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WITH UKRAINE CULTURE LESSONS WITH WRITING BANK ] WITH AUDIO \, DINTERNAL Bl é Education INTRODUCTION ZNO - the Ukrainian External Independent Evaluation - is an exam which high school leavers take in order to go to ersity, FOCUS on has been developed to help you to prepare for this exam. The English-language ZNO exam consists of four parts: + «Posyminia mosu Ha cny%» (Listening) ~ Tasks 1-3 (16 questions) + «Tania (Reading) ~ Tasks 4-7 (22 questions) + «Binkopucrania moBim (Use of English) ~ Tasks 8-9 (20 questions) + «Mlucemon (Writing) ~ Task 10 The duration of the test is 2h 30 min, so while practising for the test remember to time yourself and make sure you ‘manage your time effectively. FOCUS on consists of 4 parts: Part 1. UKRAINE: LIFE AND CULTURE enriches your knowledge about Ukraine and prepares you for the ZNO Reading, Use of English and Writing parts Part 2. USE OF ENGLISH helps to boost your language awareness Part 3, ZNO PRACTICE gives you intensive practice in the exam format Part 4, WRITING BANK offers sample answers with tips and extra tasks in the ZNO format Good luck! Pearson and Dinternal Education teams Pages et as 67 10-11 217 18-20 21-23 24-25 26-30 31-37 38-41 42-43 44 45 46 a7 48 Part 1: UKRAINE: LIFE AND CULTURE Clothes Around the country Media Sport Business art 2: USE OF ENGLISH Multiple Choice Mini-dialogues Sentence Paraphrasing Sentence Pairs Part 3: ZNO PRACTICE Listening Reading Use of English writing Part 4: WRITING BANK Formal letter ~ Apology Semi-formal letter - Complaint Informal letter ~ Invitation Formal letter ~ Information request Semi-formal letter ~ Booking CONTENTS SKK UKRAINE: LIFE & CULTURE SX @RORMORORK TASK1 Discuss in pairs. How much time do you spend sho 1oose what to wear? What type of clathes do you usual 20 you think t I? Why (not? TASK2 Read the texts quickly. Which iterns of rainian designers produce? (= TASK3 Read the texts again. Match choices A-G to the texts 1-5. ‘There are two choices you do not need to use. Which brand ___? has a creator who became successful before his 30" AY birthday uses only natural materials became popular immediately offers clothes that also act as an amulet was created by a famous blogger has shops on another continent | 100% has something ideal for you ZNO: USE OF ENGLISH TASK 4 ala[=lolale Look at the underlined words in the texts and match them with the definitions. the only one of its type a set of clathes worn together hats and other items worn on head decorative designs done with a needle and a thread certainly, surely a design made from repeatin asurface wee Ne lines, shapes, or colours on 7 notexpensive 8. information about something, such as a new product, that can tell you if tis successful or liked 9 existing in or belonging to the area where you live, of to the area that you are talking about 10 an item which you wear or carry but which is not part of your main clothing TASKS Choose 3 more words from the texts and write their definitions. Read them to your partner, let them guess your words. ZNO: WRITIN TASK7 TASK6 Read the text below. For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor. The biggest store with Ukrainian-made clothes Ukraine's biggest store selling 1 and accessories made by local producers - Vsi Svo' is right in the centre of Kyiv. It houses around 150 2 brands of clothes, accessories, bags, lingerie and shoes. The store's owner Anna Lukovkina 3____ togather them all together in one place. The first floor of the new store offers outfits, bags, shoes and 4 The second floor has a menswear section and a lingerie department. The brands on the 5___ floor are more exclusive and expensive. Before Vsi Svol market most of the young brands sold their outfits at occasional outdoor fairs known only 6__ small circle of people. Lukovkina wanted to make shopping more convenient, 50 she rented a place, put in dressing rooms and. invited Ukrainian designers to participate, Oniy the most popular brands at Vsi Svoi market won spots inthe new Vsi Swoi store. Once a brand has launched 7 ‘own mass production, she said, they tend to make 8 clothes of good quality for reasonable prices. "People are sometimes very critical of 9 brands" Lukovkina said. “Ifthey see flaws in the clothes mass-produced for large chains, theyre OK with it. But if local brand makes. mistakes (with their clothes in the store) the negative 10. will be very strong. So think we need to support them, and, in tum, they wont let us down.” 1 Asut — B outfits € dlothing D costume 2A Unrainian B the Ukrainian ¢ ukrainian D Ukrainians 3 Aclected B decided C ruled —_—D selected 4 Abeads Bhat © cap D headwear 5 Athee — B third € thiels BD thirds 6 Aabout Bon 10 D for 7 its Bits ¢ its Dit 8 Aoi —_B costeffectne € affordable D economic 9 A territorial B legendary narrow local 10 A answer B reply © question D feedback Your friend is doing a schoo! project researching teen fashion in Ukraine. Write a letter to your friend in which you tell him/her + about the type of clothes you wear ‘+ who you usually buy clothes with and where ‘who your style icons are and why, ‘Write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information, Start your letter in an appropriate way. S8eK UKRAINE: LIFE & CULTURE SXOROHRORORK TASK1 In pairs think and write down all the cities and towns in Ukraine you have visited or want to visit. For each towrvcity write a few famous places there. eg Lviv - Opera House Play the game - read out the places to the class and let them guess the city/town. TASK2 Read the text below. Match choices AH to the questions 1-5. There are three choices you do not need to use. Travelling to Zmivka Health and education in Zmiivka Famous vi S The history of Zmivka Planning a trip Zmiivka ~ a special place Landmarks in Zmiivka z[o]=[=[e]o[e|> Free time activities . ZNO: USE OF ENGLISH TASK3 Work in pairs. Read the rules. Tick those which are correct. Correct the incorrect ones, We often use the passive when we want to talk about an action rather than the person or thing that does the action. We use it when: it does not matter who does the action 1 weare in an informa situation; 1 we know or can guess who does the action; we dort know or dont want to say who does the action Now identify the tenses ofthe underlined examples inthe text Tasks Rewrite the sentences in the Passive. Discuss the statements with your partner. Which of them do you think are true? 1. Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese and Mayans invented written language independently from each ather. In ten years from now people will only eat healthy food. 3 Volvo gave away the 1962 patent for the seatbelt for free, to save lives, 4. Over the past year, people have used Google over 2trillion 5. The government banned an episode of Peppa Pig from Australian television for teaching children not 10 fear spiders. 6 Robot pets will replace living pets 7 Uruguay won the first ever football World Cup in 1930. 8 Since 1945 al British tanks have included equipment to make tea, 9 Inthe 1830s people sold ketchup as medicine, 10 China owns all of the pandas in the world, 41 You cannot fold apiece of square paper move than 7 times in half. ” ZNO: WRITING TASK6 TASKS Read the text below. For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D. ‘The Singing Terraces Canaterrace sing? This quite unlikely, however ifyou 1 to the small village of Horodnie close to Kharkiv, you might be surprised. The piace is beautiful, peaceful and cozy. The structure 2. by Pavel Kharytonenko, According to legend, he had a daughter — Natalia. Natalia was a really good singer, so her father built 3____terraces for her, However, itis more ely that Pave Kharytonenko was a keen gardener ‘and wanted to grow some rare plants. Since the local climate ‘was {00 severe for exotic trees in an ordinary garden, the terraces 4, There are sx brick terraces facing south, 5__a semicircle. This often reminds visitors of the ancient amphitheaters. 6. height of each wall is about four metres and the width is approximately ten. Consequently, the plants have constant sunshine and the bricks accumulate and keep warmth for a long time. Immediately after the ‘construction of the terraces, strawberries, grapes and exotic fruit trees 7____ there. However, soon it was noticed that because of its unusual layout the orchard could also 8 the volume of sounds. ‘The place 9__ until the end of World War Il. It was then reconstructed and apple trees were planted there. Now this Unique structure isa popular tourist destination. it 10_an annual festival of Ukrainian folk songs - ‘Green terraces. would 1 Atravel — Bwilltavel ¢ POS travelled was has 2 Ainened BMS CMS | D inents 3 Atis — Biha —C these them 4 APE Bing 8 bulk wasbuilt_D were buit 5 A forming B form C forms has formed 6A Bthe CA Dan been havebeen ¢ were es planted 8 planted planted Byes paris 8 APEC 4B increasing € increased D increase had been had 9 ahgdbeen p had 4 ¢ abandoned D abandons 10 AheWs Bods ~—=—«C isheld-—_—w ‘Pasbeen ‘Your friend is doing a school project on legends in different cultures and he/she has asked you for help, Write a letter to your friend in which you * tell him/her about the legends in your country ‘recommend your favourite legend and explain why you lke it ‘+ say where your friend can find more information about Ukrainian legends, ‘Write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way. SSKK UKRAINE: LIFE & CULTURE SX ORGROROMK TASK1 How reliable are the sources of information below? Rate them from 1 to 5(1 - very reliable, 5 - completely unreliable): newspaper, website, news programme on TY, friend, family member. ‘Compare your answers with a partner. What other sources of information do you know/use? TASK2 Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 1-6. There are two choices you do not need to use. Which magazine/newspaper_? ‘only shows life in one part of the country ] is about the life of ex-military men do you not have to pay for [eae [> is the oldest one in Ukraine will you receive regulary if you pay money beforehand | was not published for a period of time shares useful information for travellers is published by the government ZNO: USE OF ENGLISH TASK3 ‘Match the meanings of the verbs with the examples in the text. When do we use ‘to + infinitive’ or the “ing form’? forget Not remember to dosmth Not remember a past event remember a Not forget to do smth b Recall a past event try a Make aneffort or attempt Dosmthas an experiment want aWish b Require stop a Pause temporarily Finish, end Look at the underlined verbs in the text. Which are used with the 'to + infinitive’ and which with the ing form’? TASK 4 Think and write in your exercise book, then tell your partner: ‘One thing you wanted to do last summer. Two things you stopped doing when you went to schoo! Three things you tried doing but did not lke. Four things you always forget to do when your mom asks you. Five things you always remember to do, ZNO: WRITING TASK6 TASKS Read the text below. For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer A, 8, Cor D. Have you seen ‘Chernobyl'? Have you ever watched a TV series that made you forget 1____ offthe gas or even what time of day its? ‘Chernobyl, which dramatises the story of the massive explosion of a nuclear power plant in Ukraine, isa series just lke that. 2_____ twenty-three minutes past one in the morning on 26" April, 1986 a safety test at a nuclear reactor in Soviet Ukraine went catastrophically wrong, Not only did the reactor stop 3 it exploded. Harmful isotopes were taken 4 the wind as far away 2s Ireland within a week. Adults, stllremember5_____ the terrible news quite a few days after the catastrophe happened. S These events, as well as the Soviet government's questionable reaction to the disaster, are what the HBO's historical drama series ‘Chernaby/ tried Following the final episode, which aired in America 7. 3 June, it became the highestrated television series of all time. ‘The series was shot in Ukraine and in a partly decommissioned nuclear power plant in 8___ Lithuania, Most af the actors are portraying real people as Chernobyf' looks atthe decisions, ‘and. possible motives behind their actions. The creators wanted 9 the story of life at the time as it was and they did it incredibly well. The series does a great job of telling the stories of simple bravery and heroism previously unknown to ‘many people, so remember 10__ittonight: toturn ¢ turn turned On 1 A turing A Since In AL 8 c > 8 c D A work —B working towork —D havingworked B from by Ahead Bhear hearing tohear 8 c > 8 c > B fe > 8 ¢ > 8 c > 2 3 4 A off 5 6 A toshow 7 8 ° 0 on show showing D shown Ain A the A telling on at from an a told totell tell A wetch —B towatcn C watching PEE, Your friend has successfully passed his/her exams and now has more free time. He/She has asked you to recommend him/her a TV series, or a film to watch. Write a letter to your friend in which you * congratulate your friend on passing his/her exams successfully + say which genre of series/fims you Ike and why ‘recommend a series or film. Write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way. 3386 UKRAINE: LIFE & CULTURE DX @OROROMOREC ZNO: REA' TASK1 Which of the things below do you usually take on holiday? Discuss with your partner, Helmet, gloves, goggles, snowboard, paddle, fippers, ropes, trainers, action carnera, Make a list of 10 things that you always take with you on a trip, TASK2 Read the text below. