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1:16 pw.

James: I'm really IoekiTg forward to he awards ceremony for Felicia tonight.

: Me too. I've never been to the Westbright Restaurant before. Actually, |

was wondering what we should wear. Would our normal office clothing be

Aicha: This reminds me of something. There was a card going around the
ofcs yesterday for Felicia, to congratulate her. We were hoping to give to


164. What will Felicia moet likely do today?

(A) Celebrate her retirement
(B) Take potential clients out for a meal
(C) Open a new branch of a company
(D) Receive an award
165. AL1:17 pu. what does Aicha most likely
mean when she writes, “Well, some of us .
(A) The number of atiendees from their
group will be limited.
(B) No one from another department will
(C) She thinks James should change his plans.
(D) She wants James to send her some

166. What does Kate ask about an event?

(A) Where ts venue is
(B) How to dress for it
(C) Who will be its host
(D) When it will likely end
167. What is suggested about James?
(A) He is a new employee
(B) He ate lunch with Kate,
(C) He was notin the office yesterday.
(D) He works in a different department.

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