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Ch 1

Story Notes:
This is sort of a sequel to Lilly Tours. No need to read that story to enjoy this one.

Be aware that this story starts off sorta slow and gentle. It will get violent and dark at times. Just
a little heads up :)

Author's Chapter Notes:


3:23 pm

Adrenaline pumped through my veins. I could hear Mila approaching closer and closer to the
city. My black & white Converse sneakers plowed through the open Lilliputian farm fields. I
timed my strides so that I jumped over barns and tractors but I had a feeling Mila would just
crush everything I took time to avoid.

I felt my energy deplete as I ran up the farmland. My legs grew weak and my lungs burned. For
the first time in my life I was grateful I didn’t have big boobs. Running with flopping tits would
have been bad.

I was sweating all over, but the island breeze cooled my exposed legs and arms. I thought
wearing cutoff jean shorts and a V-neck was a bit slutty, but the weather demanded I wear little
clothing. I knew Mila’s boyfriend drooled when he saw me that morning in my skimpy outfit. That
was part of the reason why I was running at that moment.
The farmlands were built on a slope, like a gentle hill. I raced up what looked like cornfields
leaving my huge footprints in the crop until I got to the top of the hill. I paused to catch my
breath. I bent over and rested my hands on my knees and took irregular breaths. I was out of
shape, I know. I lifted my head to see the Lilliputian city in front of me.

Concordia City sprawled as far as I could see. It was a dense city that stretched along the island
coasts all the way to the mountainous range further inland. I remembered from my training, that
this city was home to 8.6 million Lilliputians. 8.6 Lilliputians that were now in danger. I took a few
more steps forward and stopped when I reached a single lane road. The widths of my Chuck
Taylors were wider than the road. I saw inch & half long cars race away from my presence.

The outskirts of the city wasn’t too dense but towards the city center, it was nothing but
buildings, roads, trains, schools, businesses, malls, and so on. I could probably take a few steps
into Concordia, but then what? It was then I realized I had no plan. I didn’t know what to do. I
wanted to warn the Lilliputians, but they were running away from me. If I started walking into the
city, I was liable to hurt someone—then they think I was the monster.

“Please everyone, get out of the city!” I yelled out. My voice was trembling. “I can’t stop Mila. I
think she wants to hurt you all!”

I didn’t think I was doing any good. I took my first steps into Concordia City. I found a boulevard
that had double lanes going either direction. It was deserted of traffic, but there were parked
cars along the road. I lined up my footsteps so that they landed squarely on the road.

I felt like I was walking on trapeze wire. I stuck out my arms to balance myself as my shoes took
up the whole road. I didn’t have the best balance or dexterity in the world. One of my steps
landed on two parked cars. I could feel them crush like aluminum foil under my feet. I shrieked
from the surprise and lost my balance. My left foot caught my falling body but stepped on a
two-story Lilliputian house in the process.


I sounded more defeated than mad. I would end up destroying more parts of the city if I went
deeper in the city. I was too big for them. I already managed to crush two cars and a house
while taking extra care with my steps. I prayed there were no Lilliputians under my foot falls.
Again, I looked around my immediate surroundings and saw no one. No traffic and no Lilliput.
Maybe they knew what was coming. Maybe I didn’t need to be there at all. But I could try to
convince Mila to leave the one inch Lilliputians alone.

Ground reverberations interrupted my train of thoughts. The ground quakes were accompanied
by a series of low frequency booms. I looked towards the city center. Miles away I could see
skyscrapers with glass edifices reflecting sunlight. The tallest tower looked to be about four
times my height.
The booms became louder and the quakes were more severe. I turned to the source and saw
Mila quickly approaching. She had look of cool arrogance on her face accompanied with a slight
grin. The only clothing she wore was a black two-piece bikini and a silver ankle bracelet.

Mila was the kind of woman I wanted to be. She had round circular breasts that were big—but
not too big—just perfect handfuls of flesh. She had long strands of brown hair that curled at the
end. Her skin was a natural and healthy brown. Her stomach was nicely toned, her hips were
wide. As she walked through the farmlands that I raced through, I could see her sinewy leg
muscles tense and relax after every step. The barn I jumped over earlier disappeared under her
pinky toe.

It took me thirty seconds to run through all the farms and crops. Mila took two steps and was at
the edge of the city. She planted both her feet at the edge of the single lane road I was at
earlier. She was looking down at me. Her grin widened to a smirk. She ran her index finger
through her hair and hooked it behind her right ear. I could see she still had an earpiece on.

I took mine from my pocket and flipped it on while putting it in my ear. A wave of jealousy
overcame me as I pushed my red hair behind my own ear. I compared my pale white skin to
Mila’s olive tone. I wished I was Mila. She had won the genetic lottery with her good looks. But
she also took care of her body by going to the gym daily. Her thighs didn’t have a scrap of fat
and her buttocks could attest to the thousands of squats she’s done over a lifetime.

But it wasn’t just Mila’s good body I was envious over. She was a Brobdingnagian. Sure I felt big
around Lilliputians, but I felt like an insect around a Brobdingnagian. Mila would never know that
feeling. She was the biggest of the big. She towered over Gulliverians and was a goddess over
Lilliputians. Despite standing in a miniature city myself, I felt tiny. I had to crane my neck just to
look back at Mila’s content face.

“Hello Hayley.”

“Mila, please don’t do this.”

“Do what?” She cocked her head to the side.

“What I think you’re going to do.”

“And what might that be, dear?”

“If you’re mad at me,” I was going to say to take it on me. But I didn’t want that either. I didn’t
want her to hurt the Lilliputians and I definitely didn’t want her to hurt me. “Then let’s talk about
it. But not here.”
“Okay Hayley. We’ll talk, but not now. I want to check out the rest of this island and maybe tan
over at one of the Lilliputian beaches.”

“You have a private beach! Why do you want to tan over there?” I pointed past the skyscrapers
and towards the white sand beaches that surrounded the island. “You’ll crush the Lilliputians if
you go over there.”

“So.” She smiled, revealing a perfect row of white teeth.

“Please.” I whispered into the headset.

“You really want to talk?” She squinted her eyes inquisitively.


“Okay, I’ll compromise with you Hayley. I’ll talk to you.”

“Thank you. Now let’s—“

“You didn’t let me finish.” She shook her head causing her brown hair to wave around. She still
wore her smug grin. “We’ll talk, but over there at the Lilliputian beach.”

“Mila, you’re too big! You’ll crush thousands if you go over there.”

“So.” She smiled.



“Don’t go over there.” I said that under my breath.

Her grin faded. Her eyebrows lowered. Mila’s brown eyes impaled my soul. I was afraid I went
too far. Mila didn’t have to listen nor talk to me. But she did anyway. She did more than a
Brobdingnagian had to do with a small Gulliverian like me. I could feel my heart pounding in my

Mila moved her right leg. Everything happened in slow motion. She picked up her foot and for a
brief second, I could see the soles of her foot were unexplainably clean. Her right foot was
aimed right at me. This was it, I thought. She was going to step on me. But she didn’t step on
me. Mila’s right foot landed right in front of me. The neighborhood I walked through earlier
disappeared under her 57’ long foot; to the Lilliputian’s scale, her feet appeared to be 3,752 feet
Mila’s second toe was on top of the boulevard. Her toe was actually bigger than the road and
crushed the houses on either side of the road. The toenails that I spent hours laboriously
painting, still shined black. Far to my right, I could see and hear Mila’s other foot land on another
hapless neighborhood. Her ankle bracelet glittered in the sunlight and probably had enough
metal on it to build a decent sized building for the Lilliputians. I felt my stomach drop two feet.
How many people did Mila just kill from her footsteps? Was I next?

“Mila I’m sorry.” I felt it. I knew she was going to step on me next. I stepped back away from her
foot. I could feel another weak aluminum car crush under my Chucks. The destruction I caused
under my two feet paled in comparison to just one of Mila’s toes. “Please don’t hurt me.”

“You thought I was going to hurt you?”

I nodded, but I didn’t think she saw it.

“I’m not going to hurt you. Not now at least. Meet me at the beach and we’ll talk.”

Mila took a step forward. Her toes came dangerously close to the top of my head as she
stepped over me. Pulverized debris rained all around me. I turned over on my heels, crumbling
the road underneath me like paper, and I saw Mila’s barefoot land deeper in the Lilliputian city.
She moved her other foot and travelled further in the city.

I felt weak seeing Mila casually step on thousands of homes and countless people. Her
footsteps sounded differently too. I could hear homes splintering, metal cars being flattened,
and roads crumbling. Sirens from emergency vehicles wailed throughout the city. As Mila
walked through the city I could see her run her fingers through her shiny brown hair.

I turned back and looked at the footprint that was nearest me. All the homes, roads, cars, and
lampposts were unrecognizable. Her foot actually sunk into the ground, flattening everything to
the thickness of a phonebook.

The booming footsteps faded. But I felt the quakes caused by Mila’s indifferent walk. I felt
responsible for everything. The Lilliputian city was doomed because of me. Butterflies filled my
stomach. How many people were dead already? I looked over at Mila. She walked past the tall
skyscrapers, which were probably only four inches to her. Maybe she didn’t mean total

“Hayley, what’s going on out there?” It was Rob. I had already forgotten about him. I reached
into my shirt and pulled Rob out from under my bra. I lifted him to my face and could see him
covered in my sweat. “Did you convince Mila to go away?”
I thought showing him would be better than words. I let Rob look at Mila walking on his city in
the distant. He then looked at the footprints that were left by Mila’s gigantic foot: entire
neighborhoods, gone. I could feel him tremble in my hand.

“What do we do now?” His voice sounded weak over the headset.

“I guess I go talk to her.”

I started my trek through the Lilliputian city. My Lilliput boyfriend sat quietly in my hand. He was
an inch tall to me and I was an inch tall to Mila.

Despite the carnage left by Mila, I took my time keeping to the narrow roads. It took a couple of
minute before I reached Mila’s next footstep. I jumped off from the road and onto the footprint.
Everything was flat like a smooth rock. As I walked across from heel to toe, I began to think
back on how I got into this mess.

Ch 2
(Three days ago)


08:45 pm

I double clicked on the Skype icon and waited for the splash screen to appear and vanish. The
program greeted me with its signature startup sound. I clicked on Rob’s name and began a
video call. He answered about 5 seconds later.

“Hey baby.” Rob’s deep voice came over my laptop speakers.

“Hey honey,” I said while adjusting my hair. I looked like I got out of bed, but the truth was I
gussied up for about twenty minutes before making the video call. “I got some good news for

“What’s that?”

“I’ll be on Concordia Island tomorrow.”


“I take it you found some Brobdingnagians to go on vacation over here.”

“Well, I didn’t find them.” I didn’t like how the color of my red hair showed up on the video call; it
looked all saturated and fake. I was lucky to have found a guy like Rob who loved me for who I
was. “They signed up for the vacation package like the other Brobby tourists.”

“Have you met them? Are they going to be okay to come over here?”

“I’m told they’ve been vetted and are completely safe to be around Lilliputians.” I smiled. “Are
you scared or something?”

“I’m not scared.” He sighed, but smiled. “I just want to make sure that Concordia Island would be

“It will be safe, especially because I’m the tour guide.” I could see he was a bit uneasy, so I
changed the subject. ”So when can you visit me?”

“I can meet you right when you get here.”

“Sounds like a date!”

Rob and I talked late into the night. It was going to be my third trip to the scenic Lilliput Island. It
was the only time I got to see Rob in person. The first two trips I’ve made were with older
Brobdingnagian couples. They spent their whole vacation time either sleeping in the bungalow
or tanning on the beach. It gave Rob and me plenty of time alone.


08:30 am

The trip to Concordia Island took only an hour from the Brobdingnag. The trip was made using a
hover car large enough to carry two Brobdingnagians. On the center dash was a compartment
where I would pilot the monstrous car. It was gigantic to me but a tight fit for the Brobbies.

I parked the vehicle in front of the tourist office and waited. I looked out and could see the
gigantic town all around me. Humongous Brobdingnagians walked by the car and I watched
them with fascination. I always wanted to be a Brobdingnagian. They were so huge, beautiful,
and carefree. They were the biggest people around and didn’t have to worry about being
stepped on. In fact, they had the opposite problem of making sure they didn’t step on anyone.
Maybe that’s why I liked being around Lilliputians. They made me feel beautiful, huge, and
carefree. I made a lot of Lilliputian friends and it was through them that I met Rob. Trans-size
relationships weren’t unheard of. My Lilly friends all encouraged me to go out with Rob and I
was glad I did. It turned out that Rob was into the bigger girls and practically worshipped me
from the beginning. It was a win-win relationship.

09:37 am

I waited for an hour and the Brobby couple still hadn’t showed up. I passed the time by reading
my two thousand page novel, The Contortionist’s Daughter. It was a rough book to get through,
but once you understood that the first few chapters were to be taken allegorical, it was a real
page turner.

10:29 am

Another hour passed and they still hadn’t showed up. I pulled out a folder with the customer
details. It was another rich, middle-aged Brobby couple looking to vacation alone. They were
vetted, and deemed safe to be around Lilliputians. I didn’t see any contact information, so I

I finished a couple more chapters of my book when I felt the back of the car open. I looked out
and could see a giggling Brobby couple pack their luggage into the car before entering the
vehicle. They were not the middle-aged tourists I was expecting. Over the intercom, I asked who
they were.

“I’m Mila, and this is George.” They kissed each other and laughed some more.

“I’m sorry, but I was expecting William and Victoria.” I looked from my folder up to the young

“They’re my parents.” George said, “They couldn’t make this trip, so instead of cancelling,
they’re giving me and my girlfriend the holiday package.”

“I’m sorry,” I tried to sound professional, “But anyone who goes on this trip has to have a
background check done.”

“May I ask your name, hun?” George smiled at me. I blushed.

“Hayley Gilliam.”

“Well, Hayley, how much will it cost me for you to overlook that silly rule.”
Silly rule? I suppose it was a silly rule. I don’t think the tour office ever turned down a client,
though. Not many Brobbies applied to vacation on the little Lilliputian Island. The main draw to
the vacation package was that the Brobby couple would have a private beach to themselves. I
would act as their guide and middleman to the Lilliputian populace that called Concordia Island
their home. I guess not many Brobbies thought being by themselves on a Lilliputian Island as an
ideal vacation destination. I guess Brobbies never thought of Lilliputians better than ants.

George sensed my pause and interrupted my thoughts, “how much do you get paid a month,


“I’ll give you a thousand right now if you drive off right now.”

I didn’t need any more persuasion. I turned on the hover engines and piloted the hover car off
the pavement. I don’t think George could make out my smile, but he smiled back at me. Mila
placed a hand under his chin and turned his face towards her. They interlocked in a sloppy wet

I ignored them for the most part. I made an announcement over the intercom, “next stop,
Concordia Island.” I turned on the autopilot and let the hover car pilot itself. This was usually the
time when I would give off useless facts about the Lilliputian Island. Like how it’s one of the
smaller islands that surround the main Lilliput Island. I would also tell them how they would get a
chance to see Concordia City—from a few miles away of course. I couldn’t risk a
Brobdingnagian getting too close to the micro city.

But I didn’t get a chance to recite my dull tour guide information. When I looked over my
shoulder towards the Brobby couple, I could see them lost in lust. George cupped Mila’s left
boob in his strong hands. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth. Mila rubbed George’s
junk through his jeans. Both their eyes were closed as they groped each other.

Mila pulled out of George’s mouth and kissed his cheeks then bit his earlobe gently. She then
kissed him all the way down his neck and started sucking it. She made loud slurping noises as
she gave him a hickey. I could see her drool seeping down his neck where she sucked.

I looked back at George, half expecting to see his eyes closed, but instead he had his eyes
opened and aimed directly at me. Up until that point, there has only been one man that ever
looked at me with lust filled eyes. And that was Rob. Rob’s eyelids would be heavy as he looked
up to me. I could see him adoring everything about my giant body against his tiny Lilliputian
figure. I could tell in his eyes that he loved me and would never trade me for anything in the
world. For some strange reason, I believed George was looking at me with those same drunken
I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. I tried to convince myself that George had that look
because of Mila. After all, she was sucking on his face and rubbing his cock through his pants.
But a part of me could tell that some of the lust in his eyes was for me. Reasoning overcame me
and I turned back to the control panel of the hover car. I could feel that my heart rate was
elevated. I was silly, I tried to convince myself, he was just caught up in the moment. He wasn’t
looking at me—me—lustfully.

