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Shobhit Dave
 Ayurveda- The science of life and healthy well
being consists of 8 branches and Agadtantra is
one of them
 The detailing of Visha (Poison), its
classification, diseases caused by it, different
treatment principles, preventive measures of
Visha (Poison) has been done.
 There are references quoted in Atharvaveda about
the morbid conditions arising due to various poisons
and their antidotes
 Example- Jangamvisha for the Sthavaravisha and
vice versa.
 Treating different poisons by reciting the sacred
garud mantra in the treating of snake bite.
 In the conversation between the Kashyapa and
Nalanda, there was conversation of Visha.
 Bheema was given poison which was nullified by the
 Charak Samhita- Chikitsasthana Chapter 23.
 Sushrut Samhita- Kalpasthana
 Ashtanga Hrudaya/Sangraha- Uttarstahana
 Charak has quoted that any medicine when mixed with
the Visha will be more potent and will act faster.
“yaaoogaadip ivaYaM tIxNamau<maM BaoYajaM Bavaot È
BaoYajaM caaip duya-u@tma\ tIxNaM saMpVto ivaYama\” ÈÈ
[Ch. Su. 1/40]

 It is said that Visha when mixed with the Amrut will be
more potent than thee normal one.
 Usage of multiple poisons for preparation of medicines
along with Shodhan is described.
Agad + Tantra= Agadtantra

A +Gada
‘Gada’ (gad\ )
‘Ach’ (Aca\)

Any morbid
due to
 Agada means the medicines and modalities
which are used to combat the ill effects of
 It has been called as Danshtra chikitsa by some
“……kayabaalaga`haoQ-vaaMgaSalyadMYT/ajaravaRYaana\ È”
 Tantra-
 ~ayato SarIrma\ Anaona [it tn~ma\ È
Science through which the positive health of an
individual is preserved.

Hence Agadtantra deals with the study of poisons,

their actions, their detection and treatment.
 According to classical Ayurvedic texts it is
defined as-

“Agadtn~M naama sap-kITlaUtamaUYakaiddYTivaYavyaHjaaqa-

[Su. Su. 1/14]
 According to Sushrut, Agadtantra is the branch
of Ayurved that deals with signs and
symptoms and managements of poisoning
occuring as the consequences of-
1.Bites of Snakes, insects, worms, rodents and
other animals.
2.Various types of poisons, their addition into
edibles and improper combinations of food,
substances and drugs.
 As per the Harita, Agadtantra is given the
name Vishatantra-
“sap-vaRiScaklaUtanaaM ivaYaaopSamanaI tU yaaÈ
saa ik`yaa ivaYatn~M ca\ naama p`ao@taÁ manaIiYaiBaÁ”ÈÈ
[Ha. Pr. 2/18]
The branch of Ayurveda that deals with the
treatment of the poisoning which is result of
bites of Snake, scorpion, spiders.
 Agadtantra is very vast, hence it shall be studied
via different parameters such as-

1. Classification- There is need to know the divisions and

subdivisions, its merits, demerits, qualities, properties,
signs and symptoms, etc. of the visha for concluding
diagnosis and the treatment principles.

2. The character or nature of the poison- This is important

regarding nature of poison as it effects vital organs and
vital points (marma). in which mixed symptoms can be
manifested of visha and Marmaghata.
3. Clinical features- The effect of visha on the living
beings w.r.t its upsurge and post-upsurge signs, the
complications which proves its utility to asses the
stage and toxicity of the poison.
4. Diagnosis- It is of utmost importance to understand
the duration, intensity of signs and symptoms,
stages of visha and differential diagnosis.
5.Management of the poisoning case- The physician
shall be aware of manifestation, their management,
therapeutic dose, FD, FP to facilitate him to
conclude whether the condition is Sadhya or
 Toxicology is the branch of science that deals
with the poisons w.r.t their-
 Sources
 Characters
 Properties
 Symptoms and signs caused when administered via
various routes such as (Ingestion, Inhalation,
Injection and application).
 Fatal dose
 Fatal period
 Management of cases of poisoning.
 Clinical Toxicology mainly deals with diseases
caused by or associated with abnormal
exposure to poisonous substances (Plants,
animal , chemicals).

 Toxicology refers to the toxins produced by the

living organisms which are dangerous to
 The Egyptians and greek knew that certain
plants can inflict death on a victim.
 Greek philosopher Socrates was executed by
the state through the use of Hemlock (Conium
 Around 200 BC, first greek handbook on
poisons was written which had description
about Opium, henbane, fungi, aconite and
other substances
 In ancient India, the poisons such as Arsenic,
aconite and Opium were known. They were
used by women to get rid of oppressive
 Story of Bheem as quoted earlier.
 ‘Poison maiden’ or ‘Visha Kanya’ was sent to
Chandragupta Maurya by the minster of
Nanda which was however diverted.
 In Mohammedian times, poisoning was
considered capital Punishment.
 The first Textbook on poison was written by
Matthew Joseph Orfila, he is regarded as father
of Toxicology.
Toxicon + Logus = Toxicology

Poisonous substance Study

used on Arrow heads
 The term Toxicon connotes unwanted effects
created by certain substances.
 Extent or severity of the effect may vary.
 The substance inflicting the toxic effect may be
drug, insecticide, pesticide or any other
substance in the enviornment.
Speciality Major Functional components
Clinical Causation, diagnosis and management of poisoning in
Pharmacological Assesing the toxicity of therapeutic agents.
Forensic Establishing cause of death or its toxication in humans, by
analytical procedures and with particular reference to legal
Occupational Assesing the potential of adverse effects from chemicals in
the occupational enviornment and the recommendation of
appropriate precautionary measures .
Enviornental Assesing the toxic effects of Pollutants.
Regulatory Administrative functions concerned with the development
and interpretation of mandatory toxicology programs wrt
availability, distribution and use of chemicals commercilaly
and therapeutically.
Laboratory Design and cnduct, in- vivo and in-vitro toxicology testing
Speciality Major Functional components

Product Assessing the potential for adverse effects from

commercially produced chemicals and
formulations and recommendation on use
patterns and protective and precautionary
Aquatic Assessing the toxicity on aquatic animals of
chemicals discharged into marine and fresh
Toxinology Assessing the toxicity of substance of plant and
animal origin and produced by pathogenic

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