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South Korea*

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Over the past four decades South Korea has Korea, the majority of compensated dating is
achieved incredible growth to become a high- arranged through the Internet.10
tech industrialised economy1 ranked 14th out
of 194 countries in the world, based on GDP.2 South Korea is increasingly recognised as a
Economic growth has been accompanied by source, destination and transit country for
strong urbanization and a significant rise in the sexual trafficking of women and children.11
number of foreign workers (mostly from poorer South Korean women are forced into
Asian countries such as Thailand, Philippines, prostitution domestically or are trafficked to the
Cambodia, etc.). United States, Canada, Japan and Australia.12
According to 2009 statistics, it is reported that
South Korea is reported to still lag far behind over 5,000 women and children have been
in terms of the realization of women’s rights3 trafficked to South Korea from the Philippines,
and to have the lowest level of social welfare Russia and Eastern Europe and forced into
spending on children of all Organisation for prostitution in bars, many of which serve the
Economic Co-operation and Development U.S. military.13
(OECD) countries.4 Moreover, public calls
to address the issue of increasing numbers of South Korea remains one of the world’s most
Korean men participating in the overseas sex significant contributors to child pornography.
trade have periodically surfaced in the political In 2009, the Canadian Centre for Child
arena.5 Although the prevalence of sexual Protection ranked South Korea 5th among the
violence against children in South Korea is not top 5 countries hosting websites with child
well known, according to the National Police abuse images.14 Sexual exploitation over the
Agency, the number of cases has increased Internet is also a major problem. The South
between 2006 and 2009.6 Korean government has noted that around 85%
of underage prostitution originates from chat
Research conducted over the last few years rooms, concluding that the growing access of
show that child prostitution is a problem in young people to the Internet has made South
South Korea. According to a 2010 study by Korean children increasingly susceptible to
the Department of Women and Family, the grooming for sexual purposes.15
average age of children and youth involved
in prostitution was 16.5 years.7 A new form In terms of child sex tourism, South Korea
of prostitution termed “compensated dating” remains a major destination for travelling
(‘wonjo gyoje’ in Korean language) is reportedly Japanese men who exploit children through
practiced in the country at an alarming rate. prostitution.16 Furthermore, Korean nationals
It involves male clients compensating young travel to Southeast Asian countries to engage in
women and girls with gifts in exchange for sex.8 the sexual exploitation of children.17 Countries
The contributing factors to this phenomenon of destination include, inter alia, the Pacific
include childhood experiences of sexual Island nation of Kiribati,18 Cambodia19 and the
violence, poverty, lack of support from family, Philippines.20
pressure from schools and greater fixation
on luxury items.9 It is reported that in South
National Plan of Action (NPA)

South Korea has in place several national plans providing an environment for each child to
of action that are relevant to the commercial realise the rights provided by the CRC to the
sexual exploitation of children. fullest extent. The Fourth Basic Plan on Youth
Policies (valid until 2012) envisages a number
The Comprehensive Plan for Preventing Sex of actions, including active measures against
Trafficking (first adopted in 200421 and updated harmful environments such as Internet game
in 2007) contains policies on prevention, addiction and sex crimes.23
protection and prosecution relating to CSEC
and instructs governmental bodies on how Though these plans do exhibit concern on the
to proceed in addressing these phenomena.22 part of the Korean government to formulate
The Comprehensive Plan for Child Protection a systematic policy response to CSEC
and Development endorsed in 2002 aims at issues, there is still an unfortunate lack of a
ensuring social services to children while the comprehensive national plan to address all
Five-Year Basic Plans on Child and Youth CSEC issues.
Policies incorporate strategies conducive to

