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Yesterday we discussed the death penalty in our group.

Two people agreed with the

view the death penalty was necessary for serious crimes. They pointed to the fact it was
still used in the USA as punishment for murder and their conclusion was it acted as a
deterrent, stopping people from committing crimes. One woman argued against the idea
the death penalty could stop or reduce crime. She said the USA provided an example on
(what happens (prep complement) ( when a society is based on violence)time adverbial.
“That the USA had the death penalty does not mean that they stopped having the worst
and most violent crime rates”, she said. Her belief, that no government should be
allowed to kill its own people, (even if they are criminals)adverbial clause, was shared
by several other women in the group, who were convinced capital punishment is an
intolerable denial of civil liberties and is inconsistent with the fundamental values of our
democratic system. It is clear that while the argument most often cited in support of
capital punishment is that the threat of execution influences criminal behaviour more
effectively than imprisonment does, other people consider it irrational that the death
penalty – a remote threat at best – will avert murders committed in drug turf wars or by
street-level dealers.

the death penalty was necessary for serious crimes

appositive restrictive

it was still used in the USA as punishment for murder

appositive restriuctive

it acted as a deterrent, stopping people from committing crimes

subject complement

the USA provided an example on what happens when a society is based on violence

direct objecy

that they stopped having the worst and most violent crime rates

subject complement

That the USA had the death penalty


that no government should be allowed to kill its own people

appositive non restrictive

, [who were convinced ((that)(capital punishment is an intolerable denial of civil

liberties and is inconsistent with the fundamental values of our democratic
system)adjectival co,plement

Appositive non restrictive

Relative clause

((“That the USA had the death penalty)subject does not mean (that they stopped having
the worst and most violent crime rates)direct objetc”)od, she said

It is clear that while the argument most often cited in support of capital punishment is
that the threat of execution influences criminal behaviour more effectively than
imprisonment does, other people consider it irrational that the death penalty – a remote
threat at best – will avert murders committed in drug turf wars or by street-level dealers.

It is clear that while the argument most often cited in support of capital punishment is
that the threat of execution influences criminal behaviour more effectively than
imprisonment does, other people consider it irrational that the death penalty – a remote
threat at best – will avert murders committed in drug turf wars or by street-level dealers.

It is clear [that (while the argument most often cited in support of capital punishment is
(that the threat of execution influences criminal behaviour more effectively than
imprisonment does)nc cs )adv clause conse, other people consider it irrational that the
death penalty – a remote threat at best – will avert murders committed in drug turf wars
or by street-level dealers.

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