My hands were shaking. Not from fear, but from excitement. I’ve been a plain girl all my life. I’ve
never been asked out by a guy and I don’t think I ever caught any guy checking me out. I
thought I was destined to be alone for the rest of my life until I met Rob. He was the only guy
that ever expressed interest in me. Not only interest, but love. He loved me and worshipped me
every second we were together. I loved him back and thought a Lilliputian husband would be
perfect for me.

A Brobdingnagian husband? Shit, even a Brobby boyfriend never crossed my mind. If my own
peers never found me attractive, why would a Brobby guy ever be interested in me? Brobbies
were beautiful people and above everyone else. I don’t think I ever heard of a Brobby dating a
lower size class, let alone date outside their size.


I turned my head slowly. The Brobby couple were back to their wet kiss. George was running
his fingers through Mila’s shiny brown hair. I could hear Mila breathing heavily as her boyfriend
tasted every part of her mouth. George’s eyes were closed. I was being silly. He was never
looking at me. But then he opened his eye while kissing Mila and with one eye, looked back at

He broke off his kiss with Mila and lifted her V-neck shirt off her body. He then unstrapped her
bra and let her orbital boobs out in the open. Mila didn’t seem to object to any of his actions.
George then took her right boob into his mouth. Her left boob was fondled by his right hand.
Mila arched her head back and let George caress her body.

I was actually turned on by the sight. George re-opened his eye and looked back at me. It was
no mistake, I knew that then. He wanted to look at me. Maybe because an audience turned him
on? He pulled back away slowly from Mila’s tit with her nipple between his front teeth. Mila
moaned. With her nipple still being gently bit, George gave me a wink. He winked at me! My
stomach fluttered.

Was that a flirt? I wouldn’t know because I didn’t really have much experience in that field. He
returned his attention to Mila and they continued their make out session. I turned back to the
controls but didn’t do anything. I kept thinking about George and his peculiar gestures. He was
probably being friendly or just messing with me. I kept thinking about it, but I couldn’t convince
myself that he was flirting with me. I didn’t want that to be true.
How would it work anyway? He had a bombshell girlfriend that I couldn’t compete with—even if
we were the same size. And besides, I had a Lilliputian boyfriend that I was very much in love


It was kind of fun playing with the idea of having a Brobby as a boyfriend. Everyone would be so
jealous that plain ol’ Hayley roped up a hunky Brobdingnagian. It was a silly notion. I needed to
get that out of my mind and concentrate on my job.

11:40 am

We arrived at the bungalow after an hour or so. Mila and George stopped making out about half
way through the trip. Mila was sleeping against George’s chest when I landed the hover car
right next to their bungalow. I shut off the engine and hesitated for a second before looking over
at the 400 foot tall couple. George was stroking Mila’s hair while staring at me. He looked like
those evil villains from those spy movies that stroked their cats while plotting the good guy’s
death. What was he plotting against me?

“We’re here.” My voice sounded shaky.

I didn’t wait for the couple to respond. I took the elevator down to the basement of the
Brobdingnagian sized hover car. In the basement I jumped into a jeep sized for Gulliverians. I
fired up the engine and the room quickly fogged up in blue exhaust smoke. The Jeep was then
lowered on its own elevator down below the gigantic hover car. I drove off the platform onto the
white sand. The Jeep was hooked up with a powerful strobe light in the back that would catch
the attention of the Brobby couple. It was mainly for my protection so I wouldn’t get stepped on
by accident.

I had my earpiece on that communicated with anyone that was tuned to right frequency. “So
here’s your place. The door is unlocked, so feel free to unpack.”

“Thanks Hayley.” It was George. “Mila is a bit sleepy and I think we’re going to nap for a while.”

“That’s cool. It’s your vacation. Enjoy it how you like.” I couldn’t get rid of the shake from my
voice. “If you need me for anything, just say something over channel 2. My quarters are in the
tiny apartment next to your bungalow, so I’ll be close by.”

“Thanks again Hayley.” He sounded sincere.

11:42 am
I drove my Jeep to the front of my apartment. It shared a wall with the Brobby bungalow and
looked like a small crate. It was huge for me and I admit more than I needed. But that’s what the
tour office provided, so I wasn’t complaining. I shut off the gas engine and felt the car shake a
few times as the cylinders came to a halt.

I jumped out of the car and could already feel sand entering my dirty blue Chuck Taylor’s. I
probably had a hundred pairs of the shoe in different colors and patterns. I walked up the
wooden steps to my apartment and opened the door. The air was stale and cool. I opened the
drapes and blinds to let in the summer sunlight. I kicked off my Chucks and let my damp feet dry
on the carpet as I walked to the bedroom. I felt too lazy to take off my jeans, so I left them on as
I lay in bed.

I had to call Rob, but I needed a few more minutes to decompress after the long trip. I was on
my back with my head on the pillow when I felt little ticklish movements on my right ear. I smile
crept on my face. The ticklish feeling moved to my cheek and to my lips. I could smell Rob’s
faint cologne as he planted a tiny kiss on my lips.

I opened my mouth and I felt Rob fall into my mouth. I caught him in my tongue and tasted his
clean body. I poked my finger to my earpiece and changed it to channel 1. Rob’s panicky voice
filled my ears.

“Hayley, it’s me! Do you hear me? Let me out! Hayley!”

I smiled while I continued to taste his one inch body. He was naked which wasn’t surprising. He
usually tried to surprise me with his nudeness. I ran my tongue between his legs and found his
erect prick. I used the tip of my tongue to excite him between his legs. His cries turned to moans
over the earpiece. I continued to work him until a felt an intensified salty drop on my tongue.

I sat up and gently spat him out my ready hand. He was covered in my saliva and panting for

“Oh hey, I didn’t see you come in.” I said smiling down at him.

“Oh,” he took a breath, “I should have been louder I guess.” I could see he was coming down
from his orgasm.

“How long have you been here?”

“A couple of hours.” He wiped some spit from his face. “I wanted to surprise you. But I think you
surprised me more.”

I gave him a kiss. My lips covered his entire body.

“Well,” he sat up still breathing heavily, “you pleasured me. Maybe I should repay the favor?”

“Oh yea?” I could feel myself blushing. “You might have to wait a minute. I need to take a
shower after my long trip. I’m all sweaty.”

I could see his face brightening up. “Can I join you?”

“Of course you can. You can help scrub my body.” I could see him getting an erection. “I mean,
my feet are probably pretty smelly right now.”

“No Hayley, please don’t!”

I dropped him on the soft bed and then lowered my right foot right on top of him. He tried to
shield himself with his hands, but my foot compressed him against the mattress. I knew he had
a thing for feet even though he didn’t admit it. I knew better. He may be an inch tall, but I’ve
seen him glancing at my bare feet during past dates. Even on our first night together, he offered
to rub my feet after a day walking in heels. It was awesome having an inch tall boyfriend
worship your body; it was even better having an inch tall boyfriend with a foot fetish give you a
foot rub.

I rolled him a few more times under my foot then released him. I let my foot rest right next to his
thrashed body. He got his own feet and looked around, obviously dizzy from being rolled
around. I could see him admiring my unpainted toenails while his erection grew harder.

12:05 am

I took a shower with Rob and moved back to the bed. My red hair was still wet as I lay in the
nude. I let Rob roam up and down my body. He ran down to my pussy and began to dig himself
towards my clit. I rubbed my small tits as he pleasured my pussy. I couldn’t resist any longer, I
ran my fingers down between my legs helped Rob enter me a little deeper. I shoved him in out
as I felt myself reach closer to orgasm.

I pinched my nipple with my free hand and suddenly had an image flash in my head. It was
George. He was my size and he had my nipple in his mouth. He also had his strong hands
running between my thighs, stopping at my pussy. I moaned louder. He then stuck two of his
meaty fingers into me. I shrieked again as I strained just to take in two of his fingers. His image
faded away as an explosion went off in my pussy. My pussy clamped down on Rob as I felt
waves and waves of pleasure overcome me. My legs shook and went limp.

My legs and arms were sprawled out. I felt weak. My limbs were heavy and unwilling to move. I
could feel Rob move and crawl out of my pussy. I wanted to help him but I couldn’t move. I
never had such a powerful orgasm.
“Rob, are you okay?”

“Hell yea!” I could hear him spitting out my juices from his mouth. “That was intense baby! What
came over you?” He sounded jolly.

It was George. I imagined George while making love to Rob. “I didn’t do anything. It was all you
honey.” I heard myself say. I felt terrible for lying. But I didn’t think Rob would understand if I told
him the truth. I didn’t want to ruin what we had going.

“I think I came the same time you did honey.” He was enthusiastic. “I thought I was going get
crushed for a second there, but holy shit that was intense.” He paused. “I love you Hayley!”

“I…“ I think I hesitated. I hope I didn’t. “I love you too honey.” My stomach pivoted. “Listen babe,
I’m worn out. I think I’m going to nap for a while.”

“Okay babe. Hey I want to surprise you when you wake up. Do me a favor and don’t move in
your sleep.”

“You’re so sweet. I’m too tired to do anything but close my eyes.” I fell asleep before I heard him

03:00 pm

My mouth was dry when I awoke later that day. I guess I was honest with Rob when I told him I
wasn’t going to move during my sleep. I awoke in the same position that I fell asleep hours ago.
I let my mind turn on for the next few minutes before looking around to see what Rob’s surprise

I looked down my pale legs and saw my toes in those foam divider things. Rob had painted my
toenails in glittery purple polish. He even managed to put my toes in the foam divider thingy. I
was impressed. It must have taken him forever just to move the foam thingy up my feet, let
alone putting each toe in the separator. That was devotion. That’s why I loved Rob. I did love
him. He worshipped my body like a holy site and probably spent the whole time I was napping to
paint my toenails.

I looked at my fingers next, and they too were painted in the same polish. I needed to stop
fantasizing about George. Rob was everything I needed. I smiled at myself while admiring my
freshly painted nails.

Rob was sleeping next to my left foot. I carefully got out of bed trying not to disturb Rob. I tested
my nails and saw that they were dry. I kicked off the foam thingys from between my toes. I
slipped on my underwear, khaki shorts, and purple blouse that matched my nail polish. I found a
pair of purple Chuck Taylor’s and slipped those on without socks.
“How do you like your nails?” I heard Rob coming over my earpiece.

“I love them honey!”

I knelt down by the bed and gave him a kiss. He was still nude and had some polish splashed
about his body.

“It must have taken you forever to do all that work.”

“It’s not work if you love doing it.”

My eyes got teary. “I’m so lucky to have found you.”

“I feel the same way. I still can’t believe a goddess like you wants to even be with a Lilliputian.”

An image of George flashed into my head. I could see his nude 400 feet, muscular body
standing over Rob’s microscopic body. I shook the picture away from my head.

“You okay Hayley?”

I rushed the words out of my mouth, “I’m good.”

“Anyway, how’s the Brobdingnagian couple you’re guiding?”

“There’s been a little change, I forgot to tell you.” I got up and moved to the bathroom to fix my
hair. I still heard Rob over the earpiece clearly.

“What kind of change?”

“Well the original couple couldn’t make it, so their son and his girlfriend took the spot.” I brushed
my red hair.

“Are you being serious? Did they have a background check done?” He sounded worried.

“That’s the cool part! The guy offered me two month’s salary to overlook the background check.”

“Hayley, are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m serious. Quit asking if I’m serious.” Seriously.

“You’re jeopardizing all the Lilliputians on this island by bringing uncleared Brobdingnagians.”
“Don’t be so dramatic. They will be fine.” I finished my hair and walked back into the bedroom.

“Hayley,” he whined, “that’s really irresponsible of you. You should go talk to them to make sure
they’re okay to be around Lilliputians.”

I stood by the bed and looked down at him. He was smaller than my pinky, but tried to order me
around. I needed to remind him of his place. I got on the bed with my bare knees and moved up
so that Rob was between my smooth legs. I put my index finger on his chest and pushed him
into the mattress.

“I don’t think I like your tone Rob.” I grinned.

“Hayley, I’m not playing.” He grunted.

I applied more pressure. “Neither am I.” I felt my pussy moistening.

“Hayley.” He coughed and struggled to breathe as I applied even more pressure. “I can’t

I admired my purple nails that Rob had painted. I could feel his tiny hands trying to beat on my
finger as more air escaped his lungs. What was I doing? That was really unlike me. I quickly
released my finger from Rob. He curled up to a fetal position and started coughing. “Oh my god,
I’m sorry Rob. Are you okay?” I scooped him up and gave him hurried kisses.

“I’m okay.” He coughed more times and breathed heavily.

“I don’t know why I did that. I’m so sorry.”

“It was my fault Hayley. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”

“What?” I couldn’t believe he thought he was at fault. “Rob, you don’t need an excuse. I acted
wrong here. I’m really sorry.”

He smiled, “It’s okay Hayley I’m fine.”

“Listen, I’ll make it up to you. I’ll go talk to the Brobby couple and make sure they’re okay to be
around Lilliputians.”

“Thanks.” He kissed my thumb.

As I mentioned before, my apartment was right next to the Brobby bungalow. It was about that
time when I finished talking with Rob when I felt my apartment start to shake. It was a rhythmic
boom, boom.
“What are they doing in there?” Rob asked.

I smiled. “I think I need to wait for them to finish before talking to them.”

Ch 3


04:12 pm

I read more of my novel as my apartment shook from what sounded like animalistic sex coming
from the Brobby couple. I decided to give Rob free reign of my body while we waited for the
giant sex to end. I only wore my blouse and panties as I lay in my bed. He had his specialized
cutting tools out and was meticulously working on my toenails. He further polished my nails and
trimmed them with detail that only an inch tall man could see. I felt like I was taking advantage
of him, but every time I told him he could stop, he insisted he wanted to work on my feet more;
so I let him. It made him happy and it made me happy.

My lower back became sore after a while so I flipped over on my belly without warning Rob. I
readjusted my pillows under me and propped my book against the headboard. It took Rob only
a few seconds to walk on the sole of my left foot. I giggled as I felt him slide done the arch of my

The pounding coming from the Brobby bungalow receded. I was going to give maybe a half
hour before trying to communicate with them. Rob moved from the heel of my foot and worked
his way over my calves. I laughed again as I felt his tiny bare feet on my skin. He went up my
thighs and made it to the bottom of panties. I bit my lower lip as I anticipated his next move.

I felt the bottom of my panty slide up as Rob’s one inch body crawled underneath. I closed my
book and shut my eyes. My senses concentrated on his exploration of my round bottom. My
body trembled as I tried to stifle my giggles. He crawled towards my crack at which time I
clamped shut—he wasn’t exactly allowed to go anywhere on my body.

But he wasn’t heading towards my crack. He moved lower to the area between my thighs. I felt
him finagle his way towards my sex. I tossed my book to the floor and hugged my pillow. He
knew what he was doing. Without thought, I straddled one of my long pillows. I humped my hips
into the firm pillow and I could feel Rob enter me dryly, but was instantly coated in my excited
juices. I bucked my pussy harder into the pillow. His one inch frame was swallowed effortlessly
by my cunt.
I had a sudden realization that this was the only way I was going to have sex with Rob. He was
nowhere near the size of Gulliverian cock and he barely filled me. I had to use a long pillow just
to simulate another person under me. It was a sad realization. Rob was probably having a blast
playing inside me and cumming all over the place…but what about me? Okay, he worshipped
me and spent hours grooming little details on my body. But he could never hug me. He could
never fill me. He could never take me in his arms and shove his tongue into my mouth.

But Rob was the only guy to ever ask me out. Rob loved me and devoted himself to me. I never
met a Gulliverian that even gave me second glance. I was doomed to only be with a Lilliputian.
But that wasn’t bad. Was it? I mean, I have a man that could never hit me or give me
commands that I didn’t want to obey without repercussions. I was in charge in the relationship. If
Rob and I ever got into an argument, I could simply put him in my shoe and throw him the
closet. Not that I would ever do that. No. I loved Rob. He was perfect for me. It’s just that the
novelty of having sex with a one inch man wore off after the first few times.

