Name: Nur Irdina Sahira Binti MD Yatim UHLB 3132 Section: 23

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UHLB 3132 Section: 23

Activity 1: Read this student’s e-mail. There are eleven mistakes in the use of the present progressive
or simple present. The first mistake is already corrected. Find and correct ten more.

Subject: Catching up

Dear Andrew,
How are you? I write I am writing you this e-mail before my class. I am having I have a part-time job
as a clerk in the mail room of a small company. The pay is not good, but I’m liking I like the people
there. They are all friendly, and we are speaking we speak Spanish all the time. I am also taking I
take Spanish classes at night at a language institute. The class is meeting meets three times a week.
It just started last week, so I am not knowing many of the other students yet. They seem nice,

I am thinking I think that I am beginning I begin to get accustomed to living here. At first, I
experienced some ‘culture shock’. I understand that this is quite normal. But these days, I meet
more and more people because of my job and my class, so I am feeling I feel more connected to

What do you do these days? Do you still look for a new job?
Please write when you can. I am always liking like to hear from you.


Mistake Answer
I write I am writing
I am not knowing many I do not know many
I am having I have
I’m liking I like
we are speaking we speak
is meeting meets
I am thinking I think
I am beginning I begin
I am feeling I feel
liking like
I am also taking I take
Activity 2: Write an e-mail to you friend. Tell him/her what you are doing these days.

Task: Write an e-mail within 200 – 250 words. You may refer to the e-mail in Activity 1.



Subject: A Day in University Technology Malaysia (UTM)

Dear Nurin ,

I hope you are well by the grace of the Almighty. I am well too. Please convey my regards to

your parents. It’s been long since I received your last letter. So I have thought of writing this


I am writing this letter to share with you how I spend my day in University Technology Malaysia

(UTM). My university life is simple but its very interesting. Before I went to UTM, I will take a bath and

I will prepare all the books and all materials that I need. Since I am not staying in UTM, every morning

I will drive my car from my home at 7.00 am and I will arrive at 7.30 am. At UTM, in a week I must

park my car far from the faculty because most of the parking that has been prepared are for the

lecturer that works at UTM. Although it is very tiring, but I enjoy my beautiful days when I am in UTM.

In class, I love to choose to sit in front of the class since I'm short-sighted, it makes it easier for me to

clearly see the slides being shown and it’s really helping to understand more about the topic being

taught. After I finish attend my class, I will lunch with my course mate first then I will go home. So that

it how I spend my day in University Technology Malaysia (UTM). I hope you shall share yours too.

Yours sincerely

Irdina Sahira
Activity 3: Read Liz’s journal entry. There are eleven mistakes in the use of reflexive and reciprocal
pronouns. The first mistake is already connected. Find and correct ten more.

I really enjoyed me myself at Gina’s party! Hank was there, and we talked to ourselves quite a bit.
He is a little depressed about losing his job. The job himself wasn’t that great, but he needs the
money. He is disappointed in himself. He thinks it is all his own faults fault and he blames him
himself for the whole thing. Hank introduced myself me to several of his friends. I spoke a lot to this
one woman, Cara. We have had a lot of things in common and after just an hour, we felt like we
had known each other’s others forever. Stacie, himself, is a computer programmer, just like me.

At first, I was nervous about going to the party alone, I sometimes feel a little uncomfortable when
I am in a social situation by oneself myself. But this time was different. Before I went I go, I kept
telling myself to relax. My roommate, too, keep telling myself, “Don’t be so hard on you! Just have
fun!” That’s when I advised Hank to do too. Before we left the party, Hank and I promised us to
keep in touch. I hope to see him again soon.

Mistake Answer
Me Myself
needs needed
faults fault
myself me
have had
other’s others
oneself myself
you yourself
I promised us to keep I promised to keep
him himself
I went I go

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