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The Pony Express

Trabuco Hills High School PTSA Pony Express 27501 Mustang Run, Mission Viejo, CA. 92691 (949)768-1934
Volume 1 Issue 5 March 2011 Craig Collins Principal Andrea Padian Editor (Position Open)

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Saddleback Valley Council PTA Fourth District PTA California State PTA National PTA Andrea Padian President

Principals Message
By Craig Collins THHS Principal

AntiThe Anti-Social Network

All of the schools in the South Orange County area, and perhaps the nation, are seeing an increase in cyber bullying. At Trabuco we are dealing with two different sites, one called the Trabuco Top Ten and the other Trabuco Burn. While some social networking pages offer some redeeming qualities, these pages blatantly advertise their only purpose is to demean and humiliate others.

their parents at risk under civil law. The courts have held that damages caused by a minor can be the responsibility of the parents. This would include two very high profile cases going through the court systems at this time where cyber-bullying led to suicides. Many people following those cases speculate that after the criminal portion of the trial concludes, the families involved may be subject to wrongful death claims and potentially, damages in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Words that lead to a fight

How is the school involved? The California Penal Code provides that; Any person that uses offensive words in a public place which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction. (415 (3)) can be prosecuted for fighting, even if they never throw a punch. The internet is obviously a public place and the comments being made are certainly capable of Libel producing (and have produced) a violent reaction. While I am an avid supporter of free speech, it is Should a student be involved in a fight on campus and important for students and parents to know the law and the possible ramifications of posting information it is determined that they had previously used on the internet. Libel, the printing of information that offensive words on the internet that led to the fight; they could be suspended even if they were only trying is defamatory, is a criminal offense and can be to defend themselves. Both students could be prosecuted by law enforcement. recommended for suspension and possible criminal Civil prosecution. Should either student be seriously Students posting defamatory material may also put
continued on page 2 Inside this Issue Principals Message continued ..... pg 2 Message from Andrea ...... pg 3 Mustang Marvels ... pg 3 Coastline ROP......... pg 4 Getting a Summer Job .. pg 5-6 Advocacy Action ........... pg 6 Health Headlines-Pertusis .. pg 7 Social Hosting Laws . pg 7 THHS Reflections Winners .... pg 8 Ways to Help Our School ... pg 9 Membership Matters ....... pg 10 Raffle & Grad Night Info ... pg 10 Jason Barber Assembly 11 A Taste of the Hills ..... pg 12 Volunteer Opportunities .. pg 12 ASB Report . pg 13-14 Spread the Word pg 14 2011-12 PTSA Slate ... pg 15 Coffee with the Principal 15 Drinking 16 THHS / PTSA Calendar .. pg 17

You must learn from

the mistakes of others. You cant possible live long enough to make them all yourself. Sam Levenson

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

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(continued from page one)

Trabuco Hills High 2010 11

PTSA Board members
Andrea Padian President Craig Collins Trabuco Hills High Principal Vanessa Braaksma Executive Vice President & VP of Membership Brenda Hanrath, & Isha Parol * Vice President Ways & Means Cindy Johnson Treasurer Stephanie Torres Auditor Karyn Bower Secretary & Communications/ Publicity Madeline Littman Historian Gayathri Sivadas* Parliamentarian Helen Denton Corresponding Secretary Mike Padian, Joan Rosenberg, & Shelly Becerra* Legislative/Advocacy Rep Cindy Ashley Volunteer Development Lisa Bauer & Tim Littman Grad Night Co-Chairs Deb Johnson Webmaster Karrie Coon & Nicholas Tasato * Reflections Kimberly Dennis Parent Education Chair Tish Witkin Arts Advocacy Chair Heather Gennettee Student Programs Maegan Bower, Lexi Witkins, Blake Hanrath Student Class Representatives Mike Padian & Helen Denton Mini-grant Co-Chairs Sandra McElwee & Sean McElwee * Special Education Chair Kim Waters Grant Writer Sue Burns Welcome Committee Chair Kristen Smith Outreach Grazyna Buchowiecki Ralphs & E-Script Chair * Indicates this is a student board member

Principals Message

injured during such a fight, they could be recommended for expulsion from the school.

Disruption of school activities

Education Code 48900 provides that a student can be suspended for any disruption of school activities. This includes disruption to the teaching environment that occurs from acts outside of the school day. We have had to use this provision whenever we have a concern that the presence of a student on campus may jeopardize the health and well being of themselves or other students. Should the classroom environment be jeopardized because of items posted on the internet, we could be forced to suspend those students responsible.

What Good Could Come of It?

The bottom line in all of this is that I can think of many reasons NOT to post to or even allow your student to visit these sites and I cant think of ONE good reason for them to logon to these sites. These sites offer no redeeming value and only offer to torment and criticize others. Obviously, you as the parent must make the call as to what you will allow your children to do on the internet. However, be aware that their actions may have consequences for you and your family. Please educate your students to the potential hazards and risks so that they will act responsibly.

What is the school doing?

This week we have presented a PSA on Cyber-bullying on our morning announcements. We will repeat this several days to deliver the message. We are also providing a PowerPoint presentation to the teachers to work into their curriculum where it is appropriate.

What Can You Do?

On Thursday, March 10 at 7:00 PM, the Orange County Sheriffs Department will have a presentation on Teens, Technology & Social Trends at the Mission Viejo City Hall council chambers. It will be a great opportunity to have questions answered and get a lot of up to date information on the laws regarding this type of activity. In the meantime, the best advice for your children is to stay off or click off from any site where they are getting into a written argument. DO NOT respond to inappropriate comments and if you find your child is being threatened online, do not wait to notify the school the next day. Call the Sheriffs Department and lodge a complaint right away. Print the screens with the information on them and save them for the investigator. And finally, remember that children really do want you involved in their life, even though they may act to the contrary. Talk to them about who they are communicating with online and dont be afraid to ask them if you can see their pages. If they know you are actively monitoring them, they will be less likely to act irresponsibly.

