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Market share

Name: Alejandro León

Grade: 1ro “D”

Date: 2022-12-4

What is a market share?

The market share is an indicator that evaluates the amount of market and identify the

total sales of the time generated in the market, also show the strengths of a company and also

show the weaknesses of each company.

The market share also helps companies, by calculating your market value you can

create growth strategies, make better decisions, etc.

How calculate it?

1. Set the analysis interval and measurement target.

Set the time period to analyse before calculating market share. You can run two

calculations to compare your business when it was founded a few years ago and your current


In principle these are annual or quarterly periods, you decide. However, make sure

you choose key moments when you are looking for market share or help to increase your

exposure. Analyse your options and think about what you want to measure. Premium is

different from the basic client software licence.

2. Look at your total revenue for this period.

Collect numbers that reflect sales during the selected time period. Remember: Only

consider the equivalent of the revenue generated by offering your product or service. You

choose what to sell (units) and what to charge (currency value) I can do it.

3. Find the total market return for this period.

Some companies divide the revenue from sales each year. Alternatively, your country

may have regulators that show this type of data by industry. Make sure you have access to

up-to-date and reliable information. This allows the calculations to truly understand your

working environment and help you make worthwhile decisions.

4. Calculate your market share percentage.

Now that we have two pieces of data, we just need to perform a very simple



If Company A has $1 million in sales and total market sales are $10 million, then Company
A's market share is 10%.

Auza, O. J. (2021, September 20). Market Share en Marketing: Qué es y Cómo se

Calcula. Oscar Auza | Marketing Speaker.


¿Qué es market share y cómo calcularlo? (2015, November 23). Negocios

digitales Movistar.


Sordo, A. I. (2022, March 2). Participación de mercado o market share: qué

es y cómo se calcula.


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