God what was I thinking? Rob was perfect for me. He worshipped me like a goddess. I should
be thankful that I ever even met him! And I wasn’t settling for a Lilliputian. I chose to date and
possibly even marry a Lilliputian. It wasn’t because I would never meet a Gulliverian…or a
Brobdingnagian for that matter.

A red beacon went off in my room. The pulsing red light let me know that the Brobby couple
needed me. My little sex with Rob would have to come to an abrupt end. Also, it was good
timing, I needed to talk to George and Mila anyway.

“Sorry Robby,” I lifted my hips in the air and reached into my panties to pull out Rob. “The
Brobbies are calling me.”

“Okay sweetie.” Rob didn’t sound a bit disappointed. I dropped him on the bed and I proceeded
to put on my khaki shorts and purple Chucks. “Can I go with you?”

“You want to see the couple?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Sure, why not? It’s not like they could see me.”

“Yea, but how would I carry you around?”

“I could think of a fun way.”

I could feel myself give a wry smile. Of course he would want to travel in my bra or panties.
That’s all he ever wanted to do. Fucking pervert. I took a deep breath. What was I thinking? He
wasn’t a pervert. He just loved me and wanted to be near me. Right? I was kind of surprised
about how my thoughts turned so violent against Rob. It had been happening a lot lately.
“What did you have in mind, big boy?” I placed all my weight on one leg and swayed a bit while
biting my lower lip.

“Why don’t you surprise me?” I could see him smiling.

“Okay then.”

I picked him up and dropped him in the front pocket of my blouse. He was probably thinking I
was going to place him somewhere more intimate, but whatever. I switched the channel in my
earpiece to that of the Brobdingnagian couple.

“I’ll be right up in a minute!” I said cheerfully.

Attached to my apartment was a high-speed elevator that would take me up to the Brobby’s
nightstand. They would be aware of my presence as an audible ding would announce my
arrival, not to mention the flashing LED light above it. It was mainly for their privacy and so that I
couldn’t sneak into their private quarters unannounced.

04:18 pm

I arrived at their nightstand in a flash. Over the radio headset, I told George where I would be
showing up. He said he’d wait for me. The elevator doors opened and I felt insignificant in that
very moment. The whole world grew around me. I could see a lamp next to me that was as big
as a Gulliverian skyscraper. Gigantic objects surrounded me in the distance. The wood grain
pattern on the nightstand was amplified and exhibited its cheapness (it wasn’t real wood, but a
pattern printed on particle board.)

It wasn’t my first time in the Brobby bungalow, but fuck was it huge. The ceiling seemed to be at
the same altitude where clouds would float. The nightstand was large enough to house a
modest Gulliverian shopping center—or a few Lilliputian neighborhoods.

My eyes adjusted and I was able to make out the distant objects. The queen size bed was next
to the nightstand Mila was still on it. She had a bare leg poking out from the thin sheets. Where
was George? I scanned the room and I saw him walking up to the nightstand. He wore only his
boxer shorts with a heart shape pattern printed on it. He kneeled down so that his handsome
face was in front of me. He smiled revealing his white teeth. I felt my cheeks heat up and my
heart flutter. I took a step back to shield blushing face.

“Hey there!” His minty fresh breath kissed my body.

“H-Hi!” I stammered.
“You’re most likely wondering why I called you up.”

“Oh it’s n-n-no problem. Really.”

“Well, I was wondering if I can get any liquor here.”


Silence. I looked up into his handsome features. Already a five o-clock shadow was growing on
his cheeks.

“Yes,” he broke the awkward silence, “is there any liquor around here?”

“Oh y-yea. The mini fridge is over there.” I pointed behind him. “It looks like your clothes are
covering it.”

“Well don’t I feel dumber than a bag of hammers.”

I laughed. Well, it was more like a hurr hurr, but snout managed to spit out my nose. I controlled
and muted myself quickly while wiping gunk off my lips. George simply smiled and warmed my
soul. I returned a goofy smile.

He got up and walked to the mini fridge, draped with their clothing—probably taken off in a rush
to fuck. I remembered about Mila and turned to look at her; I was still wearing my dumb smile.
She wasn’t smiling. She glared at me. The whites of her eyes contrasted heavily against her
olive skin tone and she looked like a Cheshire Cat. I forced my smile a little longer, hoping she
would change her expression. She didn’t. She simply stared at me from her bed. Her brown hair
was frazzled but she still looked drop dead sexy.

“Here babe.” George handed a wine cooler to Mila. For one brief second I thought he was
talking to me and almost said thank you, but I stopped myself.

She never broke her stare and took the cold drink from her boyfriend.

She said, “thanks honey,” and sat up on her bed. The sheets cascaded off her tits, revealing
them in all their glory. Her nipple was bigger than my head. I turned away as not to embarrass
her—silly me.

“You okay Hayley?” George asked.

“I’m o-okay. It’s just that Mila is—“

“Naked” Her voice cut through me. “It’s okay Hayley. You can look. We’re both girls after all.”
“No that’s o-o-okay.” My stutter was getting worse. “I don’t w-want to invade in you pri-privacy.”

“Hayley,” Mila sounded calm and assertive, “you can look. They’re just boobs. Bigger than your
house maybe, but they’re just boobs.” To her boyfriend, “isn’t that right Georgie?” She took his
free hand and had him rub her bare breast in front of me.

“If-if it’s o-okay with you Mila.” I faced them. “I’ll look.” They were a beautiful pair of tits.

She tilted her head downwards with her pupils still aimed at me, “do you want a closer look?”

“T-that’s okay Mila. I-I believe you.”

She ignored my answer. (Or didn’t hear me.) Either way, she picked me up with fast moving
hands and smothered me into her billowy boobs. That was two firsts for me. One, I’ve never
been picked up by a Brobby, and Two, I never been smothered in tits as big as houses. Despite
the size difference, Mila’s boob was surprisingly smooth and soft. I didn’t fight Mila, I just let her
rub my one inch body against her yielding flesh. My fingers splayed out and squeezed as much
boob flesh as it could. Her hands were rough with me but I didn’t care. For that moment, I was
lost in her soft embrace. I guess that was another first for me, my first lesbian experience. I
found Mila heavily attractive and didn’t mind being pushed into her tit.

“Eww, I think she enjoys it.” I heard Mila say.

She returned me back to the nightstand and discarded me like a pair of dirty socks. I was
breathing hard and little disoriented.

“I think that’s hot.” George told his girlfriend.

“You think anything is hot.”

“Come on Mila,” George egged her on, “don’t you think playing with a Gulliverian would be hot?”


“Use your imagination.”

“I don’t need to use my imagination when I have this,” Mila grabbed George’s junk through his

“Hey now.”
He took a long chug of his beer before putting it down on the nightstand twenty feet away from
me. They then embraced in a slobbery kiss, half naked, and right in front of me. George’s
erection returned under his flimsy boxers. I was unsure what to do at that moment.

“I guess I’ll be going.”

They ignored me.

“Uhm, bye?”

They continued kissing. George’s hands explored Mila’s round boobs, and Mila explored his
well-endowed pecker. I walked briskly to the elevator and travelled back to my apartment. I
forgot Rob was with me the whole time.

Ch 4


04:12 pm

I read more of my novel as my apartment shook from what sounded like animalistic sex coming
from the Brobby couple. I decided to give Rob free reign of my body while we waited for the
giant sex to end. I only wore my blouse and panties as I lay in my bed. He had his specialized
cutting tools out and was meticulously working on my toenails. He further polished my nails and
trimmed them with detail that only an inch tall man could see. I felt like I was taking advantage
of him, but every time I told him he could stop, he insisted he wanted to work on my feet more;
so I let him. It made him happy and it made me happy.

My lower back became sore after a while so I flipped over on my belly without warning Rob. I
readjusted my pillows under me and propped my book against the headboard. It took Rob only
a few seconds to walk on the sole of my left foot. I giggled as I felt him slide done the arch of my

The pounding coming from the Brobby bungalow receded. I was going to give maybe a half
hour before trying to communicate with them. Rob moved from the heel of my foot and worked
his way over my calves. I laughed again as I felt his tiny bare feet on my skin. He went up my
thighs and made it to the bottom of panties. I bit my lower lip as I anticipated his next move.
I felt the bottom of my panty slide up as Rob’s one inch body crawled underneath. I closed my
book and shut my eyes. My senses concentrated on his exploration of my round bottom. My
body trembled as I tried to stifle my giggles. He crawled towards my crack at which time I
clamped shut—he wasn’t exactly allowed to go anywhere on my body.

But he wasn’t heading towards my crack. He moved lower to the area between my thighs. I felt
him finagle his way towards my sex. I tossed my book to the floor and hugged my pillow. He
knew what he was doing. Without thought, I straddled one of my long pillows. I humped my hips
into the firm pillow and I could feel Rob enter me dryly, but was instantly coated in my excited
juices. I bucked my pussy harder into the pillow. His one inch frame was swallowed effortlessly
by my cunt.

I had a sudden realization that this was the only way I was going to have sex with Rob. He was
nowhere near the size of Gulliverian cock and he barely filled me. I had to use a long pillow just
to simulate another person under me. It was a sad realization. Rob was probably having a blast
playing inside me and cumming all over the place…but what about me? Okay, he worshipped
me and spent hours grooming little details on my body. But he could never hug me. He could
never fill me. He could never take me in his arms and shove his tongue into my mouth.

But Rob was the only guy to ever ask me out. Rob loved me and devoted himself to me. I never
met a Gulliverian that even gave me second glance. I was doomed to only be with a Lilliputian.
But that wasn’t bad. Was it? I mean, I have a man that could never hit me or give me
commands that I didn’t want to obey without repercussions. I was in charge in the relationship. If
Rob and I ever got into an argument, I could simply put him in my shoe and throw him the
closet. Not that I would ever do that. No. I loved Rob. He was perfect for me. It’s just that the
novelty of having sex with a one inch man wore off after the first few times.

God what was I thinking? Rob was perfect for me. He worshipped me like a goddess. I should
be thankful that I ever even met him! And I wasn’t settling for a Lilliputian. I chose to date and
possibly even marry a Lilliputian. It wasn’t because I would never meet a Gulliverian…or a
Brobdingnagian for that matter.

A red beacon went off in my room. The pulsing red light let me know that the Brobby couple
needed me. My little sex with Rob would have to come to an abrupt end. Also, it was good
timing, I needed to talk to George and Mila anyway.

“Sorry Robby,” I lifted my hips in the air and reached into my panties to pull out Rob. “The
Brobbies are calling me.”

“Okay sweetie.” Rob didn’t sound a bit disappointed. I dropped him on the bed and I proceeded
to put on my khaki shorts and purple Chucks. “Can I go with you?”

“You want to see the couple?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Sure, why not? It’s not like they could see me.”

“Yea, but how would I carry you around?”

“I could think of a fun way.”

I could feel myself give a wry smile. Of course he would want to travel in my bra or panties.
That’s all he ever wanted to do. Fucking pervert. I took a deep breath. What was I thinking? He
wasn’t a pervert. He just loved me and wanted to be near me. Right? I was kind of surprised
about how my thoughts turned so violent against Rob. It had been happening a lot lately.

“What did you have in mind, big boy?” I placed all my weight on one leg and swayed a bit while
biting my lower lip.

“Why don’t you surprise me?” I could see him smiling.

“Okay then.”

I picked him up and dropped him in the front pocket of my blouse. He was probably thinking I
was going to place him somewhere more intimate, but whatever. I switched the channel in my
earpiece to that of the Brobdingnagian couple.

“I’ll be right up in a minute!” I said cheerfully.

Attached to my apartment was a high-speed elevator that would take me up to the Brobby’s
nightstand. They would be aware of my presence as an audible ding would announce my
arrival, not to mention the flashing LED light above it. It was mainly for their privacy and so that I
couldn’t sneak into their private quarters unannounced.

04:18 pm

I arrived at their nightstand in a flash. Over the radio headset, I told George where I would be
showing up. He said he’d wait for me. The elevator doors opened and I felt insignificant in that
very moment. The whole world grew around me. I could see a lamp next to me that was as big
as a Gulliverian skyscraper. Gigantic objects surrounded me in the distance. The wood grain
pattern on the nightstand was amplified and exhibited its cheapness (it wasn’t real wood, but a
pattern printed on particle board.)

It wasn’t my first time in the Brobby bungalow, but fuck was it huge. The ceiling seemed to be at
the same altitude where clouds would float. The nightstand was large enough to house a
modest Gulliverian shopping center—or a few Lilliputian neighborhoods.
My eyes adjusted and I was able to make out the distant objects. The queen size bed was next
to the nightstand Mila was still on it. She had a bare leg poking out from the thin sheets. Where
was George? I scanned the room and I saw him walking up to the nightstand. He wore only his
boxer shorts with a heart shape pattern printed on it. He kneeled down so that his handsome
face was in front of me. He smiled revealing his white teeth. I felt my cheeks heat up and my
heart flutter. I took a step back to shield blushing face.

“Hey there!” His minty fresh breath kissed my body.

“H-Hi!” I stammered.

“You’re most likely wondering why I called you up.”

“Oh it’s n-n-no problem. Really.”

“Well, I was wondering if I can get any liquor here.”


Silence. I looked up into his handsome features. Already a five o-clock shadow was growing on
his cheeks.

“Yes,” he broke the awkward silence, “is there any liquor around here?”

“Oh y-yea. The mini fridge is over there.” I pointed behind him. “It looks like your clothes are
covering it.”

“Well don’t I feel dumber than a bag of hammers.”

I laughed. Well, it was more like a hurr hurr, but snout managed to spit out my nose. I controlled
and muted myself quickly while wiping gunk off my lips. George simply smiled and warmed my
soul. I returned a goofy smile.

He got up and walked to the mini fridge, draped with their clothing—probably taken off in a rush
to fuck. I remembered about Mila and turned to look at her; I was still wearing my dumb smile.
She wasn’t smiling. She glared at me. The whites of her eyes contrasted heavily against her
olive skin tone and she looked like a Cheshire Cat. I forced my smile a little longer, hoping she
would change her expression. She didn’t. She simply stared at me from her bed. Her brown hair
was frazzled but she still looked drop dead sexy.

“Here babe.” George handed a wine cooler to Mila. For one brief second I thought he was
talking to me and almost said thank you, but I stopped myself.
She never broke her stare and took the cold drink from her boyfriend.

She said, “thanks honey,” and sat up on her bed. The sheets cascaded off her tits, revealing
them in all their glory. Her nipple was bigger than my head. I turned away as not to embarrass
her—silly me.

“You okay Hayley?” George asked.

“I’m o-okay. It’s just that Mila is—“

“Naked” Her voice cut through me. “It’s okay Hayley. You can look. We’re both girls after all.”

“No that’s o-o-okay.” My stutter was getting worse. “I don’t w-want to invade in you pri-privacy.”

“Hayley,” Mila sounded calm and assertive, “you can look. They’re just boobs. Bigger than your
house maybe, but they’re just boobs.” To her boyfriend, “isn’t that right Georgie?” She took his
free hand and had him rub her bare breast in front of me.

“If-if it’s o-okay with you Mila.” I faced them. “I’ll look.” They were a beautiful pair of tits.

She tilted her head downwards with her pupils still aimed at me, “do you want a closer look?”

“T-that’s okay Mila. I-I believe you.”

She ignored my answer. (Or didn’t hear me.) Either way, she picked me up with fast moving
hands and smothered me into her billowy boobs. That was two firsts for me. One, I’ve never
been picked up by a Brobby, and Two, I never been smothered in tits as big as houses. Despite
the size difference, Mila’s boob was surprisingly smooth and soft. I didn’t fight Mila, I just let her
rub my one inch body against her yielding flesh. My fingers splayed out and squeezed as much
boob flesh as it could. Her hands were rough with me but I didn’t care. For that moment, I was
lost in her soft embrace. I guess that was another first for me, my first lesbian experience. I
found Mila heavily attractive and didn’t mind being pushed into her tit.

“Eww, I think she enjoys it.” I heard Mila say.

She returned me back to the nightstand and discarded me like a pair of dirty socks. I was
breathing hard and little disoriented.

“I think that’s hot.” George told his girlfriend.

“You think anything is hot.”

“Come on Mila,” George egged her on, “don’t you think playing with a Gulliverian would be hot?”

“Use your imagination.”

