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Computer Graphics Imp Questions

Short Questions:

1. What is resolution? Explain with example.

2. Define polygon. List various types of polygon.
3. What is DVST?
4. List various thick line caps and joints.
5. Differentiate the gentle and sharp slope of a line segment.
6. What is homogenous coordinates? Explain with example.
7. List out the advantages and disadvantages of flood fill algorithm.
8. Define shearing. List types of shearing.
9. Which are the traditional ways of animation?
10. What are pixels and vector graphics?
11. Define concave and convex polygon.
12. List the merits and demerits of DDA.
13. What is Shearing? How to shear an object by scaling and rotation only?
14. What is morphing?
15. Derive the equation of line using the pair of points (8,3) and (-8,3). Find slope and intercept of
16. Define frame Buffer and Pixel.
17. What is Aspect Ratio?
18. What is translation? Give one example.
19. What is difference among ellipse and circle’s axis?
20. Name different methods to fill the polygons.
21. State any two advantages of winding number method over even-odd method.
22. List out different graphic standards.
23. What is the purpose of frame buffer?
24. What is resolution?
25. Explain vector graphics by giving an example.
26. What is major and minor axis of ellipse?
27. What is resolution? Explain with example.
28. What is translation? Give homogenous coordinate transformation matrix for translation.
29. Define frame buffer. What is the significance of it?
30. Define radius and chord of a circle.
31. Explain relationship between perpendicular lines.
32. Calculate a slope for a line segment given two points A(10, 20) and B(30, 40).
33. State any two limitations of even-odd method.
34. Explain advantage and disadvantage of DVST.
35. Describe various line styles.
36. Explain problem of aliasing. How can it be solved?
37. State advantage of winding number method over even-odd method.
38. What is scaling? Differentiate between uniform and Differential scalling.
39. What is transformation? Explain its significance.
40. What is Raster Graphics? Explain with example.
41. Define ellipse. What is major and minor axis of ellipse?
42. Define circle and chord of circle.

