2213029-Mid Term - CFII

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1) Exam duration is 75 minutes

2) Save the file with your registration number and upload it within the stipulated time
3) The question paper has 4 questions and all the questions are compulsory
4) All the answers are to be provided in this excel sheet only
An investment project has annual cash inflows of $5,000, $5,500, $6000 and
$7,000, and a discount rate of 11%. What is the discounted payback period for
these cashflows if the initial cost is $8,000? What if the initial cost is $12,000?
What if it is $16,000? (5 Marks)

Years Cash flows Discounted payback Payback period

0 ₹ -8,000.00
1 ₹ 5,000.00 $4,504.50 $3,495.50 $1.78 years
2 ₹ 5,500.00 $4,463.92 $8,968.43
3 ₹ 6,000.00 $4,387.15 $13,355.58
4 ₹ 7,000.00 $4,611.12 $17,966.69

Years Cash flows Discounted payback

0 ₹ -12,000.00
1 ₹ 5,000.00 $4,504.50
2 ₹ 5,500.00 $4,463.92 $8,968.43 3,031.57 2.691012 years
3 ₹ 6,000.00 $4,387.15 $13,355.58
4 ₹ 7,000.00 $4,611.12 $17,966.69

Years Cash flows Discounted payback

0 ₹ -16,000.00
1 ₹ 5,000.00 $4,504.50
2 ₹ 5,500.00 $4,463.92 $8,968.43
3 ₹ 6,000.00 $4,387.15 $13,355.58 $2,644.42 3.57348879429 years
4 ₹ 7,000.00 $4,611.12 $17,966.69
Write a brief note on following (5 marks)

a) Equivalent Annual Cost

b) Difference between conventional cashflow and unconventional cashflow
c) Differences between IRR and MIRR
d) Different approaches of calculating MIRR
e) In the context of capital budgeting, what is erosion?

a) Equivalent annual cost

Equivalent annual cost is the payment of an cash outflow in a year

b) Conventional cashflow Uncoventional cash flow

Cash inflows and Cash inflows and outflows
outflows are relevent to are irrelevent or not
the cost and sales related to the cost and

Internal rate of return Multiple Internal rate of
is meant by npv of all return is meant by npv of
the cash flows from a all the cash flows from
particular investment the all investment
including reinvestments

d) Different approaches of calculating mirr

By calculating all NPV's including reinvestment cost also
By using formula =mirr()

Down under Boomerang, Inc., is considering a new 3-year expansion project that requires an initial fixed asset invest
The fixed asset will be depreciated straight-line to zero over its three year life, after which it will be worthless. The pr
generate $1.09 million in annual sales, with costs of $4,75,000. The tax rate is 25% and the required return is 12%. W
NPV, IRR and the Discounted Payback period? (10 marks)

Year Cost/inflow Cost Depreciation EBT Tax@25%

0 $ (1,420,000.00)
1 $ 1,090,000.00 $ 475,000.00 $ 473,333.33 $ 141,666.67 $ (35,416.67)
2 $ 1,090,000.00 $ 475,000.00 $ 473,333.33 $ 141,666.67 $ (35,416.67)
3 $ 1,090,000.00 $ 475,000.00 $ 473,333.33 $ 141,666.67 $ (35,416.67)

NPV $ (27,938.63)
IRR 10.85%
Discounted payback 3.0758509927
s an initial fixed asset investment of $1.42 million.
h it will be worthless. The project is estimated to
he required return is 12%. What is the project's

Net income Operating cash flows Discounted paCumlative cash flow

$ (1,420,000.00)
$ 106,250.00 $ 579,583.33 $517,485.12
$ 106,250.00 $ 579,583.33 $462,040.28 $979,525.40
$ 106,250.00 $ 579,583.33 $412,535.97 $1,392,061.37 $27,938.63 0.075851
$ 579,583.33 $368,335.69 $1,760,397.06
Consider a series of cash flows provided below which requires an initial investment
of INR 380000. Does it make sense to invest in this, if your required rate of return
is 20%. Evaluate the investment proposal based on its internal rate of return (5

Year Cash flows

1 120000
2 281250
3 281250
4 281250
5 281250
6 -895883

Year Cash flows Discounted cashback

0 -380000 IRR 2.86%
1 120000 $100,000.00
2 281250 $195,312.50
3 281250 $162,760.42
4 281250 $135,633.68
5 281250 $113,028.07
6 -895883 ($300,029.40)

IRR<RRR So we reject the investment. And do not invest on this

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