Title Build Network Topology and Configure Static Routing in Network Topology. (CLO-4, PLO-9)

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Build network topology and Configure

static routing in network topology.
[CLO-4, PLO-9]

Lab Number : 08

NAME : ___________________

ROLL NO : ___________________

Computer Network Lab Page 1



LAB 08 [CLO-4, PLO-9]

Psychomotor Skill Level: P4

Category Excellent (90-100) Good (70-90) Satisfactory (50- Unsatisfactory

% % 70) % (0-50) %

Simulation All tasks correctly Some tasks Inaccuracies in Most tasks

Results performed. incorrect. many tasks. performed
(5) incorrectly.

Lab Report Professionally Report with Report with some Unprofessionally

(10) Written report with some greater report with
accurate results and inaccuracies in inaccuracies in incorrect results
conclusions. All result and result and and conclusions.
tasks included conclusion. conclusions. Many Most tasks
Some tasks tasks missing. missing.

Computer Network Lab Page 2


 Configure a Network topology using packet tracer software.
 Set Baud rate of router to ensure intra communication
 Packet Tracer Software.

Physical Connection:

This simulation activity is intended to provide a foundation how more than two routers
are connected and communicate with each other.
As you see two routers are connected with each other, this type of configuration is easily
understandable if you think that you are going to connected two setups of a company
with each other located in two different cities. Suppose Router0 is in city A and Router1
is in city B and company want to connect both setup with each other for any purpose.
This activity provides an opportunity to connect two setups with each other using packet
tracer software.
1. You need to construct the above circuit and assign IPs to all PCs connected.
2. Assign IPs to all PCs with
Default gateway as for Network 1
Default gateway as for Network 2
3. Assign IPs to routers and serial ports as well. IP can be assigned manually or by
CLI command window. Set clock rate of Serial Port (Se 2/0 ports) of Routers
as “64000”.

Computer Network Lab Page 3


Now the topology is connected as required.

Now if you send PDU from one PC0 to PC2 or PC3, it might be shown as failed, then
you need to do some more setting as well.

Router0 Setting:
a. Click Router0 then the CLI tab. Go to global configuration mode.
b. Now by using command update routing table
ip route (Network address) (Subnet mask) (next hop)
ip route
Router1 Setting:
a. Click Router1 then the CLI tab. Go to global configuration mode.
b. Now by using command update routing table
ip route (Network address) (Subnet mask) (next hop)
ip route

Now send PDU from PC1 to PC2 or PC3 it will travel, and connection is established
correctly, and you can check through ping command.

Post Lab Question to Answer:

1. What is routing explain in your word?
2. What is static routing and write 3-4 advantages.
3. Why don’t switches need IP address?

Computer Network Lab Page 4

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