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

page 3

A Message from Andrea

Trabuco Hills High PTSA President

Its hard to believe it is already March...and with that said, the end of the school year is in sight. Personally, I cant wait for summer, but I know we still have a lot to do. This is the time of year when the PTSA elects its new board officers for the next year. Youll find the slate of officers for the 2011-12 board on page 15. Please come to our meeting on March 21st and cast your vote. The leadership that comes in makes important decisions on things that will affect your students and our school, so its important to have your voice heard. Ive been working hard to build up our leadership this year and I believe we have a strong group going forward. There are also many appointed positions on our board, as well as student positions that I hope you will consider. If you are interested in helping next year, drop me an email. Look for more info on those positions in the daily announcements and in next months issue of The Pony Expressafter the elections have taken place.

understand our needs. We can do more in Sacramento than any single fundraiser we do in terms of getting money back to our school. So I am looking forward to their reports at the April PTSA meeting. Teacher Appreciation Week follows soon thereafter in May, as well as the State PTA Convention, the Teacher of the Year Dinner, the new PTSA Taste of the Hills event, hopefully our car raffle, senior scholarships, fall college fair planning, more prep for next yearincluding the installation of our new board and working on the 2011-12 proposed budget due at the June meeting, and Grad Nightto name just a few. (ha-ha) Its a busy time and wed love your help. Please let me know if you are interested in helping with any of these projects. This issue of The PTSA Pony Express is full of great information. Im a big believer in communicating with our school and membership, and so feel this newsletter, along with our wonderful website, , are absolutely necessary in order to get valuable stories out to you and to inform you about things we are doing, and ways you can help. This year, our newsletter editor, Cindy Ashley, who initially got The Pony Express off the ground, is working more and stepped down last month as our editor. If you are interested in putting together our newsletter, please let me know. We use Publisher and have two issues left this year, but will need an editor next year as well. And thanks so much to Cindy for getting this started and doing such a fabulous job! We will miss the meantime, she is still able to help as our volunteer coordinator.

As well, we have many upcoming events, beginning with Sacramento Safari, where for the first time the PTSA will have our Advocacy Chair, Mike Padian, AND a teacher, Kurt Walker, attending. This is our best opportunity to fight to get funding back to the classroom. The Fourth Dis- I hope to see you all on Monday, March 21, in the library at 7 PM for our next PTSA meeting and election! Go Blue! trict (all of Orange County and a small chunk of LA County) goes up with representatives from most of our schools and they visit our legislators to help them better


Mustang Marvels
Id like to thank the PTSA board members that work so hard to bring informative and character building programs to our school that benefit all our students and parents. Some programs cost us no more than the time to organize and host the event, and others cost money, but are very valuable to our students total learning experience. It is our hope that with the boards continued leadership and more funding, we will be able to continue and expand on these programs. Thanks to Heather Gennette, our Student Program Chair, for bringing us speakers to discuss college funding.

Thanks to Laura Elicker, our Red Ribbon Week Chair, for bringing Jason Barber to the school to speak to our students about the consequences of drunk driving, as well as Michele Mar, from PATH, who spoke at a PTSA meeting about over -the counter and prescription drug abuse among students. And, thanks to Kim Dennis, our Parent Education Chair, for bringing the Master Drive Program to THHS, along with a private screening of the award winning documentary, Race to Nowhere. Many things are happening behind the scenes to see what we can bring to the school to inform, motivate, or challenge our school family. If you know of a great program that would benefit our students, parents and/or teachers, please let us know. And lastly, thanks to all of you that support PTSA. Thank you for making this a great year. Go Blue! Go Mustangs!

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

page 4

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

page 4

Coastline ROP...Where Education Gets Down to Business

By Bridget Mondt, ROP Career Specialist Trabuco Hills High School
Fletcher Jones, The Montage, Wolfgang Puck, Saddleback Hospital, Petco, Pac Sun, Old Navy, Cox Communications what do all of these places have in common? They are among the many local businesses that partner with Coastline Regional Occupational Program (ROP) to offer internship opportunities to students from five local high school districts. By becoming one of Coastlines industry partners, businesses take an active approach in influencing the future workforce in a number of ways that include training an intern, serving on an advisory committee, hosting a job shadow event, becoming a guest speaker and donating to the Distinguished Student Recognition Scholarship fund.

Coastline ROP is one of seventy-four ROPs in California, part of the public school system providing students with a dynamic career technical education program that prepares them for both academic and career ROP allows high school students the opportunity to take tuition free courses for career preparation. success. Coastline ROP students develop the diverse skill set necessary to compete in a global job market. Through classroom and internship experience, a student can gain an understanding of what he or she Todays workforce is looking for young, creative would like to study in college. For instance, if that minds, as well as bright analytical thinkers. Coastline student is interested in the health field, there are ROP offers classes in five areas that appeal to all types courses such as Sports Medicine, Medical/Nursing of students. Courses are found within the industries of Internship, Certified Nurses Assistant, Emergency Arts and Communication, Business and Marketing, Medical Responder or Emergency Room Technician Health Science, Public Service, and Science and Tech- to name a few. The computer field is one of the fastnology. est growing fields today, and ROP offers many classes such as Computer Graphics, Web Design, Animation Coastline ROPs courses are designed to meet the and Microsoft Tools. ever-changing needs of todays workforce. As mandated by law, ROP courses are taught by teachers that Many of the classes articulate with community colare fully credentialed by the State of California Com- leges, which gives a student advanced placement and/ or credit. If a student is doing well in core classes, mission on Teacher Credentialing. In addition, these taking an ROP class is a great beginning toward future professionals must have current industry experience career decisions. that adds value and relevance in the classroom. ROP teachers work closely with traditional high school teachers to develop curriculum that provides a balance For more information and to sign up for an ROP class, see Mrs. Mondt in the Career Center. Visit the Coastbetween academic rigor and workplace relevance. line ROP website for the classes and location informaAccording to the US Department of Labors prediction at: tions, the 10 fastest growing Careers by percentage through the year 2014 are:

Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts Physician Assistant Computer Software Engineer, Applications Computer Software Engineer, Systems Software Network and Computer Systems Administrators Database Administrators Physical Therapist Medical Scientists Occupational Therapists College Instructors

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express


page 5

Getting a Job: The First Steps

By Bridget Mondt THHS Career Specialist
Looking for that perfect summer job? Even if summer vacation is still a few months away for most teens, now is the time to plan and lay a foundation for landing that cool summer job you really want. As a teenager, looking for your first part time job can seem like a daunting task. Let's face it, finding a job is hard to begin with. But when you haven't had any experience in a workplace, have never been through an interview, and don't know where to start in writing a resume, the task can seem impossible. So, how do you go about getting your first job? Action Plan for Teens Wanting a Summer Job 1. Decide on the summer job you want or need - in terms of the type of job, the location, the hours and pay. You may not be able to find a job that meets all your needs, but given the current employment situation, you should strive to find one that meets as many as possible. 2. Pick up a Statement of intent to employ a minor and request for Work Permit in the Career Center. Work Permits are issued to your employer to protect you from unsafe and unfair work practices and conditions. Once you get hired you must fill out the Minors information section, have your employer fill out the Employer section and have your parents sign, giving you permission to work. Once all these sections are complete, a work permit can be issued to you providing your grades and attendance meet the SVUSD standards. For more information on Work Permits and standards please visit the Career Center. 3. Complete a self-analysis. What do you have to offer an employer? What kind of skills do you have? What kind of work have you done paid or volunteer? What have you learned at school that might be useful in your ideal summer job? 4. Develop a resume. You will put forth a very professional image if you present a professional-looking resume to potential employers. You can log in to your Kuder Navigator account and look under the Plan for Work tab to reference the templates that will help you create a resume and cover letter. You can also check online or with the Career Center to get help with Resumes.

Start networking: use all your available resources to land that ideal summer job. Talk with your parents, family members, your friends' parents, your teachers, and any other adults you know and ask them if they have any contacts that would help you get a job at your ideal company. Give them copies of your resume.

6. Hit the pavement! Reading the newspaper want ads, and/or surfing the Web is one way of looking for job openings, but the best way to find out who is hiring is to get out there and ask. If you don't get any job leads from the fourth step, you have to take action! 7. Apply for the jobs that interest you. Be prepared, use your resume and make sure you have all the information you need to complete an application. You can practice filling out an application in the Plan for Work section of the Kuder Navigator. Things you need to know would be: address, contact information, employment history, references, etc. 8. Interviewing for the job. Make sure you know something about the company; develop answers to common interview questions; think of a few questions you could ask; practice, practice, practice with a family member of friend; dress conservatively for the interview. You can read these interviewing tips, watch a video of an interview -- and find lots more -by visiting the Plan for Work section of Kuder Navigator. Where Teens can Find Summer Jobs There are a number of places where you can look for a good summer job: Local merchants: local stores often need good help -- and not just in the summer. Small businesses: most cities have a number of small business offices -- and your family or friends probably know several owners or office managers. Corporate offices: many have established summer jobs and internship programs, but often these are the most competitive. Stores at the mall: have a favorite store you like to shop at in the mall? Maybe now is the time to get a job there

Hotels and resorts: summer is the busy season for most hotels and resorts.
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March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

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Summer Jobs

(continued from page 5)

Tourist attractions: California has many tourist attractions that need help during the busy tourism season. Golf & Tennis clubs: as the weather improves, these clubs are usually looking for part-time help. Grocery stores: offer teens great jobs and not just for summer. Fast food and restaurants: local restaurants always need good help Parks and recreation departments: city, state, and national parks and recreation departments often develop special summer programs; this is great for student athletes who can work with summer sports camps. Local government summer job programs: often various government agencies sponsor different kinds of summer youth work programs. Summer camps: Girl Scout Camps, YMCA or Church camps are always looking for camp counselors Working for yourself: there are all sorts of jobs/businesses you could develop for yourself in your neighborhood - check out this article online for more ideas: Job Ideas for Teens 15 and Younger: Beyond Babysitting. The Web: especially if you want to work outside your neighborhood, or even your state, the Web is the place for you to explore all sorts of summer job opportunities

What do Employers Look for in Teens Employers want motivated teens who are going to arrive to work on time, have a positive attitude, work hard, work well with others, show leadership qualities, work their full shift, and do the best job they can. You need to show your employer that you are a good investment, both for the current position, as well as for any potential future positions. Final Words of Advice Jobs are jobs. You are going to have to work, no matter how "cool" the job or company, so be prepared for some days to not be as great as others. The keys to remember are that you are earning money, you are gaining experience, and you are making good contacts (and references)! For more help with finding that perfect summer job, resumes and cover letters, interview skills or information on the Kuder Career Planning System see Mrs. Mondt in the Career Center. Sources: Quintessential Careers,, Kuder Career Planning System,,,

