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Abrasion: An abrasion is a cut or a scrape. It is generally not a serious injury.

Abscess: When a doctor says that a person has an abscess, they are referring to a collection of
pus within a part of the body. The area is often red and inflamed, and this can be caused by a
number of conditions. One of the most common types of abscess is an abscessed tooth, which
should be treated by a dental professional.

Analgesic: An analgesic refers to a type of medication. Analgesics are often available without
prescriptions, and they work to treat pain, although they do not treat inflammation as ibuprofen
does. A common form of analgesic is acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is the main ingredient in

Anemia: Anemia is a condition in which a person has low iron amounts in their blood.

Angina: Angina is a term that refers to a tightness or squeezing sensation in the chest. The
symptoms of angina are close to those of a heart attack, although it is not the same condition.

Anti-Inflammatory: "Anti-inflammatory" generally refers to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

drugs (or NSAIDs). They are available over the counter and work to reduce the amount of
inflammation in the body to relive pain. A popular NSAID is ibuprofen.

Anti-Viral: An anti-viral drug is much different than antibiotic or anti-bacterial medications.

These drugs are specifically designed to attack a virus.

Benign: "Benign" is often used in situations where a tumor was suspected to be cancerous.
Benign means that the tumor or mass is non-cancerous.

Biopsy: A biopsy is a medical procedure that is performed to remove and test a small sample of
tissue, skin, or other cells. It is often performed when cancer is suspected.

Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is the strength of blood pushing against your blood vessels as
it flows through the body.

Body Mass Index (BMI): A person's Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a way of determining how
much a person should weigh. The BMI is calculated by using a person's height, gender, and
weight to determine their ideal weight.

Calories: A calorie is a unit of energy; this term is most often used in relation to food.
Catheter: A catheter is a tube inserted into the body for removing fluid, typically urine.

CAT (or CT) Scan: A medical test that takes pictures of the inside of the body.

Chronic: When a condition is chronic, it means that it is recurring and consistent.

Compression: Compression is a technique in which an injury is wrapped to reduce the amount

of swelling.

Contusions: Contusions are another way of saying bumps and bruises.

Culture: A culture is a test that is performed on urine, saliva, or other body substances to
determine if a particular virus or bacteria is present in the body.

Chief Complaint: A chief complaint is the patient's main reason for visiting a doctor.

D&C (Dilation and Curettage): This procedure is performed in the field of gynecology and
consists of removing tissue or masses from the uterus.

Edema: This is a swelling caused by excessive fluid buildup in the body.

Embolism: An embolism is another way of saying "blood clot."

Extremities: Extremities refer to a person's arms and legs.

Febrile: The term "febrile" is used when a fever is involved.

Fracture: A fracture is a crack or break in a bone.

Hypertension: Hypertension is simply another way of saying high blood pressure.

ICU: ICU is an abbreviation that stands for Intensive Care Unit. People in an ICU are in very
serious condition.

Inflammation: Inflammation is redness or swelling.

Influenza: Influenza is a virus that is most commonly called the flu.

Intravenous (IV): Intravenous means that something is inserted directly into a vein, rather
than being given orally.

IU (International Units): International units are a way of measuring a medication instead of

in milligrams.

Kilogram: This metric unit of measurement is often used to describe a person's weight.

Lesion: A lesion is another way of saying an abnormal spot on tissue or skin.

Malignant: Malignant means cancerous.

Non-Invasive: This term is used to describe simple medical procedures, such as ultrasounds or
X-rays, that do not require surgery.

NSAID: NSAIDs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Obese: "Obese" means that a person has a body mass index that is much too high. This is the
highest BMI category.

Over the Counter: Over-the-counter, or OTC, means that the medication is available at any
pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.

Overweight: "Overweight" means that a person weighs more than someone of their height, age,
and gender should weigh.

Placebo: A placebo is a pill that does not contain any active medications or ingredients.

Pneumonia: Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It has various causes and can be in either
one or both lungs.

Polyp: A polyp is any abnormal growth that forms within an organ. Polyps are usually benign
but are at risk for eventually becoming cancerous.

Serving Size: The serving size is the amount of a food that is intended to be eaten in one sitting.
Nutrition information and labels are based on eating this amount. Eating more than one serving
size affects the amount of calories that are consumed in total.
Susceptible: "Susceptible" means that a person is more at risk for getting a disease, infection, or

Sutures: Sutures are stitches.

Terminal: "Terminal" means that something is incurable or fatal.

Tonsillectomy: A tonsillectomy is performed to remove the tonsils when chronic tonsil

inflamation is a problem.

Topical: "Topical" means that a medication or cream is to be applied only on the skin or the
wound and not to be ingested.

Vertigo: "Vertigo" is another word for dizziness or light-headedness.

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