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CONTRAST ( ZITLIK) Concessive contrast / Unexpected result ( rağmen / karşın )

Even though + CLAUSE, CLAUSE

Although the local governments took a great many precautions, the constant rain gave a huge damage to the
( Yerel yönetimlerin pek çok tedbir almalarna rağmen, sürekli yağan yağmur ürünlere büyük hasar verdi.)

We managed to arrive on time although there was heavy traffic.

( Ağır trafik olmasına karşın vaktinde varmayı başardık.)

Though existing planes have perfect technical designs, they can’t properly compete with birds with regard to
(Bu günün uçaklarının mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahip olmalarına karşın navigasyon açısından kuşlarla boy


Though, diğerlerinden farklı olrak cümle sonunda da kullanılabilir.)

He is poor. He is happy, though.

In spite of + NOUN / VING CLAUSE

Despite all the precautions, the constant rain gave a huge damage to the crop.
Despite all the precautions that were taken by the government, the constant rain gave a huge damage to the
Despite all the precautions taken by the government, the constant rain gave a huge damage to the crop.

We managed to arrive on time despite the heavy traffic.

( Ağır trafiğe rağmen vaktinde varabildik.)

In spite of their perfect technical designs, existing planes can’t properly compete with birds with regard to
(Mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahip olmalarına karşın, bugünün uçaklarınavigasyon açısından kuşlarla boy

In spite of the fact that + CLAUSE CLAUSE

Despite / In spite of the fact that the local governments took a great many precautions, the constant rain gave a
huge damage to the crop.

Despite / In spite of the fact that almost all the precautions were taken by the government, the constant rain gave
a huge damage to the crop.
Fakat !!!!!!!!!!

“Although / though / even though” bağlaçlarından sonra sıfat getirmek suretiyle cümle yapısında kısaltma

Although / though / even though + ADJECTIVE / V3, CLAUSE

Although applicable, the plan was given up. ( Uygulanabilir olmasına rağmen plandan vazgeçildi.)
Orijinal cümle:
Although the plan was applicable, it was given up. ( Uygulanabilir olmasına rağmen plandan vazgeçildi.)

These problems, though very hard, are not impossible to solve.

( Bu problemler çok zor olmasına rağmen çözülmeleri imkansız değil. )

Orijinal cümle:

Though these problems are very hard, they are not impossible to solve.
( Bu problemler çok zor olmasına rağmen çözülmeleri imkansız değil. )

Although taken reguarly, the pills didn’t have any significant effect.

Orijinal cümle:
Although the pills were taken reguarly, they didn’t have any significant effect.

The pills, though taken regularly. didn’t have any significant effect.

DİKKAT !!!!!!!

Zıtlık gösteren zarf cümlelerin doğal olarak biri olumlu ( + ) diğeri olumsuz ( - ) iki cümleden oluşsa da bazen her
iki cümle negatif bir anlam ( unexpected result ) ifade edebilir. Aşağıdaki örnek cümleye bakalım.

Although the inflation was very high, the government didn’t try hard enough to curb it.
( Enflasyon çok yüksek olmasına karşın hükümet onu dizginlemek için yeterince gayret göstermiyordu. )

WHILE / WHEREAS Direct contrast ( Tam zıtlık) ( …. iken )

While / whereas + CLAUSE , CLAUSE

While/whereas the government think that the referendum was a complete victory for them, the opposition parties
say it was not fair.
( Hükümet referandumun kendileri adına tam bir zafer olduğunu düşünürken, muhalefet partileri referandumun
adil olmadığını söylüyorlar.)

Not: While /whereas bağlaçları cümlenin ortasında olduğunda önlerinde virgül olmalıdır.

The government think that the referendum was a complete victory for them, while / whereas the opposition parties
say it was not fair.
TRANSITIONS ( GEÇİŞ BAĞLAÇLARI / ARA BAĞLAÇLAR ) ( Fakat ( yine de ) / her nasılsa / diğer taraftan )

Even so
On the other hand
In contrast
In spite of this,

The local governments took many precautions. However, the constant rain gave a huge damage to the crop.

Alternatif kullanımlar
The local governments took many precautions; however, the constant rain gave a huge damage to the crop.
The local governments took many precautions. The constant rain, however, gave a huge damage to the crop.
The local governments took many precautions. The constant rain gave a huge damage to the crop, however.

There was heavy traffic. Nonetheless, we managed to arrive on time

( Yoğun trafik vardı. Fakat yine de vaktinde varabildik.)

Existing planes have perfect technical designs. Nevertheless, they can’t properly compete with birds with regard
to navigation.
(Bu günün uçakları mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahiptir. Fakat yine de navigasyon açısından kuşlarla boy


On the contrary,
CLAUSE. Conversely, CLAUSE

The exam wasn’t as difficult as it was claimed. On the contrary, it was easy.
( Sınav iddia edildiği kadar zor değildi. Aksine kolaydı. )

The Ottoman empire didn’t turn a blind eye to the famine in Ireland. Conversely, they sent financial aid and food
to them.
( Osmanlı imparatorluğu İrlandadaki kıtlığı görmezlikten gelmedi. Aksine onlara para yardımı ve yiyecek

BUT / YET ( Fakat / ama )

Clause, but / yet clause

The local governments took a great many precautions, but the constant rain gave a huge damage to the crop.

There was heavy traffic, but/yet we managed to arrive on time.

Existing planes have perfect technical designs, but they can’t properly compete with birds with regard to
Ayrıca !!!!

but …. anyway / but/yet …. still

They spent millions of dollars making this movie, but most of the audience found it ordinary anyway.
He’s rich, but he works hard anyway.
He’s rich, but/yet he still works hard.

REGARDLESS OF = NOT CONSIDERING ( Bakmadan / dikkate almadan )

Regardless of + noun

Regardless of what it would cause politically, the minister criticized his party’s foreign policy.
( Bakan, siyasi olarak neye sebep olacağına bakmadan, partisinin dış politikasını eleştirdi.)

Regardless of thick fog, the pilot tried to land the plane into the airport.
( Pilot, yoğun sis’e bakmadan uçağı havaalanına indirmeye çalıştı.)

Unfortunatelly, many people are still building their houses in the same places as before regardless of the possible
danger. ( Maalesef,
pek çok insan muhtemel bir tehlikeye bakmadan evlerini hala eski yerlerinde yapıyorlar.)

EVEN IF (…se, sa bile)

(‘Even if’her ne kadar şart durumu gösterse de aynı zamanda zıtlık da ifade eden bir yapıdır.)

Even if existing planes have perfect technical designs, they can’t properly compete with birds with regard to
(Bu günün uçakları mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahip olsalar bile navigasyon açısından kuşlarla boy

Even if you want to talk to him, he’ll certainly refuse it.

(Sen konuşmak istesen de o kesinlikle reddedecek.)

Even if he works hard, he can’t be successful.

I wouldn’t buy it even if I had enough money.