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D. 11 What is NOT true about the Dniester river? Alcis more than 1,000 km long. B tis the main Ukrainian waterway. € It is not dangerous for tourists. D it starts in the Carpathian mountains. 2. Why is the Dniester attractive for rafting activities? ‘You can see many historic places on the way. B Even inexperienced tourists can go rafting there, C You do not need a lot of equipment. Dall of the above 3 According to the text, when is it possible to go rafting? Ain spring Bin summer Cin spring and summer Donly after rain Why is the Dniester canyon special? tis unique in the world, B The water cascades off the racks, Monks live there. D Expensive types of cheese are made there. What will you NOT be able to do while rafting on the Dniester? ‘eat fish and berries for lunch B visit historic places stay in atent D sleep in a cave ZNO: USE OF ENGLISH TASK3 Look at the underlined wards in the text. Match them with the definitions. 1. a large fish that lives in rivers and lakes and eats other fish 2. to cover some area or distance 3. tohave something that you can be proud of 4 things which are used for a particular purpose, for example ahobby or jod 5. tosecure or guarantee 6 a covered place which is made to protect from bad weather or danger a building or other place that is of great historical, aesth fr cultural importance, and often has a special status 8 a castle or other large strong building, or a well-protected place, which Is difficult for enemies to enter 9 tobecome greater in number, size or quality 10 something that you do or that happens to you, especially something important that affects you TASK 4 Use the correct form of the words from TASK 3 to complete the questions. 1 Doyou know what _we need to take with us?! have neither a life jacket nar a helmet. 2 Are there any nice places? Do you think we will be able to take nice pictures of __?1'd really like to share some photos on my Instagram page. 3 How can the organisers sleeping under the sky, wont we? our safety? We will be 4 Do you think they will have some where we will be able to take a shower, eat hot foad, hide fram rain, etc? 5 Theroute____ for over 200 kilometres. Ho dowe need for the trip? w many days 6 What will we do if the water level _and it becomes dangerous to travel? Will it be possible to stop the trip and go home by bus? Use the questions to plan a rafting trip with a partner. ZNO: WRITING TASKS TASKS Read the text below. For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D. Visiting Optimistic Cave 35 kilometres from the Dniester canyon there is another famous 4. Optimistic cave, This is one of the few places on Earth which has not been fully explored. Not many places can 2___ that. You can get to the place from Lviv, Kyiv oF Chernivtsi, just aim for Korolivka village in Ternopil oblast. It was discovered in 1966. it 3___for more than 265 kilometres underground and is the second biggest cave in the world, The giant labyrinth has been opened to tourists since 2010. Optimistic cave offers a number of interesting 4, its perfect for an all-day trip that you will remember for many years to come. There are several small lakes with relatively constant levels, which 5___ during the period of heavy rain, You wor't see thousands of tourists, 6 cafes and noisy traffic here, Speleologists have 7_____ that the cave has been kept unchanged, so there is no electricity or concrete sidewalks. A place beyond time and space, where silence 8 However, speleologists have equipped more than 15 underground camps, where you can find some 9 and even cook hot food. All you need is to put on special 10, a helmet and headlamp, and go 90 feet below the surface Just to get dirty and explore the biggest and most mysterious labyrinth in the world, 1 A memorial B landmark —€ monument D marker 2 Acxtibit —B glory © boast D advertise 3 Acovers B stretches € grows D opens 4 A practices B affairs experiences incidents 5 A increase B deepen € escalate —D boost, 6 A/jammed B overcrowded € overpopulated D overbuit 7 A-secued B protected € established ensured 8 A obtains B manages € occupies reigns 9 Ahouse B Security sheter D cover 10 A equipment B machinery € accessories D tools Your friend, who is @ fan of outdoor activities and extreme sports, is planning a visit to your city/village, Write him/her an email in which you say ‘= how you prefer to spend time outside + which outdoor activities are available in your region «what interesting places heshe could visit and why. Write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information Start your letter in an appropriate way. SKK UKRAINE: LIFE & CULTURE DOR ORORORK TASK1 Read the facts about technology. Which ones do you think are true? Check with your partner. Do you know any facts ‘about technology? Share them with the class. TASK2 Read the text below. Fillin gaps 1-6 with choices A-H. There are two choices you do not need to use. checking for errors in grammar and syntax with Ukrainian roots has checked and corrected mistakes by the world’s leading experts in inguistic technology Started to grow really fast to help people write in English correctly has grown to over 20 milion daily active users |=]6 |] Jo] [o]> ‘on who will be reading it ZNO; USE OF ENGLISH TASK3 Look at the underlined words in the text. Use a dictionary to check their meaning. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words. You can use some of the words more than once. Do you usually confilcts? Why? What do you most in your friends? 1 2 3 When was your school 4 Do you remember when the of the first manned space mission to the Moon was? Would you like to study in Ukraine or abroad? What does it on? Have you ever something that is not true? 6 7 What can you do to your school marks: 8 What is your for learning English? 9 Istherea big 10 Which of fruit where you live? technologies do you find useful? 11 What job would you like to have? What does your choice on? 12 How can you region? the ecological situation in your Ask and answer with a partner. ZNO: WRITIN TASKS TASK 4 Read the text below. For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D. Buying a printed house PassivDom, a Ukrainian start-up that builds the world's frst fully autonomous, solar-powered buildings, was 1_____in March 2016. Its creators 2____ thelr houses are the warmest ‘buildings in the world, They aré produced by 3D- printing, and can be constructed ina 3____ day. PassivOom buildings can, be put on any ground and, if needed, moved to a different location in a few hours. In the morning 4 ‘can order a house, and by the evening they can move in. The company 5 projects in the United States in spring 2017, where by August 2018 it had already received 11,000 orders. The cheapest house costs $37,900. Due to this successful project, the company is already 6. at ‘$5 milion. A 7____ of PassivDom's devices are integrated into the home's network, creating an "internet of things” that is easily, controlled by the owner's smartphone. The project was 8 to be eco-friendly, so the houses contain some §___ technology such as a special patented ‘window system and vacuum insulation. As a resuit, the house ‘can be heated and cooled entirely with solar power, even In foggy and cloudy climates, The wall 10___ in PassivDom’s houses is six times higher than the US Department of Energy recommendations for hornes in Alaska. 1 A organised B constructed € founded D found 2 Aallege —B declare € ask D claim 3 Assingle —_B individual original © separate 4 A patrons B shoppers © consumers D customers 5 Alofted — B sent € launched D floated 6 A cherished B valued —€ prized —_—D appreciated 7 Abreed — B Classification € variety variation 8 A developed B grown € advanced D matured oA B liberal —€ forward advanced 10 A lining surrounding € insulation D_ defending Your friend is a member of a science club at school. At the moment he/she is working on creating a phone application - Electronic helper. Wirite a letter to your friend in which you ‘say how important you think itis to work on such projects and why + suggest features that might be useful for the application to have “offer your help in testing the application. Write a letter of at least 120 words, Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information, Start your letter in an appropriate way. wv | USE OF ENGLISH: Multiple Choice Read the text and choose the correct answers. Circle the letter a, bor c. TASK1 IT'S AS EASY AS APP What are the basic skills that 1 child starting school should learn? For many centuries the obvious answer was: reading, writing and arithmetic. Quite recently computer classes (ICT) have been made an obligatory part of national curriculums to teach students how to use basic programmes. ‘These days, 2. more and more countries are starting to realise that £0 succeed in the 21st century pupils should be able to create their own software. In fact, some schools in the UK are planning to get rid of ICT lessons ang replace them 3, programming classes that would involve building websites, designing games end mobile phone apps. They hope that today's generation of children, who are already familiar with using smartphones. and practically living in the world of social media, will soon become the designers of the future. Education authorities have no problem convincing, students’ parents that 4 skills are important, A recent survey shows that 94% of them believe that computer skills are 5__ for theo marker. Examples of British teenagers who have managed to sell their apps to big corporations also help make the decision easy. Afterall, who wouldn't want their child to become 2 millionaire? 4asome ball cany 2aalthough however —_c despite Bafor bwith ¢ from 4aso bthis such Saessential bunnecessary _¢ modern TASK 2 THE ZEBRA MYSTERY For many years scientists have wondered 1 zebras have black and white stripes, Some believe that the stripes Create an optical illusion which hides a zebra's mavernents and in this way protects it from being attacked. When lions see a group of zebras, the stripes make it difficult for them to assess the zebras’ size and speed. However, ane study has found that lions are particularly good 2. catching, zebras, There have been other popular theories too. One claims that each zebra hasa unique pattern ofstripesso3_ane individual can recognise another. There is also a theory that Suggests that the stripes help zebras with thermoregulation and protect them from the strong African sun. ‘A team of US researchers has 4. found evidence that the zebra got its stripes for different reasons. The zebra's, short hair makes it easy for dangerous African flies to bite and infect the animal with different 5 It seems that flies find it harder to land on stripes and during their evolution zebras have developed a perfect way to keep the flies away. The stripes are narrow on the lower legs and on the head, the areas which attract flies the most. Vawhich bwhy whether 2ain bior cat Bathat bas cto 4anever bever crecently Saallergies bdiseases vaccines. TASK3 RUTH FLOWERS: AGE IS NO EXCUSE When you think of your grandparents’ hobbies, gardening, knitting or Nordic walking come to mind. 1 Ruth Flowers was not your average grandmother. When she was in her late sixties, she became a world-famous Dj working under the name Mamy Rock. She was brought 2____ in a very musical family and for many years worked as a singer and singing teacher. It was only when she got invited to her grandson's birthday party ata club that she 3 in love with dance music. Ruth said that at first the security didn't want to let her in because of her age, but she insisted and she enjoyed it very much. she was 4 in touch with a young French producer who helped her develop her sound and image. In her mixing, she used her favourite artists like the Rolling Stones ar Freddie Mercury together with electro music, As for clothes, she loved colourful outfits and coo! sunglasses. Ruth gave her first gig during the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, after which she became internationally known. 