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Unit 1 Listening

3 1.1 Read questions 1–5. Then listen and complete the

1 1.1 Read descriptions A–C. Then listen to the
introduction to the conversation and choose the best sentences.
1 The conversation is about … 1 Right, well, the first thing it says is you need to make a good
A an excursion. first impression.

B a football match.
2 My advice is if you start to feel nervous, take some deep
C a job interview.

3 Bad answers. Cats can be seen as selfish, and team players.

2 1.1 Read questions 1–5. Then listen to the
conversation and choose the correct answers. 4 That way you sound sensitive and friendly, but still capable
1 What does Joe’s mum say interviewers particularly of self-criticism.
A Not smiling. 5 Good choice. Blue suggests that you are under pressure
B Arriving late. and get on well with people.
C Being aggressive.
2 What is Joe’s mum’s advice about being too
nervous to answer a question? 4 1.1 Read questions 1–5. Then listen again and
write True or False. Explain your answers.
A Plan what you are going to say in advance.
1 According to Joe’s mum, it’s not important to smile
B Only give short answers to the questions.
and make eye contact during a job interview. FALSE
C Ask the interviewer for a different question.
3 What animal does Joe’s mum recommend as an
She says you should smile and make eye contact to come
answer to the first question?
across as confident.
A A cat.
B A fish.
2 It is good to describe yourself as an ant. TRUE
C A bird.
4 Why did Joe like his last job?
It’s good to describe yourself as an ant because they are
A He enjoyed looking after the children.
hardworking and dedicated.
B It was really easy and he didn’t have to work hard.
C He had the opportunity to play sports all day.
3 Joe wants to work in education. True
5 According to Joe’s mum, why is red a bad choice
for favourite colour?
Joe wants to be PE teacher.
A It’s a very popular favourite colour.
B It’s the colour of someone who is passionate.
4 Joe’s mum says someone’s favourite colour
C It suggests that the person gets angry easily.
doesn’t reveal much about their personality. True

She says the colour can tell a lot from a person’s

5 Joe’s mum’s advice about asking questions comes

from personal experience. False


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