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May 6, 2008
Zoning Commission for the
District of Columbia
441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 210S
Washington, D.C. 20001
Tel 202 955 3000
Fax 202 955 5564
Holland & Knight LLP
2099 Pennsylvania Avenue. NW" Suite 100
Washington. D.C. 20006-6801
Mary Carolyn Brown
Re: Zoning Commission Case No. 07-26
o Street Market PUD and Map Amendment
Dear Members of the Commission:
On behalf of the applicant, 0 Street Roadside, LLC, and at the request of the Zoning
Commission Chairman at the March 6, 2008 hearing, we submit herewith the attached letters
confirming the administration of the public benefits and amenities of the above-referenced PUD.
This aspect of the public amenities package totals $255,000 and corresponds to the list submitted
to the Commission as part of its February 15, 2008, letter to the Commission.
Since the time of the initial submission, some minor adjustments have been made to the
scope of the contributions or services to be funded as a result of further discussions with the
recipients. The adjustments have resulted in a modest reduction of the overall contribution from
$262,500 to $255,000. While the contribution to the 1330 Tenants and Owners Association
increased from $2500 to $5000, the contribution for uniforms at the Kennedy Playground
decreased from $25,000 to $15,000 to reflect a typographical error in the initial cost estimate.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Carolyn Brown _
District of ColumbIa

cc: Jennifer Steingasser, OP (w/attach. by hand)
Karen Thomas, OP (wi attach. by hand)
ANC 2C (w/attach. by mail)
CityMarket at 0 Community Amenity Package
Partnership with DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DCPR) to repair and refinish
Kennedy Recreation Center gym floor two times between 2008 and 2011
Funding for uniforms and equipment for Kennedy Center Recreation teams through
contribution to the Friends of Kennedy Playground
Contribution to DCPR Enterprise Fund for development of girls softball field at Bundy
Recreation Center
Contribution of $15,000 per year to Emmaus Services for the Aging to provide free
Peapod delivery to eligible Shaw residents during the 24 months period that Giant will be
closed for construction
D 33 passenger minibus shuttle to Tivoli/Brentwood Giant, 2 times per week for 2
years, based on usage
D Hiring commitment to Shaw residents
Funding through Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative the Green Team,
an ex-offender program, to provide clean and safe services between K and Florida and
7th and gth. $25,000 Annual Contribution for 7th Street, during 3-yr construction
Contribution to DCPL Library Foundation for commissioned artwork for new library
Watha T. Daniel Library,
Contribution to Asbury Dwellings Tenants Association for the
Contribution to 1330 Tenants Association for the scholarships, summer program
subsidies, tenant newsletters, annual community Christmas Dinner and Halloween
Festival, tenant association administrative costs
Computer Labs
Gibson Plaza Tenants Assn
Lincoln Westmoreland
Foster House
Contribution to Shaw Together, group dedicated to unifying community, for special
event sponsorship.
4 Scholarships for Shaw residents to University of Certified Addictions
Counselor education and training program. Scholarship recipients must
meet all of the UDC program requirements and will be selected by a vote
of the Board of Directors of the East Central Civic Association.
Tuition will be made directly to UDC Account #P41 0 according to following
published schedule of payments: 50% due on or prior to start of class; 50%
of balance due the 45
day after the start of the class; remaining 50% due
goth day after start of class.
April 30, 2008
Mr. Clark E. Ray
D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation
3149 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Dear Mr. Ray:
This letter confirms the conversations between City Market Development, LLC (CityMarket), an affiliate
of Roadside Development, LLC, yourself and D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) staff
regarding CityMarket's contribution to DPR. CityMarket commits to contribute the following to the DPR
as a benefit of our p u ~ for the CityMarket at 0 project, located at 1400 ih Street, NW:
o CityMarket shall partner with DPR to repair and refinish Kennedy Recreation Center gym
floor two times between 2008 and 2011 for an in-kind contribution of $10,000
o CityMarket shall contribute $25,000 to DPR Enterprise Fund for development of girls'
softball field at Bundy Recreation Center
o CityMarket shall reimburse Friends ofthe Kennedy Playground $15,000 for uniforms
purchased for the 2008 calendar year per attachment below.