_______________________________________, _________________________

Much as she likes him, she’s not likely to mary him. ( Although she likes him, she’ not ….)
Strange as they seem, they are welcomed by all of us. ( Although they seem strange, they…)
Poor though he is, he is happy. ( Although he is poor, he is happy.)


Verb + as + subject + (migtht/may)

Try as he might, he was unable to convince her of his innocence.


1.______the measures that were taken beforehand, the demonstration turned out to be a disaster.
2.______ the measures taken beforehand, the demonstration turned out to be a disaster.
3. ______ the measures were taken beforehand, the demonstration turned out to be a disaster.
4. You may hate the idea of growing old. _____ , everybody gets old some day.
5. The man was expected to admit what he had done, _____ he kept silence and denied the accusation.
6. ______ what’s happened in Iraq until now, they are still expecting a possible improvement.


Zıtlık ifade eden yukarıdaki yapılar vurgu amaçlı extra bağlaçlarla kuvvetlendirilebilir. Bu extra kelimeleri
öğrenmek bize sınavlarda pratik yoldan cevaba gitme olanağı sağlayacaktır. Aşağıdaki örneklere bakalım.


Although / though / even though , nevertheless / nonetheless

Although the government implemented an austery policy, they nevertheless failed to curb the inflation.
( Hükümet kemer sıkma politikası uygulamasına rağmen, yine de enflasyonu dizginleyemedi.)

______________________, but (nevertheless/nonetheless)__________

The government implemented an austery policy, but they nevertheless failed to curb the inflation.
( Hükümet kemer sıkma politikası uyguladı fakat, yine de enflasyonu dizginleyemedi.)


Although / though / even though , actually/really/indeed/in fact

Although the man was arrested for provoking the local people, he was actually innocent.
( Adam yöre halkını kışkırtmaktan dolayı tutuklanmasına rağmen, aslında masumdu.

______________________, but actually/really/indeed/in fact __________

The man was arrested for provoking the local people, but he was actually innocent.
( Adam yöre halkını kışkırtmaktan dolayı tutuklandı fakat, aslında masumdu.)

3.Contrast – With STILL

Although / though / even though , still________

Although Galileo only developed the telescope, he is still regarded as the inventor of the telescope.
(Galile sadece teleskopu geliştirmesine rağmen, hala teleskopun mucidi olarak görülüyor.)

______________________, but / yet still__________

Galileo only developed the telescope, but he is still regarded as the inventor of the telescope.
(Galile sadece teleskopu geliştirdi fakat, hala teleskopun mucidi olarak görülüyor.)

Fakat !!!!!

STILL sebep sonuç cümlelerinde de kullanılabilir.

Because / As / Since _______________, still__________

As the severity of the earthquake was high, its destructive effects can still be seen on the city.
( Depremin şiddeti yüksek olduğundan dolayı, yıkıcı etkileri şehrin üzerinde hala görülebilmektedir.)
The severity of the earthquake was high, so its destructive effects can still be seen on the city.

Diğer kullanımlar

______________________, but / yet __________ anyway

Galileo only developed the telescope, but he is regarded as the inventor of the telescope anyway.
(Galile sadece teleskopu geliştirdi fakat, her nasılsa teleskopun mucidi olarak görülüyor.)

Although / though / even though , also

Although the role of diet and nutrition in human evolution has generally come under the scope of anthropology,
the subject has also been of great interest to scholars in many other disciplines

NOT ONLY ( merely / solely ) …… BUT ALSO …….. ( too / as well )

The opposing forces not only bombed the military targets, but also opened fire on people.
( Düşman kuvvetleri sadece askeri hedefleri bombalamakla kalmadılar aynı zamanda halkın üzerine de ateş

…. didn’t / won’t / don’t JUST…… but also …………. ( too / as well)

The opposing forces didn’t just bomb the military targets, but they also opened fire on people.
( Düşman kuvvetleri sadece askeri hedefleri bombalamakla kalmadılar aynı zamanda halkın üzerine de ateş
REASON / CAUSE ( SEBEP ) ( için / …. den dolayı / çünkü )

A) With Conjunctions ( Bağlaçlarla)

In asmuch as / inasmuch as
Now that
Seeing that
In that
On the grounds ( + that ) + CLAUSE, CLAUSE

Because the local governments took a great many precautions, the constant rain didn’t give any damage to the
( Yerel yönetimler pek çok tedbir aldıkları için, sürekli yağan yağmurlar ürünlere herhangi bir zarar vermedi.)

We had to cancel the meeting because there was heavy traffic.

( Yoğun trafik olduğundan dolayı toplantıyı iptal etmek zorunda kaldık.)

Because existing planes have perfect technical designs, they are ahead of other means of transport regarding
comfort, safety and speed.
( Mevcut uçaklar, mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahip olduklarından dolayı konfor, güvenlik ve hız bakımından
diğer ulaşım araçlarının önündedirler.)

As the number of unemployed is steadily rising, it’s essential to create new jobs areas.
( İşşizlerin sayısı sürekli arttiğından dolayı, yeni işyerleri açmak gerekiyor.)

Fakat !!!!!!!!

Yukarıdaki bağlaçlardan daha farklı anlamlara da gelebildikleri veya özel kullanımları olduğundan dolayı
aşağıdaki bağlaçlardan ayrıca bahsetmemiz gerekmektedir.

Now that ( sadece present veya future eylemler için kullanılır. )

Now that the air in big cities gets more polluted, people tend to move to rural areas.
( Büyük şehirlerdeki hava fazlaca kirlendiği için insanlar köylere göç etmeye meyilleniyor. )

In that ( iki anlamda kullanılabilmektedir. )

1. ın that : den dolayı / dığı için

Additives are used in some products in that they extend shelf life.
( Raf ömrünü uzattıklarından dolayı bazı ürünlerde katkı maddeleri kullanılmaktadır.)

2. In that : ( açısından, bakımından )

Chicken and fish are alike in that they both include no cholesterol.
( Tavuk ve balık her ikisinin kolesterol içermemesi bakımından benzerdir.)
Not: ‘In that’ bağlacı ‘ açısından’ veya ‘bakımından’ anlamında çoğunlukla şu ifadelerden sonra kullanılır



(be) like in that-clause




Turkey and Iran are different in that the latter exports oil, while the former imports it.
( Türkiye ve İran, birincisi petrolü ithal ederken ikincisinin ihraç etmesi açısından farklıdırlar.)

B. With Prepositions

Due to
Owing to
On account of
Because of + NOUN / VING CLAUSE
Thanks to
On grounds of

Due to the precautions that the local governments took, the constant rain didn’t give any damage to the crop.
Due to the precautions that was taken by the local governments , the constant rain didn’t give any damage to the
Due to the precautions taken by the local governments , the constant rain didn’t give any damage to the crop.

( Yerel hükümetlerin aldığı / Yerel hükümetlerce alınan tedbirlerden dolayı, sürekli yağan yağmur ürüne hasar
vermedi. )

We had to cancel the meeting because of the heavy traffic.

( Yoğun trafikten dolayı toplantıyı iptal etmek zorunda kaldık.)

