Sales Management Individual Assignment 2.

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EDP 225210

Individual assignment-2 :
Ramesh is an efficient sales representative in a FMCG company. His record of performance
is brilliant. His contacts with trade channel in his territory are good. He got a rapid
promotion and became a sales supervisor. His team produced good results. Later he was
made a regional sales manager. Somehow his performance started declining. His
supervisor feels he is abrasive and irascible. Sales representative feels he sets too high
targets. Ramesh tries hard to survive in the sea of the turbulent world of selling.

Q.1-What has gone wrong?

He requires a distinct set of aptitudes than a salesperson in order to become a competent
manager and bellwether. The sales manager needs avail in order to achieve the
indispensable outcomes. Only their sales teams will be able to accomplish identically
A good sales manager cannot be engendered solely through team relationships. They must
establish team member responsibilities, establish objectives and targets, and keep oversight
of the sales process and available resources.
- The following skills are compulsory for a prosperous sales manager.
The faculty to make decisions, communicate efficaciously, and analyse data
D. The Execution Power
E. The Influence of Prosperity
F. The Influence of Cooperation
G. The Influence of Perspicacious Cull
H. The Influence of Addressing Mundane
Q-2. Ramesh as an individual is a good performer. How can we explain to him how to
become a good team leader?

1. Set clear daily goals

Each day, it's a good idea to set clear daily goals for yourself to decide what tasks
you need to handle that day. This might include tasks you need to delegate to the
employees you manage, but often will be tasks you need to do. Organizing as your
day starts so you know what to prioritize is a helpful guide for the rest of the day.

2.Hire a high-quality team with the help of HR but don’t put responsibility on

you will probably oversee some amount of hiring for the area you manage. Finding
high-quality staff in your team can only make your life as a manager easier, so
dedicating your attention to recruiting and hiring quality employees is important.

3.Train staff well

Once you have your employees, you often manage their training as well. Depending
on the employee's role and size of the work , you might delegate the training to
someone else who is more involved in the type of work they're doing. However, in
many circumstances you take part in at least some of each employee's training.
Making sure your staff is well-trained reduces the number of questions and problems
they will come to you to resolve throughout the workday, so you can manage other

4.Use effective time management

Since the retail environment can be very fast paced but also have periods of
downtime where there are fewer customers, managers often find effective time
management to be a helpful skill to use. Good time management can allow you to be
more on task when needed, but also ensure you are available for unexpected
problem-solving for your employees. You might choose to use a formal time
management technique, like the Pomodoro technique, or you might have your own

5.Be decisive.

Being a manager often requires making decisions on a variety of topics throughout

the day. This might include where to display certain merchandise, how to handle a
conflict with a customer or how to respond to an unexpected crisis. As a retail
manager, being decisive can show your employees and customers that you are
prepared to be an authority on your store.

6.Listen to employees

As a manager, you usually want to be an active listener with your employees. This
includes listening to the struggles they have at work and considering ways to
problem-solve any issues you can help with, as well as just being aware of their lives
outside of work. Understanding your employees can help you be a more
compassionate manager, which will help with reducing turnover.

7.Offer clear communication

Besides listening to your employees, it's also helpful to communicate clearly with
them and your customers. Communicating your expectations and tasks to
employees concisely can help them get it right the first time. Additionally,
communicating well with customers can resolve issues more quickly.

8.Use technology effectively

There is a lot of technology available that can help retail managers be more effective
in their daily operations, including software to manage scheduling employees, to
analyze daily sales numbers and to track employee time off. You may also find
technology helpful for planning your day and setting your goals.
9.Have a to-do list

Having a to-do list can help you organize your thoughts regarding what you need to
get done that day or week. You may want your to-do list to include things that must
get done that day as well as things you'd like to get done but aren't as time-sensitive.
You can organize these tasks however you like using a variety of software or pen
and paper.

10.Schedule open time

Days as a retail manager are often busy, and you may have many items on your to-
do list. However, it's usually a good idea to schedule some open time during the day,
either as specific hours blocked out to take on tasks that arise during the day or by
not filling your day with so many to-do tasks that you have no time for any new
issues that you need to take care of. That way, if an employee or customer comes to
you with a problem, you won't need to rearrange all of your plans for the day.

11.Know your staff as people

As a manager, you usually don't want to become friends with the people you
supervise but knowing them as people can help you be a more supportive and
compassionate manager. It can also help your employees relate to you as a
manager and motivate them to do better work. This might include being aware of
scheduling issues they are dealing with, knowing what their responsibilities outside
of work are and understanding if there are any parts of the job they struggle with.

12.Know your staff as people

As a manager, you usually don't want to become friends with the people you
supervise but knowing them as people can help you be a more supportive and
compassionate manager. It can also help your employees relate to you as a
manager and motivate them to do better work. This might include being aware of
scheduling issues they are dealing with, knowing what their responsibilities outside
of work are and understanding if there are any parts of the job they struggle with.
13.Listen during conflicts

Whether it's a conflict between a customer and an employee or two employees, as a

manager it's most helpful if you listen to all sides of the story in order to find the best
possible resolution. You can even ask each person in the conflict, separately, what
they feel would resolve the conflict for them. Then when you make your decision
regarding a resolution, you know you've heard from every involved party.

14.Track the data

Managing a retail store can often involve managing a lot of data. Your store might
track number of customers, dollar amount of sales and employee hours and wages.
You can use this data to get a better understanding of how the business is doing and
where improvements are possible. You can also use this data to set SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely) goals for yourself, your
employees, and the store.

15.Praise employees

Praise from a manager can be a very effective tool for appreciating employees and
helping to motivate them as well. This might include a simple "thank you" when an
employee does a task you asked them to do, or it could be a reward for hitting a goal
you set. Praise and recognition makes employees feel as if their supervisors and
employer know how they're contributing to the workplace.

16.Delegate when needed.

Whether you are the only manager for an entire area of territories, you are a
manager working within a team of managers or you have assistant or department
managers that report to you, it's likely you will have at least one employee you can
delegate tasks to. This might be an assistant manager, or it might be a retail sales
employee, depending on the structure of your workplace and the task you need
accomplished. Delegating tasks that others can handle competently allows you to
have free time to accomplish tasks only you can do.

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