Coordination and Cooperation

Although the South Korean government has In the area of CSEC, South Korea has
established departments for the development established an inter-ministerial team to
of child policies, it has been criticised for poor address the problem of child sex tourism,
cooperation and coordination as responsibility although this initiative has not yet been
relating to children’s rights is scattered systematised within institutions,29 and has
throughout different ministries. The Child also promoted coordination efforts focused
Policy Coordination Committee, established in on the issue of trafficking (including the
2004 to cooperate among relevant government Conference of Government agencies for anti-
ministries has indeed not functioned since human trafficking30 and the inter-ministerial
2008. In 2010, policies relating to children committee to coordinate and monitor the
and youth were divided between the Ministry implementation of sex trafficking-related
of Health and Welfare for Children and the policies which are active at national level, and
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.24 the Regional Council and Committee on Sex
Trafficking Prevention created at local level).31
In 2006, the government established the
Korea Monitoring Center for Children’s At the international level, South Korea has
Rights,25 (KMCCR) and appointed a sought to strengthen joint international
group to accompany the Children’s Rights investigations into CSEC crimes through
Ombudspersons to advise on state policies and extradition treaties, as well as bilateral
monitor the implementation of the Convention and mutual legal assistance agreements to
on the Rights of the Child.26 Although this protect children from trafficking for sexual
body ensures child participation,27 the CRC purposes. South Korea has also participated
Committee has recently identified a number in international workshops and meetings on
of problems, including the lack of mandate human trafficking which covered prevention,
to actively monitor or investigate child rights prosecution and victim protection.32
violations and receive complaints.28

South Korea|2

The Korean government has made significant Assembly, Ms. Young Hee Choi.38
efforts to educate and train citizens on CSEC,
placing particular emphasis on reaching out to In terms of demand reduction and deterrence
children and young people. The government measures, South Korea has developed an
implemented the ‘Youth Keeper’ program educational seminar for men convicted of
to encourage children to notify police when frequenting prostitutes known as “John’s
Internet sites are used to arrange child School”.39 However, the CRC Committee has
prostitution.33 Furthermore, in December raised a concern that participants have been
2010, the Ministry of Gender Equality and granted exemptions from criminal sanctions,
Family distributed training materials on sex thus weakening the deterrence effect of the
trafficking of juveniles to school public officials law.40
and continued its campaign to raise awareness
among vulnerable populations.34 The government has also taken action to
prevent child sex tourism by providing training
Educational materials addressing CSEC to travel agency employees41 and warning
are integrated within the school curriculum, travelers that soliciting prostitution overseas is
with the government initiating measures to subject to punishment under Korean law.42 In
encourage sex education and prevent sexual the area of child pornography, recent preventive
abuse.35 Sex crime education is also being initiatives that are considered particularly
conducted in schools, as a growing number of effective include new technology invented
sex offenders are teens who may not appreciate by Microsoft and a South Korean University
the gravity of their crimes.36 which automatically detects and deletes any
items of child pornography43 as well as filtering
As part of the ECPAT and The Body Shop of Korean-language pornography. Since 2011,
‘Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young the identities of child sex offenders on the
People’ campaign,37 many activities were Internet have been made accessible to all adults
undertaken, including presenting the campaign above the age of 20 on a government website.44
petition to the Chairwoman of the National


South Korea is party to all the main on the Punishment of Grooming (2008), which
international treaties protecting children from provides for the punishment of any person
sexual exploitation, except the UN Protocol soliciting a child or youth for sexual purposes,
to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking and has introduced legal responsibility for
in Persons, Especially Women which was only online service providers to find obscene
signed. With regard to national law, the Child materials using children/juveniles on their
Welfare Act and several supplementing special information networks or to delete/block the
acts constitute the main pieces of legislation transmission of such materials.47
that protect children from child abuse and
sexual exploitation. However, the definition of Several Korean laws address child prostitution,
“child” adopted in these different acts varies,45 punishing those who engage in sexual activities
thus creating uncertainty as to how the various with children, as well as those who facilitate
laws will be applied. child prostitution, while ensuring that child
victims are not treated as offenders. However,
South Korean law against child pornography the various laws dealing with child prostitution
is in line with international legal standards and are not consistent. In addition to differences
is even more protective than the OPSC as it in definitions and scope of application,
criminalises mere possession as well as acting discrepancies exist among the penalties for
as an agent for the production of child abuse child prostitution offences in each of the
images.46 South Korea has also adopted the Act different acts.

