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415 Oser Avenue, Suite N
Hauppauge NY 11788-3619, U.S.A.
Phone: (631) 231-7269 Fax: (631) 231-8175

Agreement Date: March 21st, 2023


Felipe Agudelo Hernández

Pan American Health Organization
Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection
Manizales, Caldas, Colombia ;

Dr. Rodrigo Rojas Andrade

Universidad Santiago de Chile
Latin American Node of the Global Implementation Society

(The Editor’s name(s) will appear in the published book as shown above and cannot be modified in the book or on
the cover)

hereinafter called the “Editor,” and Nova Science Publishers, Inc., a New York corporation located at 415 Oser
Avenue, Suite N, Hauppauge, NY 11788-3619, USA, hereinafter called the “Publisher”. The Editor is sometimes
referred to using the pronouns “you,” “your”, “yours,” “they”, or he/she and the Publisher as “we,” “us,” “our” or
“ours,” in this Agreement. In consideration of the mutual covenants expressed in this Agreement, the Editor and
the Publisher agree as follows:

The Editor declares that he or she is willing to create a work tentatively titled:

“A Closer Look at Implementation Science”

hereinafter called the “Work.”

(a) The Editor and the Publisher agree that the Work shall be considered a work made for hire, and that the
Publisher will be the owner, from the moment of creation, of the copyright to the Work, including all revisions
and future editions thereof, throughout the world, including but not limited to the exclusive rights to
reproduce, print, distribute, adapt, market, promote, publish, sell, license or transmit, in all channels of
distribution, the Work, in whole or in part, in all forms, formats, media and versions, now known or hereafter
developed, including without limitation by any electronic or electromagnetic means or analog or digital signal,

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or on any human or machine readable medium, including as part of an electronic database, and to license
third parties to exercise any and all such rights to the Work during the full term of the copyright.

(b) If, for any reason whatsoever, the Work is not considered a work made for hire, the Editor hereby grants and
assigns to the Publisher, its successors and assigns, effective from the moment of creation, all of his or her
right, title and interest in and to the Work, including but not limited to the copyright therein throughout the
world (and any renewal, extension or reversion of such rights now or hereafter provided) and all other rights
in the Work of any nature whatsoever, now known or hereafter devised, including, but not limited to, the right
to make such changes in and uses of the Work as the Publisher may determine, and all causes of action for any
and all previously occurring infringements of the rights being assigned and the rights to receive and retain the
proceeds releasing to such infringements.

(a) The Editor shall deliver to the Publisher, on or before October 30th, 2023, the manuscript for the Work, in the
English language, consisting of approximately ______ words and _____ figures/tables, satisfactory to the
Publisher in form, style, and content at the Publisher’s sole discretion. If manuscript submission date
extension is required by the Editor, written request should be sent by the Editor to the Publisher no later than
one (1) month prior to the manuscript submission date indicated above. If manuscript submission date
extension is not requested by the Editor and the manuscript is not received by the Publisher by the
abovementioned date, this Agreement will be automatically terminated.

(b) To be published in printed format, the submitted manuscript must be between 35,000 words (or 100 book
pages) and 135,000 words (or 400 book pages). To avoid publication delays, multiple review fees and/or
termination of the Agreement, the manuscript (text and figures) will be submitted to the Publisher in
compliance with Nova’s Manuscript Requirements (

Initialed by the Editor: _______

(c) Manuscripts containing between 35,000 – 70,000 words (or 100-200 book pages) may be published in soft
cover. Manuscripts containing over 70,000 words (or over 200 book pages) will be published in hard cover.
Manuscripts exceeding 135,000 words (or 400 book pages) may not be accepted for publication.

(d) The final format, binding, size and price of the Work are subject to change without further notice.

(e) If submitting the manuscript in Word format, the Editor will indicate which version of Microsoft Word was used
at the time of submission. The Editor will avoid submitting the Work in any version earlier than Microsoft Word
2007 as this may result in publication delay, quality issues and publication preparation fees. The Editor is
encouraged to use the preferred reference style (Chicago Manual Style) when preparing the Work. The Publisher
allows other reference styles to be used, but the Editor is responsible for the correctness and consistency of the
style throughout the Work. The Editor’s academic titles will be published exactly as submitted in the final
manuscript. The cover can include a maximum of three (3) titles that are M.D., Ph.D., or the equivalent.