Advocacy Actions
By Mike Padian THHS PTSA Advocacy/ Legislative Rep
Today, as our newsletter is published, our state legislators still have not approved a special election in June. The special election was initiated by Governor Brown, and would extend some current taxes as well as proposing areas of the budget to be cut. The CAPTA (California State PTA) and the SVUSD Board of Education support the special election and urge you to contact your Senator and Assembly person and let them know that you want the voters to decide. The CAPTA supports a balanced approach to the budget crisis with additional revenues and no reduction to the school year and the

education budget. At stake is a potential $2 billion $350 per student - further hit on education (after more than $18 billion in cuts over the last several years). Even if the issue is placed on the ballot and passed in June, all this ensures is that there will be fewer cuts to education. The states budget woes will not be over, so additional funding cuts are still possible. The importance of education during the budget challenges will be the prime message that Kurt Walker, a THHS teacher, and I will give to our elected officials and state governmental agencies when we go to Sacramento in mid-March, as part of the Fourth District PTA delegation. The Fourth District is the largest PTA unit in the world, so we are well received, treated respectfully, and listened tobecause the legislators recognize that we are volunteers who directly represent a large constituency parents, teachers, and students with a common goal.

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

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Health Headlines
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Immunizations Required for All Students
By Diane Beckman, SVUSD District Nurse
Please read this article in its entirety as all students entering grades 7 through 12 will be required to provide documentations of having obtained a pertussis (Tdap) vaccine booster prior to entering school on the first day of the 2011-2012 school year 2. (California La-Assembly Bill 354). The Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) has notified Saddleback Valley Unified School District that Orange County is currently experiencing an epidemic of pertussis, commonly called whooping cough. Although we have not received any specific reports about epidemic levels of pertussis in our community, it is very important that families are notified of this risk and about new requirements for immunization that will go into effect for the 2011-2012 school year. Due to the volume of students that this new law affects, we strongly encourage families to have their students vaccinated before the end of the current school year and present documentation to their students current school in order to prevent any delays in enrollment for the new school year. As a general guideline, we are requesting the following: 1. Have your student vaccinated with a pertussis (Tdap) booster. This can be done through your private physician or at any advertised pertussis clinic. *If your student was vaccinated for pertussis vaccine after age 10, this will satisfy the new law requirement. Bring proof of vaccination to your students current school prior to June 1, 2011 so that office staff (Office Manager at Elementary level and Guidance Office at Intermediate and High school levels) can input information on your students immunization record.

3. Keep your students immunization card up-to-date and in a secure place for reference, if needed. We appreciated your timely response to this new immunization requirement, as student health is a shared priority. If you have any questions about this article, please contact Health Services at 949-588-7651. July 1, 2011 *Applies to all private and public schools *Does not affect students entering summer school *Adults are also advised to get a pertussis booster shot, if they havent already , to protect themselves, their families, and their students.

New Social Hosting Liability Law in California

(Excerpt from 2011 January/February Issue of AAAs Westways Magazine, page 14 New Laws for Motorists)

AB 2486 states that if a social host 21 years of age or older knowingly gives alcoholic beverages to someone under 21 years of age, the social host may be held legally accountable if that person is injured or dies, and may also be held accountable if other persons are injured or die, or if their property is damaged or destroyed, as a result of the underage person drinking the alcoholic beverage. A social host is a person who provides alcohol to guests at his or her residence; the category does not apply to licensed or commercial alcohol vendors.

SVUSD Board of Education Meeting April 12th

6:15 PM
SVUSD Board Room

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

page 8

2010Reflections 2010-2011 TOGETHER WE CAN

By Karrie Coon, Reflections Chair
We would like to thank all of our students that participated in the National PTSA Reflections Program this year. The theme was Together We Can, and we had a great turn out for our first year. We appreciate the time and dedication that went into creating your pieces of art. All Students did a wonderful job and we would like to thank you for participating. Winners were recognized with certificates of participation and cash prizes at the February PTSA meeting and given the opportunity to explain what they did in their entry category. Three of these students, Isha Parol, Katie Gregory and Shannon Richards, also placed at the District Level. Congratulations All! We will update everyone soon with next years 2011-12 theme. Remember, there are several categories to compete in: Visual Arts, Photography, Literature, Video/Film Production, Dance Choreography and Music. If you go to and go to the Reflections link, you will see state winners from the past and rules for each category. Look for more details in our April or June issue of The Pony Express. I would also like to thank each of the chairs for their time supporting this program. Nicholas TasatoPhotography & Film/Video Production, Jessica Li Visual Arts, Karen Redd-Literature, Helen Denton-Music, and Yashi Mangal,Dance, as well as all our community professionals who judged each arts category.

20102010-11 Trabuco Hills High School Reflection Award Winners Visual Arts
1st PlaceKatie Gregory (*District Winner Award of Merit) 2nd PlaceShannon Richards (*District Winner Honorable Mention) 3rd PlaceShareen Najjar

1st Place (Tie) Alexa Brown-Watterson AND Jordan Colombo 3rd PlaceBailey Miller

1st PlaceIsha Parol *District Winner (Award of Excellence) 2nd PlaceNicole Khansary 3rd Place Erica Hanson

Reflection Winners proudly hold up their participation certificates at the Award Ceremony held at the last PTSA Association Meeting on February 7th. From left to right, front row: Erica Hanson, Katie Gregory, Alexa BrownWatterson, Isha Parol, Shareen Najjar, Nicole Khansary, Back row: Bailey Miller and Jordon Colombo (not pictured, Shannon Richards) Great job!

