experiments in science to assess skill in the use of scientific methods
Artistic production for music or art subject

213. Which statement applies when scores distribution is negatively skewed

The mode corresponds to a low value
The median is higher than the mode
The mode and median are equal
The mean corresponds to a high value

214. What should a teacher do before constructing items for a particular test?
Prepare the table of specifications
Determine the length of time for answering it
Review the previous lessons
Announce to students the scope of the test

215. Under which of the multiple choice type of test can this question be classified?
Which of the following statements expresses this concept in different forms?

216. Of the following types of test which is the most subjective in scoring?
Matching type
Simple call
Multiple choice
217. In which of these research methods can the researcher control certain variable?
Ex post facto
218. During the first grading period, a student obtained failing marks in five academic
subjects. Which of the following tests would best explain his performance?
Mental ability
219. Measuring the work done by a gravitational force is a learning task. At what level
of cognitions is it?

220. Setting up criteria for scoring essay tests is meant to increase their.
Assessment of Learning Examination 1

Multiple Choice: Read each item and choose the correct answer that best describe
the statement on the choices provided.

1. Ms. Elena wants to determine if the students' scores in their Final Test is reliable.
However, she has only one set of test and her students are already on vacation. What
test of reliability can she employ?
Kuder Richardson Method
Equivalent Forms
Test-Retest with Equivalent Forms

Refer to this case in answering items 2 to 3

Two teachers of the same grade level have set the following objectives for the day's
lesson. At the end of the period, the students should be able to: a. Construct bar graph,
and b. Interpret bar graphs To assess the attainment of the objectives, Teacher A
required the students to construct a bar graph for the given set of data then she asked
them to interpret this using a set of questions as guide. Teacher B presented a bar graph
then asked them to interpret this using also a set of guide questions.

2. Whose practice is acceptable based on the principles of assessment?

Teacher A
Teacher B
Both Teacher A and B
Neither Teacher A nor Teacher B

3. Which is true about the given case?

Objective A matched with performance-based assessment while B can be assessed
using the traditional pen-and-paper objective test.
Objective A matched with traditional assessment while B can be assessed using a
performance-based method.
Both objective A and B matched with performance-based assessment.
Both objective A and B matched with traditional assessment.

4. In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is a weakness of the

paper-pencil test?
It puts non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage.
It is not easy to administer.
It utilizes so much time.
It lacks reliability.

5. Mr. Litton is doing a performance-based assessment for the day's lesson. Which of
the following will most likely happen?
Students are evaluated in one sitting.
Students do an actual demonstration of their skill.
Students are evaluated in the most objective manner.
Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning
6. Ms. Sharon rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some
laboratory equipment and measurement tools and the student‘s ability to follow the
specified procedures. What mode of assessment should Miss Del Rosario use?
Portfolio Assessment
Journal Assessment
Traditional Assessment
Performance-based Assessment

7. Mrs. Papaya presented the lesson on baking through a group activity so that the
students will not just learn how to bake but also develop their interpersonal skills.
How should this lesson be assessed?
I. She should give the students an essay test explaining how they baked the cake.
II. The students should be graded on the quality of their baked cake using a rubric.
III. The students in a group should rate the members based on their ability to
cooperate in their group activity.
IV. She should observe how the pupils perform their tasks.

I, II, and III only

I, III, and IV only
I, II and IV only
I, II, III, and IV

8. Why are computers increasingly becoming pervasive in schools nowadays?

Schools advocate the use of computers.
They increase efficiency and productivity.
Anybody can operate computers without formal training.
Students have access to computers in school and at home.

9. If a teacher has set objectives in all domains or learning targets and which could be
assessed using a single performance task, what criterion in selecting a task should
she consider?
Multiple Foci

10. Which term refers to the collection of students' products and accomplishments in
a given period for evaluation purposes?
Anecdotal record
Observation report

11. There are several reasons why teachers are reluctant in using electronic media in
the teaching-learning process. Which is the most common reason?
The difficulty in integrating them in the curriculum.
The limited exposure of teachers to new equipment.
Their incompatibility to diverse needs of the learners.
The excessive availability of local technology in the community.

12. Mrs. Carbon allowed the students to develop their own portfolio in their own style
as long as they show all the non-negotiable evidences of learning. What principle in
portfolio assessment explains this practice?
Content Principle
Learning Principle
Equity Principle
Product Principle

13. How should the following steps in portfolio assessment be arranged logically?
I. Set targets
II. Select evidences
III. Collect evidences
IV. Rate Collection
V. Reflect on Evidences

14. Which could be seen in a rubric?

I. Objective in a high level of cognitive behavior
II. Multiple criteria in assessing learning
III. Quantitative descriptions of the quality of work
IV. Qualitative descriptions of the quality of work
I and II only
II, III and IV only
I, II and III
I, II, III and IV

15. With the number of senses to be stimulated as criterion, which one should be first
in the list?
audio-visual aid
visual aid
audio aid

16. The pupils are to be judged individually on their mastery of the singing of the
national anthem so their teacher let them sing individually. What should the teacher
use in rating the performance of the pupils considering the fact that the teacher has
only one period to spend in evaluating her 20 pupils?
either holistic or analytic
Both holistic and analytic

17. Mrs. Irene is judging the worth of the project of the students in her Science class
based on a set of criteria. What process describes what she is doing?

18. Which of the following is considered in terms of technical quality of a material?

audio-visual aid
color and size of text
students‘ achievement

19. Mrs. Altos is comparing measurement from evaluation. Which statement explains
the difference?
Measurement is assigning a numerical value to a given trait while evaluation is giving
meaning to the numerical value of the trait.
Measurement is the process of gathering while evaluation is the process of quantifying
the data gathered.
Measurement is the process of quantifying data while evaluation is the process of
organizing data.
Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment while evaluation is the pre-requisite of

20. Which statement is true about the opaque projector and overhead projector?
An opaque projector allows more flexibility than an overhead projector.
An overhead projector allows more flexibility than an opaque projector.
Opaque and overhead projectors can instantaneously project 3D visuals well.
The series of still visuals in an opaque projector are arranged in a fixed pattern but
not in an overhead projector.
21. Ms. Luisa uses alternative methods of assessment. Which of the following will she
not likely use?
Multiple Choice Test
Reflective Journal Writing
Oral Presentation
Developing Portfolios
22. Ms. Cambia aims to measure a product of learning. Which of these objectives will
she most likely set for her instruction?
Show positive attitude towards learning common nouns
Identify common nouns in a reading selection
Construct a paragraph using common nouns
User a common noun in a sentence

23. A grade II teacher wanted to show the parts of a seed by using a large, wooden
seed visual aid with detachable cotyledons and tiny seed. Under what classification
does wooden structure fall?
assembly model
cutaway model
solid model

24. The students of Mrs. Valens are very noisy. To keep them busy, they were given
any test available in the classroom and then the results were graded as a way to
punish them. Which statement best explains if the practice is acceptable or not?
The practice is acceptable because the students behaved well when they were given a
The practice is not acceptable because it violates the principle of reliability.
The practice is not acceptable because it violates the principle of validity.
The practice is acceptable since the test results are graded.

25. Ms. Delos Angeles advocates assessment for learning. Which will she NOT likely
Formative Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Placement Assessment
Summative Assessment

26. Which term refers to a model which is constructed so as to emphasize a particular

part or function?
audio recording

27. At the beginning of the school year, the 6-year old pupils were tested to find out
who among them can already read. The result was used to determine their sections.
What kind of test was given to them?

28. The grade six pupils were given a diagnostic test in addition and subtraction of
whole numbers to find out if they can proceed to the next unit. However, the results of
the test were very low. What should the teacher do?
Proceed to the next lesson to be able to finish all the topics in the course.
Construct another test parallel to the given test to determine the consistency of the
Count the frequency of errors to find out the lessons that the majority of students
need to relearn.
Record the scores then inform the parents about the very poor performance of their
child in mathematics.
29. Mrs. Rogueries is doing an assessment of learning. At what stage of instruction
should she do it?
Before instruction
After instruction
Prior to instruction
During the instructional process

30. Which is the best use of computers to students like you?

They are used for chatting and surfing the net.
They are used for research and collaboration.
They are used for playing online games.
They are used for watching movies.