(f) It is recommended that the Editor solicits pre-publication reviews and endorsements of the Work prior to its
completion and includes them with the manuscript submission. The Editor shall also include a 200–500-word
description of the Work with the submitted manuscript for marketing purposes.

(g) The manuscript should be sent through Nova’s online portal system for which the Editor will receive
instructions. The Editor shall supply a paper copy of the manuscript if requested by the Publisher. PDF files are

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welcome for verification purposes only. If TeX / LaTeX format is used, macros are available upon request via e-mail
and on the Publisher’s website.

(h) Manuscripts and illustrations are not returnable.

(i) The Editor will highlight in the page proofs all the terms (“keywords”) as she/he wants them to appear in the
Index. If the Index is accepted by the Publisher, the terms will appear in the Index exactly as sent by the Editor.
Terms that are not highlighted in the page proofs will not be included in the Index. If no terms are highlighted, the
Publisher will run a general concordance of terms and cannot be held responsible for the quality of the final Index.

(j) Unless the color option was selected and pre-paid, all images, charts, and graphs (hereinafter referred to as
“figures”) must be created in black and white and submitted/uploaded with their original sources to the
designated SharePoint folder in separate electronic files (one Figure per file). Black and white figures and legends
must be clearly distinguishable by shapes and/ or symbols. If the Editor chooses to have any of the figures or
graphics to be in color, the Publisher will invoice the Editor for color graphics at the then-prevailing rate.
Screenshots and photos of charts, graphs and diagrams will not be accepted. All maps must be in color, and color
option must be pre-paid. All photos must be high-resolution, with a DPI measurement of 350-750. If electronic
source files for figures or graphics are not submitted by the Editor and/or if the Publisher is required to update the
graphics for quality purposes, a fee of $50 per figure will be charged to the Editor.

All figures must comply with Publisher’s technical specifications as listed in Nova’s Manuscript Guidelines and be
clear and readable both in electronic and printed formats. Printing out figures prior to submission for readability
verification is strongly recommended. If the readability of the submitted figures impacts the quality of the
published book, they will have to be removed.
Initialed by the Editor: _______

(k) The Publisher may provide revised submission instructions before the manuscript deadline. The Editor agrees
to follow such revised submission instructions, if received, and disregard any previously sent instructions. If the
Editor cannot abide by the new submission instructions, a special handling service is available, which will be billed
to the Editor at our then-prevailing rate.

(l) The Editor is required to have the Work corrected if needed prior to its submission to the Publisher.

(a) The Work must undergo a spellcheck prior to submission to the Publisher. If using Microsoft Word, the Editor
should make sure the language settings are set to English (United States) or English (United Kingdom) prior to
running the spellcheck.

(b) The Editor chooses one of the two following options that pertain to the final version of the Work:

I. ____ The Work was or will be written in its entirety by a native English speaker.

II. ____ The Work was or will be reviewed and edited in its entirety by a native English speaker prior to
submission to the Publisher.

Failure to fulfill the chosen option will result in termination of the Agreement and possible fees.

Initialed by the Editor: _______

(c) If neither option I nor II is carried out by the Editor and/or if upon review of the submitted Work, the Publisher
at its sole discretion determines that the manuscript requires additional English-language editing, the English-
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language editing fee will be charged to the Editor or to the chapter contributor(s) at the then-applicable rate.
English-language editing will be undertaken prior to the page proof stage, so that the Editor /Contributor has
the opportunity to review the changes made. The Publisher shall make best efforts to correct the text for
English-language style but does not guarantee the final degree of English-language quality, which is dependent
upon the submitted manuscript. The 6-12-month time frame for publication specified in section 11 of the
present Agreement shall be automatically extended by the time during which the manuscript undergoes such
English-language review and editing.

Editor’s cover design suggestions are welcome and should be sent with the manuscript as JPEG (350-750 dpi)
files with links to the relevant sources. Suggested images must be copyright free and royalty free. No published
images or images from the Internet can be included. Final cover design is at the sole discretion of the Publisher.

(a) The Publisher agrees to send one set of page proofs to the corresponding author of each chapter for review.

