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The present study aims to illustrate the points of view of various female
sports journalists as they relate the unique and defining experiences within their
line of work. Sport is harder to enter into, for women as it is set up for male dominance.
Women had, and still have less opportunities in sports than men , because of their
relegion. Sport is on it’s way to becoming equal due to lack of the laws of equality.
This means that sports can no longer be exempt from sexual discrimination ; but Male
athletes still have more opportunities to participate in sports than female athletes.
“ Women are just as important as men are “
Many women are putting their effort in order to engage in different kind of sports ;
however, women sports are not much emphasized by the authority. Women sporting
activities have continued to face various challenges as compared to the difficulties that
men sports face. Sports activists have been carrying out campaigns for the
rationalization of women sports to be given equal cornern as men sports in terms of
funding and other challenges affecting the sport. On the other hand, women have been
putting more efforts to participate in various sporting activities that are available for
competitions. Why women are reluctant to participate in sports ? Many Women are
most probably discouraged to participate in physical activities and are weak in sports
due to lack of access and physical education. Many women are still facing gender
discrimination, sexual abuse and harassment.
Raise your voice
We all are equal before and we have our own rights!
Raise your voice
We should be Independent and Unique- So No Discrimination!

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