Because of their perfect technical designs, existing planes are ahead of other means of transport regarding
comfort, safety and speed.
(Mükemmel teknik dizaynlarından dolayı günümüz uçakları, konfor, güvenlik ve hız bakımından diğer ulaşım
araçlarının önündedirler.)

She immediately accepted the job offer due to the high salary offered by the insurance firm.
( Sigorta şirketi tarafından önerilen yüksek maaş’tan dolayı, o iş teklifini hemen kabul etti.)

Due to
Owing to
Because of
On account of
On grounds of the fact that + CLAUSE, CLAUSE

Because of the fact that the local governments took a great many precautions, the constant rain didn’t give any
damage to the crop.
( Yerel hükümetler pek çok tedbirler aldıklarından dolayı sürekli yağan yağmur ürüne hasar vermedi. )
C. With Transitions

As a result
As a result of this
As a consequence ,
For this reason
For this purpose
CLAUSE . Accordingly
That’s why , CLAUSE.

The local governments took a great many precautions. Therefore, the constant rain didn’t give any damage to the

There was heavy traffic. As a result, we had to cancel the meeting.

( Yoğun trafik vardı. Bundan dolayı, toplantıyı iptal etmek zorunda kaldık.

Existing planes have perfect technical designs. Consequently, they are ahead of other means of transport
regarding comfort, safety and speed.
( Mevcut uçaklar, mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahiptirler. Bundan dolayı konfor, güvenlik ve hız bakımından
diğer ulaşım araçlarının önündedirler.)

Beneath the waters of lake Van, a monster is expected to live. Therefore, a team of scientist will go there to
explore it.
( Van gölünün sularının altında bir canavarın yaşadığı sanılıyor. Bu sebeble, bir grup bilim adamı onu araştırmaya
oraya gidecek.)

NOT: ‘ However’ bağlacında verdiğimiz alternatif kullanımların aynılarını yukarıdaki bağlaçlar için de

Ayrıca; Özellikle ‘ hence, thus ve thereby ‘ bağlaçlarıyla kısa ifadelerde kurulabilir.

Clause, thereby / thus / hence + VING

The local governments took a great many precautions, thus / hence / thereby preventing the constant rain to give
any damage to the crop.

( Yerel hükümetler pek çok tedbirler aldıklar, dolaysıyla / böylece sürekli yağan yağmur ürüne hasar vermesini

The man had lain in the sun for a long time, hence causing him to develop skin cancer.

SO ( Bu nedenle, bundan dolayı )


The local governments took a great many precautions, so the constant rain didn’t give any damage to the crop.

Existing planes have perfect technical designs, so they are ahead of other means of transport regarding comfort,
safety and speed.

( Mevcut uçaklar, mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahiptirler. Bundan dolayı konfor, güvenlik ve hız bakımından
diğer ulaşım araçlarının önündedirler.)
FOR (..den dolayı, için)


Existing planes are ahead of other means of transport regarding comfort, safety and speed, for they have perfect
technical designs.

( Mevcut uçaklar mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahip oldukları için, konfor, güvenlik ve hız bakımından diğer
ulaşım araçlarının önündedirler.)

Turkey once suspended its relation with Syria, for they hosted the terrorists.

AS A RESULT OF + NOUN/GERUND ( Sonucu olarak)

As a result of having perfect technical designs, existing planes are ahead of other means of transport regarding
comfort, safety and speed.
( Mükemmel teknik dizaynlara sahip olmaları sonucu olarak günümüz uçakları, konfor, güvenlik ve hız
bakımından diğer ulaşım araçlarının önündedirler.)

CLAUSES OF RESULT ( Sonuç Cümleleri)

So + adjective/adverb + that –Clause (…o kadar….ki/ …öyle ….ki)

The country’s economic situation was so bad that no other country seemed willing to invest there.
(Ülkenin ekonomik durumu o kadar kötüydü ki başka hiçbir ülke orada yatırım yapmaya istekli görünmüyordu.)

They ruled the country so badly that the economy collapsed in just a few years.

Such + (a/an) adjective + noun + that- Clause

The economy was deteriorating and It was such a rapid deterioration that people tended to withdraw their
accounts from the banks.

( Ekonomi bozuluyordu ve bu o kadar hızlı bir bozulmaydı ki insanlar bankalardan hesaplarını çekeme


Such a lot of + countable/uncountable nouns + that clause

The firm employed such a lot of computers that I’m afraid that most of us will be sacked.
( Firma o kadar çok bilgisayar aldı ki korkarım çoğumuz işten çıkarılacağız.)

Such a little + uncountable noun = so little: o kadar az … ki

She drank such a little milk during her infanthood and childhood that some of her teeth decayed.
( Bebeklik ve çocukluğunda o kadar az süt içti ki bazı dişleri çürüdü.)
Such a few + countable noun = so few: o kadar az…. ki

These foods include such a few chemicals that body can discharge them easily.
( Bu yiyecekler o kadar az kimyasal içerir ki vücut onları kolaylıkla dışarı atar.)

So much/little + uncountable noun + that clause: o kadar çok/az ….ki

My car uses so much petrol that I intend to sell it.

( Arabam o kadar çok benzin yakıyor ki onu satmaya niyetim var.)

She drank so little milk during her infanthood and childhood that some of her teeth decayed.
( Bebeklik ve çocukluğunda o kadar az süt içti ki bazı dişleri çürüdü.)

So many/few + countable noun + that clause: o kadar çok/az ….ki

The authorities took so many measures that almost no incident occured during the demonstration.
( Yetkililer o kadar çok önlem aldılar ki gösteri sırasında hemen hemen hiçbir olay olmadı.)

These foods include so few chemicals that body can discharge them easily.
( Bu yiyecekler o kadar az kimyasal içerir ki vücut onları kolaylıkla dışarı atar.)

CLAUSES OF PURPOSE ( Amaç Cümleleri)

SO THAT / IN ORDER THAT (…..sın, sin diye/…mek, mak için )

For present and Future actions

Present/future….SO THAT….CAN / WILL / MAY / MIGHT

The local governments are taking precautions so that they can stop damage from the rain.
( Lokal yönetimler yağmurun vereceği hasarı engellemek için tedbirler alıyorlar.)

He always uses simple words so that everybody can understand.

(O herkesin anlaması için ( anlasın diye ) daima basit kelimeler kullanır.)

For past actions


The local governments took precautions so that they could stop damage from the rain.
( Lokal yönetimler yağmurun vereceği hasarı engellemek için tedbirler aldılar.)

He used simple words so that everybody could understand


The local governments are taking precautions in order to / so as to / to stop damage from the rain.
The local governments took precautions in order to / so as to / to stop damage from the rain.

I listened carefully in order to hear what they were talking about.

, SO THAT = SO (bu yüzden, böylece)

I kept the fish in the fridge, so that it didn’t spoil.

( Balığı buzdolabında sakladım, bu yüzden bozulmadı.)