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

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How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?
CAR RAFFLE: We are still selling raffle tickets for the drawing of the a Toyota Corolla!!! PURCHASE yours for $50.00. Only 600 will be sold! You will be supporting all students and staff at THHS!! Purchase at the school office from Debi Hope, or contact Brenda Hanrath at (949) 702-4247 Or DONATION BIN: NEW!!! We now have a donation bin in conjunction with Community of Change. Please donate your old clothing, towels, blankets, sheets, rags, purses and shoes! All textiles will be accepted. PTSA will receive a percentage back for every 50 pounds of donations collected. The bin is located on the Santa Margarita Pkwy side of the school near the tennis courts, on the road that leads to the front of the school. You can just pull up to the bin and drop off your goods. SCREAMIN DAILY DEALS: NEW!!! Want to get a great deal on food, entertainment, massages, hair care and more?? Check out Screaming Daily Deals!! You will get about 3 daily deals per day from local businesses. Purchase your deal, print the coupon and enjoy savings up to 70%! Sign up on the PTSA website, or, and choose THHSPTSA as your school to support!! KEY TO SAFE DRIVING: NEW!!! Protect your teen from texting & talking on their cell phones while driving! It does allow your teen access to 911 and parents in case of an emergency. The device is $95.00 and can be purchased from the PTSA website. ITALIAN ICE: Sold every Friday from 2pm to 4pm in front of the school. Cost is $3.00 per cup and supports PTSA. Yummy, too! RECYCLING: Drop off your used printer cartridges, laptops, digital cameras, and cell phonebroken or otherwise in the office recycle box. RALPHS & E-SCRIPT: Go to the PTSA website at and sign up your Ralphs Club Card or Vons/Pavilions card with the Ralphs Community Contribution Program or EScript program. Its easy and a percentage of all your purchases will go back to the school/PTSA. It costs no money and doesnt take away from your own rewards. Don t wait! Do it today. Families can raise thousands of dollars this way.

Eat Out, Help the School!

By Karyn Bower, PTSA Secretary & Restaurant Night Chair
The PTSA has another win-win fundraiser. Simply by eating out or picking up some take-out, you can raise money for our school to help purchase paper/soft supplies. Now, through June 2011, the PTSA will be hosting Restaurant Week the first week of every month. Our next Restaurant week will be April 48th, so mark your calendar! If you plan to eat out the first week of the month, why not consider dining at one of these fine restaurants? Visit, click on the Restaurant Week link on the left. Scroll down to Attachments and print out the restaurant flyer and present it when you order and earn 15% of your bill (pre-tax) back to the school. Most flyers will be available at the school reception desk, too. Monday: Trabuco Oaks Steakhouse, 20782 Trabuco Oaks Rd, Trabuco Canyon. Tuesday: Peppinos, Foothill Ranch in food court near movie theatre. Pick Up Stix, RSM by Lowes and Mission Viejo (Trabuco and Alica near Mobil). Wednesday: Oggis Pizza, 23641 Via Linda, MV (off Alicia across from baseball fields) or Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Foothill Ranch, near Walmart. Thursday: Claim Jumper, Mission Viejo in Henrys Shopping Center or Phillys Best, RSM in the Lowes shopping center. Friday: Baja Fresh, RSM, next to Kohls, or Del Taco, Foothill Ranch (near Target).

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

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Membership Matters
By Vanessa Braaksma VP Membership
Hello Mustangs! The school year may be half over but the THHS PTSA is still looking for parents, students, teachers and staff to join our Mustang ranks and become one of our valued members. The PTSA (Parent, Teacher, Student Association) is an advocacy group that promotes education for ALL students all year around. Here are some reasons why you should join the THHS PTSA:

ers in Sacramento to help bring back money for our students education! THHS PTSA generally holds monthly association meetings (the third Monday of every month - except December, January and May) where we allow all members to participate fully. We love parents, students, teachers and staff to attend these meetings and voice their opinions and ideas.

THHS PTSA represents all the students, teachers and staff and every membership we receive helps pay for teacher mini-grants and programs for the students. Some of our programs for the students have been Master Drive (held in October), Race to Nowhere (held in January), and assembly guest speaker, Jason Barber, who came to our school in February to talk about the risks of drunk driving. Without the support from our THHS PTSA is the best way to become informed and members we cannot provide all of these wonderful involved in your student's education. things and more. Please join today by going to our website at and clicking on Member THHS PTSA puts students first. We are committed to bringing together parents, teachers, administrators, ship to download and print a membership form. All school board members and interested citizens to work forms and membership dues can be mailed to me at 38 Sarracenia, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. 92688 or together for ALL students. THHS PTSA's strength is in its membership. By be- turned into Debi Hope in the front office. Make coming a PTSA member, not only will you help with checks out to the THHS PTSA. the student programs here at THHS, but you will also If you have any question please email me or call me at 459-7704. Thank you! be joining the million other parents who have joined the PTSA to strengthen our voice with the policy mak-

Support the PTSA and Win a Car!!!

