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1. Apple’s Internationalization Strategy for its products.

2. Localization or Adaptation? Which is the best Internationalization Strategy?

3. The impact of Ethics and CSR on MNCs
4. The most popular mistakes startups make today.
5. Understanding the Foreign Exchange Markets
6. Analysis of the strategy used by GM.
7. The Entry Mode of Coca-Cola in Cuba.
8. The role of government in international trade
9. Modes of entry by MNCs in the emerging markets
10. Impacts of Coronavirus epidemic on international business processes
11. Impacts of globalization of international business operations of MNCs
12. Impacts of culture on MNCs
13. Modes of entry by MNCs in the emerging markets
14. Total Quality Management by Toyota
15. Factors affecting the performance of regional businesses
16. The role of regional trade blocs
17. Impacts of social media marketing on Apple
18. Lessons from the businesses that have failed in the international market
19. Impacts of employee motivation on firm performance
20. Effective business communication channels when internationalizing
21. Impacts of organizational culture on innovation management
22. Causes of employee turnover and how to address them
23. Forms of financing available for emerging small and medium business enterprises
24. The importance of the IMF and the World Bank in the global economy
25. Role of international relations in facilitation international business
26. Toyota’s internationalization strategy
27. Market value and Sustainability of Coca-cola
28. Internationalization strategy of Samsung Company
29. Role of technology in an internationalization strategy
30. Corporate Social Responsibility comparison of Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft
31. Analysis of the international furniture market
32. Leadership and Succession planning at Google
33. Factors to consider when doing business in the UAE
34. Role of social media marketing for Ford company
35. The entry of Disney into the Chinese market
36. What made Walmart successful globally?
37. The factors that have made KFC successful globally
38. Importance of corporate leadership in international business
39. Role of governments in international trade
40. How foreign exchange rates affect overseas business operations of MNCs
41. Analysis of Amazon as a successful Internet global company
42. Acquisition of Jaguar and Landover by TATA company
43. Challenges and promises of expatriate employees in an international strategy
44. Quality management in the international markets
45. Impacts of privatization of businesses in the international markets
46. Role of branding in the international tourism industry
47. Important things to keep in mind regarding human resource management in an
international business set up.
48. Role of digital marketing in international business growth
49. Problems of financing international trade

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