31. Mr. Carrillo developed an Achievement Test in Math for her grade three pupils.
Before she finalized the test she examined carefully if the test items were constructed
based on the competencies that have to be tested. What test of validity was she trying
to establish?
Concurrent validity
Predictive validity
Construct validity

32. Mrs. Robles wants to establish the reliability of her achievement test in English.
Which of the following activities will help achieve her purpose?
Administer two parallel tests to different groups of students.
Administer two equivalent tests to the same group of students‘
Administer a single test but two different groups of students.
Administer two different tests but to the same group of students.

Refer to the situation below in answer items 32 and 33

A teacher set the following objectives for the day's lesson:

At the end of the period, the students should be able to: a. Identify the parts of friendly
letter ;b. Construct a friendly letter using the MS Word, and c. Show interest towards the
day's lesson To assess the attainment of the objectives, Ms. Cadre required the students
to construct friendly letter and have it encoded at their Computer Laboratory using the
MS Word. The letter should inform one's friend about what one has learned in the day's
lesson and how one felt about it.

33. Which is NOT true about the given case?

Ms. Cadre practices a balanced assessment.
Ms. Cadre‘s assessment method is performance-based.
Ms. Cadre needs a rubric in scoring the work of the students.
Ms. Cadre‘s assessment targets are all in the cognitive domain.

34. If Mr. Paradise will have to make a scoring rubric for the student's output, what
format is better to construct considering that the teacher has limited time to evaluate
their work?
Analytic Rubric
Holistic Rubric
either A or B
Neither A nor B

35. The school principal has 3 teacher applicants all of whom graduated from the
same institution and are licensed teachers. She only needs to hire one. What should
she do to choose the best teacher from the three?
I. Give them a placement test.
II. Interview them on why they want to apply in the school.
III. Let them demonstrate how to teach a particular lesson.
IV. Study their portfolios to examine the qualities of the students' outputs when they
were in College.
I and II.
II and III.
I and III, IV
II, III and IV
36. Which statement makes technology ineffective in student learning?
It develops higher thinking skills.
It prepares students for the workforce.
It enhances students‘ collaborative skills.
It decreases achievement in content learning.

37. What should be done first when planning for a performance-based assessment?
Determine the "table of specifications" of the tasks
set the competency to be assessed.
Set the criteria in scoring the task.
Prepare a scoring rubric.

38. To maximize the amount of time spent for performance-based assessment, which
one should be done?
Plan a task that can be used for instruction and assessment at the same time.
Assess one objective for one performance task.
Set objectives only for cognitive domains.
Limit the task to one meeting only.

39. Who among the teachers below gave the most authentic assessment task for the
objective "Solve word problems involving the four basic operations"?
Mrs. Juliana who presented a word problem involving a four fundamental operations
and then asked the pupils to solve it.
Mrs. Mandy who asked her pupils to construct a word problem for a given number
sentence that involves four fundamental operations and then asked them to solve the
word problem they constructed.
Mrs. Malang who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves the
four fundamental operations and then asked them to show how to solve it.
Mrs. Pontipedra who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves the
four fundamental operations then formed them by twos so that each pair exchanged
problems and help solve each other's problem.

40. Which is wrong to assume about traditional assessment?

It can assess individuals objectively.
It can assess individuals at the same time.
It is easier to administer than performance test.
It can assess fairly all the domains of intelligence of an individual

41. Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE?

It emphasizes merely process.
It also stresses doing, not only knowing.
It accentuates on process as well as product.
Essay tests are an example of performance-based assessments.

42. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?

Portfolio assessment is a dynamic assessment.
Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge.
An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score.
An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score.

43. Which is a good portfolio evidence of a student's acquired knowledge and writing
Test Results
Reflective Journal
Critiqued Outputs

44. You plan to use instructional materials to a big class-size. Which of these will you
not use?
27-inch television
computer with LCD projector

45. When planning for portfolio assessment, which should you do first?
Set the targets for portfolio assessment.
Exhibit one's work and be proud of one's collection
Select evidences that could be captured in one's portfolio
Reflect on one's collection and identify strengths and weaknesses

46. Which kind of rubric is best to use in rating students' projects done for several
either holistic or analytic
Both holistic and analytic

47. Computers can be classified according to the roles they play namely
communicative tool, informative tool, and constructive tool. What is the other role of
computes in the options below?
instructional tool
situating tool
utility tool
application tool

48. Which is not true of an analytic rubric?

It is time consuming
It is easier to construct than the holistic rubric
It gives one's level of performance per criterion
It allows one to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of one's work.

49. Mrs. Banana prepared a rubric with 5 levels of performance described in 5-

excellent, 4-very satisfactory, 3-satisfactory, 2 needs improvement, 1-poor. After using
this rubric with these descriptions, she found out that most of her students had a
rating of 3. Even those who are evidently poor in their performance had a rating of
satisfactory. Could there be a possible error in the use of the rubric?
Yes, the teacher could have committed the generosity error.
Yes, the teacher could have committed the central tendency source of error.
No, it is just common to see more of the students having grade of 3 in a 5-point scale.
No, such result is acceptable as long as it has a positive consequence to the students.

50. In a positively skewed distribution, the following statement are true except
Median is higher than the mode.
Mean is higher than the Media.
Mean is lower than the Mode.
Mean is not lower than the Mode.

51. Which of the following categories of CAI will you use in your class if your objective
is to increase proficiency in a newly learned skill or refresh an existing one?
drill and practice
instructional game

52. Which of the following questions indicate a norm - referred interpretation?

How does the pupils test performance in our school compare with that of other
How does a pupil's test performance in reading and mathematics compare?
What type of remedial work will be most helpful for a slow- learning pupil?
Which pupils have achieved master of computational skills?

53. What is the performance of a student in the National Achievement Test (NAT) if he
obtained/got a standing score of 5?
Between average and above average
Between average and below average
Below average
54. Based on the figure, which is true about the distribution?
Mean=55, median=48, mode=34
Mean=46, median=40, mode=37
Mean=63, median=63, mode=63
The distribution is mesokurtic

55. If quartile deviation is to median, what is to mean?

Standard deviation

56. In a normal distribution, which of the following is true?


57. Which of the following situations may lower the validity of test?
Mrs. Josea increases the number of items measuring each specific skill from three to
Mr. Santosa simplifies the language in the directions for the test.
Miss. Lopeza removes the items in the achievement test that everyone would be able to
answer correctly.
None of the above

58. In a negatively skewed distribution, which of the following statements is true?

Mode is lower than the mean.
Mean is lower than the mode.
Median is higher than the mode.
Mode is lower than the median.

59. In a negatively skewed distribution, the following statements are true EXCEPT?
Mean is not higher than the median
Median is lower than the mode.
Mean is lower than the mode.
Mode is less than the median.

60. Miss Cortez administered a test to her class and the result is positively skewed.
What kind of test do you think Miss Cortez gave to her pupils?
Post test
Mastery test
Criterion-referenced test

61. The result of the test given by teacher A showed a negatively skewed distribution.
What kind of test did Teacher Mina give?
The test is difficult
It is not too easy nor too difficult
It is moderately difficult
It is easy

62. When the distribution is skewed to the right, what kind of test was administered?
Average/moderately difficult
Partly easy- partly difficult

63. In a negatively skewed distribution, what kind of students does Teacher B have?
Very good
Very poor

64. In a positively skewed distribution, the students are?

Very good
Very poor
Normally distributed

65. In a positively skewed distribution, which of the following statements is true?

Mode = 67 while Media = 54
Median = 53 while Mean = 41
Mean = 73 while Mode = 49
Median = 34 while Mode = 42

66. Which statements represent criterion-referenced interpretation?

Lucresia did better in solving the linear equation than 80% of representative Algebra
Lucresia's score indicates that she is able to solve about two thirds of all one-variable
linear equations of such complexity.
Students who have reached Lucresia's level on linear equations usually succeed in the
subsequent unit on simultaneous equations with special help or extra time; i.e.,
Lucresia is ready to move ahead.
All of the above

67. Bernard obtained a 97 percentile rank in an aptitude test. This means

He answered 97% of the items correctly.
He belongs to the 97% of the group who took the test.
79% of the examinees did better than her on the test.
He surpassed 97% of those who took the test.