5 then she played in major clubs throughout the world and even had her own reality show called "Rock It Granny tayet balthough —_c inspite of 2a back bup cover 3afalls bell has fallen 4aput bstayed ckept SaFrom buntil Since TASK 4 WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS? While it strue that mobile devices are convenient and help. us stay better connected, our social skills seem to be getting worse and worse, According to a recent survey, the majority of people 1 that smartphones, laptops, tablets and social media have made us ruder. People texting in public places or shouting into their phones on public transport are a common 2. Very often we pay more attention to our Facebook account than the person sitting in front of us. This obsession with digital Gevices and the need to stay online all the time make people start phone conversations while watching a film at the cinema or forget 3 off their mobile in the theatre, at school or even in church. Many institutions are trying to bring good old etiquette back. Shops across the UK are putting up signs Informing customers that they won't be served while talking 4___ the phone. Banks and post offices forbid the use of mobile phones too. There are also numerous online campaigns that make people aware of the basic rules of polite behaviour. All ‘of them come down to a simple fact: use your common sense and'§____you think it will be rude, don't do it Yathinks —— bhasthought eis thinking 2aview b picture sight Batoswitch switching ec about switching aby bthrough = con Sauniess if ¢ provided USE OF ENGLISH: Multiple Choice Read the text and choose the correct answers. Circle the letter a, b orc. TASKS SUPERMARKET MIND GAMES We all know it too well, we go to a supermarket and we often end 1____ buying more than we planned. Having a shopping list in your hand doesn’t always help because supermarkets use all kinds of psychological tricks aimed at making us 2 up our trolleys. It all starts in the car park where potential customers see red signs advertising discounts and bargains. As saon as they see this colour inside, they will automatically associate it with low prices 3 some red labels will only be used ta confuse them. Then it’s the usual: background music will get shoppers in the right frame of mind and so will the artificial smell of 4 baked bread. Shelves with basic products, such as meat, bread and butter, are situated far away from each other so that you have ta walk through many aisles and, on the way, be tempted to get items you don't need. ‘And just when you think it's over, there are so-called golden zones, displays with all kinds of sweets located near checkouts that encourage customers and their children to think that they deserve a reward while they 5__to pay for their shopping. taup with about 2a filling bto fl fil Badespite eventhough c therefore ahardly ——_bfreshly ce quickly Saare waiting bill be waiting c have been waiting TASK6 DON'T WASTE IT Statistics show that US households throw away a shocking 40% of perfectly good food. Atthe same time about SO milion Americans don't have 1 to eat and many suffer from hunger. However, if US families managed to 2 food waste by 15 per cent, it would help feed 25 milion people The big question is: what canbe donetosolvethe problem? To start with, you should plan your meals well ahead, make Use of shopping lists and avoid buying on impulse. ifyou don't know what to do with the leftovers in your fridge, check online guides for suggestions on how to waste less. Alternatively, you can get a useful mobile app which will provide you with Creative 3. ‘Some people get rid of food because the sell-by date has passed and they are afraid they might get sick. 4__ they don't realise is that most food products can be safely eaten past these dates. 'you know you won't have the chance to eat something, you can always freeze it$__it goes bad. There's also an option of donating food to local food banks, Remember that lots of people need the food you throw away, taplenty little enough 2Zaendupwith bcutdownon ctake away Barecipes —breceipts —_e prescriptions 4aThat b What Which Saafter before while TASK7 Do U hav ajob 4 me? Believe it or not, but many employers nowadays do get letters of application written in ‘text speak. And it is not the ‘only reason why more and more employers 1___that the recruitment process is a nightmare. ‘Many young applicants alto understandthe requirements for the jobs they apply 2 They send off identical C¥s regardless of the post. In addition, they fing it difficult to show up punctually for 2 job interview, have 3. idea what to wear on formal occasions and lack basic Social skills, eg. they are unable to make eye-contact with the interviewer ‘or explain why they want a given job, And that's not to mention their poor knowledge of the company they want to work far. It doesn't prevent young people from 4 unrealistic expectations of the job market. They are mostly interested in professions related to popular culture, the media and sport. Moreover, they think they can just walk into their dream job, because they beliove they deserve only the best.5_, all ofthe above greatly limityoung people's working opportunities and contribute ta the high rates of youth unemployment. Jaaccuse deny complain 2afor bto cabout 3asome bany eno 4ahave btohave chaving S.aPreviously b Unfortunately ¢ Eventually TASK 8 HUNGER FOR POWER If you think that politics is boring, you haven't watched House of Cards, an American political drama, It is directed by David Fincher, who is known 1 Seven and Fight Club, among others. This TV series is set in the capital of the USA and tells the story of Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a fictional Democratic congressman, Kevin Spacey 2__the role of a ruthless politician who ‘wants to take revenge on the people that have betrayed him, Including the President of the United States himself. He is very cynical and uses a young political reporter t0 reveal his rivals’ dark secrets to the press, His power-hungry wife is no angel 3 They both stop at nothing to reach their goals and destroy their enemies. The series is 3 remake of the 1990s British political miniseries and has become a great success, receiving many 4. for excellent acting and directing. Viewers around the world seem to appreciate the fact that it presents the reality of political life as many people suspect it tobe: 5 cruel world of empty promises and corruption, with no place for idealism, 1a from bior cabout 2asiars bplays cacts Batoo also ceither 4a prizes brewards = cawards, Saa b- the USE OF ENGLISH: Multiple Choice Read the text and choose the correct answers. Circle the letter a, b or TASK9 ARE CHEAP AIRLINES REALLY CHEAP? Go to Majorca naw for only £10! Pay €5 to fly to Crete! Budget airlines 1 your attention with bargain ticket prices in their eye-catching advertisements. What they will not tell you, hawever, is 2 they have all kinds of tricks Up their sleeve to make much more money out of you later. To start with, the price of a cheap air fare only looks attractiveat the beginning Itoften does natinclude obligatory costs such as taxes, an online check-in charge, service charge or credit card usage fee. 3 they are added, the final Dill 's far from what you expected. Then there are luggage fees. If your hand luggage is not the correct size or your suitcase is too heavy, the excess baggage fee you will have to pay at the airport 4. Tuin your holiday mood. Not to mention high extra charges if you forget to print your boarding pass at home or make a spelling mistake in your name. So next time you are sitting at your desk to 5. that online booking, make sure you are well-rested and ready to face a very tough opponent. tadraw bpay cturn Zawhy bihat esuch BaUnless — bOnce Whereas 4amust bb should emay Samake bdo € prepare TASK 10 MOBILES AND HEALTH ISSUES Forty years ago mobile phones did not even exist but soon more than 2 billion people will be using them on a daily bass. This fairly recent 1___has proved very useful but the fact, that we are constantly bombarded by electromagnetic waves may have long-term effects on our health 2___ suggests that our favourite gadget, which we look at 150 times a day, contributes to all kinds of health issues. Staring at your phone for too long may lead to serious, problems with your eyesight. 3 mobile phone users suffer from headaches, neck and shoulder pains, tiredness, poor hearing as well as prablems with sleeping. So maybe itis worth 4_our personal habits when it comes to using mobile phones? Experts suggest holding the evices a few centimetres away from your ear and switching ears every few moments. It is recommended nat to use them for more than 15 minutes at atime and to leave them 5 your bedroom at night. ‘And don't forget ta clean your phone every once ina while. The average phone is a paradise forall kinds of bacteria Yadiscovery invention —_e creativity 2aResearch bOpinion _—_¢ Examination BaAllinall — bFirstly ¢ Moreover, 4areconsider bb reconsidering ¢ to reconsider Saaway behind c outside TASK 11 ‘SMART HOUSE Have you ever leftyaur house wondering if you had locked the front door or turned off the cooker? Now you can stop worrying ifyou decide to turn yourhome 1. ‘a smart one. Technology that was once reserved for the rich is becoming more and more available 2 the popularity of mobile phones and tablets. Setting up a smart home is all about connecting all the devices and household 3 into a network that you can control from any place in the world, Whether you are at work cr on holiday, you can check what is going onin your house and react accordingly. Asecurity system will detect a fire or inform you in case a burglar 4 to break in, A smart home will control the lighting and raom temperature, resulting in lower electricity and heating bills. Once the house knows that you are getting up, itwill turn on the coffee maker in the kitchen or fut your favaurite news programme on the TV. The list of cool smart home tricks goes on and they are all 5 fat making your life easier and more convenient, Vaup bon into 2aowingto binspiteof —_capart from 3a tools, biurniture appliances 4atries will try ctried Saaiming — baimed c being almed TASK 12, READING BOOKS CAN BE COOL At present many publishing houses are experiencing. a crisis, libraries are not as popular as they 1 be and fewer and fewer people are buying books. That is why in 1995 UNESCO started World Book Day, an annual event celebrated worldwide on 23 April 2 ‘main aim is to encourage and promote reading, It was decided that it would be held on this day because the date is also the anniversary of the birth and death of William Shakespeare and the death of Miguel de Cervantes Every year hundreds of interesting book-related events 3____place in bookshops, schools and libraries. In Spain, for example, Cervantes's Don Quixote is read during a two. ay reading marathon. In Catalonia, where this day is called The Day of the Rose, traditionally men gave women roses and 4 women gave men books, Nowadays it is still ‘customary to exchange books on this day and in the main streets of Barcelona and other cities in the region you can buy something to read for your loved ones. UNESCO believes that reading books 5 tothe social and cultural progress of humanity and leads to Building peace around the world. Tawereusedto busedto c got used to awhich bthat whose Batoke hold cave 4aonaverage binreturn — cwith change Sahelps bontributes ¢ provides USE OF ENGLISH: Multiple Choice Choose the option that fits the gap correctly. Circle the letter a, b or c. TASK 13 1 We need to find a place where we can our tent, a take up b put up cset up 2 Howlong ado you know bid you know have you known him? 3 in the photo is a surgeon. Can you guess which one? a Some women b One of the women c Either of the wamen 4 live in the house an the left. a Browns b The Browns The Browns 5 I'dlike to adraw b focus pay your attention to this unusual painting, TASK 14 1 Iwenttoa primary school b middle school estate school in London when | was 5. 2 Doyou really think | should apologise? Maybe a you have the right you are right cyou agree 3 Let'smeet__ afor 15 minutes bat 15 minutes in 15 minutes 4 Doyou think this scarf a fits b matches esuits my black winter coat? 5 ithe acalls bwill call chas called let me know, OK? TASK 15 1 You and your older brother used to fight a lot, a don't you baren't you edidn't you bbut I don't agree. a | see your point bb That's what you think ¢ You might think that 31 on Friday night, Id love you to come, a organise a party bam likely to give a party cam having a party 4 Doyouhave any a further banother following ‘questions? 5 The doctor says | should drinks. acut inwith bbcut down on cut out for fast food and fizzy TASK 16 1 How does your brother 2 a do fora living beara living pay for a living 21 aused tobe bb tends to get cusually becomes very hot here every summer, 3. I know the person local park awhose bthat ewhich ____ sculptures are on display in the 4 Hewanted to know awhere did | see bwhere |had seen ‘cwhere | saw that French film. 5 You a must should cought to teach your dog some new tricks, USE OF ENGLISH: Multiple Choice Choose the option that fits the gap correctly, Circle the letter a, b orc. TASK 17 1 my favourite vase? a Who did break b Who has broken ‘Who was broken 2 td like to a please b request cask you a favour. 3 ithe he would never get up before 8 o'clock adidin't have to b mustn't © hadn't 4 Have you ever Alaska? abeento bgone to ebeenin 5 three or four times yesterday. a called you Iwas calling you 1 would call you TASK 18 1. You know very well that a you shouldn't byou're unable to cyou aren't allowed go there alone, 2. Ihave two neighbours, but in their garden, a not ane of them brone of them cheither of them has a swimming poo! 3 weather! Let's go for a walk. a What a beautiful b What beautiful But for the beautiful 4 ___last week that | couldn't study there, altold 'b| was told c twas told 5 Illhave chicken for the course. alead bmain major TASK 19 1 Very afew bittie esmall people knew about the secret room. 2 Terrorists tried to agive up bsetup blow up __ the bridge. 