(b) No changes in page layout, fonts, sizes, figure, or table placements, spacing or styles can be made by
chapter authors or the Editor at the page proofs stage.

(c) The corresponding chapter authors are responsible for checking that their chapters have been properly set in
type, to do spellcheck, and to correct any type of typographical errors. Chapter authors’ and/or Editor’s
corrections at the page proof stage are permitted for up to two percent (2%) of the manuscript volume. A fee
of $300 per chapter will be charged to the Editor or contributors in cases when corrections exceed two
percent (2%) or when the manuscript returned to the Publisher requires new page layout. Corresponding
authors must return their checked/corrected page proofs to the Publisher within seven (7) days upon
receiving them from the Publisher. All corrections are final.

(d) It is the Editor’s responsibility to make sure that the entire manuscript is consistent and unified in its format.

(e) The Editor will return the page proofs to the Publisher within seven (7) days after receiving them from the
Publisher. If the Editor does not return corrected proofs to the Publisher within seven (7) days after receiving
them from the Publisher, the manuscript will go to press as is or the chapters will be cancelled at the
Publisher’s discretion.

(f) The page proofs received from the Editor by the Publisher are final and the Work is ready for press.
No corrections can be made after the Publisher receives the page proofs from the Editor.

The Editor shall complete a promotional questionnaire when requested to do so by the Publisher. The Editor
grants the Publisher the ongoing right, without obligation, to use the Editor’s name, pre-approved biography,
questionnaire information and likeness in connection with the advertising and promotion of the Work. The
Publisher has the right to do the stylistic editing of the texts of the submitted promotional materials, including
book reviews, endorsements and biographies. The Publisher has the right to publish the final manuscript or parts
thereof in appropriate in-house subject journals and compilations without prior permission, provided that citation
is given to the entire Work.

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(a) The Publisher will pay the Editor a royalty of 10% of net sales revenues on the first 201-300 copies sold and
paid for; 12% on the next 301-500 copies sold; and 15% on all copies sold thereafter. Revenues from the first
200 sales are used to partially offset production and advertising costs. Royalties are not paid for Open Access
or Amazon Kindle versions of the Work, or for copies purchased by the Editor, contributors or their associates
at the special discount rate described in section 13 of this Agreement. Royalties will be allocated evenly in the
event of any co-Editors, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

(b) Accounting of sales shall be made by the Publisher after 24 (twenty-four) months from the publication date.
Accounting of sales will be followed by corresponding payment of royalties due to the Editor in accordance
with section 8 (a) of the present Agreement. After that yearly royalty statements will be sent to the Editor
upon the Editor’s request.


The Editor hereby represents and warrants:

(a) that the Work is original. In cases when figures from copyrighted sources are reproduced in the work, the
Permission Form provided by the Publisher must be signed by the copyright owner. Written permissions for
unlimited use are required for all copyrighted texts, figures, or images;

(b) that he/she is the sole Editor of the Work and is the sole owner of the rights herein granted, and that he/she
has not assigned, pledged, or encumbered such rights or entered into any agreement which would derogate
from or conflict with the rights granted to the publisher herein;

(c) that he/she has the full right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to grant the rights herein

(d) that she/ he will secure and deliver to the Publisher at the time of manuscript submission all necessary
permissions for the use of figures, names or photographs of persons, as well as Copyright Transfer Forms
signed by the chapter contributors. Chapter contributors’ warranties and responsibilities are stated in the
Copyright Transfer Form. The manuscript shall not be considered submitted until a signed Copyright Transfer
Form for each chapter is received by the Publisher and neither shall the time frame for publication specified in
section 11 of this Agreement become operative until signed Copyright Transfer Forms for all chapters are
received by the Publisher;

(e) that except for materials of others, permission for the use of which has been obtained by him or her, the Work
is original, previously unpublished, and neither the Work nor any material portion thereof is in the public

(f) that the Work does not contain any material that plagiarizes or pirates any other work or infringes any
copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any person or entity, that is libelous, or that violates any
right of privacy or other right of any kind of any person or entity;

(g) that any financial ties or external funding related to the Work are fully disclosed in the introductory section of
the Work; and

(h) that the Work contains no material the disclosure or publication of which would violate any contract, express
or implied, to which he or she is a party, or which would disclose any information given to him or her on the
understanding that it would not be published or disclosed.