68. Which set of scores has the least variability?

Set 1 0,5,10,15,20
Set 2 25,35,45,55
Set 3 0,2,8,15,20
Set 4 505,501,503
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4

69. Standard deviation is to variability as mode to?

Central tendency
Level of difficulty

70. Goring performed better than 65% of the total number of examinees in the district
achievement test. What is his percentile rank?

71. Which is a guidance function of a test?

Identifying pupils who need corrective teaching
Predicting success in future academic and vocational education
Assigning marks for courses taken
Grouping pupils for instruction within a class
72. Mr. Reyes, an elementary school teacher in Science found out that many of his
pupils got very high scores in the test. What measure of central tendency should he
use to describe their average performance in the subject?

73. Which of the following indicates how compressed or expanded the distribution of
scores is?
Measures of position
Measures of central tendency
Measures of correlation
Measures of variability

74. The proportion passing the upper and lower group is .80 and .95, respectively.
What is the index of difficulty?

75. Mr. Gringo tried to correlate the scores of his pupils in the Social studies test with
their grades in the same subject last 3rd quarter. What test validity is he trying to
Content validity
Construct validity
Concurrent validity
Criterion related validity

76. If a test item has a difficulty index of 0.06, how would you describe the test item?
It is very easy.
It is moderately difficulty.
It is very difficult
It is difficult

77. Two sections have the same mean but the standard deviation of section 2 is higher
than section 1. Which of the two sections is more homogeneous?
Section 1
Section 2
Both A and B
None of the above

78. Miss Cortes administered a test to her class and the result is positively skewed.
What kind of test do you think Miss Cortes gave to her pupils?
Mastery test
Criterion-referenced test

79. In his second item analysis, Mr. Gonzales found out that more from the lower
group got the test item 15 correctly. What does this mean?
The item has become more valid
The item has become more reliable
The item has a positive discriminating power
The item has a negative discriminating power

80. Q1 is 25th percentile as media is to what percentile?

40th percentile
60th percentile
50th percentile
75th percentile

81. Which is implied by a positively skewed scores distribution?

The mean, the median, and the mode are equal.
Most of the scores are high
Most of the scores are low.
The mode is high

82. In a normal distribution curve, what does a T-score of 60 mean?

Two SDs below the mean
Two SDs below the mean
One SD below the mean
One SD above the mean

For items 82 to 87, what does each figure/distribution on the right indicate?

mean > median > mode
mean < mode > median
mean > mode < median
mean < median < mode

mode < mean < median
mode > mean > median
median < mode > mean
none of the above

equal means, unequal standard deviations
equal means, equal standard deviations
unequal means, equal standard deviations
unequal means unequal standard deviations
unequal means, equal standard deviations
unequal means, equal standard deviations
equal means, equal standard deviations
equal means, unequal standard deviations

unequal variability, equal means, different shapes
unequal means, equal variability, different shapes
equal variability, equal means, different shapes
unequal variability, unequal means, different shapes

unequal means, equal standard deviations
equal means, unequal standard deviations
equal means, equal standard deviations
unequal means, unequal standard deviations
89. In conducting a parent- teacher conference, which of the following is NOT true?
Be friendly and informal
Be a know-it-all person
Be willing to accept suggestions
Be careful in giving advice

90. In a frequency distribution, what is the midpoint of the class interval whose lower
and upper limits are 99.5 and 109.5?

91. In a frequency distribution, what is the interval size of the class whose lower and
upper limits are 9.5 and 19.5?

92. Given a mean of 55 and a standard deviation of 8, what two scores include one
standard deviation below and above the mean?
46 and 63
47 and 64
47 and 63
46 and 64

93. Given the same mean of 55 and standard deviation of 8, what score corresponds to
two standard deviation above the mean?

94. What principle of test construction is violated when one places very difficult items
at the beginning; thus creating frustration among students particularly those of
average ability and below average?
All the items of particular type should be placed together in the test.
The items should be phrased so that the content rather than the form of the
statements will determine the answer.
All items should be approximately 50 percent difficulty.
The items of any particular type should be arranged in an ascending order of difficulty.

95. Which of the following is an ineffective use of presentation software?

Darken the room
Use appropriate pacing
Read directly from the slides.
Allow interaction with the learner.

96. Mrs. Reyes would like to find out how well her students know each other. What
assessment instrument would best suit her objective?
Self-report instrument
Sociometric technique
Guess-who technique
All of the above

97. Mr. Reyes asked his pupils to indicate on the piece of paper the names of their
classmates whom they would like to be with for some group activity, what assessment
technique did Mr. Reyes use?
Self-report technique
Guess-who technique
Sociometric technique
Anecdotal technique

98. Which of the following assessment procedures/tools is useful in assessing social

relation skills?
Anecdotal record
Attitude scale
Peer appraisal
any of the above

99. If the proportion passing for the upper and lower group is .90 and .30 respectively,
what is the discrimination index?

100. Which of the following is NOT an example of communicative tool?

multimedia encyclopedia
electronic mail

101. Which is an example of affective learning outcome?

Interpret stimuli from various modalities to provide data needed in making
adjustments to the environment
Judge problem and issues in terms of situations involved than in terms of fixed
dogmatic thinking
Appreciate the quality and worth of the story read
None of the above

102. Mr. Mirasol who is a high school teacher in English conducted an item analysis
of her test. She found out that four of the items of the test obtained the following
difficulty and discrimination indices and as follows:

Which of the above items should be discard in her item pool?

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4

103. Which must go with self-assessment for it to be effective?

Scoring rubric
Consensus of evaluation results from teacher and student
External monitor
Public display of results of self-evaluation

104. Which group of scores is most varied? The group with .

0.90 SD
0.10 SD
0.50 SD
0.75 SD

105. The main purpose in administering a pretest and a posttest to students is to _.

Measure gains in learning
Measure the value of the material taught
Keep adequate records
Accustom the students to frequent testing

106. Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher _.

Consider students‘ suggestion in teaching
Gives valid and reliable paper-and-pencil test
Gives students real-life task to accomplish
Includes parents in the determination of assessment procedures

107. The following are computed means of a hundred-item test: Physical science, 38;
Math, 52; English, 33. Based on the data, which is true?
The examinees seem to be very good in Physical Science
The Math test appears to be the easiest among the three
The examinees seem to excel in English
The English test appears to be the easiest among the three

108. An examinee whose score is within x + 1 SD belongs to which of the following

Above average
Below average
Needs improvement

109. Which is true of a bimodal distribution?

The scores are neither high nor low
The group has two different groups
The score are high
The score are low

110. When you reach the ―plateau of learning‖, what should you do?
Forget about learning
Reflect what caused it
Force yourself to learn

111. What can be said if student performance in a positively skewed scores

Most students performed well
Most students performed poorly
Almost all students had averaged performance
A few students performed excellently

112. A number of test items in a test are said to be non-discriminating? What

conclusion/s can be drawn?
I. Teaching or learning was very good.
II. The item is so easy that anyone could get it right.
III. The item is so difficult that nobody could get it.

