Programme Anglais Et Rappel

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22th december 2022

Jeudi 8/12/2022
Programme d’étude lic2/A
I. Few talks about the informatic foundamentals
 The informatic ( definitions )
 The computers and the compoments
 The network ( definition )
 Importance of the network
 The types of networks

II. The sentence

 Joining sentences
 Sequences of sentences
 Types of sentences
 If clauses

III. Translation of « chez »

IV. Idiomatic use of some verbs
V. Some rules about some ordinal verbs
I)- Few talks about the informatic fundamentals :
1. The informatic :
The informatic is the set of scientific methodes and the specific
applicable technics to the treatment of informatic chiefly due
( effectué ) by the automatic means.
It is at least a treatment of informations and the management of the
instrument or the programs. The informatic is also be interpreted as a
science of automatic treatment and rationnal of information.
2. The definition of the computer :
A computer is an electronic machine that permits to stock some data,
that is to say (c’est à dire(i.e)) information and to treat then to the
22th december 2022

users demand in order to produce a precise result. It is essentially

decomposed in two parts which are : hardware and software
Hardware which is a material or physical part of a computer where
as software is the logicial part of a computer.
3. The network :
The network is a set of bould computer facility the some,the other that
allow the users to exchange the information and shared of the material
as a printer.
4. Types of the network :
We can distinguish many classes of network chiefly three as taking
like criteria out distances it :
 LAN (Local Area Network )
 MAN ( Metropolitan Area Nework )
 WAN ( World/wide Area Network )
 PAN ( Personal Area Network )
 VPN ( virtual Private Network )
 SAN ( System Area Network )
 SAN ( Storage Area Network )
 EPS ( Entreprise Private System )
 CAN ( Campus Area Network )
 WIFI ( Wireless Fidelity )
 WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network )
 VLAN ( Virtual Local Area Network )
A computer which is an electronic machine is composed of a
central unit and the peripheral organs. they are two systems for the
using of a computer :
the system mono_user where only one user can be connected
to the system eg : windows 7, windows 8, windows 10,
windows 11, windows xp, Mac os.
The system multi_user whrere several users can be connected
simultaneously to the system. There are systems oh type server.
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5. The internet :
The internet is a world computer network constituted all over the
world of mesh (maillage ) of networks interconnected computer
ressources ( national and regional )
6. Importance of the internet :
Internet is composed itself as the tool of communication and
information. Internet severs to :
Communicate instantaneously which friends, the nears or
unknown, without geographical limitation ( Cat, IP, Telephony,
dscussion video ).
Share and discover center of interets, the points of view.
Entretain while looking at the videos, listening or playing to
Win of the time while buying on sits marchands.
Be informed more or less about all topics of detailled manner.
Do administrative steps.
22th december 2022


I- Definition
By definition, a sentence is a set of words, a unit of thoughts.
A sentence is a means by which one person tries to meake clear to an
other, what he/she feels or thinks…

II- Types of sentences

They are three types of sentences.
Among them, a simple sentence ; a compound sentence ; and a
complex sentence.
a) A simple sentence
It expresses only one idea. A simple sentence contains one subjet, one
verb and one predicate i.e a complement
e.g : Someone knocked at the door
b) the compound sentence
A compound sentence contains more than one idea.
All the ideas expressed in a compound sentence are on equal value.
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e.g : Someone knocked at the door and waited for an answer.(Here are
two actions : someone knocked at the door.
c) A complex sentence
It contains one main idea called the main clause and one or more
second ideas called the subordinate clauses (Proposition subordonné
ou secondaire).
e.g : As soon as he arrived at home,(sub clause) / the man
knocked at the door. (main clause)
We know (sub clause) /that he was wrong (main clause)

II) joining sentences

The words which are used combine sentences are called
« Conjunctions »
The main conjunction used to form compund sentences are : And, but,
so, whereas, yet, either…or, meither…nor, as soon as, inspite of, in
order to, however, despite, because of, even if, the fact that…
e.g : Both my wife and i went out yesterday.
Not only he came late, but he made noise in class.
He goes to school inspite of he is sick
III. tenses
There are four main groups tenses in english.
They are : the present tenses,the past and the perfect tenses,the future
tenses and the conditional tenses.

V) The tenses

1) present

a) simple present
e.g :i work here
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b) present continous
e.g : i am working here

2) past and perfect tenses :

Simple past/preterit
e.g : he worked here

b)past continuous
e.g : i was working

c) present perfect
e.g : i have worked

d) past perfect/plu-perfect
e.g : i had worked

3)future tenses :
a)simple future
e.g : i shall work

b) future continuous
e.g : I will be working
c) Future perfect
e.g : i will have worked
d) Future perfect continuous
e.g : I will have been working
4) Conditional tenses
a) Simple conditional
e.g : I would work
b) Conditional continuous
e.g : I would be working
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c) Conditional perfect 
e.g : I’d have worked
VII) Sequences of tenses (concordance des temps)
We can distinguish three main types of sequencies of tenses in English
Type 1 : when the main verb is in the past, all dependent verbs must
be in the past too.
e.g : he phoned to say that, he couldn’d come
she thought he was rigth
type 2 : after the words
when, before, until, as soon as, less, after, we don’t use the simple
future tense. These words should be foolowed by the simple present or
the present perfect tense
e.g : i shall let you know when i see him
we’ll remain in class, until we finish our work
he will get very angry as soon as he hear about this
type  3  :the clauses ‘’if’’ :we can distinguish three basics forms
form 1  : when the verb of the main clause is in simple present
future ,the verb of the sub. Clause is in simple present tense
e.g :if you blame her/she will return back
e.g : if she invites me/i will accept
Sub :clause main clause
Form 2 :when the verb of the main clause is in the simple
conditionnal,the verb of sub.clause is in the simple past tense
e.g :if he invited me to go out,/ i would not accept
sub.clause main.clause
form 3 : when the verb of the main clause is in the conditionnal
perfect ,the verb oh the subdinate clause is the past perfect
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e.g :i would have gone /if he had inveted me

main clause sub clause

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