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What type of control-feedforward, concurrent, or feedback-do you think would be the

most important in this situation? Explain your choice.

- It would best to utilize the feed-forward control. This is due to the fact that the feed-
forward control is best used for searching problems and preventing them from happening.
With such control being done, an improvement in performance is expected since the
baggage disruptions are identified and thus resolved, and efforts are made to stop any
shut downs and problems from happening making the baggage handling system more

2. How might immediate corrective action have been used in this situation? How about
basic corrective action?

- Immediate corrective actions are best used when the problem is current. The immediate
corrective action is used to solve the problem immediately. In this case, the corrective
action done is to draft more staff into the baggage department as soon as the machine
exhibits failures. The Basic Corrective action would be to improve the performance as a

3. Could British Airways’ controls have been more effective? How?

- Their controls are sophisticated and well-made, however further improvements could still
be made. Their system is complex and requires a lot of tests to prove its usability in the
actual world. They must also ensure that their systems would stop bugging down, and if
such events are unavoidable, they must come up of a contingency plan to maintain the
timeliness of their services.
4. What role would information controls play in this situation? Customer interaction
controls? Benchmarking?

- All three controls would be very useful in the situation presented above. First of all,
Information controls made sure that the information collected from the system are well
processed and monitored. The information should also be identified so it would be a lot
easier to distinguish if it is urgent or not. The Customer interaction controls would help
the customers especially when they are in a middle of a problem. In such cases, they are
properly taken care and compensated if needed. Finally, benchmarking would make the
British Airways see their weaknesses in all aspects thus letting them know which parts
should be prioritized for improvement.

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