“I don’t need to use my imagination when I have this,” Mila grabbed George’s junk through his

“Hey now.”

He took a long chug of his beer before putting it down on the nightstand twenty feet away from
me. They then embraced in a slobbery kiss, half naked, and right in front of me. George’s
erection returned under his flimsy boxers. I was unsure what to do at that moment.

“I guess I’ll be going.”

They ignored me.

“Uhm, bye?”

They continued kissing. George’s hands explored Mila’s round boobs, and Mila explored his
well-endowed pecker. I walked briskly to the elevator and travelled back to my apartment. I
forgot Rob was with me the whole time.

Ch 5
Author's Chapter Notes:
Okay, real-life has been really hectic for me in the past few weeks. My free time has nearly
vanished. Sorry for the delay between chapters. Oh, and the story is going to really pick up in
action here. Extreme violence, sex, couples, blah, blah, blah. Note the story tags.


09:19 pm
Something told me to turn back. All I wanted to do at that moment was crawl into bed and sleep
for days. I was still drunk from wine and my legs were still wobbly from the best sex I’ve ever
had. I leaned my head against the inside wall of the elevator as it shot up to the Brobby room.

The fluorescent lights inside the elevator car hummed and rattled my brain. The doors slid open
and all I could see was darkness. Some of the light from the elevator spilled into the Brobby
room, but only lit about 10 feet from the elevator doors.


I checked the frequency twice on my headset to make sure it was set to the Brobby channel. My
hellos were responded with static. They could have hit the call button on mistake, but I had to
make sure. I walked onto the nightstand and let my eyes adjust to the dark room. Far away I
could see gigantic windows letting in dark purple light from outside. It didn’t offer much in the
way of lighting. Speaking of which, the elevator doors shut behind me leaving me in complete

A large hand descended from above and landed in front of me. It appeared to be the size of a
tennis court, with meaty fingers coming up past my shins. I wasn’t sure if it was Mila or George,
but whoever it was, they wanted me to climb aboard. So I did. The texture was weird and it felt
like walking over a bunch of gym mats stacked on each other. I found the palm and let myself sit
on my bum.

“I’m on.” I said over the headset. “How can I be of assistance?”

The giant hand lifted off into the sky. The feeling of shooting up in the sky was more exhilarating
than the high-speed elevator. I worried that I might fall off the sides of the hand, but there were
minute adjustments that kept me dead center on the palm.

I looked up to my host and could see George’s silhouette more clearly. I let out my breath like a
steam relief valve. At least I wasn’t on Mila. George took a few steps across his room and was
outside with me on his hands. He walked on the beach towards the water. The salty sea air
filled my nose, and the breeze cooled my sweaty body. Although the air was cool, George’s
palm radiated heat and kept the skin to skin contact warm.

“Is anything wrong George?”

The effects of the wine were dwindling. I had more of a headache than buzz. George didn’t
answer me and kept looking straight ahead. I wondered what he was going to do with me. Less
than an hour ago, I had Felicia crying and pleading with me. I admit I was drunk on her fears
and the awesome power I felt. I only hoped George wasn’t the same type of person.

“George?” I felt my stutters reemerging. “Are you o-okay?”

He stopped right at the shoreline. He brought his hand up eye level and stared.

“You are such a pain the ass, do you know that?”


“Mila. She fucking hates you. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be alive.”

“Wha-, what did I do?”

“You know what you did.”

“No I don’t.” I squeaked. “George, what did I do to upset Mila?”

“No need to act dumb. If I could see it plain as day, so can Mila.”

“What did I do?”

“Excuse me?”

“What did I do to Mila to make her want to kill me?”

“You know.”

“No I don’t.”

“You were eye-banging me since we met. You don’t think Mila saw that?”


“Don’t act dumb, Hayley. You’ve been flirting with me since we met.”

“I was?”

“A Gulliverian flirting with a Brobdingnagian is common I guess. But come on! Mila was there the
whole time. She saw how you were talking to me and flirting with me, she knows, Hayley.”

“I wasn’t flirting with you!” My head hurt. I was drunk like George appeared to be, but I wasn’t
that drunk. Was I?
“You were honey, don’t lie.” He started walking down the shoreline. The moon was out and
made the water shimmer in white lunar light. “I was watching you the whole time. I saw how you
were looking at me.”


“That’s right, Hayley. I was looking at you and checking you out.” He sounded sincere. “I don’t
think I’ve ever met such a cute Gulliverian redhead, but there you were. Cute as a fuckin’
button. I mean, I love Mila to death, but watching you going about your business drove me

“You think I’m c-cute?”

“If you were 400 feet taller, I just might ask you out on a date.”


“But you’re not. That’s just the reality of things. Like I said, I love Mila. I think she’s the hottest
thing in the world and I’m not going to lose her because of a one-inch redhead. You got that?”

“Got it.” I couldn’t look up to him anymore. “Mila is very pretty. I wouldn’t go out with me if I were
you.” I said.

“Glad you understand. We can’t be together Hayley. As much as I want to lick your micro pussy,
we just can’t be together. Fuck! I would love it if you rode my cock. But you’re too damn small.”

“I wouldn’t even know what to do with it!”

“I know, right? Mila would kill you if she us talking alone.”

“Why does Mila hate me so much? I mean, she’s a Brobby and I’m a little Gulliverian.”

“That’s exactly why she hates you! How would you like it, if your Gulliverian boyfriend left you for
a little Lilliputian? How humiliating would that be?”

“I guess I see your point.”

“I really love Mila. But at the same time—for whatever reason—I feel like I need to protect you.”

I stayed silent and thought about what he said.

“Mila comes from a rich and prominent family.” He said. “She is used to getting anything she
wants, and things going her way. Really, nothing stands in front of her. She’s a tall
Brobdingnagian and has money and influence. She gets whatever she wants. If someone or
something stands in her way—well, that doesn’t last for too long, if you know what I’m saying.”

I nodded.

“Then comes along one-inch Hayley. The little redhead that stole big-bad George’s heart away
from Mila.”

He must have been really, really drunk.

“How could that even work?” He asked. “You are so tiny! How could I have an attraction to
something so tiny and insignificant?”

“I’m not insignificant!” I was really, really drunk too.

“Hayley, we couldn’t make things work. I’m a Brobdingnagian, and you’re a tiny Gulliverian.” He
looked out to the dark ocean. “Fuck, I love Mila. Not you Hayley!”

“What are you saying George?”

“Mila knows I have a little attraction for you. That’s not acceptable to Mila. She gets what she
wants, and a one-inch Gulliverian redhead is not going to stand in her way of her man.”

I could feel my heart racing. George liked me! But his controlling girlfriend wanted me dead. My
emotions kept jumping around. I wasn’t sure how to feel. My fantasy was to be with George, but
I didn’t want to risk my life for him…Did I?

“Do you swim Hayley?”


“Want to have a night swim?”

I let out a nervous laugh. “I don’t have my swimsuit.”

“Neither do I.” He was serious.

Using his free hand, George wiggled out of his shorts. He then pulled his shirt off with me still in
his left hand. His shirt passed through all around me as he took it off and tossed it to the sandy
beach. He was standing naked with me still on his hand. I didn’t try to hide the fact that I was
checking him out. He didn’t try to stop me either; in fact he moved his hand so that I could better
see him.
“Your turn.”

I nodded. I took off my shirt and let it drop on his palm. I then kicked off my Chuck Taylors and
stripped out of my khaki shorts. My clothes were piled neatly on his palm, while I stood naked
before him. I didn’t hide anything. I let my arms drop to my sides.

“You’re hot,” he said deeply.

I’ve never heard anyone say that. Okay maybe Rob one time, I think. But his opinions didn’t

“Thank you.” I said.

He brought me up to his lips. His tongue shot out and started licking me. Using his tongue, he
pushed me down on my back and licked up my thigh. He found the sweet spot and started
running his car-sized tongue around my pussy. I squealed and moaned in ecstasy. It was unlike
any feeling I have ever felt. I spread my legs as wide as I could. Thick, sticky saliva covered my
midsection. His pink wet tongue ran around in circles around my tiny pussy. Tears streamed out
from my eyes as the pleasure I felt was otherworldly.

Even after coming to orgasm multiple times, his tongue didn’t stop. I felt exhausted, but waves
of pleasure kept slamming into me like a truck. The stamina that his tongue possessed was like
nothing I’ve ever experienced. It was like getting fucked by a machine that didn’t know what
tired meant.

I think he saw that I was sufficiently pleasured, because he retracted his lips and looked down at
me. He then ran his tongue up and down my body. From the tips of my toe, up to my nappy red
hair. I even reached out and grabbed the pink tongue and hugged it like a warm body. When I
did, warm thick globs of saliva washed over my body. I wanted to make love with his tongue
again, which was better than Rob times a million.

“Care to help me out?” His speech was filled with lust.

I knew what he meant. I had my fill, now it was his turn. His body collapsed on the sandy beach.
Plumes of white sand rose from his gargantuan body. I could see that he stretched his legs out
into the ocean. Probably thousands of feet to the micro Lilliputians, only a foot to him. His body
exerted power that I haven’t even witnessed in even the mightiest Gulliverian construction

He dropped me on his chest. It was hairy, but fucking manly. He laid back and took another
deep breath of salty ocean air. I knew what I had to do. I raced down his toned body towards his
already erect tower. His pubic hair was trimmed down, but still came up to my kneecaps. I felt
the sharp stabs of the hair against my skin, so I leapt towards his erect cock. I latched on like a
lizard to a tree. I didn’t know what to do, but gyrated my little hips against his sequoia-sized

I must’ve been doing something right, because I could hear him moan lightly. Also, his cock
started pulsating in synch with his rapid heartbeat. His cock throbbed with warm gushes of
blood that made it even more erect. The warmth radiated from the cock heated my body.

My arms grew tired as I tried to hold on. George was probably reading my mind, because at that
moment he gripped me against his cock and started masturbating. Up and down I went on his
shaft. I didn’t fight against him, nor did I worry about my safety. I closed my eyes and
concentrated on the feeling of my nude body running up and down his hot cock. The outer skin
was smooth and soft, but I could feel the power and strength exerted by his shaft.

George got up from his lying position and sat up. He masturbated with me furiously until he
came. Jets of cum flew over my head into the Lilliputian ocean. I could feel every pulse of cum
launch from his cock. I smiled as I knew I caused him to cum in satisfaction.

09:30 pm

I don’t know how long the afterglow lasted. From his deflating cock, I could see his white goopy
mess floating in the ocean like a gigantic jelly fish. I looked up to him and could see his chest
panting for air. Did I really tax his body that much? Little ol’ me?

“I fucked Mila twice today.” He said brokenly during pants. “I don’t think I came that powerfully
anytime with her.”

We panted peacefully together for some time. I remembered that I didn’t want that moment to
end. The moon was full and beautiful. The ocean gave off a peaceful calm that relaxed us to no
end. It was perfect. Me and George. Both sexually satisfied. Please don’t let it end.

09:31 pm

George and I were dressed. We were headed back home, and I was in his palm. I was more
than sexually satisfied for one day. I conquered both Felicia and George with my mighty
womanhood. We headed towards the bungalow.
Despite the darkness, I could still make out the Brobby bungalow in the moonlight. The huge
door that was bigger than a Gulliverian neighborhood, burst open.

“Where the fuck have you been!” Mila shouted wearing nothing more than panties.

Expertly, George lowered his hand to his side, shielding me from Mila’s point of view. “Couldn’t
sleep.” He said, “I took a walk along the beach, hoping that would help.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to leave?”

“I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I woke up, and you weren’t next to me. How do you think I felt George!?”

“Sorry babe, I didn’t think you’d wake. Let me make it up to you.”

George stepped up to Mila and gave her hug, swinging me towards her shapely ass.

She let out a hugh, and then said, “just don’t leave me alone next time jerk.”

I heard slurpy kisses coming from George and Mila. I have to admit that I did feel a pang of
jealousy as George kissed his girlfriend. I didn’t know why. I knew that George and I couldn’t
possibly make a relationship work. But why did I feel like he was betraying me by kissing Mila
after fucking me? Okay, he didn’t fuck me, but it was close...right? Goddamnit. What kind of
relationship did George and I have? Were we a thing? Or was I a…fling?

My heart fluttered in my chest. Shit. Was I a love interest to George? Or was a simple fuck toy?
FUCK! I hated being a fucking Gulliverian. Why couldn’t I be born a Brobby? I was doomed to
be one-inch tall to the one I loved. Holy shit, did I love George.


No. No. No. I loved Rob. I was in a relationship with Rob. I loved him and was waiting for the
day he proposed to me. Was he going to propose to me after I yelled at him in front of our
friends? I then fucked Felicia in front of him. I then fucked a hot Brobby behind his back…Oh
shit. I really fucked up things. I really did love my one-inch boyfriend. But then again, I did love
my 400 foot tall boyfriend. Was George my boyfriend? Well, yea, he had sex with me. What we
did, did count for sex. Right? Fuck.


What was I doing? Rob was devoted to me. George was…

Well, I didn’t know what George’s intentions were. He did have sex with me. I mean, it was sex
as far as I was concerned. That’s where the problem lied. I didn’t know what George wanted. I
did know that Rob loved me and practically devoted his life to me.

But then I treated him like shit.

As I sat in George’s hand, I began to realize what a piece of shit I have become. I ruined a good
thing for a fling with George. What made things worse, was that if I chose to be with George,
then I had Mila to contend with.


I was meant to be with Rob. I would have to settle with Rob. I mean not settle. I CHOSE to be
with Rob. Fuck. I was drunk. I needed sleep.

“Let’s go to bed baby.” George told Mila.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Mila grabbed George’s free hand and guided him into the bungalow. Before reaching the bed,
George smoothly dropped me on the nightstand. I tucked and rolled a bit before coming to a
stop. In the dark, I saw George and Mila stripping before wrapping into each other’s arm.

I ran for the elevator then stopped. Was George really going to have sex with Mila after I blew
his load? I had to find out. I ran and hid behind the lamp. My head crept around the side of the
lamp, just enough for me to spy on the Brobby couple.

Mila was on the bottom completely nude. She had her legs wrapped around George’s hips. She
then moved her hand between his legs and starting pumping his cock. She went faster and
faster, but I could hear disappointment in her breath.

“Sorry, babe,” George sighed, “but I’m kind of worn out from today.”

“Fine.” She whined. “Just get a tube of my stuff. I need something before I go to bed.”

Tube of her stuff? I wasn’t sure what that meant. George did, he got up from bed and walked
over to Mila’s luggage. I could see his meaty member was flaccid. I smiled knowing that I
satisfied that 37’ cock. George carefully lifted a cylindrical tube from the luggage. It was still dark
in the room, but eyes have since adjusted—enough for me to see somewhat in the dark room.
When George pulled out the mystery tube, I could see there were many more identical tubes in
the luggage.

It looked like a scientific test tube, something like a chemist would use. George held it parallel to
the ground and treated it with great care. Was it explosive? I kept staring intently.

Mila held out her pinky finger. It was manicured and long. George took the cork off the tube
gently and brought to the long pinky nail. He then poured something onto her nail—as if it was a
shovel. Whatever he poured filled Mila’s upturned nail. She then used her free hand to cover her
left nostril. She brought her pinky up to her right nostril and snorted loudly. Loudly enough that it
made me jump. Mila snorted again and kept doing it a few more times.

She repeated the process again with her other nostril. Drugs. At least it looked like she was
doing drugs. She kept making snorting sounds like she had a runny nose. Mila then leaned back
and ran her arms under her pillow. George went between her spread legs with the mystery tube.
From my vantage point, I could see George playing with Mila’s cunt. He then lowered the tube
and tilted it towards her open pussy. Mila moaned instantly.

George was pouring the contents up and down her pussy. Mila grabbed her bed sheets and
clamped down on them hard. She writhed in bed and moaned insistently. It looked like the
mystery tube was empty; George tossed it away somewhere on the ground. He then lowered
his head between Mila’s legs. I heard those slurpy sounds again. George was lapping up Mila’s
pussy along with whatever it was he poured.

I saw enough. I headed back to the elevator and prepared mentally for bed. Mila continued
moaning and panting as I pushed the elevator button. I wasn’t afraid to get caught because the
Brobby couple was so engrossed in their oral sex. I entered the elevator and waited for the door
to close.