These contributions are being made as a community benefIt of our PUD and the funds will be released
prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use the
new space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store. We agree to
enter into any necessary Memorandum of Understanding with the DPR and the DPR Enterprise Fund to
carry out the contribution and release of the funds.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with the D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation in
their efforts to improve the Shaw Community. Please sign below to indicate the DPR's acceptance of
this commitment.
Clark E. Ray, Director
Cc: Melissa McKnight, DPR
Alexander Padro, ANC 2C
Attachment: Friends of Kennedy Playground
1730 Rhode Island Ava NW f Suile 5121 Washu'slon DC 20036 I T 202 375 7979 If 202 375 7976
D t: v ~ . 1_ C P iV1 E f\.i T
April 29, 2008
Mr. Willie Borden
Friends of Kennedy Playground
Street, NW
Washington, DC 200010
Dear Mr. Borden:
This letter confirms the agreement between CityMarket Development, LlC (CityMarket), an affiliate of
Roadside Development, LLC, and Friends of Kennedy Playground (FOKP) regarding CityMarket's
contribution to FOKP. CityMarket commits to reimburse Friends of the Kennedy Playground $15,000
for uniforms purchased for the 2008 calendar year per the attached agreement.
This contribution is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released prior
to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use the new
space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to support the Friends of Kennedy Playground in their efforts to
improve the Shaw Community.
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Armond Spike"
Attachment: Agreement between CityMarket Development and Friends of Kennedy Playground
The following agreement between CityMarket Development, LLC( hereinafter referred to as
"CityMarket"), an aftiliate of Roadside Development, LLC, and Friends of Kennedy Playground, Inc.
(hereinafter referred to as "FOKP"), establishes the following obligations between the parties:
Per the provisions of the Community Amenities Package approved by the Zoning Commission of the
District of Columbia on March 24,2008, as part of the City Market at 0 Planned Unit Development
(PUD) Application, CityMarket is to provide $15,000 for the purchase of uniforms for youth athletic
teams resident at the Kennedy Recreation Center, 1401 i
Street, NW. In order to allow uniforms to be
purchased before funds are scheduled to be disbursed as part of the PUD Amenities Package, CityMarket
agrees to reimburse FOKP for the cost of such uniforms purchased after the date of execution of this
agreement and prior to the date of funds availability under the provisions of the PUD Amenities Package,
anticipated to be in calendar year 2009. CityMarket agrees to provide said reimbursement within 30 days
of receipt of the request for reimbursement and after the date of funds availability, accompanied by all
required receipts. Failure to provide the required documentation could cause delays or possible denial of
the requested reimbursement.
Friends of Kennedy Playground. Inc.:
FOKP agrees to purchase fi'om its own funds uniforms for Kennedy Recreation Center sPOtts teams in
order for said uniforms to be available for use during calendar year 2008. FOKP shall advise the District
of Columbia Department of Parks and Recreation that the uniforms are a donation from CityMarket
Development. FOKP shall retain receipts for all such expenditures and submit a request for
reimbursement of said costs upon being noti tied by CityMarket that PUD Amenities Package funds have
been released. Receipts covering all costs related to the acquisition of the uniforms, including shipping
and handling, must be submitted to CityMarket with the request for reimbursement.
This document represents the complete agreement between the pat1ies. No changes to this agreement
may be made without the wlitten consent of both parties.
Agreed to by the parties and attested by the signatlll'es below.
..- - t .-1-, - , -' {. '} --"-
(Print Name) ____________ _
for CityMarket Development, LLC for Friends of Kennedy Playground, Inc.
Date Date
---------------------- -------------------
April 28, 2008
The Reverend Joseph K. Williams, Sr., M.Div.
Executive Director
Emmaus Services for the Aging
1426 9th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001-3344
Dear Reverend Williams:
This letter confirms the conversations between City Market Development, LLC (CityMarket), an affiliate
of Roadside Development, LLC, and yourself regarding CityMarket's contribution to Emmaus Services for
the Aging (Emmaus). CityMarket commits to partner with Emmaus to provide Peapod grocery delivery
services to homebound residents of Shaw during the 24-month period that Giant will be closed and
under construction. CityMarket will provide $15,000 per year for a total of $30,000 during this period.