3 Could you b apologise cregret to her now? 4 your phone number with her a She mustn't had bb She may not have had She needn't have 5 Yes, | believe it's in the living room, a Idoubt it bIdon't think so Let me think TASK 20 1. Youcan join them tomarrow. a That's fine with me 'b | haven't got any doubts about it em sure about that 2 Helived there__ asince bior efrom the beginning of 1990. 3 Whereis she? _ a She had tobe here bb She was supposed to be here She should be here at half past one, 4 We are terribly sorry, but we a couldn't bwor't be able to ce might not help you at al 5) What's the average In Ukraine? a family bb retirement esalary USE OF ENGLISH: Multiple Choice Choose the option that fits the gap correctly. Circle the letter a, b or c. TASK 21 1 __ there alone. a You had better not go bb if only you didn’t go Suppose you don't go 2. Bring an umbrella aifitrained bin case itrains unless it rains 3 Hetoldmethat____ got divorced, he's married he was married che had been married for thirty-three years before he aif Id sell it. a could be you bb could have your place cwere you 5 some brothers. a I regret not having bifonly | didn't have wish Ihad TASK 22 1 Imsorry about your jeans. ail get you new ones. I'llbuy you a new one. lll have the new ones, 2 Doyou know that a | used to get up bb i'mused to get up | got used to get up very early in the morning? 3. Isuggest ato go you go eyou could go 4 She looked absolutely athrilled bamazing cbored to the theatre with your nephew. inher new dress, 5 Iwill give him the invitation I see him. unless b supposing ¢ provided TASK 23 1 ____ but think you've dropped something. am sorry that | interrupt b Sorry to interrupt © May [interrupt 2. don’t know why he refused that letter, a signing btosign sign 3. At the end of the meeting everybody started shouting aateach other bat themselves con their own 4. Ourfight to London was cancelled a due to b because thanks to bad weather. $ Did you hear their latest aarticie column commercial ___on the radio last night? TASK 24 1 __many people at the party when Dorothy arrived a They weren't b There was no c There weren't 2. We didn't win the match year. aalthough b despite however practising really hard all 3 IM wait here until a he won't come he doesn't come che comes 4 yesterday in the city centre. a You used to see him b You mustn't see him You can't have seen him 5 Doyou know ‘a how much itis, b how expensive is it chow much does it cost USE OF ENGLISH: Mini-dialogues ‘Complete the mini-dialogues by choosing the correct option. Circle the letter a, b orc. TASK3 be going now. /S OK, let's keep in touch a could b might cmust Could | have my keys back, please? Thanks a Don't mention it. b Go ahead, | wait. Here you are. All the tickets have been sold Let's go to the park X:Good idea. Let me change into something more comfortable, athough instead ceither X: Who does this car belong to? x: Well, whose is it, then? a Don't look at me. it’s not mine, b's the latest model € She's had it for less than a year X What's on TV tonight? Y: a Have you got any interesting news for me? bb Iv’s an amazing story. | heard it on the news, Nothing interesting, Let's just watch the news. TASK2 You look great! Ys Thanks. | twice a week eat out bwork out chang out How about visiting her together? ‘Sounds fantastic! 'b Of course, what is it? Thanks, Im OK. How long have you known her? aa | knew her for a long time. bb Since December, | think Until recently if you ask me. X: What's the point in telling the boss about it? Y¥: Welllbe in trouble X¢ OK. Do what you have to do. aifwe don't bifwe aren't cifwe won't X¢ I wonder if you could help me. Y a What would you like me to do? bb The same to you c Youre welcome. 1 Xz Let's use dad's computer for this. ¥: But what if he finds out? X a Tm afraid he wil b He won't, trust me. € | think so, too. X: What time should we ? Y: The plane leaves at midnight, so we have to be at the airport at about 10-pm, a checkin b move out sign up X: Would you like to come to our wedding? ¥: aAllthe best! b itdoesn't sound very good. cd love to. X: Why did you take his toys? You should be ashamed of yourself Y: | really regret X: So apologise to your brother now! adoit brodoit € doing it x: ¥: Gladly a Where are your manners? 'b Can you give this package to him? ¢ What will you say to their proposal? TASK 4 1 X: lie back tomorrow at five. ¥: Shall | from the airport? X: That would be nice, a drop you off bask you out pick you up. Xz I'm afraid my mobile phone is faulty. Could you please replace it? Ys Could Ise the please? arecipe breceipt cbill X: It's the third time. about our mother's birthday! Y: Don't get angry! Im so absent-minded. | will remind you bi remina you | have reminded you X: Why do you keep biting your fingernails? y al cant stand it bican'thelp it. el cant doit, X: Do you want another sandwich? ns ‘a No thanks. mona diet b Please do, ¢ Help yourself. USE OF ENGLISH: Mini-dialogues ‘Complete the mini-dialogues by choosing the correct option. Circle the letter a, b or c. TASKS 4X: Would you like to join us? X: Be ready tomorrow at 7 then. a How come? b Why now Wouldn't i? What's her phone number? Let me check in my mobile a Hang up b Hold on ‘Look out 3. X How long have you known each other? Y: Let me think. We've been friends since the moment we introduced. bhave been cwere : Lhope it’s not too much trouble for you. ‘a | apologise for all the trouble. Not at al That's a good point. 5X: Excuse me, have you got change for 5 pounds? Ms X: Thanks, | need it for the parking meter. a Certainly, here you are, bm afraid not. Sorry to trouble you. TASK6 41 X: Which one do you prefer: the blue one or the red one? Y [etme check a | don't lke either of them, b Neither, actually Have you got any green ones? {Wve got a sore throat and a fever. ‘a What's the matte? b How long have you been like this? ‘€ What do you think | should do? 3. X: Who's the behaved student in your class? ¥: Unfortunately irs me. My parents are not happy about it aleast bbest e worst Do you sugar in your tea? Just one spoonful, please. aa take badrink cavoid What do you think of our new Maths teacher? x: y: ad rather he didnt. b I believe he's very strict. Not very well TASK7 1X: Whose house is it? % a My cousin b My cousins My cousin’s Its very kind of you, Don't__it. asay b mention speak 3. X: Could | speak to Mark, please? a Put him on the phone. b Iiljust see if he's in € Id be glad to. : Do youneed my help? OK, ibe in my office in case you need me a No thanks, | think | ean manage. tb Are you sure it’s not too much trouble? That's very kind, Il pass it on, Happy Easter! a beg your pardon! b Thanks, me too! The same to you! TASK 8 1. Xz Id ike to book a single room for next weekend, please. ‘Ohh dear, let me think about it then a There are only double rooms available. b Certainly, single rooms overlook the sea. | don’t think you need to book it Stop I'm sorry. Ph a interrupt b interrupting to interrupt ls a window seat OK with you? ‘a don't mind sharing b Id rather take a seat € By the aisle would be better: Id lke to make for tomorrow, please, Certainly, would 10 e¥lack be convenient? That would suit me fine @ an appointment ba complaint : Do you mind if| open the window? Well itis rather hot in here, isn’t ie? a it's my pleasure. bb Thanks a lot OK, if you insist “USE OF ENGLISH: Mini- -dialogues Gnas the mini-dialogues by choosing the correct option, Circle the letter a, bor c. TASK 4X: Thank your mum fram me, OK? wil I get hame, a provided that bunt as soon as My girlfriend and | were born on the same day. What a ! adifference coincidence chappening, Can | take a photo of you? * ‘a Sure, where do you want me to stand? b OK, take it easy, won't you? € Of course, what is it? Could you hold the door for me, please? alts hard to tell bNo problem, cit doesn’t matter. Are you into sports? a Not really, bidloveto, Yes, | agree. TASK 10 How about a short break? I couldn't agree more. agiving bmaking ctaking : Imnot sure | understand, ‘Why don't you explain it to me again? a How can |help? bl see what you mean. OK, why not? 3. X: Lused to fight with my brother a lot ‘a Nor did b But did Soi. 4X: You look great in that pullover. Really? | only paid £4 for it aWhata pity! b Thats incredible! ‘€ Shame on you! I think the best idea would be to stay here. The teacher won't lke it ‘a couldn't agree more. b | wonder if you could tell me something. Are you sure it's the right thing to do? TASK 11 1X: Would you like more coffee? a You're right. bMe too. clmOk,t 1anks, Thaven’ got a clue. ‘a Do you speak English? b Could you give me a hand? ¢ Where was this photo taken? 3. X: Can |help you, madam? Y¥: Thanks, but someone awill serve me bis already serving me hasn't served me yet Could you copy it for me? Thanks, you're very kind, a With pleasure, b That's a pity. € 1 could have done that, 5X: Why don't we Ys mal for it a put it aside b putit off put it out till tomorrow? TASK 12 1X: Will you and Mark join me tomorrow? Y: Unfortunately we wor't. We X: Sorry to hear that. a broke up bwent out c broke dawn 2X: Ididn't do well, 'm afraid. ¥ yesterday, a What a shame! Youre right! Actually, | do. 3. X: Could you show me the way to the city centre, please? ¥: a You can always use the lift, bb It's quite easy, you can't miss it. € Just go straight on for about § minutes. How old is he? Well, you used to date him, didn't you? a Why should I tell you that? b What makes you think so? I'm not sure. Why? What____his children like? Comedies and cartoons, | think. ado bare cwere USE OF ENGLISH: Sentence Paraphrasing Choose the options that can best replace the words in bold, Circle the letter a, b or c. TASK 1 1 We'd better get going, acan bshould may 2 Can buy this magazine in Ukraine? a ls this magazine sold b Do you buy this magazine ¢ Who can sell this magazine 3. They turned down his application a didnt reject b didn't lin didn't accept, 4. The last time I spoke to Alexandra was two months ago. a We haven't spoken for two months. b We didn't speak for two months. ¢ We hadn't spoken for two months. 5. Iwish I could dance wel aiifonly! danced bbl regret nat dancing ¢ Imagine | could dance TASK2 1 Whyare you wearing smart clothes? ain casual clothes dressed up. wearing designer clothes 2. Let me know as soon as you see him. a provided that bas long as the moment 3 Myuncle Jack doesn't smoke and his wife doesn’t smoke either. aso does his wife nor does his wife also his wife 4. For the past three weeks George has been off work because of the flu unemployed bon sick leave € looking for a job 5 Itisn't necessary to wear a tie a You dont have to bb You had better not € You ought not to TASK3 Their son was too short to go on some of the rides at the funfair a wasn'ttall enough bwasn't so tal ‘cwasn't 100 tall How can | get in touch with your cousin? aremind ‘b contact appreciate Having realised he was late, Michael texted his girlfriend, a After realising bb Before realising While realising My mum took up yoga last year. astarted doing b preferred doing cenjoyed daing Shall | get you something to drink? a Will you arder something to drink? bb Let’s prepare something to drink, shall we? ‘¢ Would you like something to drink? TASK 4 1 ‘Are you in favour of capital punishment? a corporal punishment ba suspended sentence c the death penalty Thardly know you, a | know alot about you. i know very little about you. | know nothing about you. As far as I'm concerned you should do it. a Tomy ming, bTostart with To be honest, | know the man with glasses but | dontt recognise the rest of the people. athe other another the others Her car has been repaired by a mechanic. ‘a She has her car repaired b She has had her car repaired She had her car repaired USE OF ENGLISH: Sentence Paraphrasing Choose the options that can best replace the words in bold. Circle the letter a, b or ¢. TASKS 1. Jake is almost as tall as his sister. a is about the same height isn't quite as short istaller than 2 Could you say that again, please? a Sorry? bb Repeat! c Again! 