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DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian.

The contents of this document should not be taken

as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.

KHSPRINGCHALLENGE Intro & Nutrition Guide

Warning: This is LONG. Please read this, re read it and read it again, same goes for your
FAQ sheet. Whenever you have a question- PLEASE review your guides before emailing
me. Most of the time, the answer to your question is in the information I have given you.
Please re read all of your guides once a week to help instill the important parts in your
brain! I don’t want this to be an “8 week quick fix”- I want you to learn the how’s and
why’s to what you’re doing.

1. To begin this Challenge, the first thing you need to do is take starting progress pictures
holding a piece of paper that says “KHSPRINGChallenge DAY 1” with the date. Make it pretty
if you want! :) Or just use a basic newspaper. The reason for this is because many people have
been using old pictures as their “starting” pictures, instead of current ones. Those of you who
have jumped the gun and posted photos already will have to retake them in order to be eligible
to win any prizes. A front, side, and back picture -both relaxed and flexing versions (so 6 total
pictures). Wear a bikini/sports bra & undies so that the areas we’re going to be improving are
visible for comparison at the end of the Challenge! Do NOT erase them! You don't need to send
these to me until the end of the 8 weeks, or throughout if you’re concerned/excited about

2. With online training I cannot physically be there to push you and encourage you to kill your
workouts. For this reason, I have decided to add some extra incentives. Each week I will be
selecting someone who has shown excitement, dedication and a positive attitude towards the
challenge. They will receive either a RavishSands bikini OR a care package of some of my
favorite supplements and snacks. Haydn and I will also be randomly choosing a handful of girls
to send a new pair of shoes. None of that is based on progress alone, but on your attitude,
willingness to help others etc. Hopefully this helps to keep you ladies more motivated! The ones
who will have success with this plan will be the ones who are able to push past their comfort
zone, choose weights that are challenging, and give cardio 110%, not just doing it to get it over
with. Since I can’t be there to hold your hand, it is up you to be proactive with this plan. That
being said.. ** I’m sure the “how much weight do I use?” question will be one of the first to
come to mind if you’re new to lifting, since I can’t physically be there, there is no way for me to
gauge your strength. The first week or so you’ll have to play with the weights and figure out
your strength. Push yourself. Challenge yourself. This isn't supposed to be easy, and you
shouldn't feel like you could do 10 more reps after your set is finished.**

3. There will be times when you lose motivation. It happens to literally everyone, even myself.
Days where you feel like it’s not paying off and like you’re doing all of this work for nothing. I
promise you, if your diet is on point and you’re meeting your macro needs daily, you’re killing
your training and cardio day in and day out, it WILL pay off. Patience, consistency and
discipline are key!
DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.
If you’re really struggling, buy a new bikini or a hot little dress and hang it somewhere you can
see it every single day. Use that as a constant reminder of how you want to look while wearing
it. That always helps keep me on track!

4. Throughout this plan you’ll see hashtags next to some exercises. Type that exact hashtag into
your search bar on Instagram & you will find a video of me doing that exact exercise!

5. Workout 1 = Day 1, Workout 2 = Day 2 etc, ONE workout per day. You have two scheduled
rest days per week during this plan; you can choose to do more cardio/abs/glute training on one
of those days if you feel like you have the energy to do so. Rest is important so give yourself at
least one rest day per week.

6. Soreness: You WILL be sore. Legs and specifically calves can become extremely sore, it’s
normal the first few times training them if you aren't used to doing so. Stretching post workout,
Epsom salt baths, getting all of your meals in and drinking plenty of water, and foam rolling
will all help with soreness and the recovery process. Sitting around/missing workouts/ letting
your body get stiff will only make the soreness last longer!

7. Some favorite lower body stretches: pigeon pose, low static lunge, seated/standing toe touches.

8. **Skin care & keeping a clear complexion- With all the extra sweating you’re going to be going,
expect a breakout or two. The best way to keep this under control is to wash your face/shower within 30
minutes of finishing your workout. If you have a zit/inflamed area DO NOT PICK, ice the spot for up to
two minutes after you wash your face- then apply your moisturizer as normal. No sleeping in your make
up, and no touching your face!!! Also the extra water will help flush out the oils and toxins that clog your

9. Rest times - If the rest period isn't specified, take about 45 seconds to 1 minute rest between sets. For
more physically demanding exercises like heavy squats, 2-3 minutes rest between sets is acceptable.