II only
III only
I and II
II and III

113. A test item has a difficulty index of 0.51 and a discrimination index of 0.25. What
should the teacher do?
Revise the item
Retain the item
Make it a bonus item
Reject the item

114. The difficulty index of a test item is 1. This means that

The test item is a quality item
The test is very difficult
The test is very easy
Nobody got the item correctly

115. If the compound range is low, this means that .

The students performed very well in the test
The difference between the highest and the lowest score is low
The difference between the highest and the lowest score is high
The students performed very poorly in the test

116. What is the mastery level of a school division in a 100-item test with a mean of

117. A negative discrimination index means that .

The test item has low reliability
More from the lower group answered the test item correctly
The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups
More from the upper group got the item correctly

118. In an entrance examination, student Anna‘s Percentile is 25 (P25). Based on this

Percentile rank, which is likely to happen?
Student Anna will be admitted
Student Anna will not be admitted
Student Anna has 50-50 percent chance to be admitted
Student Anna has 75 percent chance to be admitted

119. What does a percentile rank of 62 mean?

It is the student‘s score in the test
The student answered sixty-two (62%) of the items correctly
The student‘s score is higher than 62 percent of all students who took the test
Sixty-two percent (62%) of those who took the test scored higher than the individual

120. What does the computer have in common with the TV?
Key board
Disk drive

120. Which depicts in graphic form the social relations present in a group?
Interest inventory
Anecdotal record
Johari‘s window

121. Planned ignoring, signal interference, and proximity control are techniques used
in .
Managing temper tantrums
Managing surface behavior
Operant conditioning
Life-space interviewing

122. Which of the following steps should be completed first in planning an

achievement test?
Define the instructional objective
Set up a table of specialization
Select the types of test items to use
Decide on the length of the test

123. The computed r for scores in Math and Science is 0.92. What does this mean?
Math score is positive related to Science score
The higher the Math score, the lower the Science score
Math score is not in any way related to Science score
Science score is slightly related to Math score

124. Which types of test is most appropriate if Teacher Yanny wants to measure
student’s ability to organize thoughts and ideas?
Short answer type of test
Extended response essay
Modified alternative response
Limited response essay

125. I want to test student’s synthesizing skills. Which has the highest diagnostic
Multiple choice test
Performance test
Essay test
Completion test

126. If Teacher Betty wants to measure her students’ ability to discriminate, which of
these is an appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction?
“Outline the Chapter on The Cell”
“Summarize the lesson yesterday”
“Group the following items according to shape”
“State a set of principle that can explain the following events”

127. A test item has a difficult index of 0.89 and a discrimination index of 0.44. What
should the teacher do?
Reject the item
Revise the item
Make it a bonus item
Make it a bonus item and reject it

128. A mathematician’s test was given to all Grade V pupils to determine the
contestants for the Math Quiz Bee. Which statistical measure should be used to
identify the top 15?
Mean percentage score
Quartile Deviation
Percentile Rank
Percentage Score

129. Which can be said of Nina who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in a
Grammar objective test?
She performed better than 25% of her classmates
She answered 75 items in the test correctly
Her rating is 75
She answered 75% of the test items correctly

130. The criterion of success in Teacher Butch’s objective is that “the pupils must be
able to spell 90% of the words correctly”. Student Dave and 24 others in the class
spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly while the rest scored 45 and above. This
means that Teacher Butch _______________________.
attained his lesson objective
failed to attain his lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concerned
did not attain his lesson objective because of the pupilse lack of attention
attained his lesson objective because of his effective spelling drill

131. Which of these can measure awareness of values?

Moral dilemmas
Projective techniques
Rating scales

132. Marking on a normative basis means that:

the normal distribution curve should be followed
some should fall
some get high marks
the grading is based on a present criteria

133. Which process enhances the comparability of grades?

Using a table specifications
Determining the level of difficulty of the tests
Giving more HOTS (higher order thinking skills)
Constructing departmentalized exams for each subject area.

134. If the scores of your test follow a negatively skewed score distribution, what
you do? Find out _?
why your items were easy
why most of the scores are high
why most of the scores are low
why some pupils scored high

135. Principal Gemma is talking about “grading on the curve” in a faculty meeting.
What does this expression refers to?
A student’s mark compares his achievement to his effort
A student’s grade or mark depends on how his achievement compares with the
achievement of other students in a class
A student’s grade determines whether or not a student attains a defined
standard of achievement
A student’s mark tells how closely he is achieving to his potential

136. Zero standard deviation means that:

The students‘ scores are the same
50% of the scores obtained is zero
More than 50% of the score obtained is zero
Less than 50% of the scores obtained is zero

137. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?

Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
Oral performance to assess student‘s spoken communication skills
Experiments in science to assess skill in the use of scientific methods
Artist production for music or art subject

138. Which statement applies when scores distribution is negatively skewed?

The mode corresponds to a lower value
The median is higher that the mode
The mode and median are equal
The mean corresponds to a high value

139. The use of the process approach gives the student the opportunity to:
Learn to their own
Apply the scientific method
Make use of laboratory apparatuses
Learn how to learn

140. In testing which of the following is referred to as cultural bias?

Some culture do better on test than others
Test items are more familiar with some culture
Test will show who is more cultured
Cultured people do better on tests

141. Which is the most obvious and familiar way of reporting variability?
Standard deviation
Range between highest with some culture
Standard error of the mean
Distribution of raw scores

142. Which of the following is the most important purpose for using achievement test?
To measure the .
Quality and quantity of previous learning
Quality and quantity of previous teaching
Educational and vocational aptitude
Capacity for future learning

143. In a multiple choice test, keeping the options brief indicates _.

Inclusion in the item irrelevant clues such as the use in the correct answer
Non-inclusion of option that mean the same
Plausibility and attractiveness of the item
Inclusion in the item any word that must otherwise repeated in each response

144. Which of these criteria is the most important in test constructions?

The stem should contain the central problem
Items should be congruent with the objectives
A table of specification should be prepared
Options should be of almost the same length

145. Which of the following is an example of norm-referenced interpretation?

Josh‘s test score is higher than 89% of the class
Francis set up his laboratory equipment in 2 minutes
RJ solve five problems correctly out of thirty words
Bea must spell twenty five words correctly out of thirty words

146. A type of error committed in grading the performance of the students by the rater
who avoids both extremes of the scale and tends to rate everyone as revenge
Severity error
Central tendency error
Generosity error
Logical error

147. Which of the following test items can be effectively measure higher order of
cognitive learning objectives?
Achievement test
Extended essay test
Completion test
Objective test

148. To increase the difficulty of a multiple choice test item, which of the following
be done?
Make the options equal in length
Make the options homogeneous
Make it grammatically correct
Make the stem

149. Teacher Anna set 85% accuracy in a test on predicting the kind of weather given
5 different atmospheric conditions. May obtain a score of 82% can be interpreted as:
She is 3% short of the set percentile score
She did not meet the set standards by 3%
She obtained 82% percentile score
She is higher than 82% of the group

150. Teacher Vilma constructed a matching type test item. IN her column of
descriptions are combinations presidents, current issues, and sports. Which of the
constructing a matching type test items was NOT followed?
The descriptions must be homogenous
The options must be greater than the descriptions
The descriptions must be heterogeneous
Arrange the options according the orders


Education is derived from the Latin word “educare” or “educere” which means
to lead forth. It is defined as the process of acquiring knowledge habits, attitudes,
interest, skills and abilities and other intangible human qualities through training
instructions and self-activity, and transmitting these vital elements of human
civilization to posterity.

Technology can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines
or hardware, but it can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods
of organization, and techniques. Some modern tools include but are not limited to
overhead projectors , laptop computers, and calculators. Newer tools such as
“smartphones” and games (both online and offline) are beginning to draw serious
attention for their learning potential.

Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning
and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate
technological processes and resources. The term educational technology is often
associated with, and encompasses, instructional theory and learning theory. While
instructional technology covers the processes and systems of learning and instruction,
educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing
human capability. Educational technology includes, but is not limited to, software,
hardware as well as Internet applications and activities. Educational technology is
simply defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student
learning. Educational technology relies on a broad definition of the word “technology”.
Educational technology is designed to introduce both the traditional and
innovative technologies to facilitate and foster meaningful and effective learning.
Students are expected to demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature,
application and production of the various types of educational technologies. The
course will likewise focus both on developing teacher support materials and the
production of technology-based student outputs.

There are three main schools of thought or philosophical frameworks behind
educational technology. These are Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism.

This theoretical framework was developed in the early 20 th century with the
animal learning experiments of Ivan Pavlov, Edward Thorndike, Edward C. Tolman,
Clark L. Hull, B.F. Skinner and others. Many psychologies used these theories to
describe and experiment with human learning. While still very useful this philosophy
of learning has lost favor with many educators.

Skinner’s Contribution
B.F. Skinner wrote extensively on improvements of teaching based on his
functional analysis of Verbal Behavior, and wrote “The Technology of Teaching”, an
attempt to dispel the myths underlying contemporary education, as well as promote
his system he called programmed instruction. Ogden Lindsley also developed the
Celeration learning system similarly based on behavior analysis but quite different
from Keller’s and Skinner’s model.

Cognitive science has changed how educators view learning. Since the very
early beginning of the Cognitive Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, learning theory
has undergone a great deal of change. Much of the empirical framework of
Behaviorism was retained even though a new paradigm had begun. Cognitive theories
look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. Cognitivists consider how
human memory works to promote learning.
After memory like the Atkinson-Shiffrin memory model and Baddeley’s Working
memory model were established as a theoretical framework in Cognitive Psychology,
new cognitive frameworks of learning begun to emerge during the 1970s, 80s and 90s.
It is important to note that Computer Science and Information Technology have had a
major influence on Cognitive Science theory. The cognitive concepts of working
memory (formerly known as short term memory) and long term memory have been
facilitated by research and technology from the field of Computer Science. Another are
concentrating on topics like Cognitive load and Information Processing Theory.

Constructivism is a learning theory or educational philosophy that many
educators began to consider in the 1990s. One of the primary tenets of this philosophy
is that learners construct their own meaning for new information, as they interact with
reality or others with different perspectives.
Constructivist learning environments require students to utilize their prior
knowledge and experiences to formulate new, related, and /or adaptive concepts in
learning. Under this framework the role of the teacher becomes that of the facilitator,
providing guidance so that learners can construct their own knowledge. Conctructivist
educators must make sure that the prior learning experiences are appropriate and
related to the concepts being taught. Jonassen (1997) suggests “well-structured”
learning environments are useful for novice learners and that “ill-structured” learning
environments are only useful for more advanced learners. Educators utilizing
technology when teaching with a constructivist perspective should choose technologies
that reinforce prior learning perhaps in a problem-solving environment.

Connectivism is a “learning theory for the digital age,” and has been developed
by George Siemens and Stephen Downes based on theory analysis of the limitations of
behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism to explain the effect technology has had
on Editor of the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance
Learning says the theory “combines relevant elements of many learning theories,
social structures and technology to create a powerful theoretical construct for learning
in the digital age.” (


John Amos Comenius (1592-1670) wrote Orbis Pictus Sensualium or the World
of Sensible Things Pictured, a book which is considered as the first book on the use of
visual aids in classroom Teaching.
Audiovisual aids are defined as any device used to aid in the communication of
an idea. As such, virtually anything can be used as an audio visual aid provided it
successfully communicates the idea or information for which it is designed. An
audiovisual aid includes still photography, motion picture, audio or video tape, slide or
filmstrip, that is prepare individually or in combination to communicate information or
to elicit a desired audience response.
Even though in early aids, such as maps and drawings, are still in use,
advances in the audiovisual field have open up new methods of presenting these aids,
such as video tapes and multimedia equipment which allow more professional and
entertaining presentations not only in the classrooms but also anywhere in which
ideas are to be conveyed to the audience.

Device is any means other than the subject-matter itself that is employed by the
teacher in presenting the subject matter to the learner.

Purpose of Visual Devices

1. To challenge students’ attention
2. To stimulate the imagination and evelop the mental imagery of the pupils
3. To facilitate the understanding of the pupils
4. To provide motivation to the learners
5. To develop the ability to listen

Traditional Forms of Visual Aids

1. Demonstration
2. Fieldtrips
3. Laboratory experiments
4. Pictures, films, simulations, models
5. Real objects

Classifications of Devices
1. Extrinsic – used to supplement a method used
Ex. picture, graph, film strips, slides etc.
2. Intrinsic – used as the part of the method or teaching procedure
Ex. pictures accompanying an article
3. Material devices – device that have no bearing on the subject matter
Ex. blackboard, chalk, books, pencils, etc.
4. Mental Devices – a kind of device that is related in form and meaning to the
subject matter being presented
Ex. questions, projects, drills, lesson plans etc.


In the advent of modern technology, computers are common classroom
equipment and aid to teaching learning process. Aside from computers, there are still
other learning tools and audio – visual aids that the students can utilize in order to
facilitate learning. These may include digital cameras, video cameras, interactive
whiteboard tools, and LCD projectors.

Having a computer in the classroom is an asset to any teacher. With the
computer in the classroom, teachers are able to demonstrate a new lesson, present
new material, illustrate how to use new programs, and show new websites.

Class Website
What better way to display student’s work, than to create a web page designed
just for your class. Once a web page is designed, teachers can post homework
assignments, student work, famous quotes, trivia games, and so much more. In
current day society, children know how to use computer and navigate their way
through a website, so why not give them one where they can be a published author.
Just be careful as most districts maintain strong policies to mange official websites for
a school or classroom.
Class Blogs
These are some of a variety of Web 2.0 tools that are currently being
implemented in the classroom. Blogs allow for students to maintain a running
dialogue, like a journal of thoughts, ideas, and assignments that also provide for
student comment and reiterative reflection. Wikis are more group focused to allow
multiple members of the group to edit a single document and create a truly
collaborative and carefully edited finished product.
Wireless Classroom Microphones
Noisy classrooms are a daily occurrence, and with the help of microphones,
students are able to hear the their teacher clearer. Children learn better when they
hear the teacher clearly. The benefit for teachers is that they no longer lose their
voices at the end of the day. (


Meaning, Roles and Development of Information Technology

 Educational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating
learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing
appropriate technological processes and resources.

 As an academic discipline, the study of educational technology prepares
individual by helping them acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of:
 learning resources
 messages
 people
 materials
 devices
 techniques and settings.
 Processes for analyzing and devising solutions to these problems through
research, theory, design, production, evaluation, utilization;
 the processes involved in organization and personnel management.

 The focus is an offensive processes to facilitate learning using technologies and
understanding the impacts of technology on learners and organizations.
 Areas of specialization may include:
 distance learning
 human performance technology
 technology integration and management
 media design and development
 learning sciences
 instructional design
 change management
 communications processes
 It should be noted that the field is not merely concerned with learning technical
skill nor the simplistic use of technology for technology’s sake in teaching, s
common misperception by non-educators.
 As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and
approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration
of diverse media.

Information Technology, Information Communications Technology and E-

 Information Technology refers to the lowest level of environment in the use of
computer technology.
 Information Communications Technology – equipment is networked together
allowing communication with others on the network and in the outside world
via e-mail and the internet.
 E-learning is the application of Information Technology and Information
Communications Technology to the core business of education. E-learning is
characterized by the use of ICT to deliver learning experiences and may extend
to on-line guidance, assessment and recording of progress.

Roles of Information Technology In Education

As modern devices like table computers, laptops and PDAs develop more of a presence
in our school system, it becomes more important for educators, students and parents
to understand the role of information technology in education today.

New technology is not only a subject in and of itself, but can be applied to any subject,
enhancing the learning experience and equipping students to join an increasingly
global workforce.