3. They say he hijacked a plane a He is said to hijack bb He is said to be hijacking c He Is sald to have hijacked 4 The trip was so amazing that we recommended it to all our friends a Itwas a very amazing trip bit was such an amazing trip The trip was amazing enough 5 May || open the window? Do you mind if b Are you in favour of € Doyou approve of TASK 1. | need to go through my notes again before the Biology a register bresit crevise 2 Even though he likes me, he doesn’t respect me. a Despite b Although € Nevertheless 3. Ifyou ask me, | think he’s honest. a You should ask me b If | may add something IF you want to know my opinion 4. She can’t have done it alone. a She must have done it on her own. bits impossible that she did it alone. ¢ She might da it with somebody else. 5 In our Chemistry lessons we often carry out interesting experiments. a conduct banalyse ediscuss TASK7 1 ‘I know you did it,’ he said to me. a He persuaded me to do it. b He warned me against doing it. He accused me of doing it. 2. Shell fire him unless he apologises to her. aon condition that he apologises bif he doesnt apologise c by the time he apologises 3 We can go to Greece or we can go to Croatia for our summer holiday. acither go to Greece or to Croatia b neither go to Greece nor to Croatia go to both Greece and Croatia 4 We have never visited this place before. a We've already been to this place. bit’s the first time we have visited this place, ‘c We've just visited this place, 5 Unfortunately the film was rather dull. a disappointing boring cawful TASK 8 1. She asked me Are you OK?. awas| OK biam OK ‘cwhether | was OK 2 They set up the company in 2010. a closed bstarted esold 3. It’s high time you talked to him. ad rather you talked bb Suppose you talk You'd better talk 4. The flm is about to begin, ais going to start shortly b ought to start soon ‘e must have just started 5 Actually, | disagree aallinall bin tact Also USE OF ENGLISH: Sentence Paraphrasing Choose the options that can best replace the words in bold. Circle the letter a, b or ¢. TASKS TASK 11 1 Philip is really shy, but on the other hand, he's very 1 'drather eat vegetables than meat friendly. a | prefer eating vegetables to. a inthe meantime b | like eating vegetables as much as however Eating vegetables is better than eating unfortunately 2. She had twins at the age of 25, 2. She admitted stealing the money. a raised twins a confessed to b gave birth to twins bb was charged with brought up twins ereported 3. Eventually, they won the race, 3. | started collecting paintings 20 years ago. a Suddenly a I collected paintings for 20 years, bFinally b Ive been collecting paintings for 20 years. c Actually € {d collected paintings for 20 years. 4 Could you complete this survey for me? 4 We always set off early to avoid traffic jams. a receipt aleave bb questionnaire biinish € prescription return 5 I'd go for the second option. 5. Do you fancy going for a swim? a find the second option better. 1a Perhaps we could b | should choose the second option. bWhy dont we € lappreciate the second option. eHow about TASK 12 TASK 10 1. They showed me the new swimming pool 1 He goes to a school where students live and study. a (aaa ovis: ‘a yocational school b was shown b comprehensive schoo! clshowed c boarding schoo! 2. Canyou help me do up my room? 2. Itlooks like it's going to rain. a renovate ahow yup basi vacuum likely - 3 Isshe used to working in a tear? 3 | have three pen-friends but they're not British alDid shé-ase to werk a neither of them is b is she getting used to working any of them is c ls she accustomed to working none of them are 4. ‘Are you leaving tomorrow?" she asked 4. She stopped to talk to her neighbour. a She asked me why | was leaving the following day. ‘a met her neighbour and started talking to him. bb She wanted to know if was leaving the next day. bot angry with her neighbour and decided natto talkto —-—_€ She wondered whether | was leaving that day. him will never talk to her neighbour again. 5 lean’t stand it. a I quite ike i. 5 Hiswife has died recently. b I really hate i ‘a He's become a foster parent not long ago. €l recommend it He's become a widower not long ago ‘¢ He's become an orphan not long ago. USE OF ENGLISH: Sentence Pairs Choose the word that correctly completes the gaps in both sentences. Circle the letter a, b or c. TASK 1 I must stop eating sweets. Ive put recently, | think that subjects than boys. ain boft con We're __rid of our old clothes. Unfortunately his parents are___a divorce a becoming btaking getting They live in aterraced_ in Green Street. Could you tellus when you are moving ___? a house bia chome To get this ob, you must have a Last night the temperature was one 2e°0. title b degree cgrade When you_the end of the street, turn left. The jury couldr't__a verdict for two days. a reach beet carrive too much weight average, girls are better at academic in Economics, Celsius below TASK2 1 What do you do to_fit? Your son finds it hard to Up with the rest of the class. akeep bstay cget We're in our final year so we don't have much time. You should always carry a tyre in your car in case you have a puncture, afree bleisure espere We're planning to this hotel for three more years. I don’t think this software will (on my ald computer. a operate brun cg We were brought by our grandmother. The price of petrol has gone recently, aup bin con Nextsummer|wantto. | promise you Illtry to atake b make cdo ‘Spanish course in Alicante. my best. TASK3 1 We this exam three times but failed each time. I don't recognise the place. Where was this photo _? ataken b passed made 2. Don't worry, son! You have to keep trying ‘The best way to travel around this diyis___ foot, aat bon chy 3 Excuse me, sir! | thinkyou've something! The temperature suddenly this marning. acut 'b dropped lost 4 The man was quite tall and of build ithave a rare steak, please, a middle b mild medium 5 My favourite band The surgeon _ accident victim a played b performed made in my city last week, ‘an emergency operation on the TASK 4 1. She played the leading Teenagers need positive upto. arole bpart cexample 2. It's commonly known that World War II outin 1939, Somebody into our flat when we were on holiday. b burgled e broke 3 Areyou any sharp objects with you, sir? They ‘out the experiment in the schaol lab. a taking bb carrying chiding 4 in British schools, parents pay afin Iftheir children _ classes. Wve been away for so long that I'm beginning to_my. country. askip b miss cleave in our school play. models that they can look 5. Hetendsto spend most of his free time the Internet, They’ve just bought a house the outskirts of London, ain bby con USE OF ENGLISH: Sentence Pairs Choose the word that correctly fills the gaps in both sentences. Circle the letter a, b or c. TASKS 1 Just on! Il be back in a second. Where shall we the still life? Below your portrait? ahang but ctake 2. mgoingin your direction, so Ill you home, This noise fram the street is beginningto_ me mad. atake bdrop cdrive 3 I gotup, the bed and took. shower, ‘The customer was dissatisfied so he alaid b made tidied 4 \'m not interested anything you have to say. When does the next train get 2 about boy cin 5-1 know her phone number by We found a perfect house in the of New York. amemory bcentre cheart a complaint. TASK6 1. Can you give me a recipe for a traditional British main Eight students from my class have signed up for an evening, History a course b meal dish 2. The music's too loud. Can you the volume down a litle bit? Don't around! Your ex girfriend is sitting behind you in the corner. a put burn emake 3. Im really fed with this weather. t's been raining for two weeks. Peter, can you tidy aat bout cup 4 Could | borrow your phone? Mine's got a battery, The countryside was completely There were no mountains in sight. adead bfiat dean 5 You can use that bottle to get rid of empty bottles Let's have a picnic by the river___on Saturday! abin boast bank your room today? TASK7 1 Unfortunately, | did not manage to the bills today = the bank was closed. Could you stop talking? You must a pay b draw ebook 2 What's that actor's name? It's on the _of my tongue. We gave the waiter a big for his excellent service, atip bend ctop 3 Whenwill you make up your 2 To my this plan won't succeed. a opinion belief emind 4 Allthe paparazzi knew the actress had. Hotel Have you that all the doors are locked? ‘a checked bstayed censured 5. Ukraineistryingto upwith the biggest EU countries. He didn't the 715 bus so he had to take a taxi to work aut batch etake attention in cass. inatthe Ritz TASK 8 1 Thereisntenough the wardrobe for this suitcase, The changing is at the back of the shop. aplace broom espace 2. She works as a personal at the local gym, Mum, have you seen my otherred__?| can't fing itin my room, ‘ bassistant trainer 3. His latest album goes on next week I've heard that our neighbours’ house is for a offer brent csale 4 We'd like to start the meeting so could you please your seats? How long does it ahave brake eget 5 Howre you on with your new classmates? My brother and his fiancée are married soon. a getting b becoming doing you to get to school? ZNO PRACTICE: Listening Listen to the speakers. For questions 1-3 choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will isten to each recording twice. Be) G) 1. What is the picture Anna posted? 1 What must Mr 3 How will Tom travel to Bi A ZNO PRACTICE: Listening Listen to the speakers. For questions 1-3 choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording twice. mask (3) 1. What does Ann decide to re 1 What does the man order? Where is Tim's flat? 3 ZNO PRACTICE: Listening Listen to the speakers. For questions 1-3 choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording twice. tasks (5) maser 1. What does Mom want Den to buy? 1. What do Andy and Ann decide to do about the picnic? ‘apples, onions, rice, chicken Acancel it B milk, cream, rice, tomatoes Bhave it anyway C apples, mik, bananas, potatoes C change the day 2. What does Anna want to take with her? 2. What advice does Dave get? AT shirts ‘Ato copy the homework from Paul B medicine Bto say he's sorry ‘Cwarm clothes C not to go to the training 3. What can the participant of the contest choose? 3. What does Ann want to viog about? Anotel ‘A nail polish Blandmarks B college prablems € the day of the wip cooking TASK sere) 11 Who is the “twelfth man"? Aa reserve player B a football player Cthe captain 41 When does Tom want to work? Ain the summer Bin the morning Cin the evening Bite cnt 2 How much time does Ben spend online? A Flowers for Algernon Ay B The Minds of Billy Milligan Tne COf Mice and Men 3. Why can't Josh go out with Kevin tonight? AHe is in the office BHe is working. C He's going out with someone else. 3. What does Peter say about choosing a career? ‘ATom needs to be an engineer. B Tom should make a choice as soon as possible, C Tom can take some time to think. Listen to the text. For statements 1-5 choose T if the statement is true according to the text, Fif tis false, You will isten to the text twice. my 1. Schoo! or work influence when breakfast starts in Brazil, 2. Breakfast includes a lot of different food and it takes about an hour, | 3. Brazilians eat the same food for breakfast during the weekdays and at the weekends. 4 Brazilians always eat papaya for breakfast. 5 Only children can drink milk with chocolate for breakfast. ZNO PRACTICE: Listening Listen to the text. For statements 1-5 choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if itis false. You will listen to the text twice. 1 Thearea covered by forests has become smaller since Jane was a child, 2. Jane thinks we don't need money to live 3 Modern kids never clean up rubbish or try to stop pollution. 4. Professors taught Jane that animals have personalities and feelings. 5 _Jane has worked on environmental problems for 56 years. 1 Asa LifeBook project manager Tom guides people who write autobiographies. 2. Tom's grandfather tock part in World War Il with the British 3. After the war, Tom's grandfather worked in a shoe shop. 4 Tomalways won at Battleships, when he played with his grandfather. 5 Tomencourages his clients to include the smallest details they can remember. 1 Christmas is a public holiday in japan. 2 More than 3 million families vist KFC on December 25. 3 InJapan the tradition of going to KFC at Christmas goes back to the 1970s. 4. Takeshi Okawara worked in the first restaurant ever in Japan. ST. Okawara became the president of KFC Japan thanks to his marketing skills, ZNO PRACTICE: Listening Listen to the speakers. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to the recording twice. ves © 4. Whatis mentioned about food in chain cafés? A The food is too expensive there. B They help us to save money. C They are environmentally-friendly. 2 What is YumNow? ‘Aan online restaurant Ba platform where you can sell home-made food Can application where you can buy food at a lower price 3. How much food is wasted per year in the UK? 13 billion kg B73 million tones. 3.476 kg 4 What kind of food can you buy on YumNow? ‘Anew products that restaurants want to make popular Ball types of sandwiches products that have to be sold now or thrown away 5 When did the idea of creating YumNow come to Hendrick? ‘Awhen he was studying at the University of Bristol B when he was travelling outside the country C when he saw people throw away their food 11 How many jobs will the machines have taken fram people ind years? 