Before the doors closed, I heard Mila say “I love how those Lilliputians feel in my pussy.”

“You can feel them?” George asked.

My heart skipped a beat. Lilliputians? Then the elevator doors closed.

10:00 pm
I walked towards my bedroom, still thinking about what Mila and George said. So the tube was
filled with Lilliputians? How many were there? The tube was a decent size in George’s hand.
There could have been thousands of Lilliputians in there.

For a moment, I forgot about my Lilliputian friends. They were all on my bed when I walked in.
Felicia was on her back motionless. Rob was kneeled over her with his arm under her his head.
It looked like he was nursing her wounds. Carly was about a foot away and appeared asleep
until I walked in. I could see her waking up, then smiling when she saw me.

“What’s wrong with her?” I asked Rob.

He started speaking but I didn’t hear him. I remembered about the earpiece and changed it to
the Lilliputian frequency. I heard Rob right away.

“Felicia is still alive, but just barely. She has a broken rib I think. I want to take her to a hospital,
Hayley. I would have gone by now, but my car keys are in the kitchen, so is Carly’s car keys.”
He sounded distraught. “Hayley, please take me to the kitchen so I can grab my keys and take
Felicia to the hospital. I don’t know how much longer she will last. I won’t tell them what
happened to her. I just want the keys and the car.”

What a pussy, I thought. “Hang on one sec, Rob.”

I left the bedroom and returned moments later with Rob and Carly’s hover car in my hand. It was
their only transportation out of my apartment to Concordia City. Both vehicles fit easily on my

“Here Rob, I’m making it easier for you. Oops!” I accidently dropped both vehicles to the floor.
The two inch cars shattered into pieces. I then brought down my purple Chuck Taylor’s onto the
mess of mangled metal. “Sorry about that. Shoot. How are you guys going to get back to the
city?” I stomped on the vehicles again and again.


“Don’t tell me what to fucking do, Rob! I wear the goddamn pants in this relationship. Not you.
Got it?” I finished grinding the cars into the ground. I stripped my clothes and kicked off my
shoes. I stood above him and rested my hands on my hips. “And why do you care about Felicia
all of the sudden?”

“Hayley? What’s going on? Why are you acting like this?” He was on the verge of tears.

“Is she your girlfriend or something? Have you been cheating on me? Rob? You fucking piece
of shit.”
“I love you Hayley! But please. Our friend is hurt. We need to take her to the hospital.” He

I don’t know what came over me. But I loved it. I could say or do whatever I wanted and there
was nothing Rob could do about it. I looked at Carly briefly and could see her enjoying me. I
loved her so much. Much more than Rob.

“Hayley, please!” He cried out.

I leaned over and flicked him off of Felicia. I could barely see her opening her eyes. She looked
like she was in extreme pain. Pain caused by my pussy. I gently lifted Felicia up to my eyes. Her
eyelids fluttered open. She then tilted her head towards me like an infant.

“I never really liked you Felicia. I thought you should know that.”

I used my other hand to spread open my ass cheeks. I then shoved Felicia up my asshole head
first. She didn’t struggle much. Shame.

“If you love Felicia so much,” I told Rob, “then you can fish her out of my ass while I sleep.”

I grabbed Carly and collapsed onto my bed. I believe Rob ran out of the way of my gigantic legs.
I rested my head on my pillow and let Carly go. I kissed her before falling to sleep. I already
forgot about my former friend, struggling for her life in my ass.

Ch 6
Author's Chapter Notes:
I really let myself loose on this chapter.


10:20 am

I woke up with a severe case of cotton mouth that morning. My head hurt and my muscles were
sore from my fuck with George. The sunlight was already beaming into my bedroom keeping me
awake. Something else that was keeping me awake was my urge to pee. A few stumbles later, I
found the toilet and let out a torrential pee.

Sitting there in the bathroom, I reminisced about the previous night. I remembered George
vividly. There was also Mila and those tubes that I suspected were filled with Lilliputians. I also
had fun with Felicia. That was right…I shoved Felicia up my ass before passing out. I clenched
my sphincter but I couldn’t feel the one inch ginger.

The shower felt good. I shampooed and conditioned my red hair. Coming out of the shower, I
wrapped myself in a white towel. It was a bit on the short side; it covered my breast and barely
went past my pussy. I walked back into the bedroom, still dripping with water. The carpet fibers
dried up my bare soles as I walked to my bed.

I sat on the bed and leaned back against the headboard. My legs were stretched out on the bed
with my left leg over my right. My wet legs soaked up the bed sheets pretty well. I wanted to
sleep, but I knew I shouldn’t. Later that day, I would have to give the Brobby couple a tour of
Concordia City. There was a lot of prep work I had to do before that tour. Mainly coordination
with the Lilliputian government—actually it was more like a heads up that gigantic
Brobdingnagians will be in the outskirts of the city. The Lilliputian government would tell their
residents to secure any belongings that may topple over from the footsteps of the giant couple.
Also planes and hover vehicles were diverted away from where the Brobby couple may stand.

Something kept troubling as I sat on my bed. It was Mila and those tubes. Was I imagining
things or was it filled with Lilliputians. It was filled with something, but what? I played with the
idea that it was filled with Lilliputians. That meant Mila snorted microscopic people, and then
George poured them onto Mila’s pussy, only to lick them up. It was possible. The
Brobdingnagians were giga-sized compared the Lilliputians.

Carly’s little hand was running along my wet thigh. She looked fully awake and even a little
sultry. She was nude and walking seductively along my gigantic leg. I placed my hand down for
her to jump on. Once aboard, I brought her up to my face. She had curly dark hair that was
messy, but sexy.

How many Lilliputians were in those tubes? The more I thought about it, the more I was
convinced that those tubes were filled with Lilliputians. I held one of them in my hand at the
moment. I called her my friend and she did the same. But could I really be her friend? She was
so small. And to the Brobdingnagians, she was nearly invisible.

She was on her belly, drinking the driblets of water on my hand left over from the shower. How
many Lilliputians did Mila snort? How many people like my friend Carly ended up deep inside
Mila’s cunt? What about the people George licked up? Did he eat them? Little people that were
the same size as Carly, were now either struggling in Mila’s boogers, or cunt; most likely
drowning in horrific deaths.

Carly looked over her shoulder and gave me a wink. She proceeded to finger herself while
staring at me. My earpiece picked up her moans and grunts. I used my thumb to rub the inside
of her thigh. They were really smooth and fragile.
Mila probably killed thousands without effort. I couldn’t do the same thing. I couldn’t imagine
Carly being one of the faceless Lilliputians to drown in Mila’s pussy. I started sucking on Carly’s
left foot. Then it was her leg. Then it was both her legs. Her breast then passed my upper lips.
Finally her body was inside my mouth. I heard her yelp as I closed her in my mouth.

I’ve sucked on Rob in my mouth many times in the past, but it was a first for Carly. I slid my
tongue between her legs and went to work on her pussy. I got rid of the towel and laid back in
bed. I started fingering myself while I licked and sucked on Carly. I wondered if Mila ever ate
Lilliputians. I knew from my history classes that Brobdingnagians used to eat Lilliputians by the
hundreds of thousands in one sitting. That practice has been since banned and become
severely punishable.

I wondered what it would be like to eat Carly. It would’ve been easy. She was slippery and wet
with my saliva. All I had to do was gulp. I couldn’t do that to Carly. She was too friendly and
devoted to me. Was she devoted to me?

I pulled her out of my mouth and dropped her on my bush. I closed my eyes and held my hands
behind my head. Soon after, I felt her crawling over to my pussy. She wedged herself between
my lips and went to work. She slipped in easily, considering she was coated with saliva.

She found the clit and started rubbing her perfectly sized hand around it. She was like the tiny
dildo that knew the right spots to hit. At that moment, I had officially fucked all my best friends.

10:40 am

The house phone rang as I was coming down from an orgasm. I pushed out Carly from my
pussy and proceeded to get up and answer the phone in the nude. Rob was carrying Felicia
over his shoulder and barely made it to the bedroom door when I stepped over them. It seemed
that Rob was trying to escape with Felicia, perhaps to rescue her. I would deal with them later.

The phone was a cordless model and hung on the living room wall. I answered the phone and
was greeted by the Lilliputian Chamber of Commerce Director. His name was Dayne, and I
worked with him in the past. Because of him, Brobdingnagians were allowed to visit the little
Lilliputian island. He worked closely with the tourist company to make sure everything went
according to the best interest of the Lilliputians.

“What the hell happened last night?” Dayne sounded exasperated.

“What are you talking about?”

“A luxury yacht sunk last night. There were 35 Lilliputians on board. They are presumed dead,
but we can’t find out, because the whole area is contaminated with some goop.”

I smiled, guessing what it was. “Where did the boat sink?”

“Not far from your beach.” He sounded tense. Almost heartbroken. Like he just found out his
dog was run over by a car.

“The Brobby vacation beaches are off limits to Lilliputians. What were they doing there?” I

“I don’t know Hayley.” I could hear him puff on a smoke on the other end of the line. “A bunch of
rich Lilliputians who thought they were above the law. The cops have talked to neighbors and
friends of the victims. They said that this group of rich Lilliputians loved to have boat parties in
dangerous places, the Brobdingnagian vacation beach for one. I don’t know if they wanted to
see Brobdingnagians or they just wanted the solitude. Either way, they’re dead.”

“Do the cops think that the Brobby couple had something to do with it?”

Just then, I heard the Brobby door opening. I ran for the living room windows and peered
outside. Mila came out wearing a blue bikini and oversized sunglasses. George was right
behind wearing only beach shorts. They carried a parasol and picnic basket. The door slammed
shut behind them. I watched the 400 foot giant couple walk towards the calm ocean.

“The investigators haven’t told me much.” Dayne continued. “They’re actually heading to the
ocean in their hover-copters. They are going to take a sample of the goo to determine what it
was. Hayley,” he took a breath, “if they find out that the Brobby couple had something to do with
their deaths, they will shut down Brobdingnag Holidays®.”

Fuck. There weren’t many jobs available that would let me interact with Lilliputians and
Brobdingnagians daily. I didn’t want to lose my job or see George prosecuted for jizzing on a
bunch of rich Lilliputians.

“Hayley,” Dayne continued, “I don’t know what happened last night. Nor do I want to know. But I
think you do. And if you want to keep your job, you’d make sure those investigators don’t find

“Or come back alive.” I said under my breath.

“I don’t want to know! But I trust you Hayley. Do what you gotta do.” He hung up.
10:45 am

To compliment my nails, I chose to wear a purple bikini and have my red hair pulled back in a
pony tail. It didn’t take long for me to get ready. I slipped on my flip flops and yanked Carly from
the bed. I didn’t say anything to her. I was too much in a hurry. I dropped her in my bikini
bottom. Rob and Felicia hardly made any progress in their escape. Felicia only appeared to be
semi-conscious; it was Rob doing most of the work by carrying her over his shoulder. I
separated the two and placed each one between my boob and bikini top. Felicia on the left and
Rob on the right.

I grabbed my sunglasses and car keys as I exited my apartment. I started up the Jeep
(non-hover model) and drove it hard towards the Brobby couple. The Jeep went over sand
dunes and bounced every which way. My boobs, although not large, still bounced up and down.
I felt my little friends rub against my nipples the further I drove. Carly felt like she was being
scrapped up against my trimmed bush.

I could see the Brobby couple coming to view. They had their beach blanket down and the
parasol up. They were both on their back getting a tan. I changed the frequency on my ear
piece and announced I was approaching them. But they didn’t even flinch. I had to rely on my
Jeep to grab their attention.

Mila wasn’t wearing her bikini top. She had her circular tits out in full display. I drove by her
head and started blasting the horn. There was also a powerful strobe light on top of the Jeep
that would easily grab their attention, should they be looking down.

Something must have done it, because Mila started to stir. She opened her eyes and turned her
head towards me. Her dark eyes pierced through me. She never looked happy or gentle. She
always had this dark aura around her that made me feel uneasy.

“Ew, a bug.” I saw her hand come down. Without thinking, I stepped on the gas and avoided her
swatting hand. A plume of white sand blanketed me from where she struck the ground.

“Mila it’s me.”

She smiled. She lifted her hand. Then dropped it once more. I think she did it slowly, because I
had enough time to react and hit the gas. Again, more white sand erupted from the ground and
clouded over me. My hair was turning white, and my skin had powdery sand all over it. The
inside of the Jeep was also covered in sand. Mila rose to her feet while I was coughing up sand.

“Persistent little bug.” She boomed over me. “Now stand still and take your medicine.”
She lifted her foot up. My chest felt weak and a part of me just wanted to stare at the underside
of her foot. But the other part of me told me to hit the gas. The Jeep jumped forward and
narrowly missed her titanic footfall. I didn’t stop this time. The gas pedal hit the floor, and the
Jeep went flying over the white sand dunes.

Mila’s right foot came crashing down alongside the Jeep. I screamed out in fear, and my mouth
was instantly filled with sand. I turned hard left and skidded deeply into the sand. The Jeep had
enough torque to pull itself out and lurch forward. I could hear Mila laugh. It only made me cry.

Another slender foot came down. This time it was in front of me. She slammed so hard that it
sunk into the sand, causing the sand to create an artificial dune around her foot. To her, it might
have looked like a deep footprint in sand. To me, it was a ramp. I floored the gas pedal and
hoped I wasn’t being stupid. The Jeep went down and then up the ramp of sand. I felt the
wheels of the truck go airborne. I briefly looked down and saw Mila’s foot. The Jeep came
crashing down on the beach blanket.

It was a rougher ride over the blanket fibers oppose to the sandy beach. To my right, I could see
George’s still body. I kept driving down the length of the blanket, unaware to where Mila was.
She then appeared in front of me. She fell to her knees and leaned forward. Her boobs defied
gravity and stayed perfect circular mountains hundreds of feet up in the air. She also wore a
devilish smile.

I stopped the Jeep and popped into reverse. This time, Mila was faster and picked up the Jeep.
The wheels spun wildly as I was lifted to her face. Mila’s smile was more disconcerting than
when she looked pissed. With her other hand, she grabbed her oversized sunglasses and put
those on. I could see my reflection in the dark lens. I looked so tiny in her hand.

“Oh, you’re not a bug.” She giggled. “You’re that girl. My bad. I almost stepped on you.”

Mila remembered about the earpiece and found hers in the picnic basket George brought out.
She turned it on and placed it in her right ear.

“How are you doing today?” She asked.

“G-g-good.” My heart was still racing in my chest.

“’G-g-good’? you don’t sound ‘g-g-good’. Did I scare you girl?” She mocked me.

“A l-l-little. My name is Hayley, b-b-by the way.”

“Did I ask what your name was?” Her voice was loud. “Take off your seatbelt.”
I did. Mila then pulled me out of my Jeep. She smiled again as she curled her hand into a fist,
crushing my Jeep into a little ball of metal. I cried inside, I really loved that Jeep. Mila tossed the
metal over her shoulder, landing somewhere on the beach.

“So what brings you out here girl?” Mila asked.

“I wanted to see if I could get you anything?”


“It’s the t-truth Mila.”

“No, you came out here to see George.”

“No, I swear Mila.”

“Don’t lie to me, girl!” Her breath smelled like cinnamon. “I will fucking crush you like your car if
you continue to lie. Just admit it. You want George as your boyfriend.”

“I already have a boyfriend.” I blurted out.

“Where? I don’t see him.”

Against my better judgment, I pulled out Rob from my right breast. He was held tightly around
my fist. I looked at him and suddenly didn’t feel so helpless. Mila held my life in her hand, but I
held Rob in my hand. It made me feel a little big seeing him in my hand. Rob was squinting his
eyes, trying to adjust to the bright sun. He looked at me and then Mila. He began to shake and
shiver in my fist. Mila’s mouth dropped open. She looked amazed. Slowly, she took off her
sunglasses and brought us closer to her eye. Her pupil was larger than Rob’s house and then
some. Mila’s expression changed. It went from amazed to girly laughter in one quick second.
Laughter like she saw something utterly embarrassing.

“Is that a Lilliputian in your hand?” She asked after coming down from her laugh.

“Yes. His name is Robert, and he’s my boyfriend.”

Her laughter renewed. “Holy shit this is too funny. Here I thought you wanted to hook up with
George, but the reality is you’re dating a microbe.”

