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What's This Book About: 60 Second Presentations are all about loving your business.

About having the pure energy and balls to stand up and tell people time and time again about what you doand why they should listen to you.Why they should talk to you and, ultimately Why They Should Buy From You--It should be rehearsed so much that it becomes natural, it should be honed to such an extent that when the occasion arrives that the group leader tells you that because so many people have turned up to the meeting the presentations will need to be cut to 45 seconds..it presents no problem. Who's This Book For: I guess the people who'll get the most from this book have a business, a skill that they believe will take them out of the dreaded "rat race" and allow them to become a success at a business that they enjoy and that eventually can be passed on for their benefit or for the benefit of their children.They have a dream and they have askill..it's just that the skill isn't public speaking.For these people the 60 Seconds might just as well be 60 minutes or 60 days, either way it's a sentence.A sentence that according to Andy LaPata and Peter Roper a setence that is feared more than death.(see "...and death came third!" By reading this; and by taking action we

could just change that.

Introduction. If you have a business, or even an idea of a business it is worthless.Unless somebody else knows about it too.It could be the greatest idea of all time or just a business that you've undertaken part time to increase your income, the same thing applies. Unless somebody else knows about it you could work 90 hours a week and end up broke. YOU WILL END UP BROKE.

"60 Seconds To Make Your Mark" Your verbal business card and how it can

make or break you. "We are going into your 60 second slots, who will go first?" I've seen those eleven words turn business people white with fear. Business people who have taken the trouble to get up at five thirty in the morning and driven twenty miles or more,who have already stood at the coffee table and talked to other members are suddenly stuck in their seats and looking down nervously, their chance to promote their business to thirty or forty colleagues and they are frozen... At least once a week you have the chance to inform the rest of the group, the rest of your "sales team" on which sector of business you are looking to influence at the moment. You are asking them to identify good prospects for you, to keep you in mind at all times, ask the right questions to get you an intoduction to speak to a new client.You have the chance to talk to the one person who can make all the difference to your

future.But..YOU have got to do the work. What stands out here is the most important fact to remember when we give a presentation.The people care about themselves.What also stands out is that in those eight sentences the word YOU is used eight times. I'm a member of groups in Coventry,Kenilworth,Leamington and Warwick.I suppose that in a month, membership costs me something like 80 and yes, at times that worries me.So what do I do..What would you do? Stop networking OR make sure that every opportunity is maximised.If it costs me that much and it costs other networkers that much why are the mistakes made? The group in the room has got to understand What it is you do,What you are offering and How you are superior to the other businesses in the field.As we're told week after week this is a chance to get our names known by potential clients we may never have even spoken to before...the chance to talk to a "Dragon" These are the 5 Ways To Make Maximum Use Of 60 Seconds: Introduction Your Focus For The Week

The Why Clients Should Use You Call For Action Your Hook Lets look at the Introduction..and The Mistakes I have Seen Made by many Business Owners.. This is where we tell everyone Who You Are: Where You Are:What You Do.. As you stand up from your table: Don't start telling people your name until you've stopped standing up or stopped moving your chair. "Hi, I'm screeech vor from...Trevor;Ivor;who knows. Don't only tell people your first name..how are people going to recommend "Ernie" err Ernie Who? Don't tell anyone that this is the first time you've ever done this because it shouldn't make a difference.Who cares... Don't start with a whimper..a whisper here shows lack of confidence.Be confident.. Don't have your back to anyone: I saw this recently and the table behind the speaker switched off immediately..MOVE..Most clubs wont start your 60 seconds until you've stood your ground. Do let everyone believe you are confident

and a success even if you're not..Make sure everyone has heard your name and remembers it. Do tell people where do you work from?(use landmarks not specific locations) Darren of Achieve Bootcamps does this well with "We are Coventry and Warwickshires' most successful fat loss and fitness company"and we know that Darren works in the Memorial Park,in Nuneaton,in Kenilworth and in Warwick. How do we know this is true, by the way? Because Darren tells us it is... Have any of us followed him for a week? Have any of us ever doubted Darren? And, if we talk to anyone in Coventry who mentions their plans to loose weight I bet many of us think of Darren. Do tell them what do you DO and where you do it. That's for you to work out not the audience. "But,I'm not a confident person" you say.My answer...ACT Become a character..an actor..act.complete with clothing, voice and personna. Try it.If it falls flat..the actor failed..not you.

