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Got Courage?

Teacher Leader Project Presentation Notes

● Slide 1

○ Welcome colleagues and introduce myself

○ Introduce focus of the project: I chose to model a Capturing Kids Hearts lesson
because the program has significantly helped me with behavior management and I
support leading with kindness and building positive relationships with students

● Slide 2

○ Review objectives/standards

■ Clarify NBPTS and TLS Standards for those who may be new to the profession or
simply unfamiliar (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards &
Teacher Leadership Standards)

● Slide 3

Share the “why” behind building courage in the classroom

■ Encourages engagement- when students have courage, they feel safe trying new
things, sharing their ideas/opinions without the fear of judgment from classmates, and
are better prepared to take academic risks

■ Builds self confidence-students develop a growth mindset, learn from mistakes and
understand that things will get easier with practice

■ Reframes a Negative- students learn to replace negative thoughts with positive


● “I can’t” vs “I can’t do this yet”

● Redefining a problem as a challenge
● Teachers wording expectations in a positive light, clearly stating what to do,
instead of what not to do.

● Slide 4

○ Provide a general overview of the lesson

●Slide 5

○ Educational Hook- What would you do?

Casey Morrison
Got Courage?

○ Read/Discuss Fictional Scenario

■ Turn and talk to a partner. After a few minutes of processing time, ask a few
volunteers to share their responses with the group. Point out that standing up for your
classmate is a courageous response.

● Slide 6

○ Present the question, “what is courage?” Explain that courage can be defined in many
ways and it often means something a little different to each person. Share my example
of public speaking. Ask a few volunteers to share their definition and/or examples with
the group. Write responses on a piece of chart paper displayed at the front of the room.

● Slide 7

○ Share the actual definition of courage as suggested by our Capturing Kids Hearts
social-emotional curriculum

● Ability and strength to face something that may be difficult or challenging

(example: starting a new unit about fractions)
● Perseverance in the presence of fear (example: presenting in front of the class)
● Willingness to stand up for what is right or to try something new even though it
may be uncomfortable (example: not cheating on a test when all of your friends
are doing it)

●Slide 8

○Share a few examples of courage in the classroom

● Slide 9 & 10

○ Introduce Fishing for Courage Activity

■ Ask for a volunteer to pass out a sticky note and a pencil to each participant. Remind
participants that this activity is anonymous and they should leave their name off of their
notes. Display and verbally explain the following directions for the activity:

● Please fold your piece of paper in half.

● On the upper half, write down something you are, or have been, afraid of.
● On the lower half, write what you did or can do to overcome this fear.

Ask participants to place their notes into the paper bag. Pull a few random notes from
the bag and discuss experiences with the group. Explain that the things students did to
overcome their fear took courage.

Casey Morrison
Got Courage?

● Slide 11

○ Progress Monitoring Reflection

○ Pause for a brief, 3 minute reflection, allowing participants to share their thoughts and
ask any questions they may have

● Slide 12 & 13

○ Progress Monitoring Activity

■ Place “students” in small groups of three to four.

● Give each group a copy of the “scenarios” handout.

● Have the groups read the scenarios, then discuss a courageous response and a
non-courageous response.
● Process each group’s responses. Students may share out as a group.

● Slide 14

○ Culminating Activity- Ask “students” to draw a picture and label what courage looks
like to them. Use the sentence frame, Courage is_____. Pass out sheets of paper,
pencils, and crayons.

● Slide 15 & 16

○ Launch

■ Ask “students” to repeat the following mantra, “I make my own decisions, I tell my
mind what to think, I tell my body what to do, because I am true to myself."

● Slide 17

○ Ending Question- How will you show courage this week?

● Slide 18

Audience satisfaction will be assessed using a Google form at the end of the
presentation. Audience members will be asked to share main takeaways from my
presentation and suggestions for improvements. Audience members will also be asked
to rate how valuable they would consider the information presented.

● Slide 19

○ Thank you and contact information

Casey Morrison

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