“He’s not a microbe. He’s a Lilliputian.”

“Okay dear.” A few more laughs escaped her while she tried to compose herself. “A Lilliputian
boyfriend. I guess it’s good on Robert that he upgraded in class. But you girl, you downgraded.
That’s like me dating a Gulliverian—gross!”

“I didn’t downgrade. I love Rob and he loves me. We just happen to be different sizes. Not
different classes.”

“Whatever. Does he have one of these headset thingies? I want to talk to him.”

Rob looked at me and then fiddled with something in his ears. It was then that I regretted the
way I had treated him in the past day. What was he going to tell Mila?

“Hello? This is Rob.”

“Oh, hi there! You sound pretty big for being a speck and all.” Mila said.

“Uhm, thanks.”

“So is it true what this girl is saying? Are you her boyfriend? Or is she holding you hostage
because she’s bigger than you?”

I was feeling very nervous. Rob looked at me and could see the concern I had my face. I wasn’t
sure what game Mila was playing, but I didn’t want Rob to paint me in a bad picture.

“She’s my girlfriend. We are very happy together.”

Mila looked like she was getting bored. She kicked George in the sides with her foot. He woke
up and asked what was wrong with her. She told him to put his earpiece on. He did, and then
looked at Mila’s upturned palm. He saw me and looked concern that I was in Mila’s palm.

“She has a boyfriend.” Mila told George.

“Oh.” He looked confused. “Is that why you woke me up?”

“She’s holding her boyfriend in her hand right now.”

George looked really confused. He brought his face closer to us and looked hard. Rob held onto
my fingers tightly as the huge giant with the five o’clock shadow looked on.

“Is he a—“

“Lilliputian!” Mila laughed.

He didn’t laugh. Did I break his heart? He wasn’t thrilled that I had a boyfriend, nor the fact that
my boyfriend was a dot to him. He faked a laugh to go along with Mila and not give away

“Robert, are you listening?” Mila asked.


“You see, this whole time, I thought your girlfriend was trying to steal my man. I didn’t know she
liked micro dicks. No offense.”

“None taken.”

Mila dropped her palm with us on it towards George’s bulge. “I thought she liked big cocks like
this.” Mila used her free hand to grab a fistful of George’s flaccid cock. It must have made Rob
feel very emasculated.

“Don’t do that honey,” George said, “you might scare the little guy.”

“Sorry Robert.” Mila said.

“No problem.”

“George,” Mila said, “can you take little Robert here back to the bungalow and bring out some
beers. I want to talk to Hayley in private.”

“You guys can just change frequencies.” George said.

“George!” Mila tilted her head and grinded her teeth.

“Oh, okay. Come on little guy, let me show where I keep the beer.”

I knew Rob very well. He had a size and foot fetish. But they involved girls, not guys. So when
George extended his index finger to me, I could feel Rob tighten his grip around my fingers. He
didn’t want to even touch George. He wanted his first ride on a Brobby to be a girl not a guy.
Even though nothing remotely sexual was going to happen, he didn’t want to go with a giant

“George, he might fly off your finger if you carry him like that.” Mila said. She grabbed his finger
and put it in her mouth. George pulled his finger out with a thin sheen of her spit. “That’s better;
he’ll stick to your finger now.”

“Good idea.” George said.

I stuck Rob to George’s index finger. He adhered immediately. Rob had a sad look on his face. I
mouthed ‘sorry’ to him as George pulled back his finger. He looked at the little dot that was in
the middle of his vast fingertip before getting up.

“Ready little dude?” George told Rob to change frequencies on the earpiece. They walked away
in some dull conversation. I knew Rob was in safe hands. Me on the other hand…

“So why a Lilliputian? Why not a Gulliverian or even a Brobdingnagian like George.” Mila asked
while rummaging through her picnic basket.

I spilled my guts to Mila. I told her everything. I told her how my peers never asked me out. I told
her how Brobby men ignored me. It was only Rob who ever talked back and showed so much
interest in me.

I was sitting cross legged in the middle of Mila’s palm. She wasn’t looking at me while I told her
my sob story. Instead, she was more interested with something in her basket. She pulled out
one of those familiar looking tubes. She popped the cork with her thumb and then tilted the end
of the tube towards me.

It rained Lilliputians. Hundreds. Then thousands of one inch Lilliputians crashed down all around
me. I could hear their screams without the aid of an earpiece. They cried in pain and in fear. I
could hear them calling out for loved ones. I could see them regrouping with friends along Mila’s
vast palm. There were so many. It looked like the ground was moving and alive. But it was just a
very dense amount of Lilliputians.

“Have you ever eaten a Lilliputian?” Mila asked casually.


“I have. But I could never really taste them unless I eat a lot at once.”

I was shaking. My heart was racing. I’ve never seen so many Lilliputians in one spot in my life.
They crawled all over my legs and stomach. They bowed to me and prayed to me that I would
rescue them. I reached down between my legs and felt Carly still safe next to my pussy. Felicia
was also pressed up against my boob safely.

“Why do you eat Lilliputians?” I was still amazed that Mila held me along with thousands of

“Tradition. Also to remind the Lilliputians what there lot in life is: To serve the higher classes.” I
could see Mila swallowing saliva in anticipation. Her mouth was actually watering seeing all the
Lilliputians. “Eat one of them.”

“Are you deaf? I said eat one. They’re all going to get eaten anyway.”

“I can’t eat a Lilliputian.” I said.

“How about this…If you refuse to eat one of them, then I’ll eat you along with all of them. Don’t
think I won’t do it because I’ve eaten Gulliverians before.”

My hands were shaking. I found a petite girl in the ocean of Lilliputians. I figured she’d be easier
to swallow. Mila brought her eyes close. I held up the hysterical girl for Mila to see. She gave a
slight nod. I opened my mouth and dropped the screaming girl in. Not the first time I had a Lilly
in my mouth. But it was the first time I would eat one.

The girl fought hard inside. It wasn’t like Rob or Carly. This girl was trying to fight her way out of
my mouth. My first impulse was to chow down on the little Lilly, but I’d figured that would be
gross. I rolled the girl over my tongue and wet her nice and good with saliva. I breathed out and
then swallowed. The girl filled my esophagus and I felt like I was going to choke. But my body
took control of the little thing and I felt her travel down towards my stomach. I didn’t feel her fight
in my stomach, but I felt something similar to butterflies in my stomach. The feeling soon

“I did it.” I said in disbelief. “I ate her.” The Lilliputians on Mila’s hand went hysterical. I wasn’t
their savior like they thought. They screamed out and cried more. The Lilliputians that were on
my legs jumped off and ran away from me along with everyone else. For the Lilliputians, there
was plenty of room to run on Mila’s hand, despite the thousands that were on board.

“Congratulations. You want a trophy or something?” Mila said in disgust.

She brought her mouth down on her hand and started licking. She looked like a pro, because
she retracted and raised her tongue as she licked from fingers to palm. I could see her wet pink
tongue carpeted with microscopic Lilliputians.

The Lilliputians that were running from me were now running towards me. The tip of Mila’s
tongue just missed me as she raised her head up. Mila closed her mouth and made some
chewing motions with her mouth. She then did an exaggerated swallow sending thousands
down her throat. I looked back at her palm. There were only a few dozen Lilliputians left.

“It’s important for me, as a Brobdingnagian,” Mila said, “to put the Lilliputians in their place. It’s
also important to put you in your place.”
Mila tilted her head back with her mouth open. She then tossed her hand back—with me on
it—into her ready mouth. I screamed along with the surviving Lilliputians as we entered her
mouth. I saw the last bits of daylight go away as she sealed her lips. My body tumbled all over
the place by her powerful tongue. I could feel some Lilliputians being crushed by various parts
of my body as I tried to hold onto Mila’s tongue.

The irony was not lost on me. I just ate a Lilliputian in cold blood like Mila was about to do to
me. I easily fit in her cavernous maw. Her cinnamon breath was even stronger. I couldn’t hear
anymore Lilliputians. They’d either drowned or were crushed accidently by me.

Like the world’s most powerful vacuum, I could feel myself being sucked on. If there were any
Lilliputians left, they were sucked to the back of Mila’s throat. My purple bikini top ripped off. I
thought of my friend, Felicia. I felt around for her, but she was lost somewhere inside Mila’s

The suction eventually stopped. Was I in Mila’s stomach? Or on the way down to her stomach?
Daylight entered Mila’s mouth. The suction was reversed, and I was spat out. I landed on my
back in the middle of Mila’s palm again.

I breathed heavily and wiped giant spit wads from my mouth and nose. I opened my eyes
slowly, but I was too goopy with Mila’s saliva. Through the thick spit, I was able to see Mila’s

“Just remember Hayley,” Mila said, “I can do that whenever I want. I could eat you right up, and
there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

I got most of the mess off my face. I sat breathing hard in the middle of Mila’s palm only wearing
my bikini bottom. My tits were out just like hers. I rubbed my left tit thinking I would feel Felicia
but she was gone. She was going to be digested in Mila’s stomach and be worth less than a
calorie in her gigantic body.

“Oh, did I hurt your booby?” Mila laughed. “I might as well finish this supply of Lilliputians. I can’t
believe you have a Lilliputian as a boyfriend. How pathetic. Say…do you want to say goodbye to
your boyfriend’s brothers and sisters?”

Mila wasn’t expecting an answer. In mere seconds, I was straddling the glass tube with
Lilliputians. Despite pouring a great deal of Lilliputians on her palm, the tube seemed almost
filled to the brim still. I couldn’t believe how many Lilliputians I was seeing through the curved
glass. There had to be hundreds of thousands of them. The Lilliputians consisted of different
ages, genders, heights, and skin tone. They were wearing different clothing and looked like they
came from all walks of life. It was a truly diversified set of Lilliputians with no dominant
Mila placed the open end of the tube to her mouth. She sealed her lips around and tilted the
tube. I slide down the tube and landed on Mila’s upper lip, below her nose. I saw the sea of
Lilliputians slid down the glass and into Mila’s hungry mouth. Their screams were the worst part.
It sounded like a stadium letting out a cheer, except their cheer was filled with terror. Thousands
by thousands, slid down the tube to their deaths. I placed my hands to my ears and tried to
block the sounds of their collective screams. I couldn’t close my eyes though. Morbid curiosity
had the best of me, and I watched every Lilliputian go down the hatch, so to speak.

Once the last hundred Lilliputians entered Mila’s mouth, she pulled the tube away from her
mouth and sloshed the Lilliputians in her mouth. She then swallowed hard. Mila tossed the
empty tube back in the picnic basket and plucked me up. She started licking my feet and legs. I
couldn’t scream. I was scared to death, but I couldn’t scream. Mila’s tongue came darting out
and licking me from head to toe. The same tongue that tasted over hundreds of thousands of

“You taste good Hayley.” I still smelled that damn cinnamon on her breath. “I want to eat you up
right now, but it’d be a waste. Am I right?”

I breathed hard and fast. I was crying to myself and I think Mila heard some of it.

“So here’s the deal Hayley.” She sucked on my tiny feet. “You do everything I tell you to do. And
I’ll let you live.” Her tongue went up and down my legs. “If you disobey me—even just once—not
only will I eat you, I’ll kill everyone you’ve ever known. That goes for your speck of a boyfriend,
and your family. And don’t think I won’t. You just saw me eat a shit-ton of Lilliputians. I have my
ways of getting what I want. Do you understand me Hayley?”

“Yes Mila.” I eventually said.

“Good. Now, your first order is to not tell anyone what just happened. Don’t even tell George,
even though he plays with the Lilliputians as well. Got it?”

“Yes. Don’t tell anyone.” I repeated.

“Good. I see George coming. Remember; don’t tell him how I treated you. And put a smile on
your fucking face.”

I forced a smile.

11:10 am
“How’s my honey bunny?” George asked Mila while handing her a beer.

“I’m feeling great.” Mila said. “How are you two doing?”

“Good I would say. About to feel better once I drink this cold beer. Turns out that little Rob and I
have a lot in common.”

“That’s good to hear,” Mila seemed warm and friendly, “are you nervous being around
Brobdingnagians, Robert?”

“I have to admit,” Rob’s deep voice came over all our earpieces, “I was nervous at first. But you
two have been really nice and gentle with me. Even with the size differences.”

“That’s good to hear.” Mila said. She drank some of her beer and set it down on the beach. She
adjusted the parasol so that it casted a shadow on the beach towel. She had her knee bent, and
was hunched over, so that her boobs were squished against her legs. Now talking to me, Mila
asked “is this a nude beach?”

I didn’t hesitate, “it’s a private beach. Your private beach. You can wear whatever you want or

“I noticed you lost your top Hayley.” George said.

“We were just having a girly time.” Mila answered for me. “Don’t ask what we were doing you
perv. Anyway, if this is a clothing optional beach…”

Mila set me down by her left foot. She then wiggled her way out of her bikini bottom. I noticed
she had a clean shaven pussy. Mila used her toe to go up and down my side. Her nails were
unpainted and the size of a Jacuzzi. I was almost knocked over as she ran her toe against me.

“Okay, now it’s everyone else’s turn.” Mila announced. “I’m not going to be the only naked one.
Why don’t you go next Rob?”

“Not a problem with me.” Rob’s deep voice said. After a quick moment he said, “I’m naked.”

“We’re going to have to take your word for it.” George said while lifting his index finger to his
eye. “I can’t even see you.”

Mila said, “your next George.”

“Oh, okay.” George hooked a thumb through the waistband of his shorts and pulled them off.
His flaccid cock was bigger than any Lilliputian structure ever made.
“Don’t hold him there!” Mila smiled.


“There! Next to your dick. Don’t hold Robert there. Everyone knows your dick is big already.”
Mila said. “Here, let me have him.”

Mila placed her fingernail right next to Rob. It was the same nail she used to snort hundreds of
Lilliputians the night before. From my vantage point, I could see Mila transferring Rob from
George’s index finger to her bent knee. I could see George giving a slight smirk as he stood
close by to Mila, with his cock hanging high above Rob’s head.

“You’re last Hayley.” Mila said. “Take ‘em off.”

I remembered about Carly. I lifted waist band from the bikini and could see Carly looking back
up with me with trepidation in her eyes. She was still alive after everything we went through. I
couldn’t just drop my panties and leave Carly on the floor. She was sure to get crushed by
Mila’s uncaring feet. I shoved Carly feet-first into my pussy before pulling off my panties. Her
head poked out from between my pussy lips.

“I’m naked.”

“I think I want to have a little talk with Robert here.” Mila said looking mischievously at Rob.

“Let me guess,” George said, “you want me and Hayley to disappear.”

Mila scrunched her nose and said, “yea.”

“Come on Hayley. Let’s see how the water feels.” George picked me up from between Mila’s
feet. We headed for the water. I didn’t want to leave Rob with Mila, but there was nothing I could
do about it.

11:17 am

George asked how Mila was to me. I kept telling him she was great and gentle with me. I didn’t
forget about Mila’s threat. We had changed frequencies so that we couldn’t hear Mila talk to
“George, remember the previous night?” I asked. “You remember what we did?”

“You want to do it again? I think Mila would see.”

“No, it’s not that.” Considering the threats on my life and the people I love that I received from
Mila, the whole thing with investigation into George’s cum that sunk a luxury yacht, seemed kind
of low priority. I just saw Mila swallow hundreds of thousands of Lilliputians. Why should I worry
about 35 Lilliputian lives that were killed by George’s spunk? “You remember jizzing into the

“Yea, I guess. What are you getting at?”

“Well, when you came, your jizz struck a Lilliputian luxury yacht. 35 people were on board. Their
boat sank and the cops think they’re all dead.”

“The cops?”

“Lilliputian police.”

“Oh, who cares?”

“You mean, other than the Lilliputians?”

“Yea I guess. Should I feel sorry for them or something?”

“No, it’s just that if the police trace back their deaths to you, then you might get prosecuted.
They might also shutdown this vacation for Brobdingnagians. Concordia Island will lose money
and I’ll lose my job.”

George smiled. “You just care about your job?”

We were walking down the shoreline like the night before. I scanned the ocean and could see
some of George’s spunk floating in the water. “I just care about my job. It’s true.”

“Why? It’s not like you get paid a lot.”

