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Computing Mathematics Week 16/17

Diploma in IT / CSF / DS / IM / CICTP 2 Hours
Year 1 (2022/23) Semester 1
Revision Exercise 2

Group: Student No: Student Name:


Continuous Probability Distributions & Normal Distribution

(Lt 8 & Lt 9)

1. The graph of the probability density function f(x) of a continuous random variable x is
given in the figure shown below.

(a) Show that the value of c = ½.

(b) Find the probability that the random variable will take a value
(i) between 0 and 2

(ii) between 2 and 5

(iii) equal to 4


f(x) = 8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

CM Yr 1 AY22/23 Sem 1 Week 16/17 Revision Exercise 2
Last update: 25/07/22
Official Open

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(c) If the probability density function g(x) is defined as follows for all real numbers,
find the value of k.
8 for 0  x  3
If g(x) = k for 3  x  11

0 for all other values of x.

[2009 CM/BS Test 2 m(c)]

2. (a) The figure below shows the graph of the probability distribution of a continuous
random variable X that takes on values in the interval from 0 to 8.

(i) Find P(X < 4) and P(X = 2.5)

(ii) Show that m = 0.1

(iii) If P(0 < X < a) = 0.85, find the value of a.



4 8

(b) The probability density function of a continuous random variable X is f(x) and the
function is defined as
f (x )= for 0≤x ≤12



Find P(X ≥ 8).

CM Yr 1 AY22/23 Sem 1 Week 16/17 Revision Exercise 2
Last update: 25/07/22
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[2008 CM/BS Test 2 Q5]

3. (a) For a large dairy farm, the amount of milk (in litre) produced per day by each cow
is normally distributed.
If the amount of milk produced by each cow in a day is 12 litres on average and
has a standard deviation of 2 litres, find the probability that a randomly selected
cow produces in a day

(i) less than 14 litres of milk;

(ii) at least 15 litres of milk;

(iii) anywhere between 14 litres to 16 litres of milk.

(b) If the probability of a selected cow producing less than xa litres of milk in a day is
0.695. Find the value of xa.
[2005 CM/BS Test 2 Q6]

(b) Cartons of fruit juice are such that the volume of contents are normally distributed
with mean 1010 ml and standard deviation 7 ml.
Find the probability that a particular carton contains
(i) more than 1030 ml,

(ii) less than 1000 ml,

The label on the carton states that the carton must contain 1 litre of fruit juice.
How many cartons in a batch of 2000 would be expected to contain less than
this amount.?

Given that 8% of the cartons are rejected for containing too much juice, find the
maximum volume, to the nearest ml, that a carton must contain if it is to be
[2007 CM/BS Revision Ex 2 Q10(b)]

5. Given that X ~ N(μ, σ2), P(X < 10) = 0.03 and P(X > 16) = 0.24, compute μ and σ.
[2017 CM Tutorial 9

CM Yr 1 AY22/23 Sem 1 Week 16/17 Revision Exercise 2
Last update: 25/07/22
Official Open

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Appendix I – Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution Z-Table

CM Yr 1 AY22/23 Sem 1 Week 16/17 Revision Exercise 2
Last update: 25/07/22
Official Open

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CM Yr 1 AY22/23 Sem 1 Week 16/17 Revision Exercise 2
Last update: 25/07/22

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