 Accessibility
 Mobile device that utilize information and communication technology
give students and teachers more sources of information, which makes
learning nearly anything more accessible.
 By connecting to the information and people to the internet, students
can collaborate with their peers both in the classroom and around the
world, leading to a more interactive and rich learning experience.

 Organization
 Digital ink is the major advance in information technology, and could
potentially save schools money while making it easier for faculty and
students to complete tasks.
 Teachers can enter grades and assignment updates on-line, rather than
in a paper grade-book.
 Libraries with digital database in place of a traditional card catalog make
their resources available for students to search anywhere with an
internet connection.
 Staff members can find and send transcript information and other
records quickly by accessing a digital filing system, saving time and

 Literacy
 With advancements in information and technology, teachers can increase
literacy and understanding in any subject.
 Lessons with audio and video components that directly engage students
reach more types of learners in comparison with traditional lecture
methods of teaching, encouraging more students to participate in class
and raising their level of understanding.
 New technology also helps disabled and disadvantaged students
participate in subjects they were once unable to join, thanks to assistive
programs and devices.

 Potential
 Information and communication technology opens the doors for better
distance learning programs, allowing those in disadvantaged areas to
have access to the same education as the priviledged.
 Because this technology makes information accessible from nearly any
location with a mobile device or laptop, courses can be more flexible,
meaning those with full schedules who may not have the time or
opportunity to further their education can choose to enroll in courses on-
line and complete assignments on their own time.
Information Technology in Philippine Education
 This legislative measure proposes to promote and support computer literacy
starting at the earliest grade level primarily in the public school system of the
 The proposal encourages the use of Information Technology (IT) i.e. computers,
telecommunications, etc. in order to upgrade and modernize the educational
system, enhance the quality education and achieve equity in the acquisition of
skills among all students.
 The proposal calls on the government to integrate information Technology
Education Program in the existing curricula of the public elementary and
secondary schools the entire country.
Building Competencies in Information Communcations Technology Mateo(2008)
presented the following DepEd ICT Competency Standards for Teachers (CST):
 Embrace the changes ICT will effect on teaching and learning
 Adopt a positive outlook and perceive ICT as an opportunity to develop their
pedagogy and professionalism in line with global trends in education
 Shift from being the traditional provider of knowledge to becoming the facilitator
of learning
 Try to become habitual users of ICT

Six (6) Domains in the DepEd ICT CST

 Pedagogy
 Administration and Supervision
 Assessment and Evaluation
 Teacher’s Professional Development
 Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human issues
Competency Levels Domain: ICT
Basic Have basic Knowledge of hardware and software, web browsers
and other multimedia devices.
Proficient Monitor, evaluate and facilitate students’ use of tools and
applications to collaborate, access information, and
communicate to analyze and solve problems.
Advance Model ICT learning processes, where students: -apply their
cognitive skills; need special attention; -fall below average; -
need tutorials; -remediation; -gifted that need special
organization and advanced lessons.

Competency Levels Domain: Pedagogy

Basic Use technology for classroom activities and presentations.
Select, use and develop appropriate instructional materials
using various online and offline sources.
Proficient Make use of networks, collaborate, create and manage complex
Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and
skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
Advanced Model and continuously learn and use ICT to create
applications and software and professional knowledge

Competency Level Domain: Organization and administration

Basic Use technology with the whole class, small groups, and
individual activities and assure equitable access.
Proficient Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all
students. Plan, promote and model safe and healthy use of
technology resources.
Advanced Facilitate students’ use of technology that addresses their
social needs and cultural identity.

Competency Level Domain: Assessment and evaluation

Basic Use ICT to set learning targets, collect data for assessment and
Monitor, evaluate and control students’ use of technology for
educational and recreational purposes.
Proficient Apply technology to facilitate a variety of appropriate
assessment and evaluation strategies to recognize diversity of
learners, and use results to refine design of learning activities.
Advanced Use computers and other technologies to effectively
communicate and collect information on student learning
using a variety of methods for assessment and evaluation.
Competency Level Domain: Teacher professional development
Basic Acquire technological skills for professional development. Use
tools and applications to: -develop instructional materials; -
communicate with students, parents, teachers, administrators
and others.
Proficient Use computers and other technologies to: -effectively and
appropriately to communicate information in a variety of
formats; -develop performance tasks that require students to
locate and analyze information; -use a variety of media to
communicate clearly.
Advanced Model self-directed attitude towards new content, applications
and software.
Experiment and continuously learn, use and experiment ICT to
create instructional materials and models.

Competency Level Domain: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues

Basic Understand and demonstrate the social, ethical, legal and
human issues surrounding the use of technology.
Proficient Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all
students. Plan, promote, model safe and healthy use of
technology resources.
Advanced Facilitate students’ use of technology that addresses their
social needs and cultural identity.

What ICT Brings to the Classroom

 Shared learning resources
 Shared learning spaces
 The promotion of collaborative learning
 The move towards autonomous learning

Integrating Educational Technology

The following are the levels of integration of Educational Technology inside the

A.) Sparse Technology is rarely used or available. Students rarely use

technology to complete assignments or projects.
B.) Basic Technology is used or available occasionally? Often in a lab rather
than the classroom. Students are comfortable with one or two
tools and sometimes use these tools to create projects that show
understanding of content.
C.) Comfortable Technology is used in the classroom on a fairly regular basis.
Students are comfortable with a variety of tools and often use
these tools to create projects that show understanding of content.
D.)Seamless Students employ technology daily in the classroom suign a variety
of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show a
deep understanding of content.

The difference between using technology and integrating technology

Using Technology Integrating Technology
Technology usage is random, arbitrary & Technology usage is planned &
often an afterthought purposeful
Technology is rare or sporadically used Technology is a routine part of the
in the classroom classroom environment
Technology is used purely for the sake of Technology is used to support curricular
using technology goals & learning objectives
Technology is used to instruct students Technology is used to engage students
in content with contents
Technology is mostly being used by the Technology is mostly being used by the
instructor/s student/s
Focus in simply using technologies Focus on using technologies to create
and develop new thinking processes
More instructional time is spent learning More instructional time is spent using
how to use the technology the technology to learn
Technology is used to complete lower Technology is used to encourage higher-
order thinking tasks1 order thinking skills
Technology is used solely by individuals Technology is used to facilitate
working alone collaboration in & out of the classroom
Technology is used to facilitate activities Technology is used to facilitate activities
that are feasible or easier without that would otherwise be difficult or
technology impossible
Technology is used to deliver information Technology is used to construct & build
Technology is peripheral to the learning Technology is essential to the learning
activity activity

Use of Technology in Education (

 Technology Infrastructure
 Research
 E-Learning
 Mobile Computing
 Social Networking

History of Education Technology

 Educational technology is a multifaceted and integrated processes involving
people, procedure, ideas, devices and organization, where technology from
different fields of science is borrowed as per the need and requirement of
education for implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those
problems involved in all aspects of human learning.
 Educational technology, broadly speaking, has passed through five stages
 First stage. Completed with the use of aids like charts, maps, symbols,
models, specimens and concrete materials. The term educational
technology was used as synonyms to audio-visual aids.
 Second stage. Associated with the ‘electronic revolution’ with the
introduction and establishment of sophisticated hardware and software.
Use of various audio-visual aids like projectors, magic lanterns, tape-
recorder, radio and television brought a revolutionary change in the
educational scenario.
 Third stage. Linked with the development of mass media which in turn
led to ‘communication revolution’ for instructional purposes. Computer
Assisted Instruction (CAI) used for education since 1950s also became
popular during this era.
 Fourth stage. Discernible by the individualized process of instruction.
The invention of programmed instruction provided a new dimension to
educational technology and teaching machines emerged.
 Fifth stage. Influenced by the concept of system engineering or system
approach which focuses on language laboratories, teaching machines,
programmed instruction, multimedia technologies and the use of
computer in instruction.

