Grier Bill - Gonzaga Defence

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SuperConference 2006

Bill Grier – Gonzaga University

“Gonzaga Defence”
Some Gonzaga Team Defence Goals:
1. Defensive FG% - under 40%
2. Rebounding – want to be in the Top 10 Rebounding teams in the Country. Really
stress rebounding!!
3. Try to get deflections – goal 36 deflections a game (18 per ½)

Team Philosophy:
1. They want to play fast > can’t do that if we are taking the ball out of the net.

2. Anticipate and Concentrate > Attack rather than react. Be proactive. We want to
dictate what the offence will do.

3. Be physical > initiate contact > dictate what the offence does.

4. Keep the ball out of the paint.

5. Make lots of adjustments based on scouting report.

1. Must stop the ball 1 on 1. We must guard the ball. Take away the shot/take away
the drive. “Anticipate” the drive.

2. Great pressure on the ball to 1 step past the 3 pt. line. Stay in stance > high,
active hands.

3. Quick ball-side “help and recovery”. Be “on the line/up the line”. Deny outside
the 3 and be first line of help.

4. Help-side – if ball gets by the nearest defender must stop the ball before it gets to
the paint.

• “blast”/blockout and pursue the ball.

• Verbal is “ball!”
• Sprint ½ the distance
• Throw the hands back and get butt down.
• Square them up with butt to the rim.
• On closeout get your shoulders below their shoulders with back straight and head
• Eyes focus on the mid-section.
• 4 Spot Closeout Drill

Ready stance:
• 1 hand up and pressure the shot.
• Ball up - trace it.
• Ball down - ‘crow hop’ straight back

Point stance:
• Hold arm across to ‘hold’ driver.
• When they put the ball on the floor ‘push’ step – nose on the ball – chest in front
of the ball

• Smother the ball and try to get a deflection by tracing the ball.

Transition Defence:
• 4 players to the boards, 1 is the safety.
• 1 goes to centre as the long safety.
• They do not jam the rebounder.

Off Ball Defence:

• Jump to the ball on every pass.
• Kids feel that when they are not on the ball they do not need to be in stance.
• Stay in stance the entire possession.
• Sprint to the ball.
• Sprint to help.
• If you are the 1st help.
• Foot closest to the ball is to be higher.
• Don’t follow a cutter away from the ball.
• They teach “snap through” on back-cuts.

Help-side Positioning:
• Ball above the free throw line you should have 1 foot in the key.
• Ball below the free throw line you should straddle the split line.
• On cut across the lane they go and initiate contact.
o Try to stand up the offence and force him high.
o Don’t let him get to the ‘sweet spot’ – the low block.

Full Court Defence:

• 1 on 1 “2” – full-court 1 on 1.
• Push step finish the slide.
• Keep the chest in front.
• Try to turn the offence as many ties as possible.
• Keep a gap.
o We don’t want to get beat. Turn and Sprint.
o Length of the floor closeouts. You must be able to guard the ball! Keep
the 1st two dribbles in front of you.

Contesting shots:
• Do not leave the floor until the offence leaves.
• Hand up arm up wrist back.
• If they are open fly at them and make them put it on the floor.

4 on 4 Shell Drill: Used to build up your defence.

1. Box set - coach controlled – coach says when to pass.
2. Pass and cut.
3. Penetration the only way you can score is if you take the ball all they way
to the rim. Hedge and Recover.
Screen Defence:
• Switch same size players to stretch the offence.
o Do this a step past the 3 pt. line.
o Switch same size screens – contact switch – defenders must touch.
• Fight through big/little screens and little/big screens.

Ball Screens:
• They mainly trap early in the season, especially to get them to be aggressive.

Post Defence:
• They play behind the post.
• They will change based on scouting report.
• Must be 100% sure you can get the ball if you go around for the steal.
• Trapping the Post:
o They trap the posts big on the ball is not allowed to go baseline – cut off
the baseline.
o Come “high and hard” to trap – the 2 trappers get at a 90 degree angle
with their feet.
o Deny pass out on ball-side.
o Form the “I” and invite the pass out and then break on it.
o They do not trap when the big is ball-side wing.

Most important things and you must work on:

1. Guarding the ball 1 on 1.
2. Sprint to the ball.

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