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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: August 30, 2021

As a student, how do you show your duties and responsibilities as a Filipino citizen?
Student’s Answer:

The majority of Filipinos seem to believe that the youth cannot contribute anything to our
country. They say that we are still too young and too ignorant to know the reality of life.
Contrary to their belief, even a student like me already has their responsibilities in
improving our society.

As a student, I think that my primary duty is to continue learning. Gaining knowledge on

different areas and getting a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of life will be our
first few steps to achieving our responsibilities as Filipino citizens. To elaborate, taking on
subjects like NSTP, Gender and Society, and other related courses can help us become
more aware of our country's issues. It can make us realize our roles in solving the
problems that our country is currently facing and the problems that we will face in the
future. This course is already training us to become good citizens who are socially aware
and responsible.

On the other hand, courses related to math and science can also help us fulfill our duties
since these subjects will be our foundation. It will help us achieve our goal for the future,
which will also carry another responsibility in building this nation. For example, learning
the concepts of mathematical equations and scientific phenomenon can help me to
become a successful engineer in the future. I can become an engineer whose primary
goal is to improve, develop, and contribute to our country.

Overall, constant learning can help me show my duties and responsibilities as a Filipino
citizen. It makes me realize that I have a part in this country as early as now. It makes me
more aware of my surroundings and keeps me motivated to improve myself to be of more
help in the future. It also makes me socially conscious and responsible and helps me
think of ways that I can help as a student. And I know that this is not enough, but I believe
that it is the best that I can do for now. I will continue to strive and gain more knowledge
and insight to get a deeper understanding of our society. I will continue to learn about our
culture, traditions, laws, and nationality to fulfill my duties wholeheartedly as a Filipino

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