IN CASE (..olabilir diye/..olasılığına karşı / ihtimaline karşı)

For present/future actions

Present/future verb…IN CASE(that)..present verb/(should V1)

The local governments are taking precautions in case the constant rain gives harm to the crop.
( Yerel hükümetler sürekli yağmurun ürüne zarar verme ihtimaline karşı tedbir alıyorlar.)

I will stay with you in case something unexpected happens.

( Beklenmedik bir şey olabilir diye seninle kalacağım.)

For past actions

Past verb…IN CASE…verb 2 /(should V1)

The local governments took precautions in case the constant rain gave harm to the crop.
( Yerel hükümetler sürekli yağmurun ürüne zarar verme ihtimaline karşı tedbir aldılar.)

I stayed with him in case someting unexpected happened.

( Beklenmedik bir şeyler olabilir diye onunla kaldım.)


IN CASE/IN THE EVENT THAT = IF (…durumunda/olursa)

Dial this number in case/in the event that/if something bad happens.
( Kötü bir şey olursa/olması durumunda bu numarayı çevir.)

IN CASE OF/IN THE EVENT OF + NOUN ( olursa/olması durumunda)

In case of/In the event of a conflict, they may declare a war on us.
(Bir ihtilaf olursa onlar bize savaş açabilirler.)

LEST / FOR FEAR THAT = ( ……. Korkusuyla / …… olmasın diye )

1. For present and future actions

V1 / WILL V1 lest / for fear that V1 / SHOULD V1 / MAY V1

Acrophobias never live in high buildings lest they ( should / may ) fall down.
( Yükseklik korkusu olanlar aşağı düşme korkusuyla yüksek binalarda yaşamazlar.)

Whenever I go somewhere new, I carry a map for fear that I get lost.
Mary is holding her bag firmly for fear that a purse-snatcher may steal it.
For past actions

V2 lest / for fear that V2 / SHOULD V1 / MIGHT V1

Mary held her bag firmly for fear that a purse-snatcher stole / should steal /steal / might steal it.
( Mary hırsızlar onu çalabilir korkusuyla / çalmasın diye çantasını sıkıca tutuyordu. )

The policemen wore bullet proof vests lest they were shot.
( Polisler vurulma korkusuyla kurşun geçirmez yelekler giydiler.)

GIVEN = WHEN CONSIDERING ( Dikkate alındığında / göz önüne alınırsa )

Hem isimle hem de cümle ile kullanılabilir


Given all the expenses, this money will certainly not be enough.
( Bütün masraflar göz önüne alınırsa bu para kesinlikle yeterli olmayacak.)


Given that the results haven’t been announced yet, we still have hope.
( Sonuçların henüz ilan edilmediği düşünülürse hala ümidimiz var.

AS ( …. DİKÇE ….. )

Bu bağlaç present zamanlarla daha çok kullanılmakta ve ‘ increase / rise / grow / decrease vb. filleri de

As the number of unemployed people decreases in a country, welfare level increases there.
( Bir ülkede işsiz insanların sayısı azaldıkça, oradaki refah seviyesi artar. )

Many parents believe that as children grow, their problems increase.

( Pek çok ebeveyn çocuklar büyüdükçe problemlerinin arttığına inanmaktadır.)

As we live longer, we of course get older. ( Yaşadıkça tabii ki yaşlanmaktayız.)

As the inflation was brought down, the country’s economy recovered.

( Enflasyon düştükçe ülkenin ekonomisi düzeldi.)

JUST AS = tıpkı

Nesneler veya şahısların benzer yönlerini ifade eden bir bağlaçtır. Özellikle cümle tamamlama sorularında
karşılaştığımız bu bağlaç sorusu yapılırken soru kökünde verilen özneyle benzerlik gösteren gösterecek özneli
seçeneği bulmak işimizi kolaylaştıracaktır.

Just as demance is old people’s disease, alzheimer’s often affects the elderly people adversely restricting their
brain functions.
Demans tıpkı bir yaşlı hastalığı olduğu gibi, Alzheimer da yaşlı insanların beyin fonksiyonlarını sınırlayarak onları
olumsuz yönde etkiler.

THE MORE……., THE MORE…… (Ne kadar….o kadar)

The earlier a doctor diagnoses a disease, the more easily he can cure it.
(Doktor bir hastalığı ne kadar erken teşhis ederse onu o kadar kolay tedavi eder)

The less you read, the more aimlessly you live.

( Ne kadar az okursanız o kadar amaçsız yaşarsınız.)

Reduction in Adverbials

Before/after/while/since + Ving
(Bu kısaltmaların olması için iki cümlenin de öznelerinin aynı olması gerekir.)

We expect an invitation before we attend a programme.

Or: We expect an invitation before attending a programme

The government has been critcized since they started to satisfy the demands of the IMF. Or:
The government has been critcized since starting to satify the demands of the IMF.

While + Ving

While the pilot was landing the plane, he had a hearth attack.
Or: While landing the plane, the pilot had a hearth attack.
Or: Landing the plane, the pilot had a hearth attack.

Upon / on Ving = when

When the rescue team reached the scene, they were shocked to see nobody were alive.
Or: When reaching the scene, the rescue team were …….
Or: Upon/On reaching the scene, the rescue team were …………..
( Kurtarma ekibi olay yerine vardığında hiç kimsenin canlı olmadığını görmekten şoke oldu.)

For passive actions

When/although/Once/as soon as/as/while/if + V3

When the feasibility report was prepared, it was submitted to the minister.
Or: When prepared, the feasibility report was submitted to the minister.

If the woman is found guity, she will be sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Or: If found guilty, the woman will be ……..

When / If they are taken in proper doses, these pills can be curative.
When / If taken in proper doses, these pills can be curative

Because the child was frightened of what he had seen, he was crying.
Or: Because frightened of what he had seen, the child was ……..
Or: Frightened of what he had seen, the child was ……..

As it is shown in the graph, there is a dramatic increase in alcol consumption.

Or: As is shown in the graph, there is ………
Or: As shown in the graph, there is ……….
As soon as it is completed, the new project will be put into effect.
As soon as completed, the new Project will be put into effect.

Unless the old machine is replaced with a new one, it’ll curtail the productivity.
Unless replaced with a new one, the old machine will curtail the productivity.

Although the man was taken to the hospital on time, he couldn’t be saved.
Although taken to the hospital on time, the man couldn’t be saved.

Once it was struck by a destructive earthquake, the new bridge collapsed instantly.
Once struck by a destructive earthquake, the new bridge collapsed instantly

Much more about reductions

Reduction with an adjective

Although the economic embargo was strict, it was occasionally violated.

Although strict, the economic embargo was occasionally violated

When the subjects are different ( Özneler farklı ulduğunda )

Because the last plan had failed, they lost all their hope.
The last plan having failed, they lost all their hope.
A) no matter B) whereas C) whenever
1. An overwhelming majority of the Australians D) whatever E) although
are ---scattered in the continent ----- it is unlikely to
encounter populous cities in the country.
9. He was tired of commuting such a long way to
A) both I and B) rather /than work, -------- he was quite excited when a local
C) as/as D) so I that company offered him a job.
E) neither I nor
A) as B) so C) for
D) though E) still
2. The theory of wealth and what it stands for is of
great importance in economics; ------, the
meaning of wealth is not actually simple and there is 10. We had to move offices temporarily ------- a new
no universally agreed-upon definition. carpet was being fitted in ours.