For just $50, you can purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win a new 2010 Toyota Corolla LE 1838 . Only 600 tickets will be sold and every ticket purchaser will receive a coupon for 50% off an oil change at Capistrano Toyota who has partnered with our PTSA in this raffle. When will you ever have these kind of odds? Dont let this chance slip away. For more details and purchase information, visit

GRAD NIGHT 2011 Under the Stars June 21st

Following Graduation
Download forms at



NOW for $160.00

*Rates go up April 1st
Turn forms & payment in @ the reception desk in front office or on Fridays at the Grad Night table during snack

(Must be 18 to purchase a raffle ticket)

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

page 11

Jason Barber: The Consequences of Drunk Driving Its Not an Accident. Its a Choice
By Andrea Padian, PTSA President
Jason Barber held up the last photo ever taken of his little brother. They were in a mall photo booth laughing and having fun. His brother would die days later in a drunk driving accident. Not because this 15 year old boy with a bright future was drunk, but because the person driving the car he was in was drunk. That drunk driver was Jason. His brother and a young mother would die at his hand in an awful crash. An accident, or a bad choice? Jason is adamantit wasnt an accident. After six years in prison, Jason now spends his time talking to teens and young adults about the consequences of drunk driving. The PTSA decided to bring him to our school to talk about this very serious issueor choice. Our hope was that if our kids or anyone were ever faced with the decision to drink and drive, or get into a car with someone that had been drinking, they would think twice...and remember Jasons story. tion during the last assembly. The staff and administrators all felt it was a great program for our students. Originally there was some concern that Jason wouldnt be able to keep the students attention during such a serious assembly, but the students couldnt have been a more receptive audience and the assembly was discussed by everyone throughout the day. Jason emphasized to students that if they accept drunk driving as okay or even amusing, they are part of the problem whether they drink or not. His goal is to make drunk driving unacceptable under any circumstances. It only takes one time, unforeseen, to change lives.

One of the things he hoped to do, as part of the solution, (he ran short on time) was to tell the students to go home and discuss the assembly with their parents. Then he wanted them to go to his website and print a copy of the parent/student contract that asks parents and their teens to vow not to drink and drive or get into a car with The students were quiet...almost perfectly still as they someone thats been drinking. (www.itsnotanaccident). listened to his every word. You dont see his story com- It states that underage drinking is not acceptable, but it ingso its shocking. But not nearly as shocking as it also asks parents to promise to pick their teen up if the was when Jason realized his brother was dead and it was case arises, without judgment, and to bring them home his fault. His first reaction was to jump off a nearby safely. It advises parents to discuss the issue at another bridge, but he didnt, and chose instead to change his time when the situation is less volatile. The parent/teen life and hopefully the lives of many others. contract can also be found at the end of this newsletter, Drunk driving affects all of us. When someone is hurt as well as on our website, . or killed in a drunk driving accident, many lives change Drunk driving deaths in this country are disproportion- a chain reaction of devastation. When Jason sat in the ately laid upon teens. Young adults dont fare much betcourtroom and heard the judge tell him, you killed your ter. As a society, we all have to rethink how casually brother and you are going to pay by giving up your life we accept drinking and driving. for the next six yearshe also heard a loud, animal-like Thanks so much to Boadewijn Hanrath for helping fund cry come from the back of the room. He looked up to see his mother crumbling to the ground. She was losing this assembly. With his donation, the PTSA was able to another son, all because hed made such a bad, irrevoca- bring this program to all our students, rather than just the seniors and juniors. It was incredibly generous. With ble choice. No one wins. Its a no-win situation. the help of all our members and those families that do After this powerful assembly, Jason was surrounded by participate in our fundraising efforts, most at no cost to students, many in tears, shaking his hand, hugging him. you, we hope to bring more quality programs, such as They wouldnt leave until theyd talked to him. Clearly, this one, to the school for our students. Thank you all! they all had a story to share. He received a standing ova-

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

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Support THHS PTSA, Teachers & Students

By Brenda Hanrath PTSA Vice President Ways & Means

Upcoming Volunteer Activities

By Cindy Ashley PTSA Volunteer Coordinator
Here are the upcoming volunteer opportunities at THHS

A Taste of the Hills at THHS

Imagine a Taste of the Hills event at our booths from local restaurants selling samples of great food from their menus, school clubs selling baked goods or other delights, entertainment, a silent auction, vendor booth opportunities (we love to shop, right?) and MORE! Plus, if we are able to sell our car raffle tickets by then, the drawing is on for a beautiful, new Toyota Corolla. Sound like fun? The PTSA decided to put on a Taste of the Hills event in order to raise more money for student programs and teacher minigrants. Its scheduled for Saturday, June 11th, 3 PM 8 PM and you wont want to miss it. We hope to have our students, their parents, neighbors, relatives and friends stopping by. We are also looking for committee members to help plan this event. We dont have much time and we really need your help. Plus, whats more fun than planning a great party? If you know any restaurants that would like to participate by showcasing their food, please let us know. If you have auction items youd like to donate for the silent auction, that would be great. If you are a vendor with something to sell, we have opportunities for you to participate, too. We will need lots of volunteers that night as well, and students should know that they can earn volunteer hours for graduation if they sign up to help that day. Any clubs that would be interested in selling items or participating in the silent auction should contact me for more details. We are hoping to attract as many people as we can and to build on this event through the years. But this is the first and it will take a group effort. Please be part of the fun and help. The goal? A great cause$$$ for our school! Email or call (949) 702-4247 for more information. We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. Stacia Tauscher Listen to the mustnts, child. Listen to the donts. Listen to the shouldnts, the impossibles, the wonts. Listen to the never haves, then, listen close to me...anything can happen, child. Anything can be. Shel Sivlerstein

CIF Winter Sports Luncheon, March 16th (Wed), 11:00am12:50pm. Two parents needed. International Food Faire, March 30th (Wed), 9:30am-10:45am. Twenty-two parents needed to sell tickets on the upper field. We will need 5-7 parents to sort money afterwards. Elections, April 11th-13th (MonWed). We will need six parents at snack (9:45am-10:15am) and four parents at lunch (12:10pm-1:06pm) each day.

