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Fill in the blanks with correct form of adjectives:

1. I want my tea ______________ (sweet) than this.

2. His brother plays _____________ (good) than him.

3. I got the ________________________ (difficult) task in the practical exam.

4. She found ______________ (little) clues than what I got to solve this puzzle.

5. You must dress up in _______________ (clean) clothes.

6. Have you heard the ______________ (late) news?

7. I have an _____________ (old) sister.

8. Let us go to the _______________ (near) coffee shop to save time.

9. He is _________________ (clever) than any boy of his age.

10. I found this book _____________________________ (interesting) than every other book I have in my


11. My school is __________________ (far), so I go by bus.

12. Their performance was the _______________________ (delightful).

13. The Qutab Minar is ______________ (tall) than India Gate.

14. The tiger is the ______________________ (ferocious) of all animals.

15. Babar had a __________________ (small) region than Akbar.

16. My new locality is ______________ (safe) than the previous one.

1. She likes his car.
2. Their favorite teacher did not come yesterday.
3. Alex is a nice person.
4. Which teacher did he speak with?
5. Five of the employees have resigned today.
6. He has a beautiful niece.
7. Give me that blue water bottle.

8. I have learnt three languages.

9. This time I won't fail you.

10. That building is stronger than this hut.

11. There are ten students in the classroom.
12. I stood first in class.
13. Where did you put that bag?
14. Which bicycles belong to the boys?

15. Whose pants did you wear?

16. What books are you buying today?
17. Those rascals are back in the town.
18. Few dogs are barking outside.
19. I wrote many letters to you.
20. The banker sat in their chair.
21. Which team is supposed to practice on this field tonight at 6pm?
22. The baby is sucking its finger.
23. The water came above our knees.
24. What fruit would go best with our lunch today?
25. He is exactly like his father.
26. Whose lunchbox was left on the table in the cafeteria?

27. These mangoes are rotting.

28. Stop messing with my hair.

29. Put these bags in the closet.
30. She loves golden jars.
31. Those people were mean to her.

32. Do you know whose coat this is?

33. John is a fantastic basketball player

34. I don’t want to see his shadow again.

35. What did you bring for lunch?
36. He plays with an enormous bat.
37. Luke has a charming face.
38. Which team are you a member of?
39. Two hundred women joined the parade.
40. Keep this key in her bag.

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