A) even so B) as of C) whether A) much as B) wherever C) during

D) so that E) just as D) until E) while

3. Several prohibitions will be put into effect in 11. Working hours for farmers, -------- the fixed
Turkey soon ----- the consumption of tobacco hours of office workers, are irregular and
and related products might be restricted. dependent upon the needs of livestock and crops.

A) much as B) so long as C) so that A) in order to B) in contrast to C) nevertheless

D) because E) in case D) in spite of E) on the other hand

4. The first dated printed book known is the 12. ------ we scrubbed the floor, ------ obvious it
"Diamond Sutra", printed in China in 868 AD, became that a special cleaning fluid would be
--- it is known that books were printed earlier in the required to remove the marks.
A) Hardly/when
A) although B) because C) so B) Not only/but also
D) as if E) unless C) However/so
D) No matter/how
E) The more/the more
5. ------ vast distances and great difficulties in
transportation, there was a remarkable amount of
trade in the ancient world. 13. -------- the way they are portrayed in numerous
films and stories as man-eating creatures, only a
A) Whenever B) As a consequence of C) While few species of sharks are known to attack humans.
D) Even though E) In spite of
A) As B) Owing to C) Unlike
D) Although E) Because
6. --------- the fact that the cafe is close to the
university and offers reasonably priced meals, it is
very popular with students. 14.------- people are more aware of the cruelty of
importing exotic animals, dealers are less
A) On account B) Owing to C) Whereas likely to find buyers for pets such as monkeys and
D) Because E) As long as parrots.

A) As a result B) Because of C)Nevertheless

7. There are a lot of jellyfish in the water around D) In contrast E) Now that
here; -------, they are a harmless variety. 15. He had ------ opened the doors of the shop ------
a customer came in and bought all the
A) no matter B) besides C) consequently fresh cream cakes.
D) however E) much as
8. It was clear that ------ how much he protested, his A) both/and
father was not going to change his mind. B) not only/but also
C) the earlier/the more
D) no sooner/than
E) neither/nor 22. When hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in
2005, people were immediately evacuated -----
another hurricane could hit the region again.
16. I'm worried about him as he went directly to bed
------ hardly touching his dinner. A) in case B) now that
C) so that D) despite
A) while B) when C) before E) consequently
D) after E) until

23. ----- fiction and science do not seem to have

17. People often don't tell the truth on market any relevance, most of the time it is fiction
surveys; ------- the results obtained from them that inspires a scientist.
are not always accurate.
A) Since B) Now that
A) for B) otherwise C) due to C) As far as D) Hence
D) thus E) however E) Though

18. The people of Quebec, Canada, are ------ 24. ____ half of the budget of the US National
patriotic ------ the blue and white provincial Institute on Ageing is spent on research into
flag flies over many homes and businesses Alzheimer’s disease.

A) but/still A) As much as B) More of

B) neither/nor C) Rather than D) Other
C) just as/when E) The most
D) not only/but also
E) so/that
25. Great natural disasters cause ____ widespread
death ____ massive social disruption and outbreaks
19. The ban on night-time visitors to Patara beach is of epidemic disease.
------- the fact that the turtles get confused about
which direction the sea is when they see artificial A) much / as
light. B) so much / that
C) not only / but also
A) because B) due to C) despite D) as / as
D) though E) in order to E) no sooner / than

20. The use and structure of language can be ----- 26. Extinction for certain species in Polar Regions
versatile and complicated ----generally there can be prevented ------they are taken under
are conflictions in classifying languages. protection by international organisations.

A) more I than A) even if B) now that

B) rather /than C) whether D) provided
C) the more I the more E) since
D) so I that
E) either I or

27. Though they had ____ government backing

____ a potential home market, the company poured
21. -------- located in a remote mountainous part of billions of dollars into the project and lost everything.
the country, the archeological site is easily
attainable. A) with / less
B) neither / nor
A) Due to B) Although C) When C) some / any
D) in spite of E) Now that D) no / without
E) few / more
33. Beethoven’s seventeen string quartettes hold
____ the same position in chamber music ____ his
28. Our brain is composed of a homogenous symphonies hold in the orchestral repertoire.
jelly like tissue, as well as muscles, ----flesh
and bones. A) as / that
B) much / as
A) on behalf of C) quite / whether
B) as for D) just / what
C) rather than E) thus / than
D) as much as
E) on account of
34. The executive committee was of the opinion that
the motion must be passed ____ .
29. ----- the Gregorian calendar, the Julian
calendar and the Hindu calendar have cycles A) in truth
of years which are used to delineate whole B) at all costs
time periods. C) by heart
D) in connection
A) Besides E) at all
B) As of
C) But for
D) Therefore 35. ----- the Civil War, those years turned out to be a
E) Due to golden era for the magazine industry.

A) Despite B) Obviously
30. It looks ____ the hiring committee isn't C) Although D) Pertaining to
impressed by his qualifications, and I don't think the E) Nevertheless
manager of the company is, ____ .

A) like / also 36. Unfortunately, ----- stamping out the drugs'

B) as if / either trade, these programmes are simply forcing
C) so that / as well drug growers to move into more inaccessible
D) though / too regions.
E) just as / neither
A) besides B) rather than
C) in addition to D) due to
31. ------ the number of professional astronomers E) as for
worldwide is not much larger than the
population of a small town, there is a huge
community of amateur astronomers. 37.. Unfortunately, ----- current productivity
growth looks impressive, the rise in profits
A) Since over the coming years is likely to prove
B) In addition disappointing.
C) Even if
D) Unless A) since B) just as
E) Although C) even though D) if
E) which

32. NATO was initially not much more than a 38. Following four Mars mission losses, an
political association,----, with the emergence independent report paints a very clear picture
of the Korean War , the organisation became of ----- what ails the US space programme, -----
a powerful political organisation. what must be done to fix it

A) unless B) however A) whether / though

C) therefore D) when B) either / or
E) as if C) how/and\
D) thus/that
E) not only / but also
affected by economical crises.
39.The human body has a highly developed
adaptation system that enables us to adjust A) In case B) Unless
to almost any environment, ----- it is still wise C) If D) Although
to take supplementary vitamins in some E) Since

A) as if B)so 45. All of the technological devices and scientific

C) so that D)even so theories are thought to have originated in the West ,
E) in case ---- quite many of them actually have links with
Eastern scholars.