If you are interested in any of the above volunteer opportunities, please e-mail me at

Grad Night: The PTSA is also looking for volunteers to sell Grad Night tickets on Fridays during snack beginning March 11th. Please contact Lisa Bauer at if you are interested in this or serving on the Grad Night committee. Taste of the Hills: The PTSA will be hosting our first Taste of the Hills fundraiser on June 11, 2011. This promises to be a fun event for your family where you will be able to sample the food from local restaurants while supporting our school. If you would like to help out with this event, please contact Brenda Hanrath at for more information.

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

page 13

ASB in Action!
Aiko Makcus, Senior Class President Monica Ukah, Junior Class President, Henry Yin, Sophomore Class President Megan Mondt, Freshmen Class President
Food Faire/International Week: Everyone all around the world shares one thing in common, the love for food! At Trabuco Hills High School we like to recognize all the amazing foods around the world during international week! In doing so, Trabuco has a food faire. This is a yearly event that Trabuco does to bring everyone and every student together. Of course we do that with food! During International week we really want to notice and recognize all the customs and cultures that the world, and even some of our students, live by every day. This year the food faire is taking place on Wednesday, March 30th. Basically any club or team, for example - the dance team, ASB, Science Olympiad, or football, can sell authentic food from a country. We still need more booths so sign up today in ASB. The money goes toward their club/sport. The food faire is truly fun and definitely one of the most favored yearly school events! 22,083, the sophomores took third with 17,115 points with the freshman at 10,628 points. The next Got Spirit? is on March 25th! Lets go classes! This is the last day for Got Spirit points!

Elections for 2011-2012 Hey readers! ASB elections are soon to come! The end of the school year is about to come and with that, students must soon choose their new ASB members that will be the new leaders of the school. Anyone who wants to be in next years ASB should come to the ASB room at snack and we can answer all questions you have. There are two ways of being in ASB. One way is to try out for the elected positions, which means you will need to campaign to get students to vote for you; in other words, the person with the most votes will receive that elected position. Another way is by appointed positions, meaning you will be interviewed on questions that will relate to your position you are trying out for. The new elected executive council members (ASB president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and our Ms. Kimble) will be giving the interview. ASB is a great way to get involved in your school, so we encourage everyone who is interested to come at snack to the ASB room and see CIF Luncheon: It is truly amazing and accomplishing when your team what ASB is all about. makes it to CIF! Since it is such an astounding act, teams who make CIF get recognition and a delicious Mr. Mustang Newsletter Mr. Mustang is back and it is going to be better than luncheon! The CIF luncheon is for all the sports of ever! Trabuco Hills is on the search for the next King that season that made it to CIF. They enjoy a lunch from places like Caf Rio and other restaurants. While of the Jungle. Sign ups began January 14th and went at the luncheon, the teams enjoy their lunch hosted by on till January 28th, Because the number of young men ASB. Also the teams coach gives a speech about the interested in participating was so high, competitors players and the teams awesome season. Everyone al- were chosen by a voting process and ballots went out ways leaves with a huge smile on their face. The next to the senior classes. This years chosen contestants CIF luncheon is March 16th. Congratulations to Girls are, Andrew Walsh, Alex Cedarholm, Brandon CunSoccer, Girls Water Polo, Boys Basketball, Girls Bas- nane, Brian Roberson, Dan Helfman, Daniel Taghdiri, Garrett Gundy, Garrett Wilkey, Big Joe, Landon Gold, ketball, and Wrestling. Matt Adams, Mehdi Tabikh, Mo Guenther, and Nic Got Spirit: Susse. Contestants will be graded on their talents, Each grade is bringing the heat. Seniors versus the swim attire, formal attire, biographies, and the quality Juniors, Sophomores versus the Freshman, the classes of answers to questions. The show is going to be are bringing the spirit. On February 17th, the juniors great! The show is March 25th at 7:00pm. took the lead with 22,899 points, while the seniors had Continued on page 14

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

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ASB in Action

continued from page 13

Trabucos Best Dance Crew: Trabucos Best Dance Crew is back! The tremendously successful tournament that originated last year is back with a vengeance! This year, due to so many sign ups, we had to audition the teams to bring it down to the final eight. The competition will start on March 11th at snack and continue each Friday until May 7th. So get excited to see 4 the ABGs, Kiwi Maddog,

Team USA, Devin Big Feet Colossal Man, Team Sexier, HypeTonic, Team Talafus, and Fresh Power Rangers dance their way to victory!

Spread the Word to End the Word

By Sandra McElwee THHS PTSA Special Ed Chair
It is time we Spread the Word to End the Word and build awareness for society to stop and think about its use of the R-word. That R-word is something hurtful and painful retard or retarded. Most people dont think of this word as hate speech, but thats exactly what it feels like to millions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and friends. The R-word is just as cruel and offensive as any other slur. Visit to make your pledge today.

Young people around the world are taking a stand and raising awareness of the dehumanizing and hurtful effects of the words retard or retarded and are helping encourage others to think before they speak. Did you know the pejorative and ever increasing use of the R-word in todays society further perpetuates the stigma and negative stereotypes that face people with intellectual disabilities? Up to 3% of the worlds population have intellectual disabilities - thats 200 million people around the world. Its the largest disability population in the world, perhaps you know someone? We ask that you help us change the conversation and help eliminate the demeaning use of the R-word from todays popular youth vernacular and replace it with respect. We are asking for your help in creating a more accepting world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and all those people that may appear different, but have unique gifts and talents to share with the world. Were asking every person - young and old - to help eliminate the demeaning use of the R-worda common taunt used to make fun of others. Often unwittingly, the word is used to denote behavior that is clumsy, hapless, and even hopeless. But whether intentional or not, the word conjures up a painful stereotype of people with intellectual & developmental disabilities. It hurts. Even if you dont mean it that way. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are capable and enjoy sharing life experiences listening to music, playing video games, watching the latest movies, and yes, having fun as well as working together toward athletic excellence and mutually enriching one-to-one friendships as demonstrated constantly through Special Olympics and Best Buddies International. They can attend school, work, drive cars, get married, participate in decisions that affect them, and contribute to society in many ways. Did you know that by casually using the word retard(ed) to refer to an action as less than ideal you are making someone with an intellectual disability feel less than human - whether you mean to or not? Demeaning any of our fellow human beings by using inappropriate words toward any population negatively impacts all of us.

