Learner Name: - Grade: 8B

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Learner name: _______________________________________ Grade: 8B ____

Question 1:

Use the map in Figure 1.1 below to answer the questions.

a) Name the towns at:

1. 29˚ 05’S; 26˚ 08’E (1)

2. 26˚ 40’S; 27˚ 50’E (1)

b) Identify the co-ordinate position of Reitz. (1)

c) Calculate the distance from Bloemfontein to Winburg. (1)

d) Calculate how far Bloemfontein is from Pretoria. (1)

e) Identify the type of scale that is shown on this map. (1)

Question 2:

Look at the table below. Match column A and column B. Write only the correct letter in the space
provided. E.g 2.5 J

Column A Column B Answer

2.1 Equator A. Greenwich 2.1 _________ (1)

2.2 Meridian B. Line of latitude 2.2 _________ (1)

2.3 Parallel C. Line of longitude 2.3 _________ (1)

2.4 Prime meridian D. Longest parallel 2.4 _________ (1)

Question 3:

Examine the picture and answer the following questions.

a) In which hemispheres is it night? (2)

b) What is Earth’s axis? (2)


c) Draw a diagram showing how the earth experiences day and night. Draw the earth, the
sun, the shadow the sun casts and the direction in which the earth spins. (6)

d) Write a paragraph that explains how the earth experiences day and night. (4)


Question 4:

a) List and describe the 3 (Three) main scales that maps are drawn in. (6)

Question 5:

Look at the world time zones below and answer the questions that follow

New York


a) Is time earlier or later to the East of Greenwich? (1)


b) What time will it be in South Africa if it is 5pm in Perth Australia? (2)


c) If your friend phones you at 6pm in New York, what time will it be in South Africa? (1)

d) How many time zones are there in America? (1)


e) Why should South Africa have 2 time zones? (1)


f) Why did the South African government decide to make only one time zone? (2)

g) What line of longitude is the International Date Line on? (2)


Question 6:

Match the terms in the table to the meanings stated below. Write only the terms in the
space provided.

Equinox Solstice Earth’s axis Angle of the midday

a) The position of the sun in the sky above the horizon. (1)


b) The times of the year when the sun is directly above one of the tropics. (1)


c) The times of the year when the sun is directly above the equator. (1)


d) The angle the earth is tilted away from the perpendicular. (1)


Question 7:

Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing words.

a) Time should change by one hour for every ___________________ degrees of

longitude. (1)

b) The date is different by one day either side of the ____________________. (1)

b) During the December solstice, the ____________________ hemisphere is tilted

________________________ from the sun more than any other time of the year.

As a result, the sun does not rise as ________________________ in the sky and days are

__________________________. (4)


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