So.. It's your turn.. You stand up and walk to where everyone can see you..Scan the room for a second to grab attention and to compose yourself..Then you stand slumped to one side, hands in pockets and talking to the first row. ACT..PROJECT..remember for 60 seconds,the audience isn't seeing the real you.So, if you're nervous..your character's not you.If you're confident then it is YOU. "Ernie Boxall..Balance Health and Fitness..We Have Four Ways To Show You How To Stop Life killing You- and we are working with companies in the Coventry and Warwickshire Area to improve their personal and employee wellbeing programme" 15 seconds of powerful information... Tomorrow..Who Do I want To Talk To/Work With..and our focus..
Your Story For The Week
(Ernie Boxall)

The group need a story,and in many cases a different story from the one you've been using for the last few weeks.This is where you become more Specific..you have grabbed our attenion

now you have to keep it. This is where we get the umm, errs, this is where we learn whether or not you have taken my advice and practiced your 60 Seconds..This is where the group can wander off into their own world.And,because this is your Story you must become a story teller. Has anyone conquered this more fully than Kevin Vaughan of Lens Art,Coventry? Anyone come close to drawing such anticipation as an owner standing up? Bekki of First4Aid,Coventry perhaps? I like to think that this is an area where I also score pretty well.We all use different stories, but the one common factor is that we alter the tone of our delivery.We become storytellers,performers.No one is better at this than Monica Moody of Minuteman Press, nobody switches off. when the machine gun delivery gets into flow.
So, what's required here:. A Statement: This week I am going to talk about... Identifying your Target Market: "Today I want to talk about working with.... A Question: "How many of you... To deliver this part of your presentation you have to have a Plan..you have to have thought about how we, your sales team can understand who we can talk to about your business at this time.

A good book to read for this is "Let Your Customers Do The Talking" by Michael E. Cafferky who believes that we,your customers for 60 seconds can be an outstanding workforce. The mistakes I see most often here are: Lack of Preparation: "Err I err want to talk to you about my err work with umm..Audience GONE.. lost not just for today but perhaps for good, because to paraphrase Ivan Vickers of Triphase "How we say something.Is how we say everything". So if you struggled last week then you'd better make sure you get it right this week. Poor Delivery: Goes hand in hand with the above,but is to me is one of the major killers of your sales pitch.I have listened to a coach who delivered his pitch with all the enthusiasm of a wilted pansy (and it would be funny if it wasn't so embarrassing to listen to I have listened to business coaches who sparkle and make you believe they do have the answers.Did you see the episode of "The Apprentice" where two teams were sent to pitch to designers of"sparkly"dresses. One group were obviously in tune with the sector and were excited.The other group were flat, one dimensional.Which group won the designers? Which dresses sold the most in the challenge? It was close, and the flat group generally had the better strategy, but they were outsold by enthusiasm.Practice delivery. For delivery it has to be Rita Sandford of Inside Out Learning or Nick Howes of LMI. Poor Posture: This is a presentation.It is an act. For 60 seconds you are the lead and your audience have taken their seats but you slouch against the wall hands in your pockets.You will have problems delivering your story and we

the audience will have problems following you mentally. We will switch off..(I personally think this is why substitutes are a bit of a waste because, with exceptions,the sparkle wont be there, and reading from a writen script doesn't work) So Prepare, Prepare, Prepare and be ready to Deliver. Who You Are: Where you are: A memorable line: 15 Seconds to deliver. Ernie Boxall...Balance Health and Fitness..."We have Four Ways To Show You How To Stop Life Killing You"...we are working with companies in Coventry and Warwickshire to improve their personal and employee wellbeing programmes.. As Personal Trainer and Corporate Wellbeing Instructors we will deliver specific programmes to business leaders and their staff to control pressure and stress and today I want to talk to....

Your Testimonials Your Story Tell a story which brings out your USP and the benefits you bring which differentiate you from similar companies out there. The vital word there is BENEFITS of what you offer..all the people in your sector offer features and benfits..What makes you different...and DON'T make it price.

Who have you helped with your product? What was their problem, complaint or difficulty? What did you do for them? Why would other businesses BENEFIT from your service in the same circumstances? You have 15 seconds for this so make it special...Craig Valentine, The World Champion Speaker in his workshop on Presentational Speaking speaks of talking in the First Person ... So change your voice when you get to this section, this is your chance to be different to be the actor.To make us all sit up and take notice. So, it's not " Roger said that he had a bad pain in his back and asked me if I could do somethig for him" it should be Roger said "I've got a pain in my back and neck, and I want to know if Ernie can do something for me" "I spent 10 minutes with Roger and made enough difference to him so that he invited me back"... The feature OR The Benefit So, the feature I offered Roger was a short Back and Neck massage BUT the benefit I gave was "Being able to carry on with his work that day with some relief from debillitating pain" We are all brought up to remember stories... And if you can deliver that story better than the rest of us can deliver our pitch the glory for that week goes

for you... And we all know people with the problems your client came to you with. That story you tell will stick in our heads and ring a bell.It will give us permission to pass your name on.

