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Filia w Sandomierzu

Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach




Przykłady zadań testowych

A. Translate the following sentences.

1. Czy wczoraj spotkałeś Roberta? (Przetłumacz)

2. Co robiłaś dwa dni temu o 14.30?
3. Co oglądałeś w TV kiedy Mark do ciebie zadzwonił?
C) Complete the following sentences with translations of sentence fragments provided in brackets.

1. This exercise is (trudniejsze niż) __________________________ that task.

2. The only way to get to the hotel is (pieszo) __________________.
3. The party (trwało) ___________________ 5 hours.
4. We (zatrzymaliśmy się) ________________________ at this hotel for three days.

B) Transform the following sentences using the word given.

1. The last time I saw Lucy was two days ago. (FOR)
2. How do you say „Phone” in German? (CALL)
3. The photo shows five trees. (IN)
4. I like physics. (IN)

D) For each question, choose the best answer.

1. Which place is the ........................ of all?
a) far b) farest c) farthest d) farther
Filia w Sandomierzu
Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

2. Excuse me, how ......................... is this bag?

a) more b) much c) many d) cost

3. How long did your trip ...........................?

a) last b) long c) time d) length

4. Lucy started to sing ................. the age of six.

a) ------ b) of c) in d) at

5. This is a nice town. On the other ......................, it's a bit boring.

a) hand b) side c) face d) type

6. Lucy is good ......................... singing.

a) in b) at c) from d) ------


A. For each of the questions choose one answer. Only one answer is correct. (…………/ 10 pts)
Wydział Zamiejscowy w Sandomierzu
Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
1. Where is Cockney spoken?
a) In London
b) In Scotland
c) In Ireland

2. Miami is in:
a) Australia
b) Florida, US
c) New Zealand
d) California, US

4. The President of the USA lives in:

a) 10 Downing Street
b) the Pentagon
c) the Capitol
d) the White House

5. The character of James Bond was created by

a) Ian Fleming
b) Agatha Christie
c) Lee Goldberg
d) Arthur Conan Doyle

6. The longest river in the US is:

a) the Missouri
b) the Yukon
c) the Rio Grande
d) the Mississippi

7. The highest Australian mountain is:

a) Mount Uluru
b) Mount Sydney
c) Mount Kosciuszko

8. Tasmania is a part of which country?

a) Australia
b) New Zealand
c) Canada

B. Complete the sentences / Answer the questions. (…………………… / 10 pts)

1. The British currency is ……………………………… .
2. The capital of Australia is ……………………………………………
3. Jack-o'-lanterns are connected with which holiday? ……………………………………………….
4. Currently, the Prime Minister of the UK is ……………………………………………….
5. In Britain the day after Christmas is known as ……………………………..
6. The maple leaf is a symbol of ………………………………
Wydział Zamiejscowy w Sandomierzu
Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

C. What / Who is described? (…………………... / 10 pts)

1. A huge circle of stones from the Neolithic period; a very popular site in Britain.
2. A famous British physicist, who was bound to a wheelchair and died in 2018. He studied black holes.
3. The process of leaving the European Union by the UK .
4. The place where the Queen resides when in London.
5. A famous British rock and roll band, which originated in Liverpool in the 1960s.


Read the following text and do the two exercises below it.

Critics of the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens have called the film unoriginal and predictable
because the story so closely mirrors the very first Star Wars film in 1977. But, in fact, both films follow a structure
that pre-dates all Hollywood films, that of the 'hero myth'. That's because director George Lucas based Star Wars on
the ideas in Joseph Campbell's 1949 book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Later editions of Campbell's book even
featured Star Wars' hero Luke Skywalker on the front cover.

A. For each word (they are underlined in the text) decide which of the three options is closest in meaning. Pay
attention to context!

1. Mirror 2. Edition
a) look into a) sequel
b) view b) prequel
c) copy c) publication

B. Decide if the sentences below are true or false. Write TRUE or FALSE before each one.

1. _______Joseph Campbell's original book cover has links to the Star Wars films.
2. _______ J. K. Rowling based her books on the Ancient Greeks’ Odyssey.

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