1. Resolution refers to the number of pixels or dots per inch in an image or display. A higher
resolution image will have more pixels, resulting in a clearer and more detailed image. For
example, a resolution of 1080p means there are 1080 pixels vertically in the image.
2. A polygon is a closed shape made up of straight lines. There are many types of polygons,
including triangles, quadrilaterals (such as squares and rectangles), pentagons, hexagons, and so
3. DVST (Digital Video Signal Transmission) is a method of transmitting digital video signals over a
4. Thick line caps refer to the appearance of the ends of a thick line. Some examples include
square, round, and butt caps. Joints refer to the way in which two lines are connected when
they meet at a corner. Some examples include round, miter, and bevel joints.
5. A gentle slope on a line segment refers to a gradual change in the line's angle, while a sharp
slope refers to a sudden change in the line's angle.
6. Homogenous coordinates are a way of representing points and lines in a three-dimensional
space using four coordinates instead of three. This allows for more flexibility in mathematical
operations and transformations. An example of a point represented in homogenous coordinates
is (2, 3, 4, 1).
7. Flood fill algorithm is a method for filling an area of a digital image with a single color.
Advantages include its simplicity and efficiency. Disadvantages include the possibility of errors
in identifying the area to be filled and the limited range of colors that can be used.
8. Shearing refers to a transformation that skews an object along one of its axes. There are two
types of shearing: horizontal and vertical.
9. Traditional ways of animation include hand-drawn animation, stop-motion animation, and 2D
computer animation.
10. Pixels are the small dots of color that make up a digital image. Vector graphics are images made
up of mathematical equations that can be resized without losing quality.
11. A concave polygon is one where at least one of its angles is greater than 180 degrees, while a
convex polygon is one where all of its angles are less than 180 degrees.
12. DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer) is a method of drawing lines and curves on a digital device.
Merits include its simplicity and speed. Demerits include the fact that it may produce visible
steps or "staircase effect" on diagonal lines.
13. Shearing is a transformation that skews an object along one of its axes. An object can be
sheared by scaling and rotation only by applying these transformations to the object's
coordinates in the appropriate manner.
14. Morphing is a technique used in animation and special effects to gradually change one image
into another.
15. The equation of a line can be derived using the pair of points (8,3) and (-8,3) using the slope-
intercept form (y = mx + b). The slope of the line is 0 and the y-intercept is 3. The equation of
the line is y = 3.
16. Frame buffer is a memory area that holds the information for each pixel of an image. Pixel
refers to the smallest unit of a digital image.
17. Aspect ratio is the ratio of an image's width to its height.
18. Translation is a transformation that moves an object from one position to another. An example
of translation would be moving a shape from the top-left corner of a screen to the bottom-right
19. An ellipse is defined by two axes, the major axis and the minor axis. The major axis is the
longest diameter of the ellipse, while the minor axis is the shortest diameter. A circle is defined
by one axis, the radius, which is the distance from the center of the circle to the edge.
20. Different methods to fill the polygons are Flood fill, Boundary fill, Scanline fill algorithms.
21. Two advantages of winding number method over even-odd method are its ability to correctly
identify holes within a polygon and its ability to handle self-intersecting polygons.
22. Different graphic standards include SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), X3D (Extensible 3D), and
WebGL (Web Graphics Library).
23. The purpose of a frame buffer is to hold the information for each pixel of an image, allowing the
image to be displayed on a screen.
24. Resolution refers to the number of pixels or dots per inch in an image or display.
25. Vector graphics are images made up of mathematical equations that can be resized without
losing quality. An example of vector graphics is a logo created in Adobe Illustrator.
26. The major axis of an ellipse is the longest diameter of the ellipse, while the minor axis is the
shortest diameter.
27. Resolution refers to the number of pixels or dots per inch in an image or display. A higher
resolution image will have more pixels, resulting in a clearer and more detailed image. An
example of resolution is a 1080p image with 1080 pixels vertically.
28. Translation is a transformation that moves an object from one position to another. The
homogenous coordinate transformation matrix for translation is [1 0 Tx;0 1 Ty;0 0 1], where Tx
and Ty are the amounts of movement in the x and y directions respectively.
29. A frame buffer is a memory area that holds the information for each pixel of an image. The
significance of it is that it allows the image to be displayed on a screen.
30. The radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to the edge. A chord of a circle
is a straight line that connects any two points on the circle.
31. Two lines are perpendicular if their slopes are negative reciprocals of each other and they do
not intersect.
32. The slope of the line segment given two points A(10, 20) and B(30, 40) can be calculated by (y2-
y1)/(x2-x1) = (40-20)/(30-10) = 20/20 =1
33. Two limitations of even-odd method is that it can not correctly identify holes within a polygon
and it can not handle self-intersecting polygons.
34. DVST (Digital Video Signal Transmission) is a method of transmitting digital video signals over a
distance. Its advantage is its ability to transmit signals over long distances. Its disadvantage is
that it may introduce some signal loss or degradation.
35. Various line styles include solid, dashed, dotted, and dot-dashed lines.
36. Aliasing is a visual artifact that occurs when a high-frequency signal is sampled at a lower rate. It
can be solved by using anti-aliasing techniques such as filtering or oversampling.
37. The advantage of winding number method over even-odd method is its ability to correctly
identify holes within a polygon and its ability to handle self-intersecting polygons.
38. Scaling is a transformation that changes the size of an object. Uniform scaling changes the size
of an object by the same amount in all directions, while differential scaling changes
39. Transformation refers to the process of changing the position, size or orientation of an object. It
is significant as it allows objects to be manipulated in a digital environment, such as in computer
graphics and animation.
40. Raster graphics are digital images made up of pixels, where each pixel has a specific color value.
An example of raster graphics is a JPEG or PNG image.
41. An ellipse is a geometric shape that is defined by two axes, the major axis and the minor axis.
The major axis is the longest diameter of the ellipse, while the minor axis is the shortest
42. A circle is a geometric shape defined by one axis, the radius, which is the distance from the
center of the circle to the edge. A chord of a circle is a straight line that connects any two points
on the circle.
43. How transformation matrixes are scaled and transformed?
Long Questions:

