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McGraw Hill’s NAPLEX® Review Guide, 4e >Schizophrenia

S. Scott Sutton+
TABLE 56-4Neurological Side Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs

Reaction Features Time of Onset and Risk Info Proposed Mechanism Treatment

Time: 1-5 days

Spasm of muscles of tongue, face, Anti-parkinsonian agents are
Acute dystonia Acute DA antagonism
neck, back diagnostic and curativea
Young, antipsychotic naïve patients at
highest risk

Reduce dose or change drug;

Subjective and objective restlessness; clonazepam, propranolol more
Akathisia Time: 5-60 days Unknown
not anxiety or “agitation” effective than anti-parkinsonian

Bradykinesia, rigidity, variable tremor, Time: 5-30 days Dose reduction; change medication;
Parkinsonism DA antagonism
mask facies, shuffling gait anti-parkinsonian agentsc
Elderly at greatest risk

Stop antipsychotic immediately;

Extreme rigidity, fever, unstable BP, Time: weeks–months. Can persist for
Neurolepticmalignant syndrome DA antagonism supportive care; dantrolene and
myoglobinemia; can be fatal days after stopping antipsychotic

Perioral tremor (may be a late variant

Perioral tremor (“rabbit syndrome”) Time: months or years of treatment Unknown Anti-parkinsonian agents often helpc
of parkinsonism)

Prevention crucial; treatment

Orofacial dyskinesia; rarely Time: months, years of treatment.
Postsynaptic DA receptor unsatisfactory.
Tardive dyskinesia widespread choreoathetosis or
supersensitivity, up-regulation
dystonia Elderly at 5-fold greater risk. Risk
May be reversible with early
potency of D2blockade
recognition and drug discontinuation

aTreatment: diphenhydramine 25-50 mg IM, or benztropine 1-2 mg IM. Due to long antipsychotic t , may need to repeat, or follow with oral medication.
bPropranolol often effective in relatively low doses (20-80 mg/d in divided doses). β -Selective adrenergic receptor antagonists are less effective. Non-lipophilic β-adrenergic antagonists have limited CNS
penetration and are of no benefit (eg, atenolol).
cUse of amantadine avoids anticholinergic effects of benztropine or diphenhydramine.
dDespite the response to dantrolene, there is no evidence of abnormal Ca2+ transport in skeletal muscle; with persistent antipsychotic effects (eg, long-acting injectable agents), bromocriptine may be tolerated in

large doses (10-40 mg/d). Anti-parkinsonian agents are not effective.

Reproduced with permission from Meyer JM. Pharmacotherapy of Psychosis and Mania. In: Brunton LL, Hilal-Dandan R, Knollmann BC. eds. Goodman &Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics,
13e. McGraw-Hill;2018.

Date of download: 12/26/22 from AccessPharmacy:, Copyright © McGraw Hill. All rights reserved.

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