10. Home workouts - If you’re working out at home and you’re on an exercise that requires band work..
you can adjust the resistance by stepping out further from the band if its attached in a door, or by
widening/narrowing your footing on the band if you’re standing on it- don't breeze through it. Make it

11. Hear me loud when I say this.. “what you eat in private, you wear in public.” - That explained: Its late,
you’ve filled your macros for the day (which means you’re done eating), you’re craving something sweet,
sneak into the kitchen and find cookies. “I’ll just have one, no one will know.” YOU ARE ONLY
HURTING YOURSELF. If a cookie or two fit into your macros, fine, eat them but TRACK THEM. I
stronglyyyyy recommend you do not make a habit of sneaking treats here and there without accounting
for them. You are only holding yourself back, it isn't hurting another soul in the world if you’re cheating
on your macros only YOU. Be smart. Hold yourself accountable. What you want most vs. What you want
now. Remember that!!

DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.

Keeping a proper diet will absolutely make or break your progress

during this Challenge. You CAN NOT out train a poor diet, and you will
not see results if your diet is lacking. Those of you training at
home, your diet are even more important as your training is slightly
limited. I want you to track your macros daily; MyFitnessPal is an
excellent app for tracking. I use it every single day to make sure I’m
getting all the protein, carbs, fats and fiber I need. During the
first couple weeks, weight may fluctuate up or down as your body
adjusts to the new macros. I don’t recommend you weigh in during this
period, make your first weigh in at the end of the 2nd week. If you
are looking into ordering from NewVisionNutrition, they have created a
special code for this challenge that will give you 10% off your order.
The code is KHSPRING10

— — — — — — —

What are Macros?

Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins are what’s known as macronutrients (macros for short), which are
measured in grams. Carbs & Proteins provide 4 calories per gram, while fat provide 9 calories per gram.

• Why do I need Protein? - Protein is an essential nutrient. Your body needs it to build new muscle tissue
and to maintain the muscle tissue it already has.

• Why do I need Fat? - Essential fatty acids (omega 3&6) can not be made by your body so we have to
consume them in our diet. Fat provides energy, regulates production of sex hormones, and helps keep
our skin and joints healthy.

• Why do I need Carbs? - Carbs are your body’s mai n source of energy. There are two types of
carbohydrates, simple and complex. Simple- candy, fruits, cookies, cakes etc. Complex- starches,
beans, nuts, veggies, whole grains.

• Why do I need Fiber? - Fiber can lower blood cholesterol, keep your digestive s ystem regular, help you
feel fuller and more satiated, and help prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

How to Calculate Your Macros

There is no “magic set of macros” (the split of macros that works for me may not, and
probably won’t, work for you, as it is all individual)- we use these calculators/formulas
to get estimates. The only way to know if they are right for you is if you consistently
meet the macro estimate that the calculator gives you. There are many factors that come
into play including stress, sleep, activity level during the day (job/school etc), hormones,
so what we’re looking for is a good base number to start with.
DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.
Its best to start out slightly under maintenance so we have room to drop them if needed.
Same rule for bulking- we want to add in a little over maintenance and then gradually
add in more cals as needed.

You must choose ONE goal, either “fat loss” (reducing body fat/getting leaner), OR
“bulking” (adding mass in the form of both muscle and body fat). It’s very difficult to
add substantial amounts of muscle when you’re at a caloric deficit. If you choose the fat
loss option you may still gain some muscle and make changes/get stronger, as you will
be eating adequate amounts of protein and training hard.


2- “iifym calculator” in the top left corner
3- Select your gender & enter in your age, height, weight & change exercise level to 5 days, leave the
“Athletes Formula” bubble selected. The only exception is if you have recently had a DEXA scan, as this
is the most accurate measurement of body fat. The ones at the gym or on your scale at home aren’t quite
accurate enough.
4- “Calculate TDEE” (the red button)
5- Choose “suggested” under Fat Loss if your goal is to reduce body fat or “cautious” under Bulking if
your goal is to gain weight.
6- Protein intake selection- If you’re bulking or have 20lbs or less of body fat to lose, choose 1.00g of
If you have more than 20lbs of body fat to lose, select .9g of protein.
If you have more than 30lbs of body fat to lose, select .8g of protein.
7-Fat intake selection- If you enjoy fats in your diet (oils, nuts, olives, avocados, nut butters etc- **fat
does not make you fat**) you can select the 4.0 option. You’ll notice as you move your fat higher/lower
then hit calculate, it will directly effect your carbs, protein will remain the same. If you like carbs, select a
lower fat option (.3 or .35) so that more carbs are allowed. If you’re bulking, your carbs will be higher. In
my experience with training women, the lower carb, higher fat option normally works better- but again
there is no “magic set of macros”, it is all individual and based on your own body.

It is extremely important that once you have calculated your macros, you stick with them and meet those
macros every day for 10-14 days. Track everything you eat into MyFitnessPal (be sure to change the
serving size to the amount you consumed). After those 10-14 days, if you’re making progress- perfect.
Stick with those macros for now, because they're working. If there is no progress after the 10-14 days, we
are going to reduce calories by 100. We will do this by subtracting 15g carbs, and 4g of fat. We will
adjust macros slowly, never making extreme changes. If you’re bulking, same thing- only you will add in
15g carbs and 4g fat.