South Korea|3
Since South Korea has not yet ratified the maintaining a strong team of specialised
UN Trafficking Protocol, the standard of personnel.54 South Korea has additionally
protection from human trafficking offered to adopted child-sensitive measures during
children is lower than that provided under trials by allowing child victim under 16 to
this treaty. Indeed, under the 2004 Act, even give video testimony. However, courts often
where the victim of trafficking is a child, the question the validity of the video with the
harboring, receiving, recruiting, transporting result that child victims are often brought in for
or transferring of that child will not be cross-examination and forced to confront their
deemed trafficking unless force or a deceptive offender.55
scheme is used.48 The 2004 Act also provides
for protection and assistance for victims of In terms of care and assistance, a variety of
trafficking but measures foreseen49 are limited shelters in operation in South Korea provide
to only women, thus leaving boys unprotected. support to child survivors of sexual exploitation,
such as national youth shelters, help centres
South Korean law provides for extraterritorial for victims of sex-trafficking and youth
jurisdiction which allows South Korea to counselling centres.56 Most facilities are run
prosecute South Korean citizens who, while by NGOs either partially or fully funded by
travelling abroad, sexually exploit children.50 the government; however, between 2008 and
However, despite evidence suggesting that 2009, the government decreased its funding.57
South Korean nationals are active in travelling The government operates two 24-hour
abroad to engage in child sex tourism,51 as of hotlines, which receive reports on child abuse,
June 2009, it has not been possible to confirm if conduct site visits, and provide other services
a South Korean citizen has been prosecuted for that support local community networks to
child sex tourism.52 prevent child abuse and treat victims of child
abuse.58 The government also supports victims
The government has introduced child-friendly of overseas prostitution who return to South
case administration procedures by operating Korea by providing protection and self-reliance
a dedicated team of prosecutors and police training networks,59 and may allow foreign
officers who receive specialized training.53 victims of sexual trafficking who face adversity
Unfortunately, these officials are often rotated in their country of origin to apply for work in
to other departments, creating barriers to Korea.60

Child and Youth Participation

A number of legislative acts adopted by of children and young people include the
South Korea stress the importance of Presidential Youth Congress at the central
respecting children’s views and promoting the government level, the Youth Participation
participation of children and young people in Committee and juvenile steering committees
decision-making processes on matters affecting at the local level,64 and the Korean General
them.61 In an effort to realize these rights, the Assembly on Children.65 Despite instances
government introduced the Fourth Basic Plan of youth involvement in CSEC initiatives,
on Youth Policies (2008 – 2012)62 which has according to the Ministry of Gender and
led to the creation of a committee composed of Equality, youth community participation in
youth and young professionals from 16 cities Korea remains limited compared to other
and provinces.63 Other structures that have countries (such as the U.S. and Switzerland).66
been created to ensure meaningful involvement

South Korea|4
Priority Actions Required

National Plan of Action community-based awareness raising while also

promoting specific campaigns to reduce the
South Korea should ensure that the current demand for sex services involving children,
national plans of action (or one future both in South Korea and abroad.
consolidated plan) cover all CSEC issues and
receive adequate human, technical, and financial
resources to achieve full implementation and Protection
are continually updated through consultations
with civil society and children. South Korea should amend the current laws
on child prostitution to eliminate variances
and inconsistencies across the current acts. It
Cooperation and Coordination should also reform legal provisions to clarify
that consent is irrelevant in the case of child
South Korea should cooperate more actively trafficking offences and should enact legislation
in international efforts to combat sex to prohibit and punish knowingly accessing and
trafficking and child sex tourism, including by viewing child pornography. More efforts should
establishing police liaison within key countries be made to provide comprehensive services to
in South East Asia/Asia-Pacific where South victims of CSEC, including increased funding
Korean nationals are known to engage in child to protect child victims of commercial sexual
sex tourism. Furthermore, it should ensure exploitation.
better coordination and cooperation among
South Korean governmental departments
responsible for providing relevant services and Child and Youth Participation
create a responsible authority for collecting data
on CSEC issues. The government should encourage the
participation of children and young people in
policy making as well as in initiatives to prevent
Prevention and combat CSEC.