40. This part of Africa is growing greener again A) because B) now that
-------- that families who fled to wetter coastal C) but D) as long as
regions are starting to go home. E) so that

A) so far
B) to such an extent 46. The term "aborigines" signifies the original
C) even so inhabitants of any country, ____ the native tribes of
D) as a result Australia.
E) even more
A) with regard to B) due to
C) in spite of D) in particular
41. Let's take the ferry to Bandırma from where it's E) according to
only a short drive to Bursa, ----- driving all the way
from İstanbul to Bursa.
47. Today the United States, still by far ____
A) as well as prosperous country in the world, is increasing its
B) more than working hours ____ creating a more positive
C) besides balance between work and leisure time.
D) instead of
E) except for A) the more / as well as
B) most / in spite of
C) more / than
42. The construction of the undersea tunnel D) the most / instead of
between the two sides in Istanbul is ------- E) the / just as
extraordinary and demanding ----- building
the impossible.
48. ---- the use of the internet has brought about
A) both I and numerous utilities for individual users, it has
B) rather I than opened the door for frauds and easy theft as
C) the more I the more well.
D) as I as
E) so I that A) Even so B) Only if
C) So long as D) Because
E) Although

49. The naked eye is a figure of speech referring

43. Little is known about life on the ocean to human visual perception that is unaided by
floor ----- scientists have only recently enhancing equipment, -----telescope or
developed the technology for exploring it. microscope.

A) yet B) as A) in addition to
C) though D) whereas B) such as
E) while C) just as
D) but for
E) in case of
44. ------- the USA is considered to be the strongest
economy with high-level affluence, it is still this
country which is always the worst
50. In developing new collective defence policies,
America and her European allies will ____ be drawn A) besides
closer together ____ drift irreversibly apart. B) accordingly
C) therefore
A) either / or D) otherwise
B) not only / but also E) however
C) so / that
D) both / and
E) just as / so 52. Governments rely on intelligence and
technology to cope with growing terrorism,
---- they might be left behind terrorist groups.

A) in that
B) or else
C) as far as
D) even so
E) yet

53. The company’d never have had to compensate

for any damage they gave to the environment ------
they’d not lost the lawsuit the dwellers filed against

A) as
51. The end of the ancient Greek period was B) unless
traditionally seen as the death of Alexander C) but for
the Great in 323 BC, -----, ancient Greece is D) until
actually taken to include the following period, until
E) nonetheless
the Roman conquest of 146 BC.


Addition and listing ilave etme/ekleme (… bunun yanında, buna ilaveten, dahası, keza)

A. as a transition
In addition
Further/furthermore ,
What is more
More and more
Likewise ,
In addition to this, CLAUSE


Not: Yukarıdaki bağlaçların kullanılması için her iki cümlede anlam uyumu gereklidir. Yani birinci cümle olumlu bir
anlam taşıyorsa ikincisi de olumlu olmalıdır.

The city he lives in is extremely humid. Moreover, it hasn’t got enough plantation.
(Onun yaşadığı şehir aşırı derecede nemli. Dahası, yeterince ağaç da yok.

The government gave a 20 % increase to the employees. In addition, they are supposed to do some innovations
in the current election system.
( Hükümet işçilere % 20’lik bir artış verdi. Bunun yanında, onlardan mevcut seçim sisteminde bazı yenilikler
yapmaları bekleniyor.)

B. as a preposition

In addition to
Besides + noun / gerund , CLAUSE
As well as

In ancient times, ever-lasting wars in addition to diseases contributed to many nations’ disappearing.
( Eski dönemlerde, hastalıkların yanı sıra sürekli devam eden savaşlar da pek çok milletin yok olmasına sebeb

During the meeting he constantly objected to all my proposes. In addition to this, he tried to insult me.
( Toplantı esnasında sürekliolarak bütün önerilerime karşı çıktı. Buna ilaveten, beni rencide etmeye çalıştı.)

Including + noun : dahil etme ( dahil)

They invited all of us to the meeting including our representatives.

(Temsilcilerimiz dahil hepimizi toplantıya davet ettiler.)
Exception : hariç tutma (…nın dışında, hariç)

Except ( for)
Apart from
Aside from
With the exception of + noun/gerund , CLAUSE
Other than

Everbody was at the party except for Mike. ( Mike dışında herkes partideydi.)

When he seemed convinced to commit the murder, they gave him nothing except for a loaded pistol.
( Cinayeti işlemeye ikna olmuş göründüğünde, ona dolu bir silahtan başka bir şey vermediler.)

They did everything except convince her. ( Onu ikna etme hariç her şeyi yaptılar.)

Except that = except for the fact that + clause

He is a good cook except that he adds a bit more spice to food.
( Yemeklere biraz fazla baharat koyması haricinde o iyi bir aşçıdır.)

Contrast zıtlık ( aksine, den farklı olarak)

Different from
In contrast to + noun CLAUSE
Contraray to
In opposition to
As opposed to

Contrary to common belief, men sometimes gossip more than women do.
(Yaygın inanışın aksine, erkekler bazen kadınlardan daha çok dedikodu yapar.)

Different from the previous ones, today’s speech of the president was much more threatening.
( Başkanın bugünkü konuşması, öncekilerden farklı olarak çok daha tehditvariydi.)

Unlike its political effects, the project’s social effects are thought to be more important for the society.
( Siyasi etkilerinin aksine, projenin sosyal etkilerinin toplum için daha önemli olacağı düşünülüyor.)

Transition : geçiş ( bakımından, açısından, ile ilgili olarak, …e, a gelince)

In terms of
As regards
With regard to
In regard to
Regarding + noun CLAUSE
With respect to
From the point of view
As to
As for
Concerning / about


As far as someone/something is concerned + clause)

As far as the membership to the European Union is concerned, many people still seem to be indecisive.
( Avrupa Birliğine üyelik hususunda pek çok insan hala kararsız görünüyor.)

With regard to the drug trafficking, stricker punishments must be enforced.

( Uyuşturucu trafiği ile ilgili olarak daha sert cezalar uygulanmalıdır.)

From the comfort point of view, a car is definitely much better than a bicycle.
( Comfor açısından araba bisikletten çok daha iyidir.)

A biopsy has to be made concerning the diagnosis of his ilness.

(Hastaliğının teşhisiyle ilgili biopsi yapılması gerekiyor.)

Aykut works for an insurance company. As for Cenk, he is self-employed.

( Aykut bir sigorta şirketinde çalışıyor. Cenk’e gelince kendi işini yapıyor.)

Regardless of /irrespective of / without considering + noun

( bakmaksızın, umursamayarak, dikkate almadan )

To my surprise, the firm employed him regardless of qualifications.

( Firma niteliklere bakmadan onu işe almasına şaşırdım.)

All their proposals were rejected regardless of their benefits.

( Yararları dikkate alınmadan bütün teklifler geri çevrildi.)

Time ( bu arada, bu sırada)

Meanwhile/In the meantime , + clause

The aid will reach in a few days. Meanwhile, we must live on this food.
(Yardım birkaç gün içersinde ulaşacak. Biz de bu arada bu yiyecekle yetinmeliyiz.)

Emphasis / intensification : vurgulama (gerçekte, easında, aslında)

In fact
CLAUSE As a matter of fact , CLAUSE
I like tennis. As a matter of fact, it’s my favourite pastime activity.
( Tenis’i severim. Aslında, o benim en çok sevdiğim boş zaman aktivitemdir.)

