Literature Review

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H1: Road surface and condition influences motorcycle accident

Road surface or condition is one of the vital reasons behind motorcycle accident. When there is
no speed breaker or divider in the road, the accident rate is greater (Fahmid, Afia, Kamrul and
Minhazul 2023). In order to reduce accidents, they contend that speed-breakers or dividers must
be present on selected highways. There are numerous motorbike accidents during the rainy
season, and parts of our country's road lack proper lighting, which may also contribute to these
accidents (Hamidur, Niaz, Tamanna and Pervaz 2021). The rural roadways are in the worst
condition where many accidents occurs. There are significant amount of illegal parking, presence
of street vendors, no dedicated walkways etc influences motorcycle accident. A study conducted
by South East Asia Road Safety Summit where they divided the roads into 1 to 5stars and the
road condition of our rural area stood the last as one star. In a study (Mazharul and Salehin 2013)
it is mentioned that 65% short trip (less than 1 mile) is made by walking on the street by the
pedestrians. But there is a lack of walkways in our city so most of them have to walk on the
roads which causes many accidents but most of the time the motorcycle users are the sufferers of
it. The riders have high overtaking demand but there is a very little median separations also poor
quality of intersection designs also is the reason behind road accidents. According to a report, a
further factor in deadly accidents is the low density of traffic on the road which influences the
riders to over speed. But as our roads are not well-structured and designed due to potholes,
bumps, traction, road marking paint etc causes fatal accident (Tamanna and Pervaz 2019).

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