Dodatkov Vpravi Do Pdrychnika

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A Civilised Society Dive 2

9. Relaxation. Do you want to know what person you are? Do this survey.
Some teenagers say that they don’t worry about problems. Choose the alterna-
tive that describes your likes, dislikes or the way you feel best. Read the results.
1. A. I sometimes like to do things that are a little frightening.
B. Sensible people avoid dangerous activities.
C. I love being terrified!
2. A. I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it.
B. It’s fun to dive or jump right into the ocean or a cold river.
C. I won’t go into the water unless it’s warm.
3. A. When I go on holiday, I want a decent room and a bed at least.
B. I like going camping without conversations of everyday life.
C. I expect a bit of luxury on holiday.
4. A. My friends are pretty crazy.
B. I prefer calm conversational people.
C. I like having a mix of friends of different types.
5. A. I think it would be really exciting to do a parachute jump.
B. Jumping out of a plane, with or without a parachute, is crazy.
C. I’d consider doing a parachute jump if I had proper training.
6. A. I think it would be fine to be hypnotised.
B. I wouldn’t mind to be hypnotised by a professional.
C. I would like to be in the power of a hypnotist.
7. A. People who ride motorbikes must have some kind of uncon-
scious desire to hurt themselves.
B. Riding a motorbike at a high speed is one of the most exciting
things you can do.
C. Motorbikes are just another means of transport.
Add up your total and see if the person described below sounds like you:

1 1 0 2
2 1 2 0
3 1 2 0
4 2 0 1
5 2 0 1
6 2 1 0
7 0 2 1
1—3. You like your comfort most and you will do everything possible
to avoid dangerous or unpredictable situations. Why not try taking a
risk now and then? You might surprise yourself!
4—6. You are cautious and sensible at all times. You occasionally
think about breaking out of your normal routine, but you don’t gen-
erally go through with it. Why not do something different and more
exciting with a friend?
7—10. You seem to have found a very good balance between healthy
excitement and unnecessary risk. You give yourself challenges, which
make you an interesting person to know.
11—14. You are a bit of a wild one. Watch out to start taking stupid
or dangerous risks, just for the buzz. Remember, it can become an

Food for Life Dive 7
11. Work in pairs. Interview your partner using this “Quiz”. Do it in turns
and rank each other. It will help you to become healthier and happier.

Quiz “Your Nutrition”

1. How many meals do you eat a day?
A. Six or five small meals — 6.
B. Three meals — 3.
C. One or two meals — 0.
2. Do you eat regular times during the day, not too early or not too
A. Almost always — 6.
B. Usually — 3.
C. Seldom — 0.
3. How many servings of fruit and vegetables do you usually have a
A. Five or more — 6.
B. Two to four — 3.
C. One or none — 0.
4. How much fatty food do you eat?
A. Very little — 6.
B. About average — 3.
C. A lot — 0.
5. Do you take vitamins every day?
A. Always — 6.
B. Often — 4.
C. Sometimes — 2.
6. Do you take more vitamins when you are sick?
A. Yes — 4.
B. No — 2.
Your fitness
7. Which phrase describes your fitness programme best?
A. Both weight training and aerobic exercises — 6.
B. Weight training or aerobic exercises only — 3.
C. None — 0.
8. How important is your fitness programme for you?
A. Very important — 6.
B. Somewhat important — 3.
C. Not very important — 0.

Your health
9. Which phrase describes your weight best?
A. Within 3 kg is my ideal weight — 6.
B. Within 4,5 kg is my ideal weight — 3.
C. More than 5,5 kg over or under — 0.
10. How often do you do a complete physical examination?
A. Once a week — 6.
B. Every two or three years — 3.
C. Almost never go to the doctor — 0.

Total points: _______

Rank your partner

55 to 70 points: Super job! Keep up the good work!
35 to 54 points: Good job! Your health and fitness are above average!
15 to 34 points: Your health and fitness are below average. Try to
learn more about health and fitness.
14 and below: You seem to be out of shape. Now it’s time to start
making changes. See your doctor or another professional if you need.

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