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Meeting the Needs of All Students

In my classroom, I use a variety of different tools and methods to meet the needs of the
individual students. Prior to teaching students, I review all IEPs and 504s. After reviewing them I
am sure to include any and all accommodations the student needs in the classroom. This can
include segments throughout the lesson that allow the student to stand and move around the
classroom, visual and verbal aids, additional wait time, after-school tutoring, and more. I am also
sure to include written vocabulary words in English and secondary languages. The last thing I do
in preparation for the school year is take an interest inventory survey. I use this survey to learn
what the students enjoy about music, what they don’t enjoy, and a personal anecdote to help me
learn their names quickly. This survey allows me to plan lessons that keep all students engaged
in the process.

ELL Student Modifications from Intern Unit Plan

● Directions were repeated multiple times throughout each lesson. If a question was asked,

we reviewed as a class.

● I allowed for wait time after asking a question and allowed students to ‘phone a friend’ if

they needed help.

● I included verbal and written vocabulary words when discussing new topics.

● One of our students uses an IPad to translate teacher instruction. I made sure to speak

clearly so that the machine could translate for him. When he had a question, I or another

student would help.

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