4.133 milion B75 million ¢4million 2 What fields will the machines create new jobs in? Asales and marketing Bfinance Cbanking 3. What will be one of the biggest challenges of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’? Acetraining people who work now Brraining the machine workers € focusing on highly-skilled employees 4 What is Klaus Schwab famous for? ‘A He is the person who started the World Economic Forum, B He is one of the businessmen who use robots. C He is a former worker at the World Economic Forum, 5 What topic do people often concentrate on, when talking about technology? A the fear of being displaced by machines B the fear of continuous retraining € the reality of the creation of new jobs raseas is) 4. Why do most people wear masks in Japan now? A They are sick, B They want to stop the spread of germs. C They have allergies. 2 What was special about the face masks that appeared in 2003? A They were the first anes on the japanese market. B They were made specifically for people with allergies. € They were really expensive. 3) What reasons for using masks are NOT mentioned? ‘A keep your face warm B save money spent on medicine cover your face when you don’t want to show it 4 How does a mask help you avoid communicating with others? A People cannot recognise you. B People find it harder to come up to you, C You cantttalk when you're wearing a mask. 5 Why are more masks sold during cold and flu outbreaks? ‘APeaple spend more time with the sick. B People want more protection from ilinesses. € People mave to big cities. tasers G59 1. Jacob Brown, the award winning chef, _. Acollects money for environmental issues B cooks traditional meals runs a restaurant with his better half 2 Why did) Brown decide to add jellyfish to his menu? A There was no tuna an sale. B People wanted more different protein dishes. Jellyfish became rare on New Zealand's shores. 3 What does J. Brown serve jellyfish with? Ameat Btuna C grains ‘4: Where does J. Srawn get jellyfish for his dishes? ‘A He buys it from New Zealand's Ministry. B He collects it at the shore. C He orders it from abroad. 5 What does]. Brown hope to change in people's eating habits? A They will consume more cows B They will consume more seafood. € They will eat less protein ZNO PRACTICE: Reading Read the text below. Fill In gaps 1-6 with choices A-H. There are two choices you do not need to use. TASK Shoelaces as a weapon! Itcomes as no surprise that, throughout history, spies all over the world have used all sorts of secret skills, tools, and training 1 ‘And though the mast famous secret agent of them all - James Bond - might have been a fictional character, his preferred methods and devices aren’t all totally fictional One trick that 2, in their arsenal during the Cold War, however, might surprise even Bond himself. In order to pass messages to ane another in the most secret way possible, they 3 Even during the Cold War, CIA agents who had to tie their shoes in the morning just like everyone else. Only, when they did it, they wauld often tie them in specific ways 5 to other agents. For example, if an agent were to approach another and glance down at his shoes to see a certain pattern, he would immediately know that the shoelaces signaled *| have information’, "Follow me.” or “| brought someone with mer This information comes from “The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception,” a guide that the agency commissioned from magician John Mulholland in 6. They wanted him to teach them easy to perform tricks 50 they could communicate more secretively In the feld. Thus, shoelaces became secret messages TASK2 Agreat pirate Born in 1780, Jean Lafitte, together with his brother, 1 The Lafitte brothers earned a reputation for piracy because they sometimes _ attacked Spanish ships in the Gulf, but it was smuggling 2 The local Governor Claiborne of Louisiana had been trying to imprison the heads of illegal smuggling operations, which included Lafitte, before the start of the war. During the War of 1812, which saw the English fight against the United States, Lafitte was approached by the English. They planned to capture New Orleans and offered to 3. ang pay him $30,000 for his services. Pretending to think about taking the offer, Lafitte waited for the English to leave and then 4, He offered to help protect Louisiana, Claiborne, 5. ignored the offer. Sometime after, an American warship attacked and destroyed Lafitte's base and captured 80 of his men, Claiborne offered a $500 reward 6, When Lafitte saw ‘this he made similar posters calling for the governor's capture and offering a bigger sum of $5,000. kno cS A] Cidagents had so another agent could read it make Lafitte captain in the English navy spies used to deceive | id not ike the idea =| to complete their missions ‘were deep undercover ‘made his fortune through smuggling and piracy the middle of the Cold War for the capture of Lafitte | | 1 | position in the navy that acted as coded messages told the local authority about the planned attack cleverly used some everyday items =zlel>) =) eo) >] =|> that really made them rich ZNO PRACTICE: Reading Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 1-5. There are three choices you do not need to use. TASK3 5 tips for taking the perfect selfie on your travels 1 One of the key things to think about when you're taking a travel selfe s to remember what's behind you. If you're taking.a selfie with the Eiffel Tower, you don't want to place yourself where the tower looks like it's growing out of your head. Be mindful in a busy environment of other people in your shot. ust make sure you don't have anyone making any nasty hand gestures or pulling any funny faces. Trust me, you think you have the perfect shot then up pops @ random tourist with their tongue out and ruins your picture - not a good look 2 If you want all of the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning Toner of Pisa in your shot, you may have to think about holding the camera lower down so that the angle faces up. I's something to be aware of when looking at taking portrait selies with tall monuments or buildings. Be creative; ry tiking the camera slightly to ft everything in and to ensure you capture the best image of you and the best background 3 There is nothing worse than taking a great selfie and then looking back at it and it's blurred and unclear. itcanbe difficult to keep the phone stil and push the button on the screen at the same time. Ifi's possible, use your external button (depending an what phone you have). That way, you are not trying to do hand yoga with your camera while trying to take the image, 4 Too many times | see pouting or aver-posed seifies. In a travel selfie, we are trying to capture a memary. You might never get back to this special location again in your life, so the last thing you wart isa picture of a wonderful moment and location with you outing or pulling a funny face. Relax, smile naturally, and remember where you are, Take in the wonder of that special location and enjoy who and where yau are at that time. The picture will reflect you if you are truly natural and yourself. 5 If you've managed to get the best light for your selfie, then in reality you won't need to edit it, Remember you are trying to take a picture that encapsulates the memory of your travel experience, so a lot of eciting can actually make that memory completely different or false. if you feel a little extra saturation may bea help, or changing the image to black and white will help with over exposure, then these are the only things | would edit, along with a little crapping Dont over-eait Hold steady | ‘Adjust angles Enjoy the moment | Remember about your background Ughtitup ‘Avoid people Relax wherever you are =]o)>]")e] >) =]> ZNO PRACTICE: Reading Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 1-5. There are three choices you do not need to use. TASK A Rules to follow if you go to Denmark 1 Riding a bike can cost you 231 dollars if you do it while drunk. There isnt a legal limit for alcohol intake, but if a policeman believes a rider cannot ride a bike properly, that person will not only get a fine but wil also have to leave their bicycle and walk home as well 2 At the entrance of Freetown Christiania, visitors will see a sign with the district's rules. Sometimes foreigners don't notice it or Just ignore it. However, the sign clearly stresses that running and taking photos on Pusher Street isnt allowed because running ‘causes panic and Christianites prefer not to have pictures taken of them. 3 Many have felt the need to stroke someone else’s dog that is just too cute to ignore and pass by. In most cases, the owner waits patiently and smiles before getting on their way. That's nat the case in Denmark. Danes prefer to be left alone. Strangely enough, their dogs share the same look of disapproval when a stranger approaches them, so it's better to just admire them from afar. 4 While packing for a summer trip, travellers usually include T-shirts, fipflops, sunglasses, and sunscreen lotion. When traveling to Denmark, make sure to add an extra sweater, a raincoat, and winter shoes no matter the time of year. Summer doesnt always reach Denmark and even if it does, it may only be far a couple of days or even hours. t's better to be prepared than to have to deal with the harsh Scandinavian temperatures wearing summer clothes 5 Its an unspoken rule among Danes that privacy is to be respected at all times. That is probably why they rarely bother to close their windows or even to hang curtains. While walking around the streets of a Danish city, youre likely to see buildings and houses that offer a clear view inside a ground-level bedroom or a living room. Most foreigners are tempted to peek inside to see what a typical-Danish house looks lke. To avoid any misunderstandings, try not to stare, [| Dont interact with Danes’ dogs [1B | Dont drink and bike-ride Dot ride a bike if you do not know the rules Dorit take summer clothes to Denmark Pack carefly Do not try out your Danish skis 'G | Resist the desire to peep || Do not take pictures in forbidden places ZNO PRACTICE: Reading Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 1-6. There are two choices you do not need to use. TASKS Old-fashioned ways of keeping ti 41 Sundial [As the sun moves across the sky, shadows change direction and length, a simple sundial can measure the length of a day. It was quickly noticed that the length of the day varies at different times of the year. Anather discovery was that sundials had to bbe specially made for different latitudes because the Sun's altitude in the sky decreases at higher latitudes, praducing longer shadows than at lower latitudes, 2 Obelisk Obelisks aren't just impressive monuments, they also have long shadows that are perfect for timekeeping. In Paris, you can still see an obelisk being used as a sundial: The Luxor Obelisk in the center of the Place de la Concorde aligns its shadow with points ‘on the paverient to show pedestrians the time. 3 Water clock Asundial becomes rather useless after sunset, so another ancient timekeeping device appeared. The water clock dates back to atleast 1500 BC, basicaly i's a device that uses the reliable flow of water to represent the passing of time. Water clocks appear throughout the ancient world, from Egypt to Greece to the Arabic world, and became quite incredible in their complicated designs. 4.Church bells Before every household had a clock, communities could keep track of time by listening forthe local church balls. The word clock actually comes from clocca ~ Latin for bell - as many of the church clocks that began to be built in the 14°” century involved striking bells, Ifyou live near a church that still rings the bell every hour, yourre getting the time like a medieval person. 5 Hour glasses or sandglasses As the technology of glass-blowing developed, somewhere in the 14" century it became possible to make sandglasses. Originally, sandglasses were used as a measure of periods of time, but then sandglasses were adjusted to measure specific periods of time, and to decide the correct duration of university lectures and even periods of torture. 6 Candle clocks Marked candles were used for telling the time in China from the 6" century. There is a popular story that King Alfred the Great inwented the candle clack, but we know they were in use in England from the 10°” century. However, the speed of burning depends on air blowing, and the quality af the wax. This is why candies were used to mark the passage of time from one event to another, rather than to tell the time of day. Which time-tracking device _? depended on the quality ofthe material and on the wind hadto be specially madeforaspeciicarea [IE] could measure time only during the night signalled the time to everyone, who lived nearby ol e]> used different colours to signal the time also has architectural value ‘was used to tell iow long a certain event should be (=l9|>["]= was already used a couple thousand years ago in a number of Arabic countries e ZNO PRACTICE: Reading . There are two choices you do not need to use. Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 1+ TASK 6 Wedding traditions around the world 1.Germany Guests at traditional German weddings bring the happy Couple different porcelain plates, and then smash them in the belief that this will scare off evil spirits. The couple ere then expected to clean up the mess together, learning that married life will not bbe easy, but that by working together, they can overcome any challenge. 