“I like working with Brobdingnagians and Lilliputians. It’s also easy to see my boyfriend, because
he lives on this island. Listen George, the crime scene investigators are trying to recover the
yacht and the bodies. They’ll also be testing the waters.” I hesitated. “If you happen to swim out

“Wow, wow. Are you suggesting what I’m thinking?” He smiled.

“I don’t want to lose my job.”

“Say no more Hayley. Where are they?”

11:25 am

George walked into the still waters. His spunk had drifted away from the shoreline and was
heading deeper into the ocean. I wasn’t sure if we were too late or too early. I was standing up
on George’s palm and holding onto his thumb. I felt like ancient explorer, looking out into the

“MAYDAY MAYDAY. Lilliputians are in the area. Halt your position!” The man repeated the
mayday call over and over. They were trying every frequency, hoping they’d get the one we
were tuned for.

“What’s that?” George asked. “What did they say?”

“Halt!” The man said. “You are coming close to a Lilliputian investigation. Turn back and head
back to the beach!”

“I can’t understand what they are saying.” George said. “It must be for someone else.”

I smiled. I really liked George. I looked over his palm and saw that the water came up to his
thighs. His cock hung high above as he walked deeper and deeper into the ocean.

“Halt or we will open fire!”

Above the glob of spunk, I could see dozens of aircraft flying high and low. There was also a
fleet of ships shooting out something over George’s cum. The armada of boats and aircraft
looked like dots to George’s hardening cock. He was getting excited. I saw a yellow explosion
erupt on the tip of George’s cock. The heat reached my face. The Lilliputians were attacking

“I wonder who they were talking to.” George was unfazed by the Lilly attack.

He grabbed the base of his cock and like a batter, started swatting the dots with his half mile
long cock. It took two swats with his cock to destroy the entire ship armada. Jets and
hover-copters escaped the eruption of water from underneath George’s cock and were quickly
scrambling in the air. More explosions struck his dick and thighs.
George swept his hand through the air. I saw the little black dots turn into fireballs in his open
palm. I didn’t see any movement after that. George destroyed the Lilliputian force with hardly
any effort.

“They didn’t put up much of a fight.”

“Yea. That was amazing.”

George stroked his cock. “Assholes got me excited for nothing.”

It was one less thing for me to worry about. I just had to deal with Mila. Losing my job didn’t
seem like a big deal anymore. Maybe I shouldn’t have told George about them. Maybe I should
have let them get caught.

The tour to Concordia City was coming up. How was I going to make sure Mila and George
would behave and listen to me? Neither of them had any problems killing Lilliputians. I also had
to find a way to protect Carly and Rob.

Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for all the comments! This story is only going to get more hardcore after this. If some of
you didn't like the male giant interaction stuff. Sorry. I guess. Well not really. There are plenty of
stories sans male giants on this site. Why am I even talking about this? LOUD NOISES!

Ch 7
Chapter added 09 Feb '14


11:35 am

I pondered many things while sitting on George’s palm. He had just finished destroying a fleet of
Lilly investigators with ease. In doing so, he secured the future of Brobdingnag Holidays® and
my job for a little longer. A job, as time passed, I cared less about.

I had more important things to worry about. My relationship between Rob and George had
grown complex. I didn’t know whether I wanted to pursue a relationship with George or try to
mend my relationship with Rob. I had treated Rob like shit lately and it was mainly because I let
my size supremacy get the best of me. Increasingly, I wasn’t seeing Rob as a man, rather as a
little toy. George on the other hand, was the very definition of a man. He was stacked with
muscles and his manhood could decimate a Lilliputian neighborhood in one go.
But I couldn’t be George’s girlfriend. I knew if we were to try to pursue a relationship, then there
would be Mila to contend with. She was a bitch from an affluent family that got what she wanted.
If I dared to pull George from her, she would dispose of me like those countless number of

That left Rob. I knew I would have to get on my knees and beg for his forgiveness. That’s if he
would be still be willing to talk to me. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to talk or see me
again after what I did to Felicia. Her last days were especially cruel. Her body was somewhere
in Mila’s digestive tract, being digested along with hundreds of thousands of other Lilliputians.

I was beginning to feel sick. I had a petite Lilliputian girl in my stomach being broken down like
my friend Felicia. But I didn’t have choice; after all, if it wasn’t my stomach, it would have been
Mila’s gigantic stomach digesting the poor girl.

Carly was the only person I hadn’t pissed off at that point. She was still safely stowed away in
my pussy with her head sticking out from between my nether lips. If Carly was a Brobby, I
believe she would be very similar to Mila. She got off on the whole size supremacy thing. She
enjoyed seeing my cruel side and probably didn’t care about what happened to Felicia or Rob
for that matter.

“So, you have a boyfriend?” George interrupted my train of thought. “And he’s a Lilliputian?”

“Sorry I didn’t tell you before.”

“No need to be sorry. We both cheated on our significant others. I’m as guilty as you are.”

“That may be true.” I started. “But my boyfriend can’t beat you if he found out about us. Mila can
do a lot of horrible things to me if she found out.”

“That’s true. I couldn’t even feel your boyfriend on my fingertip earlier. He’d have a hard time
just fighting the hair on my crotch.”

I laughed a little. “You just killed a hundred of those Lilliputian investigators along with their
advanced vehicles in the nude without trouble. It would take a billion Robs fighting you at the
same time to even feel a thing.”

“Do you love him?”

I hesitated. “I do.”

“Then why did you jump on my cock last night.”

“I don’t know.” I looked out to the ocean. I had a great view from up high where I sat. “It was all
new to me and exciting.”

“Have you told him what happened between us?”


“I think you should tell him.” He said. “And if he wants to fight me because of it, then I’ll let have
the first swing at me.” George smiled.

“That would be funny to see. I guess I’ll tell him, but don’t tell Mila anything.”

“If I were to tell Mila, you’d be dead. Don’t worry, she won’t find out.”

11:50 am

George walked up and down the shoreline a few more times before returning to Mila. We
changed the frequency on our headset so that we were all on the same channel. Mila was on
her back with her head resting on a folded up towel. Her giant boobs were glistening with oil she
applied on earlier. Despite being on her back, her tits stood right up like a pair of twin

“Hey honey,” George told Mila, “missed me?”

Mila was full of smiles. “Oh babe, I really like Rob. I might have to leave you for him.”

“You would leave a strong Brobdingnagian like me, for a Lilliputian.” There was sarcasm in his

“Yes!” Mila laughed. She didn’t move from where she laid. “He’s so funny and sweet. I could just
eat him up!”

I cringed.

“Where’s the little guy at?” George asked.

“Guess.” Mila smiled.

George and I looked up and down Mila’s perfect body but couldn’t see any sign of Rob.

“Are you okay Rob?” I blurted out.

“Of course he’s okay, girl.” Mila shot back at me. “Aren’t you, Rob?”
“I’m safe and sound. I can see you guys, you can’t see me?”

George answered, “I’m afraid you’re too small to be seen little dude. Come on tell me where
you’re at.”

Before Rob could answer, Mila said “he’s on my nipple.” She pointed at her right tit.

George got on his knees so that he was between Mila’s tanned legs. He bent his head down
and let it hover over Mila’s right boob. I was still held in his palm and looking over the edge to
see if I could see Rob.

“I think I see him.” George said. “I don’t appreciate you feeling up my girlfriend’s boobs, Rob.”
He sounded stern. “It’s not wise to fool around with a Brobdingnagian’s girlfriend. I might have to
teach you a lesson.”

“No, please.” Rob was frantic. “Mila put me here. I didn’t mean to make you mad George.”

“He’s lying honey.” Mila said. “He wanted to take advantage of me and fuck me while you were

“Is that true?” George asked Rob.

“What? No! You guys are joking, right?” Rob gave a nervous laugh. “Tell me you’re joking.”

“I’m not.” George was serious. “And don’t think just because you’re small, I’m going to go easy
on you.” George lowered his free hand in front of Mila’s tit. His fingers were positioned to flick
the top of Mila’s right nipple. “I’ll just flick you off my girl, and that will be the end of you.”

“Please! I didn’t do anything!” Rob sobbed.

Mila and George burst into laughter. It was then Rob knew he was joking. Same thing with me, I
thought George was about to kill Rob until he started laughing. I was relieved when George
pulled his fingers away from Rob.

“Sorry, Rob.” George said through his laugh. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“We may be big,” Mila said, “but we’re not monsters. Not like, Hayley. That is your name, right

“My name is Hayley.” I was getting that nasty feeling in my stomach.

“I don’t use my size to mistreat others.” Mila was lying through her fake smile. “I’m a gentle giant
to my fellow Gulliverians and Lilliputians. Hayley, according to Rob, is a cruel giant to the
Lilliputians. Don’t look so surprised Hayley, you know what you did to your friends and Rob, he
told me all about it.”

“Hayley,” George said, “What is she talking about?”

“Go on Hayley.” Mila said. “Tell us what you did to your friend Felicia.”

I looked away from Mila’s grinning face and at the little dot that was on her nipple. “Rob, what
did you tell her?” I was worried.

“The truth.” Rob replied.

“I’m sorry Rob.” I cried out. “I didn’t mean to hurt you or Felicia. It was an accident.”

Mila answered, “It didn’t sound like an accident.”

“Who’s Felicia?” George asked.

“Another Lilliputian.” Mila said. “Quit stalling Hayley, out with it.”

“Felicia was my Lilliputian friend. I had sex with her last night against her will.” I felt defeated.

“Say it like it is.” Mila said. “You raped a defenseless Lilliputian.”

“Last night?” George asked. He must have been going through the events in his head. He was
probably wondering if I had sex with Felicia before or after having sex with him.

“After you raped Felicia,” Mila was grinning, “then what did you do to her?”

Rob must have told Mila everything. There was no point in being dishonest with Mila. She just
wanted to hear me say all the evil things I did the night before. “I slept while Felicia was up my

“After raping your good friend, you shoved her up your ass.” Mila shook her head, but still wore
her grin. “What an evil little bitch. You raped a defenseless Lilliputian then stuck her up your
ass. I could never do anything like that.”

I wanted to shout out all the things I saw Mila do. All those tubes with hundreds of thousands of
Lilliputians that were sent either down her throat, up her nose, or sprinkled on her pussy. She
was no saint; she was a thousand times worse than I was. But I couldn’t call her out in front of
everyone. I knew the second I did, I would be sent down her throat.
“Is that all true Hayley?” George asked.

“It is.” I said under my breath.

“I can’t believe this tour company would hire someone like you Hayley.” Mila said. “You are in a
position of trust with the tiny Lilliputians. All you do is fuck them and abuse them. There not your
slaves you know.”


“You what?” Mila shouted. “Where’s Felicia now? Maybe we can take her to the hospital before
it’s too late.”

Felicia was swallowed by Mila when I was her mouth. Mila told me not to speak of that event in
front of George or else she would swallow me. Of course Mila didn’t know that she ate Felicia
and I didn’t think bringing it up would be wise.

“I lost her.”

“How did you lose her?” Rob shouted. “What about Carly? Did you lose her too?”

“No, she’s okay, I have her right here.” I pulled Carly from between my thighs.

“You had her in your vag?” Mila asked with a smile.

“Who’s Carly?” George asked.

“Another Lilliputian.” Mila answered. I guess Rob told her everything.

“Jeez, Hayley.” George said. “How many more Lilliputians are you hiding?”

“There are no more.” I said quickly. “Please let me explain. This is all a misunderstanding.”

“I don’t want to hear from you.” Mila said. “Carly, are you okay?”

We didn’t hear anything. I brought Carly up to my face and saw that she was missing her
headset. “She lost her headset, that’s why we can’t hear her.”

“I’m not sure if you’re lying.” Mila said. “Seeing how you treat Lilliputians, it’s probably best that
she’s not with you. Here, put her next to Rob.”
Mila extended her hand and gripped me hard. I felt my feet leave George’s palm, and then felt
myself fly in the air towards Mila’s gigantic tit. As I got closer, I could make out more of Rob. He
was standing on her vast nipple. He looked pissed at me. I extended my hand with Carly and
dropped her next to Rob on the stadium-sized pink nipple. She looked confused and little
worried as I was raised up to Mila’s face, leaving her on the Brobby’s tit.

“You are a piece of shit, you know that?” Mila said.

“You got it all wrong!” I pleaded. “They are my friends and things got a little out of hand last
night. I was drinking and—“

“Shut the fuck up.” Mila’s cinnamon breath slammed into me. “I think I need to give a dose of
your own medicine. I’m going to do all the things that you did to your so called ‘friends.’ Then
maybe you’ll treat the Lilliputians with some respect and not as your personal play toys.”

“George!” I screamed out. “You gotta believe me. I didn’t mean to mistreat my friends.”

“Don’t talk to me Hayley.” He said. “I thought you were better than that. Lilliputians are people
like you and me.”

What the fuck was going on? I witnessed Mila and George killing Lilliputians like they were
nothing. Now they were making a big deal out of what I did with Felicia? It had to be some game
that they were playing. Mila and George knew I loved Rob, so they were turning him against me.
Was that it?

“For your first punishment,” Mila was all giddy, “I am going to stick you up my ass.”

“Please don’t!” I shouted. “I know I made a mistake last night, please don’t do this.”

My vision blurred. I was lowered down past Mila extensive body. Her olive-skinned ass quickly
filled my field of view. She used her other hand to spread her ass cheeks open. Her clean
sphincter was in front me and roughly my size. I could see Mila’s sphincter relax as I was
shoved feet first. I couldn’t help but think about Felicia at that moment. I was going to go through
the same hell she went through in my ass.


I don’t know how long I was in there. I managed to wiggle my head out of Mila’s asshole like a
caterpillar. The smell was atrocious as was the sight. My headset still worked and I listened to
the conversation taking place between the giant couple and my Lilliputian friends.

Carly tried to convince to Rob that I wasn’t being cruel to her. Rob, with the working headset,
relayed everything back to Mila and George. Carly begged to Mila to let me go, but Rob insisted
that Mila was doing the right thing. I was starting to think the same thing. Maybe I did deserve to
be punished after what I did to Felicia.

I could feel Mila tightening her ass and squeezing all the air out of my lungs. Mila moaned while
conversing with my Lilly friends.

“Holy shit this feels good.” Mila gasped. “I need a good fuck right now.”

“Say no more, babe.” George said.

“No not you.” Mila kept tightening her grip on me and relaxing. “Rob likes the big girls. That’s
why he hooked up with Hayley in the first place. I want him to fuck me.”

“What?” I heard Rob and George say at the same time.

“George, in the picnic basket, there’s an empty glass tube.” Mila said, referring to the empty
tube which moments earlier contained hundreds of thousands of Lilliputian prisoners.

I heard some noises and Mila shifted around a bit. I couldn’t tell what was going on. Mila then
spread her legs, letting some light enter between her ass cheeks. The bottom of the test tube
made it between her ass cheeks and was a few inches from my face. Inside, I could see Rob
and Carly holding on to each other. They looked a little worried. I mouthed ‘sorry’ to Rob. I
wasn’t sure if he accepted it or not.

“Do you see her?” Mila asked.

I heard Rob say, “Yea.”

With that, Mila used her powerful sphincter to constrict even harder than before. I yelped in pain.
My lungs burned as all my oxygen was squeezed out through my mouth. She relaxed her ass
and I gasped in foul smelling air. The tube with my friends receded from my face.

“Here’s what a real girl looks like.” Mila said.

I could hear slurping sounds coming from right above my head. Mila was using the test tube as
a dildo. I could feel new sensations as the tube was shoved deeper into Mila. Rob and Carly
screamed in terror a few times from inside the gigantic tube.

This went on forever. It didn’t sound like Carly or even Rob were enjoying themselves. It was
only Mila that was getting off. I heard and felt the tube exit Mila. I heard her lick and clean the
tube with her tongue.

“How was it Rob?” Mila asked seductively.


“You’re so cute. Although you felt great, I’m going to need a good fuck from a real man. I’m
going to put you two in my belly button for a minute.”

Mila was true to her words. She tipped the tube so that Carly and Rob landed in her belly
button, which must have been like a huge crater to them. Again, Mila’s ass cheeks opened up
slightly. But instead of seeing that tube, I saw the tip of George’s huge cock. The piss slit
collided with the top of my head. My red hair was instantly drenched with George’s pre-cum.

