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Komárno is a perfect place to live in. It is totally accessible by car, train or by bus
from the surrounding settlements. Komárno has both positive and negative properties. I have
to mention that the town has a rich cultural life and amazing historical places such as
squares, parks, museums and statues. The most famous ones are Klapka square, The
Fortress of Komárom, Europe Place, English Park, the Danube Museum, Jókai Theatre,
Egressy Béni Art Centre. The town has 7 churches of different denominations. For pupils
there are elementary, vocational, technical and secondary grammar schools to choose from.
For young adults there is a university as well. There are some unique places for
entertainment for instance the Tatra cinema, Jókai Theatre, sport stadium and finally (yet
importantly) the outdoor Thermal park.
As I mentioned above, the town has negative sides as well. The health care system
and education system are quite undeveloped. Some schools do not have proper equipments
for teaching the students.
There should be more fast fashion shops and shopping malls here, for example Zara,
Bershka and other famous fashion brand stores. From another point of view, the inadequate
maintenance of the roads is also a big problem here. We should also mention littering and
vandalism as annoying issues and things about the town.
We should find appropriate solutions for these problems: the health care system should be
modernised and more equipped, and the salaries of health care employees and nurses
should be higher. As for education, the state should support the schools with more money
and adequate equipment. It would be a great idea to bring more foreign fashion brands to
the town. I think, the mayor and the council of the town should invest more money on
improving roads. Last but not least, there should be more patrolling around and in the town
to prevent vandalism and other criminal accents.

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