2ireland in ireland, the bride's feet must stay on the floor at all times when she and the groom are dancing, This is due to the belief that if they dort, evi fairies will come and sweep her away, 3 Mauritania In Mauritania, girls aged between five and fifteen are sent to “fat farms” before their wedding to put on the pounds. If a bride has stomach rolls, stretch marks and overlapping thighs, it signals that her husband is wealthy enough to keep her satisfied Guatemala After the wedding, everyone typically goes to the groom's house. Hanging over the doorway is a white ceramic bell filled with rice, flour, and other different types of grain ~ all of which represent wealth. As the couple arrives, the mother of the groom ‘welcomes them and ceremonially breaks the bell, bringing the couple wealth and good luck. Sindia When the groom takes off his shoes on the way to the mandap (altar), the bride's family promptly tries to steal and hide his. footwear. The groom's family must try and protect the shoes at all costs - and so the battle of the families begins! Ifthe bride's, family gets away with the shoes, the groom must pay 2 ransom to get them back. 6 Spain After the wedding, usually during the reception, the groom will be surrounded by his groomsmen and closest friends, who will ‘cut the tie from around his neck! The tie will then be cut into small pieces and auctioned aff to the wedding guests, bringing ‘good luck to everyone who manages to get 2 piece. In which country should a bride be fat | — S| {sa part of the grooms clothing cut into pieces | Js it good luck to break plates at a wedding should a couple eat together from one bow! ‘can bad creatures steal a bride is musta bride pay to get her family back “ig a bell broken to bring money might the groom have to pay for his shoes EM fad ed ad cad ZNO PRACTICE: Reading Read the text below. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D. TASKT What is the official language of the US? Do you knew what the official language of the United States is? If you answered English, guess again. Although, at the moment English is the most widely spoken language in the nation, Spanish is catching up with over farty million Hispanics speaking their native language at home, at work, and in their daily lives. ‘This brings us to another point: Why does the US, which is considered an English-speaking country, feel obliged to offer services for Spanish speakers and those speaking many other languages, some of which you might not even know about? Well, let's not forget that since 1776 the US has been - and continuesto be a multilingual nation. Backthen, it wasn’t uncommon to hear up to 20 different languages spoken in daily life. Today 322 languages are spoken in the country. So having one official language would limit the rights of individuals who cannot ‘communicate in English, individuals who are paying taxes and who should have the same rights as those who speak English, Nevertheless, in 1780, John Adams proposed to the Continental Congress that English should be declared the official language of the United States, Debate aver the official language fas been going on for years, with people on both sides of the fence, but 0 fara decision has not been made. This doesn’t mean thet the individual states have not declared an official language because many already have. Twenty-seven states, to be exact, have declared English as their official language. But, to protect the rights of those speaking any other languages, there is something called Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Although twenty-seven states have declared English as their official language, in order to receive federal financial assistance these states stil have to follow Title VI, which requires that important materials be available in the language the person speaks if they want to be subsidised by the Federal Government. Title VI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 2000 Executive Order No. 13166 require that public organizations recelving federal funds must have all vital documents available in every language that their clients speak; every language, not just Spanish. Why? Because the US has never declared an official language and because of this, the Title VI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 still applies. 1 What is NOT true about the Spanish language in the US? A.Qver 40 million people use it 'B Spanish is spoken at home and at work C The number of people who speak itis growing. Ditis the most widely spoken language. 2. Why isr’t there an official language in the US? because of the immigrants that might come to the country Bobecause every citizen speaks many languages to encourage people to pay taxes to protect the rights of those whase English is limited 3 What language was suggested to be made the official language of the US in the 18" century? AEnglish B Spanish German Dnone 4 Where in the US is English the official language? Ain 27 states everywhere but for 27 states Citismot Deverywhere with few exceptions 5 What language must all important documents be in? AEnglish B any language, just not Spanish ‘Cany language the person speaks Dany offical language ZNO PRACTICE: Reading Read the text below. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D. TASKS Why is a baker's dozen not 127 Request a dozen eggs from a farmer, a dozen steaks from a butcher, or a dozen pencils from a travelling office supplies salesman, and you will almost certainly receive 12 of your chosen item (although counting errors do happen), But a bater's dozen is ‘commonly understood to mean 13. Are bakers just bad at counting? Not quite. There are a few theories as to why a baker's dozen became 13, but most think it has its origins in the fact that many societies throughout history have had extremely strict laws concerning bakers’ products. Thisis due to the fact that its fairly easy for bakers to cheat customers and sell therm less than what they think they are getting, ‘These societies took this very seriously as bread was @ primary foad source for many people. So in Britain from the mid-13"" century up to the 19'” century there was the Assize of Bread and Ale law. This law set the price of ale and what weight a loaf of bread should be. So basically, in terms of bread, it settled the relationship between the price and quality of wheat and what the price and quality of a loaf of bread from a certain quantity of wheat should be. Even though this law appeared at the request of bakers, it still caused a problem for them. If they happened to accidentally cheat a customer by giving them less than what they were supposed to according to the law, the punishment and fines were severe, Depending on where the lawbreaker lived, it could include for example losing a hand, In those times it wasn't that hard to accidentally cheat a customer. Making a loaf of bread with an exact weight was nearly impossible by hand without modern day tools. So, bakers began giving more than what the statute outlined to make sure they went over and never under. Specifically in terms ofthe “baker's dozen’, ifa vendor or other customer were to arder a dozen or several dozen loaves of bread from a baker, the baker would give ther 13 for every dozen they ordered, Likewise, when selling Quantities of anything, they'd give 13 measures when only 12 were purchased This practice eventually made its way into the Worshipful Company of Bakers (London) guild code. This guild was actually started in the 12" century and had a large part in putting together the conditions of the Assize of Bread and Ale law. 1. Why did many societies have strict laws about bread products? A. Customers wanted more bread than bakers could produce. B Bakers were not very good at counting € It was not very difficult for bakers to give customers less than they paid for. D It was easy for bakers to sell more bread. 2 What did the Assize of Bread and Ale law regulate? Atthe weight of a loaf B the price of bread C the quality of bread Dall of the above 3) Why was the Assize of Bread and Ale statute 2 problem for bakers? AThey did not want it to appear. B They had to pay money or recieve another punishment if caught cheating, € They had to take less money for products D They all lost a hand if they made a mistake, 4 Why was it easy to accidentally cheat a customer? AAll the loaves were underweight, B Noone knew how biga loaf should be. € It was hard to make loaves which were all the same weight. D They did not use any tools. 5 How did the bakers make sure they did not cheat customers? A They gave one extra loaf if anyone bought 12 loaves. B They always sald 13 loaves. € They stopped selling bread to vendors. D They always gave the exact amount of bread the law ordered. ZNO PRACTICE: Use of English Read the text below. For quest TASK 1 Cinderella's story We all know Cinderella, She’sa princess. She 1___a beautiful dress with a shiny tlara, glass shoes, and long white gloves. She lives with a wicked stepmother and stepsisters, who treat her as their maid. With some help she meets and dances with a very 2____ prince, then hurries home before the clack 3____midright and her 4__becomes a pumpkin again ut that's not the real Cinderella. That's the Disney Cinderella, the one from the 1950 animated film and the new 5__in cinemas right now. The real Cinderella isnt so easy to describe. She is a 6____ who mixes together centuries of storytelling from many different cultures, In total, more than 50D versions Of the Cinderella story have been found in Europe alone, and the Cinderella we know best comes from there. However, the first recorded story with a Cinderella-ike figure 7___back to the sixth century BC in Greece. In that ancient story, @ Greek woman named Rhodopis has one of her shoes stolen by an eagle, who flies it all the way across the Mediterranean and dropsit in the 8___of an Egyptian king. Taking the shoe drop as a 9___from the heavens (both literally and metaphorically), the king goes on a mission to find the 10____ of the shoe. When he finds Rhodopis, he marries her, lifting her from her low status to the throne. 1 Awears — B carries € shows D bears 2Agracelul B pretty C handsome gorgeous 3 Astrkes — B stops € knocks D ticks 4 Avanst —B cattlage C transportation D carrier 5 Areshape B remodel € redo D remake 6 Aheroine B nature € individual —_—D character TAtakes —B registers C dates D comes 8 Alap B waist € kidney D Iver 9A flag Bsign € bell D note 410A keeper Bowner € partner sharer '5 1-10 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. TASK2 How potatoes became popular in Greece Count John Kapodistrias was elected as the first head of state of independent Greece (1827-33) after a long 1 in European politics and diplomacy. He is considered the founder of the 2___ Greek State, and the founder of Greek independence. Among other things, in an effort to raise the living 3___ of the population he introduced the cultivation of the potato into Greece. 4____ legend, Kapodistrias ordered that potatoes should be 5. to anyone who was interested. However the population was unwillingat first to accept the offer. The legend continues, that he then ordered that the whole shipment of potatoes was unloaded on public display on the docks of Nafplion, and placed it under guard ta make the people 6___ that they were valuable. Soon, people would 7 to 100k at the guarded potatoes and some started to steal them. The guards had been ordered in advance toturn a blind 8_____ to such behaviour, andsoon the potatoeshad all been ‘stolen’ and Kapodistrias’ plan to 9 __ them to Greece had succeeded. And now some of the most famous Greek dishes, like moussaka, use potatoes as a basic 10. VAcouse Barer C race —_—D progress 2Amodern B latest. ——C current _D recent 3Acodes — B rules Claws standards 4A As reported B Accordingto © Asstated D Just as 5A applied —B devoted ~——C_handedout D assigned GAaccept Bobeleve Crust —D admit TAgather Bcollect CC select. «—D-grow BAsiht Beye curtain D look @Aannounce Bbegn Center —_—D introduce 410A additive B ingredient € element D part ZNO PRACTICE: Use of English Read the text below. For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer A, 8, Cor D. TASK3 Captain returned to prison to escape On 24 August 1914, during World War 1, Captain Robert Campbell of the British Army's Ist Battalion East Surrey Regiment was captured while serving on the front ine He was taken to a 1____ for prisoners-of-war in Magdeburg, Germany. During his time there, he 2__a letter saying that his mother was dying of cancer. Wishing to see his mother one last time before she died, Campbell wrote a touching3_to the German Kaiser, Surprisingly, the Kalser 4___ his request ~ as long as Robert Campbell returned. Campbell gave his _and returned to the UK likely through the Netherlands. There he 6__time with his dying mother, who died in February 1917. After her death, he kept his 7___ and came back, Most surprisingly, however, is that Campbell then tried to 8, soon after his return Unfortunately, no other British 9___ in German captivity were shown