The attached proposal describes how the partnership will operate.
These contributions are being made as a community benefit of our PUD that will allow us to use the new
space provided In the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store, CltyMarket will
release the initial $15,000 in funds within 12 business days after work begins under the duly issued
excavation permit. The second $15,000 payment will be made to Emmaus twelve months from that
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with Emmaus Services for the Aging In their efforts to
Improve the Shaw Community. Please sign below to indicate Emmaus' acceptance of this commitment.
~ '
~ ~
~ Armond spikell
Attachment: Emmaus Proposal for Grocery Delivery Service
1730 Rhode Island Ave NW 1 Suite 6121 Washington DC 200361 T 20237579791 F 202 3767978
May 1, 2008
Mr. Armond Spikell
Roadside Development
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Suite 512
Washington, DC 20036
Dear Mr. Spikell:
Attached is the signed confirmation letter between CityMarket Development, LLC
(an affiliate of Roadside Development, LLC) and Emmaus Services for the Aging
regarding the $30,000 contribution for a 24-month period in support of Emmaus'
Grocery Delivery Program for Homebound Seniors.
We are appreciative for your organization's support on behalf of the low-income
seniors that we serve. This partnership is indicative of the necessary collaboration
that is need for :improvement to the Shaw Community.
Again, we looking forward to the partnership of this effort as we work to help seniors
remain active and independent members of their community.
1426 - 9th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001-3344 (202) 745-1200 Fax: (202) 7451246 UW #8397 CFC#47542
~ I : Part of the Senior Service Network-Supported by D.C. Office of Aging
April 30, 2008
Mr. Charlie Whitaker
Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative
1816 12th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Dear Mr. Whitaker:
This letter confirms the conversations between CityMarket Development, LLC (CityMarket), an affiliate
of Roadside Development, LLC, and Alex Padro, Executive Director of Shaw Main Streets regarding
CityMarket's contribution to the Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative in sponsor the
Green Team's work in the Shaw Community. CityMarket commits to contribute $25,000 per year for
the three (3) years that the CityMarket at 0 will be under development for a total contribution of
$75,000 to the Columbia Heights/Shaw Support Collaborative directed to the Green Team.
These contributions are being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released
prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use the
new space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with the Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Collaborative
and the Green Team in their efforts to improve the Shaw Community. Please sign below to indicate the
your acceptance of this commitment.
SincereIY,_:./' .4
~ ~
~ ~ n d Spikell ..
Cc: Alexander Padro, ANC 2C
1730 Rhode Island Ave NW I Suite 512 I Washington DC 200361 T 202 375 79791 F 202 375 7978
April 29, 2008
Ms. Ginnie Cooper
Chief Librarian
D.C. Public libraries
901 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Ms. Cooper:
This letter confirms the conversations between CityMarket Development, LLC (CityMarket), an affiliate
of Roadside Development, LLC, and Alex Padro of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C, and Jeff
Bonvechio, Director, 21
Century Library Projects, D.C. Public Library, regarding Roadside's contribution
to the D.C. Public libraries. CityMarket commits to contribute $15,000 to the D.C. Public Libraries
Foundations as a benefit of our PUD for the CityMarket at 0 project, located at 1400 ill Street, NW.
These funds are to be used exclusively for the purchase of a commissioned piece of art reflecting the
Shaw Community to be placed in the redeveloped Watha T. Daniel Library at 945 Rhode Island Avenue,
This contribution is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released prior
to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use the new
space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store. CityMarket agrees to
enter into any necessary Memorandum of Understanding with the D.C. Public library and the D.C. Public
Library Foundation to carry out the contribution and release of the funds.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with the D.C. Public Library, the DCPL Library
Foundation, and Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C in their efforts to improve the Shaw
Community. Please sign below to indicate the DCPL's acceptance of this commitment.
- ...