Trabuco Hills High School is participating in this event again this year the week of March 14th! The best buddies, along with the PTSA, will show PSAs to students each day, with a message on the daily announcements to go with the PSA. Do your part and please visit and take the pledge!

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

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20112011-2012 Slate of Officers For the PTSA Board

Andrea PadianPresident Vanessa BraaksmaExecutive VP Rachel WardVP Membership Brenda HanrathVP Ways & Means Alexis WitkinStudent Representative Cindy JohnsonTreasurer Carol ByrnesFinancial Secretary Linda BoudRecording Secretary Louise RobertsonAuditor Lisa SemonHistorian

Coffee with the Principal

Brought to you by the PTSA March 15h April 12th May 10th June 14th
*Meet in Building 500 conference room between 7:30-9 AM. Bring your own coffee, well supply a treat. Open discussions about anything on your mind.

*The election of officers for the 2011-2012 PTSA

Board will take place at the March 21, 2011 PTSA Association Meeting at 7 PM in the library. Nominations will be accepted from the floor, but this is the slate that will be presented as determined by the nominating committee in January. Only PTSA members may vote at the meeting.

Next PTSA Meeting March 21, 2011 7 PM Library

Sign up or renew your participation in Ralphs and Vons/Pavilions Value Customer Community Support Programs ITS EASY! ITS FREE! ITS POWERFUL!

www.ralphs.c om Org. Number 92164 Or Name: Trabuco Hills High School PTSA

Register your grocery club card(s) and the rest is done by Ralphs and eScrip. The instruction for how to sign up for these great fundraising opportunities are posted at Click on Ralphs Club Card Instructions. The icon for each program on the above mentioned website will lead you directly to a Sign-In screen for that particular program. Then just follow the prompts and use the group/organization numbers from this ad. Even if you sign up for these fundraisers in the past, you HAVE to renew your participation every year.
The Ralphs program runs from September 1 to August 31. eScrip (Vons/Pavilions) program runs from August 1 to July 31.* DONT WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW. LET OUR SCHOOL EARN MONEY TOO.

www.eScrip.c om

Group ID 10482514 Or Group Name: Trabuco Hills Ptsa

*Starting January 1, 2011, our school must earn a minimum of $100 annually (January 1 - December 31) to continue to receive contributions through the Safeway eScrip program

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5

page 16


Can We Talk?
In todays society, the use of drugs and alcohol is a reality. By talking about this problem, openly and honestly with our parents/children, we can begin to build a bond of trust and understanding. This bond is what family is all about, and open and honest communication is the best prevention to drug and alcohol use. I realize that the legal drinking age is 21 and that using or having any non-prescription or no-over-the-counter drugs in my possession is illegal. I have spoken with you about your fears and concerns regarding this issue. I understand that this is NOT permission EVER to use drugs or drink alcohol underage. Because I love you and know how much it would hurt you if anything were to happen to me, I make you the following promise. TEEN: I PROMISE WHEN I AM RIDING IN A VEHICLE I WILL ALWAYS WEAR MY SEATBELT. IF I EVER FIND MYSELF IN A POSITION WHERE I OR SOMEONE I AM WITH IS INTOXICAED AND MY CHANCES OF ARRIVING HOME SAFELY ARE IMPAIREDD IN ANY WAY, I WILL CALL YOU (MY PARENTS) TO ASK FOR A RIDE. I PROMISE TO COMMUNICATE TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY OPENLY AND HONESTLY ON THE SUBJECT OF DRUGS AND ALCOHOL.

_____________________________________________ Signature

___________________ Date


____________________________________________ Signature

____________________ Date

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

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Mark Your Calendar...

Trabuco Hills High

March 12th March 15th March 16 March 16th March 21st March 21st

SAT (register by February 11) Coffee with the Principal 7:30-9 AM Sophomore Parent Night 7 PM MPR CIF Luncheon PTSA Executive Board Meeting 6 PM PTSA General Meeting, 7 PM, Library *Election of 2011-2012 PTSA Board Members March 21-22nd Sacramento Safari (Go Mike Padian & Kurt Walker! PTSA reps) March 25th Mr. Mustang Competition 7 PM Mar. 28 Apr. 1 International Week on campus March 30th International Food Fair April 12th Coffee with the Principal Meeting 7:30-9 AM April 12th SVUSD Board of Education Meeting 6:15 PM SVUSD Board Room April 14th Minimum DayTHHS OPEN HOUSE April 18th-22nd Spring BreakEnjoy!!! April 25th PTSA Executive Board Meeting 6 PM, Library *Special Date April 25th PTSA Association Meeting 7 PM, Library * Special Date

Buy your PTSA Mustang Discount Card Today!

*27 Vendor discounts you can use every day until the end of August *You can earn your $10 back after just one purchase (depending on vendor discount.) Email for information, a full list of the vendors, & /or to buy a card today. Help PTSA and SAVE!

Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill Keep on sowing your seeds, for you never know which will growperhaps it all will. Albert Einstein There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly. Buckminster Fuller Courage doesnt always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow. Mary Anne Radmacher Try and fail, but dont fail to try. Stephen Kaggwa Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Suess

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