Rationale of Use of Technology

 Engagement
 Using technology involves the students in the learning process
 Students using technology become active in the learning process instead
of passive listeners.
 One-to-one technology enables access, manipulation, and presentation of
information and knowledge.
 It can be a very creative process, especially with multimedia.
 Using technology can reduce discipline problems if students are more
interested in their work.
 Technology allows students to take ownership of their work.

 Empowerment
 Using technology transforms the teacher from authority-expert to
facilitator when the students are guided to use technology to fine
answers online.
 Students are transformed from passive recipients of the teacher’s
knowledge to active participants in knowledge-seeking and knowledge –
 Teachers often learn new technology programs along with students.

 Access to Information & Communication

 The internet provides access to an incredible array of information
sources, media, and communications

 School-Home Connections
 Technology can offer increased accessibility if the students have
computer and internet access in their homes.
 Assignments, activities, assessments, multimedia, etc. can be provided
over the web and completed anywhere, providing for a wider range of
instructional opportunities for anytime anywhere learning.

 Differentiation
 Technology frequently provides greater opportunities for differentiation
for students.
 Computers targeted at multimedia applications showing pictures,
sounds, and videos are conducive to the learning styles of various
 Several software programs have exercises that are targeted at
differentiating to the various academic levels of students in the
classroom to improve areas of weakness.
 Transparency
 Student use of technology can make the thinking and problem-solving
process more transparent to the teacher.
 Digital files can provide documentation of the processes the student has
engaged in to solve problems.
 It is often easier to store and retrieve these files electronically than on
paper. Screen-monitoring software allows teachers to observe students in
the process of class work.
 Efficiency
 Using technology can reduce the workload on the teacher for mundane
tasks such as organization and distribution of electronic learning
materials, grading of multiple choice questions.
 Cooperative Grouping and Collaboration
 Educators frequently utilize cooperative grouping strategies and
technology integration at the same time since technology is very
conducive to group work, team problem-solving, etc.
 Having students work in partnerships or small groups with a computer
based activity as a guide allows students to work collaboratively to
complete a technology-based activity.
 Using technology allows for the free exchange of information.
 The widespread use of compatible text, presentation and image software
allows information to be exchanged more easily than ever before.
 Archiving
 Technology allows teachers to more efficiently save and document
student work for archival purposes.
 Whether students are working on a paper that is saved under their name
or scanning in classroom worksheets that identify where a student is in
their learning at a set point of time, technology gives the power to save
information in ways that are impossible through traditional means.
 Computers provide easy storage and access to students accumulating
portfolio of work.
 Students can better gauge their own progress and avoid repeating tasks
already accomplished.
 Preparation for College and Career
 With computers and various forms of technology moving more
prominently into the mainstream of typical life and business, it is
important to expose our students to different types of technology.
 Gaining experience in word processing, various software programs,
internet research, etc. are essential educational needs for students to
become successful in the workplace.
 Using technology allows for a smooth transition from school to work and
school to college.
 Reflection of Current Practice
 Using technology is familiar to today’s middle class students.
 Technology use is part of the normal learning process for many of these
students; it is in their “comfort zone” and highly integrated into their
non-school life in forms of gaming, messaging, cell phones, etc.
 For those students who are not conversant with technology in their non-
school life, the use of technology in school is critical.
 Problem-Solving and Project-Based Learning
 Developing deep competency using the problem solving environment
provided by the computer.
 Technology helps promote a positive shift towards project based, hands
on learning, away from lecture based learning.
 Lecture based learning will not, and should not disappear.
 The information manipulation environment provided by one-to-one
technology allows teachers to reduce their reliance on lecturing.

Subject-Area Reasons for Using Technology

 Writing Across the Curriculum
 Word processing software makes writing a significantly more enjoyable
process for student.
 Students will do more writing and revision when they have access to
word-processing software.
 Mathematics
 Can be made much richer and engaging by helping students explore
math with the aid of software tools like Spreadsheets (Excel)
 Science education can be greatly enhanced by the date gathering, data
analysis, and simulation software tools that run within the digital
workshop that computers provide.
 Historym, Social Studies and Current Events
 Instruction can be tremendously enriched by students having immediate
access to the vast wealth of information available on the Internet
including news, primary sources, and databases.
 Foreign Language
 Instruction success correlates highly with the time students are able to
spend in immersive environments.
 The multimedia capabilities of laptops allow students to spend more time
listening and speaking in the language f instruction.
 With the right software, and a set of headphones, a laptop can function
just like a language lab work station.
 Laptops also provide access, through the internet, to the media of the
countries where the language of instruction is the native language.
 Art, Music, and Drama
 Instruction is significantly enhanced when students use various software
programs to assist in the creation of artwork, music, scripts and digital
 Students can visit virtual museums, listen to or watch great
performances, and have their own music practiced supported and

Issues in Education and Technology

 The use of information and communications technology (ICT) is now a central
part of education provision and practice. Consider the following key questions
about education and technology.
 What is education technology – and why dies it matter?
 Is technology inevitably going to change education?
 What can history tell us about education and technology?
 Does technology improve learning?
 Does technology make learning fairer?
 Will technology replace the learner?
 Will technology replace the education institution?
 Is technology leading to the generation gap between learners and
 Education and technology – so what now?

Type of Instructional Materials

 What is an instructional material?
 Aid
 gives life to the subject matter
 Values and importance of Instructional Materials or Audiovisual Aids
 To help clarify important concepts
 To arouse and sustain student’s interests
 To give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences
necessary for new learning
 to help make learning more permanent
 Criteria for Selection of Instructional Materials
 Appropriateness
 Authenticity
 Interest
 Organization and Balance
 Cost
 Basic Guideline in the use of Instructional Materials or Audiovisual Aids
 Selecting the materials
 Preparing the class for the audiovisual experience
 Following up the audiovisual experience after its completion
 Various roles of instructional materials in the different modes of
 Mass Instruction
 Audiovisual and other instructional materials can be employed as
vehicles for mass instruction
 e.g. the use of visual aids, handouts or worksheets in a lecture or
taught lesson
 e.g. video or multimedia presentations or off-air broadcasts.
 Individualized Learning
 The materials themselves constitute the vehicle whereby
instruction takes place.
 Materials should be designed and produced with the greatest case
 Group Learning
 the emphasis is usually very much on the approach and technique
rather than a reliance on specific types of hardware or courseware.
 Any courseware that is required for such an exercise should be
cery carefully designed, since it can play a key role in making sure
that the exercise runs smoothly.
 Kinds of Instructional Materials or Audiovisual Aids
 Printed Materials
 Textbooks
 Supplemental Materials
 Workbooks
 Duplicated Outlines
 Teacher-prepared study guides
 Reference Books
 Pamphlets
 Magazine Articles
 Newspaper

 Audio Aids
 Radio
 Phonograph
 Tape Recorders

 Visual Aids
 Chalkboard
 Still Pictures
 Non-projected
 Photographs
 Illustrations
 Projected
 Slides
 Filmstrips
 Opaque projections
 Overhead projections
 LCD projections
 Graphic Materials
 Charts
 Graphs
 Maps and Globes
 Posters
 Exhibits
 School-made displays
 Bulletin boards
 Museums
 Fannel board and Felt board
 Objects
 Specimens
 Realias
 Models
 Audiovisual Aids
 Motion pictures
 Television
 Videotape
 Demonstrations
 Community Resources
 Field trips
 Resource persons
 Language laboratory
 Programmed instructions

Factors affecting selection of Media Instruction

 Cause Objectives and Content Factors
 Be sure to make course content and objectives the starting point for your
media selection
 Use real objects instead specially prepared instructional media
 Because these objects are known to you, you will find them easy to
present to your students. Examples:
 In a geography, geology, or metallurgy lecture, you should show
your students the real rock type rather than a slide or photo of it.
 In a biology or physiology lecture on respiration, animal lungs and
hearts form the local abattoir will serve better than slides or worse
still, trying to describe these structures and processes verbally.
 Anthropology students will appreciate the evolution of the human
skull if they have a real skull in front of them rather than only
slides or photographs of it.