. - ... . . . ~
- > . : ~ ~ - . ~ /
,. Armond Spikeli
Ginnie Cooper, Chief Librarian Date
Cc: Jeff Bonvechio, DCPL
Alexander Padro, ANC 2C
1730 Rhoae Island A,e NW I S,;ole 51'2 ! Wasn'ngto", DC 20036 ! T 202 375 7979 I F 202 375 7978
April 30, 2008
Mr. Earl M. Storm
Asbury Dwellings Tenants Association, Inc.
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Mr. Storm:
This letter confirms the conversations between Armond Spikell of CityMarket Development, LLC
(CityMarkett an affiliate of Roadside Development, LLC, and yourself regarding CityMarket's
contribution to the Asbury Dwellings Tenants Association to renovate Asbury Dwellings community
room. CityMarket commits to contribute $2.,500 for the renovation of the Asbury Dwellings community
This contribution is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released prior
to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use the new
space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with you and Asbury Dwellings in your efforts to
improve the Shaw Community.
. p"':"'*'
/ . >'/;'::
Armond Spikell
730 Rhode .siand NV'I i S,J1[e 512; V'/aai-':ng\or; DC 20036 IT 202375 7979 ; F 202 375 7978
May 1, 2008
Ms. Theresa Sule
1330 Tenant Association
1330 71/l Street, NW, *606
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Ms. Sule :
This letter confirms the conversations between Armond Spikell of CityMarket Development, LLC
(CityMarket), an affiliate of Roadside Development, LLC, and yourself regarding CityMarket's
$5,000 contribution to the 1330 Tenant Association. Per your attached letter, the funds will be
used for the foHowing items:
Eight (8) $100 scholarships to DPR camp at Kennedy Recreation Center totaling $800
Three (3) $100 subsidies to a summer program for 3-5 year aids for low income parents
totaling $300
Twelve (12) $125 scholarships to the Metropolitan Police 3'd District Camp totaling $1500
School supplies for residents totaling $200
Christmas dinner party for residents and gifts for each child totaling $1000
Halloween/Harvest Festival with each child receiving a bag of candy and snacks so that they
don't need to go trick or treating totaling $500
1330 Tenant Association administrative and operational costs, including copying, tenant
association newsletter, paper, printer ink, fundraisers, and/or general operations of the
tenants association.
These contributions are being made as a community benefit of the PUD for the CityMarket at 0 and
the funds will be released prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store
that will allow us to use the new space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped
Giant Food Store.
City Market appreciates the opportunity to work with the 1330 Tenant Association in their efforts to
improve the Shaw Community. Please sign below to indicate your acceptance of this commitment
and return to me.
.... /;'-?
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Armond Spikell
1730 Rhode Isla"o A"f; NW I SUIte 512 i Wasnll-:gron DC 20036 I T '202 375 7979 I F 202 375 7978
Dear Mr. Spikell,
The 1330 Tenant Association has chosen to spend the amenity package provided by
Roadside Development as follows:
$800 (8@ 1 00)
$300 (3@100)
$1500 (12@125)
8 Scholarships to the Department of Recreation Camp at Kennedy Rec. *
3 subsidizes to a summer program for 3 - 5 year oids for a low income
12 Scholarships to the Metropolitan Police 3
District Camp (based on last
year's program rate)
School supplies for residents
Christmas Dinner Party (each child receives a gift)
Halloween/Harvest Festival (each child receives a bag of candy and snacks
so that they don't have to go trick or treating
1330 Tenant Association Administration (money will pay for copying,
flyers, generating the tenant association newsletter, paper, printer ink,
fundraisers, and/or the general operations of the tenant association)
*DPR offers a scholarship rate of$25 per child, per camp session for qualified applicants who are residents of the
District of Columbia to ensure that summer camps are available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay. The
camp has 4 sessions which is a total of $1 00 for the summer per child. Most residents will qualify for the
discOlmted rate because we are a project based Section 8 apartment building.
**Unable to find program locally that has a summer program for 3 - 5 year olds. Program will pay the program
ofthe parent's choice directly.
We choose to camps because everyone may not be able to travel to the 3
District MPD Camp which does have
more activities. The DPR Kennedy Recreation Camp is in close proximity to the apartment building and accepts
children (ages 6-19+).