Even after the 8 weeks, or after you've reached your goal- still continue the same method mentioned
above. Adding in calories slowly, never making huge jumps or crash dieting.

Fat-loss option- If you have body fat to lose, and are not at your most lean point.. choose this option.
Bulking option- If you are at your very leanest point or are under weight, choose this option.

General rule- you should never be eating less than 10x your body weight. So if you weigh 150lbs, you
should never be eating less than 1500 calories. The only exception is, if you have a significan’t amount of
weight to lose, 9x your body weight is acceptable- eventually.
DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.
grams. Macros ARE calories. If you’re hitting your macros, you’re also hitting
your calories.. as macronutrients are what make up calories. There is a tab in
the top right of the pie chart that will break down your macros for the day-

** Download the app MyFitnessPal. Once you create your profile, open
the left toggle tab, choose “Goals”, then adjust the calories option as well
as the carbs, protein and fat to match the numbers you calculated above.
It will not allow you to enter exact grams so find the percentage
closest to your daily goals & use that as a guide. Memorize or write down the macros you calculated
for yourself & meet THOSE daily, not the random MFP numbers. Do not track for calories burned,
as you already factored in your activity level when you calculated your macros. **


Meal & Macronutrient Suggestions

Have one cheat meal per week and ENJOY IT. Whether it be pizza, ice
cream, sushi, pasta, brownies.. whatever your favorite meal is. Plan
it so you have that to look forward to all week! (& I said cheat MEAL
not cheat DAY.) Be smart, eat until you’re comfortable, not until you
can’t breathe. - The rest of the day, eat as you normally would-
tracking those meals, but do not track your cheat meal. The overall
calories that day will be a surplus. If you can fit small treats into
your macros without going over on your carbs/fat/protein, while
hitting fiber goal- that isn't considered a “cheat” meal, it just is a
food that fits your macros. Keep in mind complex carbs (oats, rice,
sweet potato) will keep you fuller longer, and eating a bunch of junk
just because it “fits” won’t keep you satiated for very long. I
recommend keeping a gluten and dairy free diet, as many people have
bloating and other side effects from them. However, if you have no
negative side effects after consuming gluten or dairy, you may keep
them in your diet.

Please watch the following video- I recommend even watching it once a

week to keep the information fresh in your mind.

“How to lose fat and keep it off - By Dr Layne Norton”
DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.

Starter Grocery/Food list broken down into

Protein, Carb, Fat and Fiber.

1. Protein Sources- egg whites, chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, whey isolates & other protein
powders (my favorite is Dymatize iso-100 in chocolate).
-Vegetarian/Vegan options- Sun Warrior vegan protein, chickpeas, peas and pea protein
powders, beans/lentils, tofu, tempeh, spinach & leafy greens, quinoa, nuts & nut
butters, edamame, chia seeds.

2. Carb Sources- oatmeal (unflavored, you can add your own fruit, protein powders, cinnamon,
etc), cream of rice, rice cakes, rice (I prefer white due to its ease of digestibility), grits, sweet
potatoes, quinoa, pasta, tortillas, honey, beans, fruit (1-2 servings per day) [some are higher in
sugar than others, I prefer grapefruit & berries because they are lower in sugar & have lots of
health benefits], vegetables. Remember, sugar should be around 25g or less per day.

3. Fat Sources- Egg yolk (1-2 a day is enough), nuts & nut butters, coconut oil, olive oil,
avocados, fish oil, walnut oil, flax and chia seeds. There will also be fat in the meats you eat, as
many foods contain more than just one macronutrient.

4. Fiber- Nuts, brown rice, sweet potato skin, oats, vegetables, Quest bars, chia seeds, fiber
gummies or fiber powder supplement.

Keep in mind these are just suggestions and examples of foods that
need to be the foundation of your diet. You can fit “treats” into your
DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.
diet in moderation as long as you stay within your daily macro/fiber
goals. Moderation being the key word here, the majority of your food
should be nutrient dense choices like the ones listed above.

Invest in a food scale. Most are around $15-$30 at any grocery store. Weigh all of your food in
grams and ounces, don’t use volume for measurements. The app you downloaded MyFitnessPal has
a barcode scanner built in so you can scan the packaging of your food, then adjust the serving size
to the amount you are. If there is no barcode you can simply type the food in the search bar and it
should come up.

MyFitnessPal does not allow you to set your goals in grams. Take your macros from the iifym
calculator & set your macros as close as you can to your goals (memorize your actual goals). Do not
track your workouts in MFP, and do not replace calories you have burned during your workouts.
You can use your polar watch if you have one to see how many calories you’ve burned but that isn't
a number we need to keep track of- as activity level has already been factored in.