1. Write a note on application areas of computer graphics.

2. Write a note on computer graphics files.
3. Explain CRT in detail.
4. Explain beam penetration method in detail with its advantages and disadvantages.
5. Explain VEGGEN algorithm and its limitations
6. Explain Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.
7. Define line. Explain different line styles in detail.
8. Write a note on winding number method to perform inside test of polygon.
9. Explain scan line method to fill polygon.
10. Compare flood fill and boundary fill algorithm of polygon.
11. What is translation of an object? Explain with example.
12. Write a note on scaling of an object with example
13. Derive a matrix for moving object 4 units down and 5 units right.
14. Derive a matrix to rotate an object anti clock wise 90° about origin. (cos 90° = 0 and sin 90° = 1)
15. Derive a matrix for scaling an object by the scale factor of 3 for x and y both.
16. Refresh CRT and LCD
17. Fractals.
18. Polygon filling Algorithm
19. Rotation about an arbitrary point.
20. Homogenous coordinates and translation.
21. Explain rotation of an object relative to an arbitrary point. How it is different from rotation about an
origin? Give appropriate example.
22. Discuss pattern filling of a polygon. Give appropriate examples.
23. Discuss Inverse transformation.
24. Discuss viewing transformation.
25. What is image compression? Explain any two image compression techniques.
26. Define circle , eclipse, and major axis of eclipse.
27. Discuss DDA algorithm.
28. Discuss the line generation algorithm. Also write note on different line styles.
29. Discuss process of animation.
30. Show how reflections in the line y=x and in the line y=-x can be performed by a scaling operation followed
by a rotation.
31. Give a single 3x3 homogenous coordinate transformation matrix which translate down ½ unit, right ½
unit and then route counter clock wise by 𝜋/4.
32. Give a single 3x3 homogenous coordinate transformation matrix for the following translation:
a) Move object down ½ unit and right 1 unit
b) Scale y coordinate to make twice as tall, rotate clock wise by 𝜋/6.
33. Discuss the difference among the Raster graphics and Vector graphics. Also discuss their advantages and
34. Discuss various application areas of Graphic Systems in detail.
35. What is shadow masking? Explain its functionality.
36. How the vector generation based line algorithm works? What is advantage or disadvantage of VECGEN
over Brasenham’s algorithm?
37. Discuss types of line joins and describe them in detail.
38. Compare scan line fill and flood fill algorithms.
39. How to perform an inside test for polygon? Describe even odd method
40. to perform inside test of polygon.
41. Explain rotation about an origin giving an example.
42. Discuss scaling by giving an example.
43. Derive a single matrix for shifting the object 5 units up and 8 units
44. left and decrease height twice than the original object.
45. Derive a single matrix to scale an object in y direction by factor of 5 and then rotate clockwise by 45°.
46. Derive a single matrix to move object 5 units in right direction and rotate the object counter clock wise
30° about an origin.
47. Define slope. Explain types of slope in detail.
48. Define line and explain various line caps and line styles in detail.
49. Write a note on pattern fill method to fill a polygon.
50. Write a note on rotation about homogenous coordinates.
51. Derive a single matrix for shifting the object 3 units up and scaling twice the original object.
52. Derive a matrix for uniform scaling of an object by the scale factor of 3.
53. Derive a matrix to rotate an object anti clock wise 60° about origin. (cos 60° = 0.5 and sin 60° = 0.87)
54. Which relationship exists between slopes of perpendicular lines? Explain it.
55. What is slope of line ? Calculate slope of line having a two points P1(6,3) and P2(-2,3) on the line.
56. Character Generation methods.
57. Graphics Standards.
58. Explain Shearing transformation.
59. Move a square down 2 unites and then right by 3 units.
60. Scale the object twice as large then rotate it in anticlockwise by an angle 𝜋/.

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