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In Peru, the national holidays are celebrated on July 28 and 29, it is a celebration of the

independence of our country and it is a joy for all Peruvians, since on those days Peru was
finally able to be free and be a country with its own decisions and actions.

It is celebrated with 2 holidays, on those days there is a march with all our armed forces,
where the military, marines, police and many more participate, in other words a military
parade (The military parade)

What people normally do is eat Creole food, grilled chicken, ceviche, lomo saltado or many
others, on those days they eat the best-known dishes of our beautiful country, listen to a lot of
Creole music, there are also a variety of activities, a One of the most common are dance
festivals, where many people dance different types of dances from different regions of our
Peru and dress in poles from Peru, clothes from the area or just take advantage of the holiday
and rest. thanks

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