South Korea should engage the private sector

in the prevention of CSEC and expand

South Korea|5

The World Fact book, South Korea, Central 13
See: D.M. Hughes, K.Y. Chon, D. Ellerman.
Intelligence Agency, Accessed on 8 February 2012 Modernday Comfort Women: The US Military,
from: Transnational Crime, and the trafficking of Women.
the-world-factbook/geos/ks.html Accessed on 2 September 2011 from: http://www.
World Development Indicators database.
15December 2011, Accessed on 8 February 2012 women. pdf; T.E.A.M. Human Trafficking: facts and
from figures. Accessed on June 22, 2011 from: http://
South Korea was ranked third from the bottom for
women’s participation in the labor force according
Child Abuse Images: Summary Report An Analysis
to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and of Websites by The Canadian Centre for
Development (OECD), 2009 report. Child Protection, November 2009. Accessed on 7
February 2012 from
S. Korea ranked lowest in child welfare spending,
The Hankyoreh, 12 July 2007. Accessed on 8
February 2012 from:
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
english_edition/e_national/221703.html to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
2008, by the Government of the Republic of
Should Korea Legalize Prostitution?, The Korea
Korea. Accessed from:
Herald, 29 June 2011, Accessed on 8 February 2012
from: ttp:// Detail.
jsp?newsMLId=20110629000788 .
Koehler Robert, Korea Still ‘Prostitution Paradise’:
Japanese Internet, 15 December 2009, Accessed
KOREA NPO Coalition for the UNCRC. Alternative
on 9 February 2012 from: http://www.rjkoehler.
Report Following the 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
from the Republic of Korea on the Implementation
of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. p.
31December 2010. Accessed on June 20, 2011
Adapted from Chung Ah-young. More Koreans Buy
from: Sex Abroad. The Korea Times. October 31, 2005.
CRC_ Report_FINAL.doc.pdf Accessed on 7 February 2012 from: http://www.
Email communication from Tacteen Naeil (ECPAT
Korea) 30 March 2012
On South Pacific Island, Korean Fishermen
again Looking to Buy Sex” 2007. Accessed on 1
Pilwha Chang & Eun-Shil KIM, Women’s
December 2011 at: ttp://
Experiences and Feminist Practices in South Korea,
Womens Studies in Asia Series, p. 135, Ewha
Womans University Press, 2005, South Korea.
Brown, Eleanor. The Ties That Bind, Migration
Accessed on 7 February 2012 from: http://books. and Trafficking of Women and Girls for Sexual Exploitation in Cambodia, IOM, August 2007, p 57.
ontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false Accessed on 7 February 2012 from: http://www.
Kang Shin-who, Female Student Vulnerable to
Sex Trade on the Internet, The Korea Times, 17
November 2008, Accessed on 7 February 2012
Chung Ah-young. The Korea Times : More Koreans
from: go Abroad for Sex Tourism, NGO says. Accessed on
nation/2008/11/117_34547.html 2 September 2011 from : http://www.stopdemand.
Thailand: Compensated Dating Draws Young into
Sex Trade. The Online Pioneer. April 26, 2004.
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
Accessed from: http://ins.onlinedemocracy. to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
ca/?p=2588 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
Korea. p. 83 Accessed from:
Adapted from Chung Ah-young. More Koreans Buy
Sex Abroad. The Korea Times. October 31, 2005.
Accessed on 7 February 2012 from: http://www.
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 2008,
by the Government of the Republic of Korea. p.
US Wants Seoul to do more against Human
84. Accessed from:
Trafficking, The Chosunilbo, 29 Jun 2011.
Accessed on 8 February 2012 from http://
E-mail communication from Kyu-Won Choi, 2 April
dir/2011/06/29/2011062901217.html. 2012.

