Student NR: 46221476 Surname: Van Tonder (Goosen) Name: Sanet Cell Phone Number: 0716849840 Group: 73T Unique Number: 525888 TA: Mrs Jacoba Coetzee

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Assignment 2

Student nr: 46221476

Surname: Van Tonder (Goosen)
Name: Sanet
e-Mail address:
Cell phone number: 0716849840
Group:            73T
Unique number: 525888
TA:                  Mrs Jacoba Coetzee
A teacher faces many challenges apart from the joy of teaching. These challenges
could be gender discrimination or cultural discrimination between learners, even
religion differences could be used in discriminating against other learners. The
teacher could also face the challenge in teaching learners that believes differently
from what she believes. Challenges that a teacher faces, could also be that some
learners are bullied, or could came to school hungry and their basic needs not been
In some areas the teacher might also be challenged without electricity or water at
school, no text books, chairs or desks. It could also be absence from the leadership
at the school due to strikes, sickness or just a lack of leadership.

Problem (150-200 words)
I teach Life orientation in a multicultural school. There are learners in a specific
class that bullies a learner from a different cultural group. They call him names and
make fun of him in the class and during break times. Sometimes they hide his
school bag or pencil case. I have noticed it, and decided to act on the situation after
I got some knowledge on how to handle cultural differences in class.
The learner started to withdraw from the other learners and his school work and
mark fell to below 50. He was a learner that scored in the 70+, and his homework
were always done.

Solution for problem  


I have a class plan where the class rules are specified, and one of them is respect
for each other. (Classroom management, p51, Kruger, Van Schalkwyk) So I will
refer to the rules, and ask the class to be quiet so we can continue with our work. I
will also move the boy that is being bullied away from the bullies. Discipline will
assist in creating a positive self-concept and self-discipline will help the learners to
choose between right and wrong. (Multicultural education, p144)


I will call the bullies after the class and speak with them separate from the boy they
are bullying and ask them if there is a specific reason why they are bullying the other
boy and then I will just listen to them and make some notes for myself about the
situation. I will also speak separate to the boy that is been bullied and asks him if
there is anything specific he wants to bring to my attention.


I will take these to the principal and psychologist at school and work together with a
plan on how to make the learners aware of the uniqueness of each culture by using
the different subjects at school working together with the other teachers at school.


With the psychologist help, I will ask to have a parents evening where we can speak
about the race and cultural differences and issues at school and make the parents
aware that whatever they talk at home, could influence the learners and make them
sensitive in understanding the different cultures. If there are parents that need some
guidance, we can arrange different sessions in guidance to learn more about this
specific matter. “Parents can also be involved in decision making at classroom level
by including them in class or grade committees” (Multicultural education, p170,
Lemmer, Meier, Van Wyk)


In the class situation I will speak about the different cultures and races and the good
things about being different and how each culture brings something unique to the
school and classroom. I could also use small groups and assign certain tasks to
them where they can get to learn each other. A very good assignment that I can
give the learners could be to do some background on the different cultures and
festivals they have. We can also arrange a cultural “food expo” where the different
cultures can bring something unique to their culture and dress according to it.


I will refer the learner and his parents for group counselling with one of our therapist
in helping him to learn how to cope with bullies. Coping strategies and help building
his self-esteem will benefit the learner and help him moving forward. It will also
benefit his parents as they learn what “symptoms” to look for and how they can
motivate and help their child.

By getting to learn and knowing the cultures, learners can appreciate each other
more. By not knowing others, leads to misunderstanding others. Discriminating
against different cultures is against South African law and human rights. Therefore a
teacher always needs to understands diversity and culture.

Bullies have been bullied at home or another place and many times, with the help of
a psychologist or therapist at school, these bullies can be help and can turn into very
good friends (even with the one they have bullied!)

By creating a positive climate In the classroom, diversity of learners can become a

spontaneous and creative bonus that will benefit the school and every learner.

Classroom management, AG Kruger, OJ van Schalkwyk, Chapter 8, p49-53

Multicultural education, EM Lemmer, C Meier, JN van Wyk, Chapter 6, p101-112,
Chapter 8 p139-153, Chapter 9, p157-173

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Course BPT1501
Assessment Number 2
Date 2016-08-18 14:45:47
Reference No. 7AC0VWF5PYEMHJ5OTCBP4Q7Z0BH-132

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