Please feel free to contact me at (202) 232-4522 if you have any further questions. Thank you in
Theresa Sule
1330 Tenant Association President
1330 ih St., NW, #606 Washington, DC 20001
April 30, 2008
Ms. Barbara CurtIS
Gibson Plaza Tenants Association
1301 7
Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Ms. Curtis:
This letter confirms that CityMarket Development, LLC (CityMarket), an affiliate of Roadside
Development, LLC, will make a $2,500 contribution to the Gibson Plaza Tenants Association for a
computer lab for the residents of Gibson Plaza.
This contributIon is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released
prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use
the new space proVIded in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with you and Gibson Plaza in your efforts to improve
the Shaw Community.
Sincerely, .

Cc: Mr Ken Reed, Manager, Gibson Plaza Apartments
1730 Rhode Island Ave NW 1 Suite 5121 Washington DC 200361 T 20237579791 F 2023757978
April 30, 2008
Theodosia "Tessie" Robinson
Lincoln-Westmoreland I Tenants
1711 8th St NW, Washington DC 20001
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Ms. Robinson:
This letter confirms that CityMarket Development, LLC (Cit yMarket) , an affiliate of Roadside
Development, LLC, will make a $2,500 contribution to the Lincoln-Westmoreland I Tenants
for a computer lab for the residents of Lincoln-Westmoreland I Apartments.
This contribution is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released
prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use
the new space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with you and the residents of Lincoln-Westmoreland
I in your efforts to improve the Shaw Community.

/. Spikell
1 '730 Rhode Island Ave NW I Suite 5121 Washington DC 200361 T 202 375 7979 I F 202 375 79'78
April 30, 2008
Ms. Leatha Blunt
Foster House Tenants Association
801 Rhode Island Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Ms. Blunt:
This letter confirms that CityMarket Development, LLC (CityMarket), an affiliate of Roadside
Development, LLC, will make a $2,500 contribution to the Foster House Tenants Association
to be used to purchase equipment for the community room, including laptop computers for the
residents of Foster House.
This contribution is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released
prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use
the new space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with you and the residents of Foster House in your
efforts to improve the Shaw Community.
~ E /
/ ~ A r ~ ~ n d Spikell
1730 Rhode Island Ave NW I Suite 5121 Washington DC 200361 T 202 376 79791 F 202 376 7978
April 30, 2008
Laura Gramling
Shaw T ogether\ Inc.
1 833 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Ms. Gramling:
This letter confirms the conversations between Susan Linsky of CityMarket Development, LLC
(CityMarket), an affiliate of Roadside Development, LLC, and yourself regarding CityMarket's
contribution to the Shaw Together, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to unifying the Shaw community.
CityMarket will contribute $5,000 to Shaw Together, Inc. to sponsor a special event produced by
Shaw Together.
This contribution is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released
prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use
the new space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with you and Shaw Together, Inc. in your efforts to
improve the Shaw Community .
.... ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ' S P i ~
Cc: Ralph Brabham
1'730 Rhode Island Ave NW I Suite 5121 Washington DC 200361 T 202 375 79791 F 202 375 7978
April 30, 2008
East Central Civic Association
1414 New Jersey Ave. NW
Washington, D.C., 20001
This letter confirms that CityMarket Development, LLC (CityMarket), an affiliate of Roadside
Development, LLC, will make a $10,000 contribution for four scholarships for eligible Shaw
residents to enroll in University of the District of Columbia's (UDC) Certified Addictions and
Counselor Education and Training program. Eligible Shaw residents shall be selected by a vote of
the Board of Directors of ECCA and tuition payments shall be made to UDC Account #p41 0
according to the published schedule of payments.
This contribution is being made as a community benefit of our PUD and the funds will be released
prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the Giant Food Store that will allow us to use
the new space provided in the PUD for the operation of the redeveloped Giant Food Store.
CityMarket appreciates the opportunity to work with East Central Civic Association in your efforts to
improve the Shaw Community.
S i n ~ .. ~ ~
~ ~
Armond Spikell
Accepted: __________ _ Date _____ _
1730 Rhode Island Ave NW I Suite 5121 Washington DC 200361 T 202 37579791 F 202 375 '19'18

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