South Korea|6
Korea NPO Coalition for UNCRC. Alternative Report on 1 September 2011 from:
Following the 3rd and 4th Periodic Report from the docs/RoK_KNPOCCRC_CRC_Report_FINAL.doc.pdf
Republic of Korea on the Implementation of the 37
Upholding Commitments to Protect Children from
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Accessed Trafficking, ECPAT International and the Body
on 1 September 2011 from: Shop, p. 43. Accessed on 7 February 2012 from:
docs/RoK_KNPOCCRC_CRC_Report_FINAL.doc.pdf http://
Written replies by the Government of the Republic upholding_commitments_children.pdf
of Korea to the list of issues (CRC/C/KOR/Q/3-4) 38
related to the consideration of the combined 39
U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons
third and futh periodic reports of the Republic
Report – Republic of Korea. June, 2009.
of Korea (CRC/C/KOR/3-4). P.P. 2, Accessed on 7
Accessedon June 15, 2011 from: http://gvnet.
February2012 from:
com/ humantrafficking/SouthKorea-2.htm; The
Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report to
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
2008, by the Government of the Republic of Korea. Accessed from:
Korea.p.20, Accessed from: upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
file_upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf 40
Committee on the Rights of the Child, 48th
Ibid. Session, Consideration of Reports Submitted by
Consideration of reports submitted by States States Parties under Article 12, Paragraph 1, of
parties under article 44 of the Convention, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the
Concluding observations: Republic of Korea, Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child
Fiftyeighth session of the Committee on the Rights Prostitution and Child Pornography Concluding
of the Child, 2 February 2012. Accessed 5 March Observations:Republic of Korea, para 24
2012 from: 41
Committee on the Rights of the Child, 48th
bodies/crc/docs/co/CRC_C_KOR_CO_3-4_en.pdf Session, Consideration of Reports Submitted by
29 South Korea gets tough on StatesParties under Article 12, Paragraph 1, of
sex tourism. October 8, 2007. Accessed on June the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the
16, 2011 from: Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child
updates/723 Prostitution and Child Pornography Concluding
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report Observations: Republic of Korea, para 24 p.
to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 104. Accessed from:
2008, by the Government of the Republic of upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
Korea. Accessed from: 42
upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf 43
Anthony. Sebastian, New Technologies from
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report Microsoft and Korean Researchers Can Detect and
to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Block Porn,Last Accessed on 7 February 2012 from:
2008, by the Government of the Republic of
Korea. Accessed from: new-technologies-from-microsoft-and-
upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf koreanresearchers-can-detect-and-block-porn
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report 44
Identities of Child Sex Offenders Disclosed Online,
to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 18 November 2009. Accessed on 7 February 2012
2008, by the Government of the Republic of from
Korea. Accessed from: nation/2009/11/113_55690.html
upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf 45
Korea NPO Coalition for UNCRC. Alternative Report
US State DepartmentTrafficking in Persons Report Following the 3rd and 4th Periodic Report from the
2011 – Country Narratives: Countries G Through Republic of Korea on the Implementation of the
M.Accessed on 1 December 2011 from: http:// Convention on the Rights of the Child. Accessed on 1 September 2011 from:
Ibid. docs/RoK_KNPOCCRC_CRC_Report_FINAL.doc.pdf
U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons
The Act on the Protection of Juveniles from Sexual
Report – Republic of Korea. June, 2009, p.102. Exploitation, Article 8(5).
Accessed on June 15, 2011 from: http://gvnet. 47
Email communication from Tacteen Naeil (ECPAT
com/humantrafficking/SouthKorea-2.htm Korea) 30 March 2012.
Korea NPO Coalition for UNCRC. Alternative Report 48
Article 3, Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and
Following the 3rd and 4th Periodic Report from the Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women
Republic of Korea on the Implementation of the and Children, Supplementing the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Accessed Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

South Korea|7
Accessed on 24 January 2012 from: http://www. 58
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Article 3, Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women Korea. Accessed from:
and Children, Supplementing the United Nations upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. 59
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
Accessed on 24 January 2012 from: http://www. to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons Report Korea. Accessed from:
– Republic of Korea. June, 2009. Accessed on June upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
15, 2011 from: 60
U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons
SouthKorea-2.htm Report, June, 2009. Accessed on June 15, 2011
Dr Frederick Thomas Leigh Mathews. Who are from: http://
the Child Sex Tourists in Cambodia ? Childwise. SouthKorea-2.htm
Melbourne, December 2006, pp 13 and 20. 61
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Report – Republic of Korea. 2011. Accessed on 1 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
September 2011 from: Korea. Accessed from:
tip/rls/tiprpt/2011/164232.htm upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
2008, by the Government of the Republic of 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
Korea. Accessed from: Korea. Accessed from:
upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
Korea NPO Coalition for UNCRC. Alternative Report
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
Following the 3rd and 4th Periodic Report from to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
the Republic of Korea on the Implementation of 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
the Convention on the Rights of the Child, p. 34. Korea. Accessed from:
Accessed on 1 September 2011 from: http://www. upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf 64
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
doc.pdf to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Korea NPO Coalition for UNCRC. Alternative Report 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
Following the 3rd and 4th Periodic Report from the Korea. Accessed from:
Republic of Korea on the Implementation of the upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Accessed 65
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
on 1 September 2011 from: to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
docs/RoK_KNPOCCRC_CRC_Report_FINAL.doc.pdf 2008, by the Government of the Republic of
The Consolidated 3rd and 4th Periodic Report Korea. Accessed from:
to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf
2008, by the Government of the Republic of 66
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Republic
Korea. Accessed from: of Korea. Youth Policy. Accessed on June 22, 2011
upload/1930_1303249657_crc-c-kor-3-4-1.pdf from:
U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons jsp
Report, June, 2009. Accessed on June 15, 2011
from: http://

South Korea|8
South Korea|9

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