compassion of this sort, after the British 10___a similar request from a German prisoner-of-war called Peter Gastreich, TAcamp —B tent € cottage D hut 2Acollected Beamed C received _D gained BArepy Bieter C sign D email 4 Aadopted B liked C welcomed D accepted 5 Avow B declaration € word D statement GAdevwted B spent C€ wasted OD killed 7 Aassurance B promise consent _D contract B Arun B fly C escape —D avoid 9A prisoners B hostages € cons D criminals 1OA rejected B dismissed C eliminated D disbelieved TASK 4 The history of money From the earliest days of human beings on Earth bartering was the way people exchanged goods and services. If you grew rice, for example, you could trade 1____ of rice for ‘ther goods and services you needed. Over time, though, bartering wasn't always possible. Sometimes people couldn't 2. ‘on what goods were worth in exchanges. in other situations, people simply might not want to trade for what you had available. These situations led to the 3____ of commodity money. Commosities are basic items used by almost everyone. In the past, popular commodities included salt, tea, cattle, and seeds and using these items of money’ 4__sorne of the problems of bartering. However, commodities weren't always ‘easy to transport and often they were difficult to store ‘These 5___ with commodities led people to create coins ‘out of 6___ metals to use as money. No one knows for sure who first 7___ such money, out historians believe metal objects were first used as money as early as 5000 B.C. Eventually, societies moved away from using metals to make money. Known as representative money, the new paper 8___and coins made of non-precious metals represented certain values that everyone in those societies could agree upon. Governments or banks would promise to exchange representative money fara specific9__of siver or gold. Today, most modern currency is not 10__ by silver or gold. Instead, today's maney is known as fiat money. Fiat is a Latin word that means “let it be done”. Money has a certain value today because it was given that value by government flat or decree. Legal tender laws now make it illegal to refuse legal currency in favour of some ather form of payment. 1 Apieces B bags lumps loaves 2Aadmit —-B permit CC settle agree 3 A development B progress € event. occurrence 4 Acxplained B determined € deat solved SAtopics —Bsves © C matters. arguments 6 A dear B prized —€ precious rich 7Acameup — B discovered € invented D planned BAcheck —-Bnotes.-—C invoices debts 9 Anumber —B measure € amount D score TOA financed —B sponsored ¢ encouraged D backed ZNO PRACTICE: Use of English Read the text below. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. TASKS ‘Amathematician’s life work reduced to 40 seconds Schoolmaster and amateur mathematician William Shanks (1812-82) spent the greater part of his life working out 1_ value of P (the ratio ofa circles circumference to its diameten) to 707 decimal places. More than 60 years after his death, mathematician OF Ferguson, 2__ a mechanical calculator, pointed out that Wiliam 3___the last 180 of these decimal places wrong Inthe late 1940san ENIAC computer took70hours4__2,037 digits of Pi. In 1958 an IBM computer 5__ in 40 seconds. what Willam Shanks had done in a lifetime. The millionth digit Of Pi was found in 1973 and the bilionth in 1995 TA the 8 ca D an 2A being used B hadused C using —D -wasused 3A was got B been got € got D had got was 4A tocaleulate B calculate C calculated D SF stay SAhaddone B did C was —_D had been done TASK 6 How the Austrian army defeated itself The Battle of Karansebes in 1788 was caused 1____ friendly fire, The Austrian Army at that time 2___ of Austrians, Czechs, Germans, Frenchmen, Serbs, Croats, and Poles. This made communication difficult and resulted in an army that was poorly organized During the night some soldiers got into an argument over alcohol and a shot was fired. Suddenly the main camp was shouting "Turks, Turks!” and chaos followed. Austrian officers were shouting "Halt, Halt” in German, 3___ to reestablish order but the majority of the soldiers did not speak German and believed they were hearing the Turks screaming “Allah Allah” as they attacked. Suddenly everyone 4___ anything that moved in the darkness, A commander, believing the Ottoman cavalry was attacking the camp, decided 5___his own men with artillery fire! This is what led to 10,000 dead Austrian soldiers, The Turkish Army? Well, they did not arrive until 2 days later and took control of the town of Karansebes, Ain B from Cc by D with 2Amadeip a Ye5made ¢ hadbeen » hadrode 8 Atle: w wvethig'c verti D leied 44 Soong ® shoeing © Soong © et 5 A Re ing bombarding € bombard DO es TASK7 Lord Byron anda pet bear George Gordon 8yronisone of 1___ British poets ofalltimes, well known for his love of animals, During his ife, Byron kept 2 countless number of animals. When Byron 2___at Trinity, College, Cambridge, from 1805 to 1808, he even hada bear. At this time, according to the statutes of the college, dogs 3 Lord Byron was angry with the college rules, so he brought a ‘tame bear as a pet. The college authorities had an argument with the poet, but since there was no mention of pet bears in the statutes of the college, they had no legal right to expel 4__bear or its owner. Byron walked the bear on a chain and treated it ike 2 dog, When Byron left Cambridge, in 1808, he §___the bear with him to his house in London. the more the most TA preatest BBP greater great had was, was 2 A studved B studied © studying ° studied Adidnot g werenot ¢ wasnot had not been allow 8 alowed © alowed alowed ana B the can had been 5a Pagheen Bw wastaken C had taken D took Tasks Napoleon and the battle of the rabbits This battle happened in July 1807, after Napoleon signed 1___ Treaties of Tilsit, To celebrate the occasion, he proposed a rabbit hunt with his men and asked Alexandre Berthier 2 it Berthier collected somewhere 3____ several hundred and 3,000 rabbits. On the day of the hunt the cages with rabbits were placed all along the edges of a massive field, When Napoleon and his guests arrived, the animals 4__and the hunt began. However, instead of running away the rabbits bombarded Napoleon and his men, There were sa many of them that Napoleon had to escape in hs carriage, Why were the rabbits so courageous? The answer is simple, Berthier did rnottrap wild rabbits, he simply took tame rabbitsraised 5 farmers in nearby towns. And these were not afraid of humans. tha Bie oc D some 2a Oe B organising € organise D to organise organised 3A between B among € with D from had been Sr 4 a hadbeen Bp disrelease ¢ WEE | released SAfiom wth Cby for ZNO PRACTICE: Use of English Read the text below. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D. TASKS How Charlie Chaplin failed Charlie Chaplin will always be regarded as one of 1___ comedians of all time and ¢ pioneer of film comedy. 2__1915 and 1921 there was a popular rumour that Chaplin entered 3___ Chaplin look-alike contest and lost. This was not an unbelievable story and in fact, if Chaplin ever entered such a contest he probably made sure that he didn’t win just so that he could 4___ the absurdity of the situation. 5___August of 1920, The Straits Times from Singapore was the first newspaper to publish the story of Chaplin entering a contest and trying to impersonate himself, but we will probably never know how true it was. the most more the TAiconic 8 iconic «© KOMI onicest 2A Between BFrom C Since ——D With 3A- B the an Da : would have 4 Rerjoyed Boro, © enjoyed ENOY 5A On Bin ca D From TASK 10 The biggest human migration on Earth CChunyun (The Lunar New Year), or spring migration, is the world’s largest annual human migration. The migration lasts 1___ 40 days. The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is the most important holiday in the Chinese cultural calendar. It 2____ as a time of family reunions and reconnection, prompting separated members to travel long distances and sit together at one table. No matter how far parents or their offspring have to travel in China, they are always willing 3____the journey home during the Chinese New Year. College students and migrant workers are the main travellers during the holiday. These workers usually come from the rural parts of China. 4___ long distances to find work opportunities, they move to big cities far from home. For many, the Chinese New Year is their only holiday, and a rare chance to spend time with family including their children, who are normally 5 __ inthe care of grandparents, Tater Brom cance Dunder ZAtasseen B wasseen C Bsten sees 3A make —Btomake making NS 4A Traveling B Tavel —¢ Traveled © Wiltrael SA beenlet B dongle Clewe Die TASK 11 ‘The 50-Star American flag got a B as a school project, The flag we know today and it's arrangementof stars 1___by a high schooler - before Alaska and Hawali were even states. It was 1958, and America only contained 48 United States. The flag at that time 2___ six rows of eight stars. Heft's history teacher assigned a class project, asking to redesign the flag, Heft decided to use the flag he had at home and added some changes to his 3___48-star flag. His teacher, however, was not impressed and gave the project a B minus, But Heft protested the low grade. His teacher told him 4___ it accepted into Washington if he wanted a better grade, Heft spent the next two years making calls and writing letters tothe White House. After Alaska and Hawaii gainedstatehood, Heft got the call he'd been hoping for, President Eisenhower told him that his flag design §____ out of over a thousand, And, yes, his teacher did update his grade to an A. was has was been 1A designed B designed © designed > designed has 2A featured B features C featuring DPS 3 A parent —B parent's C parents —_D parents’ 4Atoget —B get € got D tohave got was had had been 5A chose 8 chosen © chosen chosen _ZNO PRACTICE: Writing TASK 1 [ere vy Your friend wants to start working as a courier at his/her dream company and then try to build a career there. His/her parents think that he/she should attend university first and then apply for a more prestigious job. Write a letter to your friend where you * compare the advantages of getting wark experience with those connected to attending university * give your friend some advice about what might be better for himsher and why ® ‘tell him/her about your plans for after you graduate from school. Write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own ‘name, any dates, addressesor any other persanalinformation. Start and finish your letter in an appropriate way. see (HT ‘A customer (Mr, Jones) has bought a tablet from your online shop and paid for delivery as well. The next day you receive a letter of complaint with photos attached. The tablet screen is cracked, The delivery boy refused to take the broken tablet back and left, Write a response to the custamer in which you ‘+ acknowledge the problem * apologise ‘© suggest some options for resolving the situation. Write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information, Start your letter in an appropriate way. You are helping to organise a school-leaving event for this year’s graduates. You asked the headmaster of your schoo! for help and he/she asked you to send him/her an email with what you need. Write an email where yau * briefly describe the types of activities you plan to organise * say which school facilities are necessary to hold the activities you have planned and why * assure him/her that everything will be cleaned afterwards and explain how you plan to do that. Write an email of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, ary dates, atidresses, or any other personal information. Startand finish your letter in an appropriate way TASK 4 SEMLFORN terren St me You and your friend are travelling to Odesa for a long weekend and you plan to stay there for 2 nights, Write a letter to the hotel in which you © make a reservation for atwin room © checkif breakfast is included in the price + ask ifthey offer a discount for students, write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way. wes ==} You have seen an announcement about a competition in your school magazine. The task is to write a short article about sport in your school. Write an article in which you ‘+ say which sport is popular with the students and what sports teams you can jain at school + talk about any recent sports events in your area *» conclude with what you think can be done to promote sport in your school. Write an article of at least 120 words. Start and finish in an appropriate way. ow EZ You want to enroll on a French language course. in the advert you have seen that there is a discount available for students. Write a letter to the contact person (Ms, Janet Wilkins) in which you * ask about the time of the course (days, hours} * check if they provide accommodation (as you don't want to commute every day) * ask whether you will receive a certificate after completion of the course, Write a letter of at least 120 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

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