 Learner and Lecturer Factors

 Students factors include their preferences, perceptual difficulties,
experiences and background (rural, urban), interests, level of motivation,
individual differences, physical disabilities and others (Laver, 1990: 156)
 Students from rural backgrounds may initially have difficulty
interpreting moods and emotions from photographs, films and video
clips, whereas this is easy for town dwellers who have grown up watching
TV and video.
 As the teacher, you will influence media through your own skills,
knowledge, attitude, and preferences.
 Material Factors
 These often affect the budget
 Consequently, shortages of equipment such as projectors, television sets,
videos, computers and teaching materials such as handouts, study
guides, textbooks, transparencies, slides and films will greatly affect your
media selection.
 If you are convinced of the necessity for media, you should try and get
them or find substitutes, which may not be as good as originals, but are
better than nothing.

How to overcome Resistance to Change in Media Utilization

One of the biggest sources of change in today’s workplace is the introduction of

new information and communications technology (ICT).

Here are some ways to overcome the implementation of technology:

 Communicate Early – Managing change is first and foremost about
communicating with the user.
 Communicate Often – Change is difficult with people especially when it involves
areas of expertise and prerogative. That’s why the school needs to make sure
they are being as open as possible and communicating consistently about
what’s happening.
 Explain what’s in it for them – It’s important to explain why the new technology
is being implemented and discuss how it will affect the teaching – learning
 Ensure Management Buy-in – A successful technology implementation starts
with the whole-hearted commitment of the administrators.
 Provide Adequate Training – Keep in mind that many teachers are not savvy
about technology and, in fact may be intimidated by it. Besides effective
communications, high quality training is a must for ensuring that employees
cope well with the changes and make a smooth transition to the new order.
 Get them involved – Involved key persons in system selection and
implementation. Ask for opinions on what’s needed and then involve them in
supplier interviews and system demonstrations.
 lock and Exits – once you’ve communicated with the teachers sought their
feedback and provided adequate training then it’s time to proceed


Shortcuts Descriptions
Ctrl+0 Toggles 6pts of spacing before a paragraph
Ctrl+A Select all contents of the page
Ctrl+B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl+C Copy selected text
Ctrl+D Open the font preferences window
Ctrl+E Aligns the line or the selected text to the center of the screen
Ctrl+F Open find box
Ctrl+I Italic highlighted selection
Ctrl+J Aligns the selected text to the left of the screen
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl+L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen
Ctrl+M Indent the paragraph
Ctrl+N Opens new, blank document window
Ctrl+O Opens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open
Ctrl+P Open the print window
Ctrl+R Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen
Ctrl+S Save the open document. Just like shift+F12
Ctrl+T Create a hanging indent
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+W Close the currently open document
Ctrl+X Cut selected text
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action performed
Ctrl+Z Undo last action
Ctrl+Shift+L Quickly create a bullet point
Ctrl+Shift+F Change the font
Ctrl+Shift+> Increase selected font +1pt up to 12pt and then increase font
Ctrl+] Increase selected font +1pt
Ctrl+Shift+< Decrease selected font -1pt if 12pt or lower, if above 12, decreases
font by 2pts
Ctrl+[ Decrease selected font -1pts
Ctrl+’+<char> Insert a character with an accent (grave) mark, where <char> is
the character you want. For example, if you wanted an accented è
you would use Ctrl+’+ as your shortcut key. To reverse the accent
mark, open on the tilde key.
Ctrl+Shift+* View or hide non printing characters
Ctrl+<left Moves one word to the left
Ctrl+<right Moves one word to the right
Ctrl+<up Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph
Ctrl+<down Moves to the end of the paragraph
Ctrl+Del Deletes word to right of cursor
Ctrl+Backspace Deletes word to left of the cursor
Ctrl+End Moves the cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl+Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+Spacebar Reset highlighted text to the default font
Ctrl+1 Single-space lines
Ctrl+2 Double-space lines
Ctrl+5 1.5-line spacing
Ctrl+Alt+1 Changes text to heading 1
Ctrl+Alt+2 Changes text to heading 2
Ctrl+Alt+3 Changes text to heading 3
Alt+Ctrl+F2 Open new document
Ctrl+F1 Open the task pane
Ctrl+F2 Display the print preview
Ctrl+Shift+> Increases the selected text size by one font size
Ctrl+Shift+< Decreases the selected text size by one font size
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switches to another open Microsoft Word document
Ctrl+Shift+F12 Prints the document
F1 Open help
F4 Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
F5 Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word
F7 Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document
F12 Save as
Shift+F3 Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or
a capital letter at the beginning of every word
Shift+F7 Runs a Thesaurus check selected text or document
F12 Save as
Shift+Enter Create a soft break instead of a new paragraph
Shift+Insert Paste
Shift+Alt+D Insert the current date
Shift+Alt+T Insert the current time
You can also utilize the mouse to perform some common actions. The following
section contains examples of mouse shortcuts.
Mouse Descriptions
Click, hold, Select text from where you click and hold to the point you drag
and drag and let go
Double-click If double-clicking a word, selects the complete word
Double-click Double-clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line makes
the alignment of the text left, center or right aligned.
Double-click Double-clicking anywhere after text after text on a line will set a
tab stop
Triple-click Selects the line or paragraph of the text that the mouse triple-
clicked on
Ctrl+Mouse Zooms in and out of the document
Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel. See the computer
shortcut page of you are looking for shortcut keys used in other programs.
F2 Edit the selected cell
F3 After a name has been created, F3 will paste names
F4 Repeat last action. For example, if you change the color of text in
another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same
F5 Go to a specific cell. For example, C6.
F7 Spell check selected text or document.
F11 Create chart from selected data.
Ctrl+Shift+; Enter the current time
Ctrl+; Enter the current date
Alt+Shift+F1 Insert New Worksheet
Alt+Enter While typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter will move to the next
line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
Shift+F3 Open the Excel formula window
Shift+F5 Bing up search box
Ctrl+1 Open the Formula Cells Window
Ctrl+A Select all contents of the worksheet
Ctrl+B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl+I Italic highlighted selection
Ctrl+K Insert link
Ctrl+S Save the open worksheet
Ctrl+U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl+D Fill down. Fills the cell beneath with the content of the selected
cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press
Ctrl+Shift+Down to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+D to fill
them with the contents of the original cell.
Ctrl+R Fill right. Fills the cell to the right with the contents of the selected
cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press
Ctrl+Shift+Right to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+R to fill
them with the contents of the original cell.
Ctrl+1 Change the format of selected cells
Ctrl+5 Strikethrough highlighted selection
Ctrl+P Bring up the print dialog box to begin the printing process
Ctrl+Z Undo last action
Ctrl+F3 Open Excel Name Manager
Ctrl+F9 Minimize current window
Ctrl+F10 Maximize currently selected window
Ctrl+F6 Switch between open workbooks or windows
Ctrl+Page up Move between work sheets in the same document
Ctrl+Page down Move between work sheets in the same document
Ctrl+Tab Move between Two or more open Excel files
Alt+= Create a formula to sum all of the above cells
Ctrl+’ Insert the value of the above cell into the cell currently selected
Ctrl+Shift+1 Format number in comma format
Ctrl+Shfit+4 Format number in currency format
Ctrl+Shift+3 Format number in date format
Ctrl+Shfit+5 Format number in percentage format
Ctrl+Shift+6 Format number in scientific format
Ctrl+Shift+2 Format number in time format
Ctrl+Arrow key Move to next section of text
Ctrl+Space Select entire column
Ctrl+- Delete the selected column or row
Ctrl+Shift+= Insert a new column or row
Ctrl+Home Move to cell A1
Ctrl+~ Swhitch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells

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