Conclusion/summary : özetleme (Kısaca, özet olarak, sonuç olarak)

In conclusion
All in all
To sum up
In summary
To summarize ,
In brief
To be brief

It was our most disastrous and embarrassing defeat. In brief, it was a fiasco.
( O bizim en felaket and utanç verici yenilgimizdi. Kısaca, bir fiaskoydu.)

Similarity : benzerlik (aynı şekilde, keza)

In the same way
CLAUSE By the same token , CLAUSE

She was constantly absent for math classes last year. Likewise, she did not attend many other classes regularly.
( Geçen yıl matematik derslerinde sürekli olarak yoktu. Aynı şekilde, diğer pek çok derse de düzenli olarak devam

Explanation : ifade etme (yani / başka bir ifadeyle)

That is
That is to say
CLAUSE In other words, CLAUSE

Unlike fish, whales are mammals; that is, they are air-breathing, warm-blooded animals which nourish their young
with milk.
(Balıkların aksine, balinalar memelidirler. Yani, yavrularını sütle besleyen, hava soluyan sıcak kanlı hayvanlardır.)

Exemplification: örnekleme (mesela, örneğin)

For instance
For example
To illustrate
CLAUSE Take sb/sth for instance, CLAUSE
There are many institutions which keep order in our city; for instance, the police and fire departments provide
essential urban services.
( Şehrimizde düzeni sağlayan pek çok kurum var. Örneğin, polis ve itfaiye gerekli şehir hizmetleri sunmaktadır.)

Particularization Özellik gösterme ( özellikle)

In particular

Many people in the department found his behavior objectionable. Particularly, the girls objected his manners.
( Bürodaki çoğu kişi onun davranışlarını nahoş buldu. Özellikle, kızlar onun hareketlerine beğenmediler.)


After all ( ne de olsa, netice itibariyle)

He shouldn’t be punished for such an unimportant matter. After all, he’s a child.
( O kadar önemsiz bir olaydan dolayı cezalandırılmasına gerek yok. Neticede, o bir çocuk.)

Above all ( hepsinden önemlisi)

He’s an industrious and generous person. Above all, he gets on well with everbody.
( O çalışkan ve cömert bir insan. Hepsinden öte, herkesle de iyi geçinir.)

Anyway/anyhow/in any case/all the same (her nasılsa, yine de)

It looks like rain. In any case, we won’t cancell the match.

(Yağmur yağacağa benziyor. Yine de, maçı iptal etmeyeceğiz.)

I like him; all the same, I don’t trust him.

( Onu severim, buna rağmen, ona güvenmiyorum.)
By the way / incidentally ( aklımdayken, bu arada)

… By the way, how do you get by on such a low wage?

( Aklımdayken, bu kadar düşük bir maaşla nasıl geçiniyorsun?)

In a way ( bir bakıma)

In a way, you’re right in this matter, if you were really forced to do like that.
(Bu konuda bir bakıma haklısın, eğer gerçekten öyle yapmaya zorlandıysan.)

(Be) under way ( devam ediyor, yapılıyor, oluyor, ilerliyor)

The plan is under way as was planned.

(Plan planlandığı gibi işliyor.)

In accordance with /in compliance with/ in conformity ( … ile uyumlu olarak / …e göre )

We should act in this issue in accordance with the resolution.

(Bu konuda kararlara uygun olarak hareket etmeliyiz.)

On behalf of (adına)

Süleyman the magnificient had a tomb constructed on behalf of her mother.

( Muhteşem Süleyman annesi adına bir türbe yaptırdı.)

In favour of (lehinde, …den yana)

When the enemies invaded our counry, like Atatürk, all the people voted in favour of independence.
(Düşmanlar yurdumuzu işgal ettiğinde Atatürk gibi bütün halk da bağımsızlıktan yana tercih kullandı)

Along with = together with (…ile birlikte)

The little child disappeared in sight along with his parents in a few seconds.
(Küçük çocuk birkaç saniye içersinde anne babasıyla beraber gözden kayboldu.)

By means of ( vasıtasıyla, yoluyla …den dan )

The prisoners are suspected to have escaped by means of a tunnel.

( Mahkumların bir tünelden kaçtıklarından şüpheleniliyor.)

A vast amount of knowledge is accessible by means of a computer today.

( Bugün büyük ölçüde bilgiye bilgisayar vasıtasıya ulaşılabilinmektedir.

By no means ( hiç, hiçbir şekilde)

It’s by no means certain whether or not the new chairman will be able to go ahead in accodance with the old
( Yeni başkanın eski üyelerle uyumlu olarak devam edip etmeyeceği hiç kesin değil.)

At the expense of (pahasına)

The government insisted on implementing the new austerity measures at the expense of dismission.
( Hükümet iktidardan uzaklaştırılma pahasına yeni kemer sıkma tedbirlerini uygulama konusunda ısrarlı

At all costs ( her ne pahasına olursa olsun)

The soldiers were ordered to defend their land at all costs.

( Askerlere ne pahasına olursa olsun topraklarını savunmaları emredildi.)

For the sake of ( hatırına , uğruna, uğrunda)

Our ancestors fought bravely in Çanakkale and for the sake of this, thousands of them were martyred.
( Atalarımız Çanakkalede kahramanca savaştılar ve bu uğurda binlercesi şehit oldu.)

On purpose /deliberatelly ( kasten, isteyerek)

Many nations from the EU voted against Turkey on purpose.

( Avrupa birliğindeki pek çok ülke kasten Türkiye aleyhinde oy kullandı.)

For / with / on the purpose of = with the aim of / in an attempt of / with the intent / intention of
( Amacıyla – Maksadıyla - Niyetiyle )

For / with the purpose of drawing his parents’ attention the little child started to make some rediculous changes in
his unusual behaviours.
( Çocuk ebeveynlerinin dikkatini çekmek amacıyla olağan davranışlarında bazı komik değişikliler yapmaya
başladı. )

In due course ( vakti geldiğinde / zamanla / zaman içersinde )

The committee will consider your application in due course.

( Komite vakti geldiğinde müracaatını dikkate alacaktır.)

In relation to = in proportion to ( ilgili/orantılı olarak)

The tax increases in relation to the amount you earn.

( Vergi kazandığınız miktarla orantılı olarak artar.)
In advance of = ahead of /prior to / before (… den önce, nın önünde)

They booked their seats well in advance of the date they wanted to travel.
( Onlar yerlerini seyahate başlama tarihinden çok önce ayırdılar.)

To some extent = to a small extent = to a certain extent = to a small degree (bir ölçüde)

I agree with you to some extent. ( Sana bir ölçüde katılıyorum.)

To a large extent = to a great extent / to large degree / to a large scale (büyük ölçüde)

Happiness in mariage depends on love to a large extent.

( Evlilikteki mutluluk büyük ölçüde sevgiye bağlıdır.)

To such an extent ( that ) : ( o kadar / öyle bir oranda ….. ki )

Sanitary conditions had deteriorated to such an extent that there was widespread danger of disease.
( Sıhhi şartlar o kadar bozulmuştu ki yaygın bir hastalık tehlikesi vardı.)