“Hang on guys.” George told Rob and Carly. “It’s going to be a rough ride.”

I felt George’s monster cock enter Mila. He was rough with Mila. I could see and hear George’s
testicles slamming against her ass as he rammed his cock into her. As George fucked Mila, her
internal body temperature began to rise. I was getting hot and sweaty while stuck in her
asshole. I tried to wiggle out, but was held tightly in place by Mila.

George was quickening his pace. The body slams became louder, and the back and forth
movements much wilder. The groans and moans from the giants became more hoarse and
louder as they fucked. I could hear Carly and Rob falling on top of each other as they were
trapped in Mila’s belly button.

With one last slam, I could feel George’s cock pulsate and shoot loads of cum deep into Mila.
They kissed and kept embracing each other for some time. I felt Mila’s ass relax its grip on me.
It was enough for me to crawl out and eventually fall to the ground between Mila’s soft ass

My body felt sore and tired. I did the best to get up on my feet, but before I could make a run for
it, George pulled his flaccid cock out from Mila. Millions of gallons of sexual fluid rained down on
me. I collapsed to the ground and coughed up semen and vaginal secretions before blacking

Ch 8
Author's Chapter Notes:
Chapter added 09 Feb '14


12:45 pm
When I awoke, I found myself on the hot sandy beach. My whole body felt sticky. I placed my
arms underneath me and started to push up. A cold waterfall fell on my back, causing me to be
flattened on the ground.

“Hold still, I’m trying to clean you up.” It was George.

I felt his fingers hold me up while he poured more water. He then used what I’m guessing was
hand soap to give my body a good clean. His rough fingers scrubbed and cleaned every part of
me. He tilted the bottle of water he had and poured more cold water on me. I pulled back my
hair from my face and looked up at him. He looked back at me with indifference. I didn’t think for
a second that he was shocked by what I did—the cruelty at which I treated Felicia. After all, I’ve
seen him and Mila do worse.

“Do you think she’s been punished enough?” George asked Mila.

“Not at all.” Mila was on her stomach, tanning her backside.

I looked around for Carly and Rob, but I couldn’t see them anywhere. George moved around
and dropped me off on the beach towel in front of Mila’s face. Her eyes were closed and she
appeared to be in a light nap. Nearby was a plastic water cap, presumably from the water bottle
that George used to clean my body. I walked over and looked inside the upturned bottle cap.

“Carly! Rob! Are you guys okay?” I knelt down over them.

“Of course they’re okay.” Mila’s humid cinnamon breath struck my bare backside. “We’re not
cruel like you.”

I wanted to shout back at Mila. I wanted to tell Carly and Rob about everything she’s done. But I
knew as soon as I did something like that, Mila would kill me. Before I had a moment to do
anything, Mila extended her fingertip and pushed me down to the ground. Her index finger
pushed down hard on my chest.

“I’m not done with you by the way. Everything you did to Felicia, I will do to you.” She grinned.

“Why? I never did anything to you.” I managed to say.

“It’s not about what you did to me, Hayley. It’s about justice. You have to pay for your crimes.”

“What about your crimes?”

She put more pressure on me. I felt myself sinking into the towel.
“Is there something you want to say?” Mila said arrogantly. “I’m a gentle Brobdingnagian. Isn’t
that right?”

I didn’t say anything.

“Isn’t that right?” More pressure on my chest.

“That’s right.” My lungs were once again void of air.

Mila released me and I began coughing. “So Rob,” she turned her eyes to the small bottle cap.
“What else did Hayley make you do?”

“Uhm, nothing. Listen Mila, I think this has gone far enough.” I heard Rob say. “Maybe she
learned her lesson.”

“Don’t go soft on me Rob.” Mila send through her teeth. “You weren’t so kind describing Hayley
to me earlier.”

“I was venting.” Rob admitted. “Yea, she fucked up, but I still love her. I don’t want to see her

Mila sighed. “Well, fuck, I thought I was going to be able to drag this out longer, but you’re just a
pussy like all other Lilliputians.” Mila rose up from the ground and planted her feet on either side
of the plastic bottle cap. I could only imagine what she looked like to Carly and Rob. To them,
she must’ve appeared to be six miles tall. “Let’s go back to our room George. I got enough sun.”

1:17 pm

The Brobby couple moved back to the bungalow with us in their hands. They dropped us off in
their bed while they unpacked their picnic basket. They tossed the towels and parasol
somewhere on the ground.

“I need to shower and get rid of all this tanning oil.” Before going to the bathroom, Mila yanked
my up and took me with her to the shower. She let me go in the middle of the shower floor. She
flipped on the water and it blasted cold water. I was chilled to the bone and struggling against
the current of the water. I pleaded with Mila for help but she ignored me. The water gradually
warmed right as Mila entered the shower. I had to run and dodge her footfalls. Her slender feet
moved around faster than I could track them. I ran, slipped, fell, and dodged her feet. I ran into
her toes one time, but she flicked me off her foot with her mighty toe.

Mila began to use body soap and covering her olive skin with soapy suds. At that point, she
picked me up and started running my body against her skin. I was catapulted up and down her
toned body and then squished into her billowy breasts. She spent a few moments circling me
around her pussy. I rapidly explored her perfect body in minutes.

1:32 pm

Mila dried herself quickly and walked out to the bedroom with her hair still dripping wet. She
carried me in her hand like was a piece of trash. I felt clean, yet violated. I saw George on the
bed drinking a beer. He was still nude and his cock was fully erect. At the base of his cock, he
had the plastic bottle cap sitting on top of his pubic hair.

“What are you doing with them?” Mila asked George.

“Rob told me that Carly has a thing for Brobdingnagian men. So I’m showing her the goods.”

“Is Rob with her?”


“That’s so mean.”

“What’s mean?”

“You have a Lilly dude right next to your cock.” Mila got on the bed and straddled over George.
“Would you like to be looking up at a huge cock next to your face?”

“I guess not.” He drank some beer. “But I’m not a tiny spec of a Lilliputian, now am I?”

“No you’re not.” She smiled. “You’re more man than a billion Lilliputians.”

Mila tossed me on George’s chest uncaringly. She then lowered her mouth down on George’s
cock. Her wet hair hung dangerously close to the bottle cap where Carly and Rob were. I ran
through George’s chest and made it to the bottle cap. All the while, Mila’s head bobbed up and
down George’s shaft.

I reached the bottle cap just in time to see Carly and Rob floating in water; water that had
dripped off Mila’s wet brown hair. It was an insignificant amount of water to Mila, but a lake’s
worth of water to the Lilliputians. I reached in and grabbed my friends. I felt some relief when I
held my friends in my hands. Their tiny size reminded me of how big I actually was. It was a
small confidence boost after being treated so harshly and insignificantly by Mila. I felt I could
protect my friends, though not so much from Mila and George.

“So are we still being nice to them?” George asked.

Mila lifted her face off George’s cock, leaving a pop sound at the end. “Fuck no.” Mila shook her
head. “I thought playing with a Lilliputian or two would be fun, but it’s not. They’re as dumb and
useless as the others.”

I could feel Rob shaking in my hand. He was still soaking wet from the drop of water that fell
from Mila’s hair and into his bottle cap prison.

“What are you saying Mila?” Rob said aloud. “I thought you were a gentle Brobdingnagian and
different from the others.”

Mila looked down at me. “Shut up Lilli-shit. Don’t ever talk to me or another Brobdingnagian like
that ever again. In fact, never talk to a Brobdingnagian. We don’t like conversing with specks of

I could see George’s cock pulsating even bigger. He was getting turned on by Mila’s power play.

“Should we show them what we do to Lilliputians?” George growled.

“I think so. No more acting like a goody two-shoe.” Mila got off of George and rummaged for
something in the picnic basket. She pulled out an all too familiar glass tube filled with
Lilliputians. She returned herself on top of George and pulled off the cork off with her teeth
before spitting it out towards the bedroom floor. Mila then let a wad of spit exit between her
pursed lips, letting the viscous saliva drip on top of George’s engorged penis. The clear spit
moved like magma from the purple tip, down his hard shaft. “Have a safe trip you good for
nothing people.”

I glanced at Carly and Rob, they had their mouths open aghast, bewildered as to what they
were seeing. I looked back up and the tipping test tube. A cascade of Lilliputians came pouring
out and landing all over George’s cock. Those who landed on Mila’s spit were immediately
adhered to the godly cock. I could have sworn that the sky above George’s cock turned black as
a dense sea of Lilliputians came freefalling from that damn tube.

Mila stopped pouring people on George’s cock when she satisfied to see it covered with people.
The tube was still halfway filled with Lilliputians. I couldn’t believe how many she poured, and
that damn tube was only half empty (or half full—or whatever.)

“Oh, little Rob.” Mila said. “You thought a gave a fuck about your friend, Felicia? Fuck no; I just
wanted to play around with Hayley. Shit, she could have killed a thousand Felicia’s and I
wouldn’t give two shits. You know why? Because I eat thousands of Lilliputians like you for fun.
Your pathetic little lives aren’t worth protecting or recognizing. Here, watch this.”

Mila brought the open end of the tube to her mouth and gave it a quick flick, sending hundreds
of Lilliputians into her mouth. She looked down at me knowing that Carly and Rob where held in
my hand and then swallowed. She closed her eyes and then opened them back up slowly. She
looked incredibly sexy in doing so. Mila let a smile form on her face.

“They taste good.” Mila said. “Wouldn’t you say the same Hayley?”

Carly and Rob looked up at me. I shook my head in fear. Fuck, was Mila going to tell them I ate
a Lilliputian girl earlier?

“Hayley ate a Lilliputian girl earlier.”


“Didn’t you Hayley?” Mila smiled.

“Yes.” I said under my breath.


“Yes!” I said with tears in my eyes. “I ate a Lilliput earlier today.”

Both Carly and Rob were shaking in my hands.

“Can you stop talking with them?” George interrupted. “My dick is getting lonely.”

“You have like a thousand Lilliputians on your dick, how are you lonely?” Mila asked.

“They’re not people.” George said coldly.

“I know, right?”

Mila brought the tube over my head and started tilting it. “Catch!” She said as it started raining
Lilliputians. Some bounced off my head, before falling to the ground below—the ground being
George’s pubic area. I could see Lilliputians all around me falling through the forest of pubic hair
like water through a storm grate. I saw unlucky Lilliputians being impaled by the end of the
sharp looking pubic hair. I saw others bounce off the slick hair, only to bounce towards the
forest floor which was George’s hair.

I made a run for it, but Mila kept pouring the crying and screaming Lilliputians all over me. I
could even feel myself stepping on and crushing Lilliputians under my bare feet. “You got to
save them!” I heard Rob yell out without the headset being on. I just barely heard him; I turned
off my mic and said I couldn’t possibly save them all. But without further discussion, I reached
out and grabbed a handful of Lilliputians off of George’s pubic hair. I ran until I was on George’s
upper abdomen. I had Carly and Rob on my right hand, and three rescued Lilliputians on my left
hand. I looked over at Mila just in time to see her empty the tube of Lilliputians in her mouth.
She tossed the empty glass and started fucking George.

Her tits jiggled as she rode his hard cock up and down. I looked at her toned stomach and
imagined all the Lilliputians she ate that day. They all lived their lives only to be sacrificed for a
few moments of pleasure. George’s shaft looked to have been wiped clean of Lilliputians. They
were undoubtedly liquefied by Mila’s gigantic pussy as it exited and swallowed the gigantic
cock. She had her eyes closed and her mouth opened as she rode George. Her moans were
haunting and made me sick.

They went at it for a few more minutes before changing positions. I couldn’t jump off or escape
George’s fast moving body, so I sat on my ass and watched the gigantic porno taking place in
front of me. Mila was now in a reverse cowgirl position. I saw her bubbly ass come slamming
down hard onto George’s pelvic bone, where I stood moments earlier. She went at it like a porn
star, her ass moved up and down his shaft like a rhythmic wave. All the Lilliputians that were
trapped in George’s pubic hair were squished flat by Mila’s city-sized ass.

I had a hard time staying still on George’s chest because of Mila’s humping. While trying to
balance myself, I accidently lost one of the rescued Lilliputians. He fell somewhere on George’s
expansive chest, only to be crushed moments later by one of my flailing legs. “Shit!” I felt his
warm body pop under my bare thigh. I felt bad, but then again, he would’ve just been crushed
unceremoniously by Mila’s ass if I didn’t rescue him earlier.

George was holding onto Mila’s hips as she rode up and down. I could feel his heartbeat
bouncing around in his chest as it grew more excited. George gave out one last moan before
unloading his seed into Mila. Both of them gasped after climaxing. Mila collapsed alongside
George and wrapped a leg over him.

“Did you see all that Rob?” Mila asked. “We just wiped out thousands of your kind for fun.” She
breathed heavily. “It was too easy.”

Mila rested her head so that it was on George’s chest. I backed off as much as I could, but was
still dangerously close to Mila’s lust filled eyes. The Lilliputians in my hands were gripping my
fingers hard. They feared Mila greatly.

“I can’t wait to see the city Hayley.” She said. “Weren’t you going to give us a tour today?”

“It was scheduled for today. But I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I said.

“It’s my vacation, and I want to see the city.” Mila was running a hand up and down George’s
abs. “Now call Dayne, and tell him we are going to see the city an hour.”

“Dayne?” I asked.
“You know him. He works at the Lilliputian Chamber of Commerce.”

“I know who he is, but how do you know him?”

“For fuck’s sake, Hayley. It’s a miracle that you’re alive right now, especially considering how
much you talk back at me. Give the little shit a call and tell him we will be touring the city an hour
before I shove you up my ass again.”

She made her point clear.

“How do you know him?” George asked Mila.

“Don’t you start.” Mila answered.

2:00 pm

Mila let me go on the nightstand. I raced back to my apartment with my Lilly friends in my hands.
I wanted to escape and run, but there was nowhere to go. My car was crushed and so were the
Lilliputian vehicles that Carly and Rob brought. There was the Brobby hover car, but without my
Jeep, I wasn’t sure if I could make it out to the Brobby vehicle, let alone climb aboard it. I had to
tell Dayne everything. He should be able to help, and if he couldn’t, I would call the authorities.

In the bedroom, I dropped Carly and Rob along with the two surviving Lilliputians from Mila’s
death tube. We were all nude except for them. I grabbed the phone and dialed Dayne.

“Yes.” He said over the phone. I could hear him smoking in the background.

“Dayne, this is Hayley.”

“I know who it is.” He took a drag from his cigarette. “I want to thank you for the cleanup you did
with the investigators out in the ocean.”

“Dayne, something serious had come up.” I was frantic. “We can’t trust the Brobby couple. They
are wild and kill Lilliputians for fun. I think if they come near Concordia City, they would destroy

He didn’t say a word. He simply took a few more drags from his cig. “Don’t worry about
Concordia City Hayley. Let me worry about the city. Are you all still coming out to see the city?”

“Did you hear a word I said? Dayne, the Brobby couple eat Lilliputians. We can’t let them come
near the city.”
“When does Mila want to tour the city?” He asked flatly.

“What? How do you know about Mila? Or that she wants to see the city?”

“Answer the question Hayley.”

“She said in an hour.”

“Good. Now was that so hard?”

“Dayne, what’s going on?”

“We’ll be seeing you in an hour.” I could hear him blowing out smoke from between his lips.
“Thanks again for taking care of those investigators from Lilliput Island. They sure would have
made a mess of things.”

“They weren’t from Concordia Island?”

The phone clicked. He hung up on me. I tried dialing back but my phone line wasn’t working. I
tried to call the police, but nothing worked. I couldn’t dial anyone. I ran over to the living room
and opened my laptop. I had an internet connection, but everything was blocked. I couldn’t
access anything. Nothing worked. All my communications were cut.

I walked back to my bed and collapsed next to the Lilliputians. They were so tiny to me. It was
so hard for me to wrap my head around the situation. I was so tiny to Mila; yet, Carly and Rob
were so tiny to me.

“Guys,” I said, “I don’t know what’s going on. How do Mila and Dayne know each other? It was
like Dayne was expecting Mila on this trip. He also knew Mila wanted to tour the city. But
George’s parents were booked for this trip, not Mila.”

Rob said, “Maybe we can ask them?”

He was pointing at the two women Lilliputians I rescued earlier.

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