NSTP100 Essay #1

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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: August 28, 2021

What are your expectations to the NSTP Course?
Student’s Answer:

If we were in a regular face-to-face setup, I think this course will be a lot of fun due to the
different activities we will do for each lesson. I read how students participate in clean-up
drives, tree plantings, first-aid training and seminars, team buildings, and other
recreational and educational activities. It is a shame that we have to take NSTP in an
online setup; however, I still have many expectations regarding what I will gain and how I
will take this subject.

I read in the MAPUA-NSTP Module that the university is offering Civic Welfare Training
Service (CWTS) and Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) as options for students to
take as their NSTP program. My friends from other schools also mentioned that they are
also offered the Literacy Training Service (LTS), so I was curious about all these
programs. I read that LTS would not be provided as a program in Mapúa, but its concept
will be incorporated in the CWTS program. I learned that we would need to decide what
program we would like to continue for our succeeding terms by the end of this term, but it
is still quite hard for me to decide. I expect that I will gain more knowledge and
information about the different programs of NSTP throughout this course for the
semester. For now, I think that I am more interested in the CWTS program as I was a
president of the Supreme Student Government during Junior High School, and I feel that
the activities and intentions are pretty similar. My sister also told me that she took the LTS
program at their university when she was a student. She said that they would go around
and teach children how to read and write. But it is still hard to decide as I still do not have
enough information about the other program.

I expect that this course will give me more insight into the different programs they offer
and how each works. I also expect that it will make me more aware of my surroundings
and realize my role in this society. And although this subject is self-paced, I hope that our
facilitator will always be there to guide us along the way and make it exciting for us to
learn this subject.

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