When you have a story use it. Remember it is your story..for you to write. So, as long as it is believable you can add to, delete from or modify the details of the story so that the focus is on the benefits..BUT.. whatever you do make it believable and genuine..something you believe in. 15 Seconds to deliver becomes.. "Ernie Boxall..Balance Health and Fitness...We have Four Ways To Show You How To Stop Life Killing You"--we are working with companies in Coventry and Warwickshire to improve their personal and employee wellbeing programmes. As Personal Trainers and Wellbeing instructors we will deliver specific programmes to business leaders AND their staff to control pressure and stress... Roger said last week "I've got a pain in my back and neck and I want to know if Ernie can do something about it" I spent 10 minutes with Roger and made enough difference to him so that he invited me back for further work" 60 Seconds To Success "This week I am Looking for---"
Taking Action How many times have you heard the first 45 seconds of a presentation a reasonably full description of the person standing before you, the work they

do and where they operate? Their Story has been well told and you know that there could well be someone in your circle of business/personal colleagues who could use the speaker's services. They have 15 seconds left to tell you who they are looking to work with, what type of business best suits them this week.That is 15 seconds to jump into the mindset of the people sitting at the tables. We are being told all the time to be specific..it jogs the memory much more than being general and in the long run it's better to have one person say I know somebody who fits that description, rather than everyone saying nothing. For me, for instance though I believe it's possible to speak to the whole group and ask them all to book a session with me so that they understand what Shiatsu particularly, is all about.But, for most businesses it can be more practical to say "I am looking to work with companies of 6 or more employees" or better still "I am looking for an introduction to John Smith at Johnson's Hairdressers. There must be people who know of companies with 6." or more employees but, to have someone know John Smith would be a real result. How many times have people forgotten to include this? How many times have they not even thought about who they are looking

for? Of course one of the best and quickest ways of getting a referral from a networking member is to have recommeded them to someone you knew. I believe I'm not bad at this, always listening for chances to talk about one of the businesses in one of the member groups. Has it worked for me? In many ways what it has done has allowed people to offer their professional services to me as an exchange for what I can do for them.This exchange has often been when I've been hungry for information or a How To... So lets look at the final peice of the presentational jigsaw.The final 15 seconds where we hammer home the vital part of the 60 seconds..Who Can We work With.. "Ernie Boxall..Balance Health and Fitness...We have Four Ways To Show You How To Stop Life Killing You"--we are working with companies in Coventry and Warwickshire to improve their personal and employee wellbeing programmes. As Personal Trainers and Wellbeing instructors we will deliver specific programmes to business leaders AND their staff to control pressure and stress... Roger said last week "I've got a pain in my back and neck and I want to know if Ernie can do something about it" I spent 10 minutes with Roger and made enough difference to him so that he invited me back for further work" Today I am looking for an introduction to John Smith at Johnson's Hairdressers so that we can discuss the opportunity of working with his staff to improve wellbeing and productivity. That's Ernie Boxall..Balance Health and Fitness So what can go wrong with that?

Let me count the ways... We are coming to the end of our tortuous presentation..and we can't wait to get off stage..so the final line is delivered with our voice tailing off OR worse still while we are already walking back to our chair. We assume everybody knows us and just tell them once again that we are Ernie..(Ernie who and from where) As we deliver this final line , our heads go down because we don't really want people to know who we are.. We dont look around the room to make sure everybody has taken notice. So, there we have an example of how to deliver a 60 second presentation with energy, passion and purpose. There are hundreds of examples out there and lots of people talking about this topic. Why listen to me? Because I began networking as a sole trader amongst experienced businesses, offering a product no one else was even thinking about. That was in 2002 and I had to make an IMPACT..it's 2011 and I'm still here so I'm doing something right. To take advantage of my experience..To improve your presentation and your audio Business Card..contact me at Ernie@BalanceHealth-Fitnessx.co.uk or Call Me on 01926 851206. Do It Now so that at the next networking meeting you attend People Will Break Out in Genuine Applause..

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