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(a) The Editor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher, its officers, directors, employee, agents,
successors and heirs from any loss, liability (including settlements entered into in good faith), costs, damages,
payments, or other expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements, paid or incurred in
connection with any claim, demand, recovery, suit, or civil or criminal proceedings arising out of the breach or
alleged breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties.

(b) Upon receipt of notice of any claim, demand, recovery, suit, civil or criminal proceedings which alleges facts
inconsistent with the foregoing representations and warranties, the Publisher shall have the right to withhold
any sums payable to the Editor in reasonable amounts as security for the payment of his/her possible
obligations pursuant to the indemnity contained in this section. It is the intention of the parties that the right
herein granted shall not be unreasonably exercised by the Publisher.

The Publisher agrees to publish the Work within 6-12 months after the Publisher’s receipt and acceptance of
the final edited and corrected version of the Work, provided that all fees and charges due to the Publisher under
the present Agreement are paid in full. Non-acceptance by the Publisher may be made at any time before or after
the manuscript is sent to the press. The time frame agreed upon for publication shall be extended by any time
that the Editor delays returning page proofs, or by any time the Publisher requires to edit the text, should the
Publisher deem English-language editing to be required. Should the Editor or contributor(s) request subsequent
page proofs, the publication time frame stipulated above becomes null and void.

Any revision(s) post publication may be included in the eBook version.


(a) The Publisher will provide the Editor, free of charge, three (3) copies of the published Work, provided the
Editor’s obligations under the present Agreement have been fulfilled by the Editor. Shipping and handling
charges will apply. In the event of multiple Editors, each shall receive three (3) free copies, up to a maximum
of three (3) Editors. In addition, each contributor will receive a complimentary eBook copy. Additional printed
copies may be ordered by the Editor, chapter contributors and their associates at a special 20% discount, plus
shipping and handling charges.

(b) The Editor may purchase foreign-language rights in the Work when available for $2,000 per language.


Neither party shall be responsible for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this
Agreement because of circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

The failure of a party to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Agreement on any occasion shall not
be considered a waiver or deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that term or
any other term of this Agreement. Any waiver must be in writing.
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This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, executors,
administrators, successors, and assigns, and shall continue during the life of the copyright in the Work and in all
revisions or adaptations thereof. However, should the Work remain out of print for any period of twelve
consecutive months, the Publisher will, upon written request, relinquish and transfer the copyright in the Work to
the Editor and this Agreement shall terminate.

Any notice or other communication under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given
when mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to a party at the address set forth herein (or
at such other address as a party may specify by written notice to the other).


This Agreement contains a complete statement of all of the arrangements between the parties with respect to
its subject matter; supersedes all existing agreements between them with respect to its subject matter; and cannot
be changed or terminated orally. Any changes and/or modifications to the Agreement must be made in writing
and initialed by both parties.


The Editor agrees to canvass all contributors to determine those who wish to purchase one or more copies of
the printed book which will be invoiced at the time of manuscript receipt at a special forty percent (40%)
discount. With the submitted manuscript the Editor will send the Publisher a list of how many copies each
contributor would like to order, and the contributors may modify their order quantity when the Publisher
sends the invoice with the final price. This special discount offer will revert to a twenty percent (20%) discount
if not ordered at the time of manuscript submission.


This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, as applied to contracts executed and
to be performed in that State, without regard to principles of conflicts of law. The parties agree to submit to the
jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located within the State of New York and agree that any action
instituted in connection with this Agreement shall be in the Supreme Court of Suffolk County or the Federal District
Court for the Eastern District of New York.

This proposed Agreement is valid for 14 (fourteen) days from the date set forth on page 1 of the Agreement
and considered to be in force only if signed by both parties.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement:

EDITOR: Felipe Agudelo Hernández


Address: Carrera 22 #58-21, Los Rosales, Manizales, Caldas, Columbia

Email Address: ;

EDITOR: Dr. Rodrigo Rojas Andrade


Email Address:


Alexandra M. Columbus
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
A hard copy of this contract is available upon request.

Upon signing, please send the entire contract to

Thank you.

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