Meal Timing Tips

I recommend you have the majority of your carbs with your pre and post workout meals. Carbs 1-1.5hrs
pre workout increase energy and strength for most people. In some cases it can make people sleepy, if
that happens to you, spread the pre-workout carbs throughout the day.

Post workout meal should be majority lean protein & carbs with small amounts of fat as fat slows
digestion. You want your post workout meal to digest quickly to help start the recovery process.

If you’re using protein powder (not necessary), have a protein shake within 30 minutes of finishing your
workout, then have your post workout meal about an hour later. If you’re not using protein powder, have
your post workout meal.

Carbs in the morning are not necessary but if you feel you need them to start your day, allot a small
amount to have with breakfast. This will change for people who workout in the morning as we all have
different schedules.

Don’t be afraid to eat carbs before bed. If its getting late and you still have macros left to fill, do it. You
will not get fat from eating late or eating carbs before bed. If you train early in the morning, it can be
beneficial to eat carbs before bed so you’ll have energy for the early workout.

Sodium (sea salt, not table salt) should be in the 3-7g range, around 1 gallon of water daily. 4-6 meals
daily, although over all calories are more important than number of meals, so if you can only get 3 meals
in- be sure you meet your macros with those 3 meals.


Keep sugar intake below 25g per day, the closer you can get this number to 0- the better, although 0g of
sugar daily isn't realistic. - Small amounts of dairy are ok as long as it gives you no digestive issues. - I
am a fan of keeping a gluten free diet while trying to lean out and cut body fat down- it isn't necessary but
DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.
I encourage giving it a try to see how your body responds. If you tolerate gluten well, with no digestive
issues- you may keep it in your diet. Coffee is allowed, I drink coffee every day. I use sugar free flavored
sweeteners, be sure to track whatever you use (including condiments for food).

Keep your daily macros as close to the set goal grams as possible! Everyone’s schedule is different,
some people workout in the morning, mid day and some workout late at night. Take all this
information I gave you and use it as a tool to learn and create a meal plan that works for you and
your schedule. Aim to hit carbs, protein, fat and fiber macro’s within (+/-) 5g.


Not necessary for a successful transformation but I will
suggest ones I find helpful and most beneficial.

1. Protein Powders- You do not need a protein supplement if you get enough protein in your diet through
whole foods. Whey Isolates are digested the easiest. Brands I love- Sun Warrior vegan protein (great for
people with sensitive stomachs) Dymatize “ISO-100” chocolate, Cellucor “Cor-Whey” peanut-butter
marshmallow & cinnamon swirl flavors, Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro-Whey chocolate-
peanutbutter. Consume within 30 minutes of finishing your workout, most taste fine mixed with water or
unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

2. Pre-Workouts- (Again, not necessary but can help boost the intensity of your workouts, especially on
those unmotivated days.) Brands I love- Volt by Neon Sports in watermelon or fruit punch, Xtreme
Shock RTD’s (ready to drink) literally any flavor, C4 or SuperHD by Cellucor in blue razz, strawberry
margarita or pink lemonade. *All three of these contain Beta Alanine, an amino acid which may give your
skin a tingly feeling. It’s purpose is to delay muscle fatigue during workouts. Take a pre-workout, if you
choose, 15 minutes prior to your workout but no later than 5-6hrs before bed.

3. BCAA’s- (branched chain amino acids) I drink these during my workouts & cardio sessions. I even
make popsicles in little molds to have as a cold, sweet treat any time of day. These are amino acids which
help workout intensity and increase the rate of protein synthesis, therefore decreasing catabolism. Brands
I love- Scivation Xtend - any flavor, Neon Sports BCAA lemon-berry flavor,  Cellucor Alpha Amino in
lemon lime flavor and BPI “Best Aminos” brand watermelon flavor.

4. Fish Oil- Rich in Omega-3’s, may help with stiffness and joint pain, and possibly help with
mood/depression. The one supplement I take regularly with 2-3 meals per day. Track this in your
MyFitnessPal to count towards your daily fat intake. I use Carlson’s liquid lemon flavor from Vitamin
Shoppe. 2g combined EPA & DHA per day.
DISCLAIMER: Katy Hearn is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be taken
as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to
replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters
regarding your health. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. All documents included or exchanged between KatyHearnFit and the Client are that of KatyHearnFits and
not be be copied, sold or redistributed without consent of KatyHearnFitness LLC.

*I also take digestive enzymes (Digest Gold brand) before 3 meals per day. Many people have
asked about fat burners, I’m not a fan and don’t take them. They can help with energy while
you’re dieting but won’t do much for actually burning fat- thats diet and exercise related. I
haven’t had good experiences with them. By keeping a clean diet & keeping your training on
point, you’ll lose fat naturally without all the extra chemicals and stimulants.*

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