To what extent : ( Ne oranda / ne ölçüde)

The government stil hasn’t declared to what extent the budget has had a deficit.
( Hükümet bütçenin ne oranda açık verdiğiyle ilgili henüz bir demeç vermedi.)

In cooperation with (ile işbirliğiyle)

The film was produced in cooperation with the city governer.

(Film Valilik işbirliğiyle yapıldı.)

In connection with ( ilgili / bağlantılı olarak)

A small problem has arisen in connection with the renewal of the visa.
( Vize’nin yenilenmesiyle ilgili küçük bir problem ortaya çıktı.)

On the point of =on the verge of /on the brink of (başlamak üzere, yaklaşmak, ramak kalmak, eşiğinde)

I was on the point of leaving the house when the phone rang.
( Telefon çaldığında evden çıkmak üzereydim.)

The country was on the verge of the war when Iran refused any inspection from an international committee.
( İran uluslararası bir komitenin yapacağı incelemeyi reddettiğinde ülke savaşın eşiğine gelmişti)

Of /on one’s own accord = of / on one’s own will ( kendi isteğiyle)

He did it of his own will. Nobody forced it to do it.

( Onu kendi isteğiyle yaptı. Kimse onu öyle yapmaya zorlamadı.)

On no account /under no circumstances ( hiçbir şekilde)

On no account will you be allowed to use it again.

( Hiçbir şekilde onu tekrar kullanmana izin verilmeyecek.)

Not: Yukarıdaki cümlenin inversion olduğuna dikkat ediniz.

To my surprise/ astonishment ( …mesine şaşırdım / … meğer(se) / hayret ki

To my surprise, the once-wealthy country is now on the verge of a serious economic collapse.
( Bir zamanların varlıklı ülkesinin şu anda ciddi bir ekonomik çöküşün eşiğinde olmasına şaşırdım.)
( Meğerse bir zamanların varlıklı ülkesi şu anda ciddi bir ekonomik çöküşün eşiğindeymiş. )

To Jane’s surprise, none of her friends seem to remember her birthday yet.
( Arkadaşlarından hiçbirinin onun doğum gününü hatırlıyor gibi görünmemesiJane’i şaşırttı.)

Rather than = instead of / in place of ( …. yerine, …..den ziyade)

He chose to specialize in botany rather than zoology. ( O, zooloji yerine botanik’te uzmanlaşmayı seçti.)
They bothered me rather than consoling. ( Teselli edecek yerde beni üzdüler.)

In return for = in exchange for ( karşılık olarak)

I wish I could do something in return for the kindness I received from him.
( Keşke ondan gördüğüm nezakete karişılık olarak bir şeyler yapabilsem.)

In pursuit of = in search of ( takiben, peşine)

Many Turks went to Germany in pursuit of money and a better life style.
( Pek çok Türk para ve daha iyi bir hayat tarzını peşine Almanyaya gitti.)

The government is selling off some state-owned companies in pursuit of its policy of privatization.
( Hükümet özelleştirme politikasını takiben, bazı devlet kurumlarını satıyor.)

By virtue of = because of / as a result of ( ….. den dolayı)

Maria became such a successful business woman by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.

( Maria yeteneğinden ziyade azminden dolayı başarılı oldu.)

Unaware of = ignorant of / uninformed ( …. den habersiz, bihaber )

The team were progressing in the suffocating snow, unaware of another danger following them.
( Grup kendilerini takibeden diğer tehlikeden bihaber, boğucu karda ilerliyordu.)

In response to = in reply to = in answer to ( Cevaben / karşılık olarak )

They felt obliged to find the correct word among four alternatives in response to the question.
( Soruya cevaben dört alternatif arasında doğru kelimeyi bulma hususunds onlar kendilerini zorunlu hissettiler. )
With / by the advent of = on the arrival of / with the invention of ( ….. ın gelişiyle / varışıyla / icadıyla)

With the advent of the printing press, human was able to pass on much information about their lives to the next
( Matbaanın icadıyla insanoğlu sonraki nesillere yaşamı hakkında daha çok bilgi aktarabildi. )

In vain = useless / futile ( boşuna / beyhude )

With the first goal from his team, the coach had in vain hoped that they would win the match. They were beaten.
( Takımlarının attığı ilk golle teknik adam boşuna yeneceklerini ummuştu. Takımı yenildi. )

A) Even though
B) In addition to
C) Instead of
D) What is more
E) For the purpose of

2. The police have questioned a lot of people ---- the

murder without any serious clues.

A) in connection with
B) in spite of
QUESTIONS -2 C) while
D) as a result
SET I E) on the grounds that

1. The nuclear reactor disaster crippled the

country’s economy. -----, it increased the deaths
from cancer.
3. It was not ----- obvious how the crisis in the C) For instance
economy which they had never faced before would D) In a way
be pulled through. E) In that

A) for the sake of

B) ın due course 8. The economic crisis was beyond their
C) along with expectations, but the government already had plan
D) regardless of B to put into effect in any case of urgency, -----.
E) by any means
A) in due course
B) In proportion to
4. Scientists at last developed the vaccine for C) anyway
tuberculosis, saving millions of lives. -----, without D) along with
their discovery of the vaccine, other millions would E) by the way
have died from the disease.

A) In advance of
B) By no means
C) Particularly
D) Now that
E) That is
9. The doctors are going on strike ------ security and
a life with more dignity .

A) on the point of
5. ----- career, young people used to make more B) in exchange for
appropriate decisions, different from today’s youth C) unaware of
who usually prefer to be a singer, actor or dancer. D) in pursuit of
E) In favour of
A) Except for
B) In terms of
C) Including 10. Altough it caused them thousands of lives to win
D) Besides the war, people, ------ the soldiers, were flying high.
E) Likewise
A) In advance of
B) by any means
6. The excluded politician was speaking on TV, C) together with
-------- what it would cost. D) actually
E) For example
A) different from
B) on purpose
C) regardless of 11. Following so much hardship they’ve confronted,
D) with the exception of the economic recovery is at last -----, causing
E) such an extent that people to take deep breath.

A) under way
7. The journalist Hasan Tahsin organized the people B) notably
to repel the enemy from İzmir. -----, he shot the first C) by the way
bullet to them. D) in brief
E) correspondingly
A) Consequently
B) Above all
12. The firm was ----- bankruptcy when the bank 17. His operation is scheduled on March 5. -----, the
refused to lend loan to them due to unreliability. patient is administered medication.

A) at all cost A) In fact

B) on the verge of B) Meanwhile
C) in relation to C) In a way
D) in conformity D) In other words
E) to a small extent E) All in all

13.We should tolerate such trivial problems. ----, 18. ------- do semi-noble metals, such as copper
we’re neighboring and brother countries. (cu ) react with hydracits.

A) After all A) In compliance with

B) Moreover B) To my surprise
C) As well as C) Under no circumstances
D) Other than D) In summary
E) In particular E) From the point of

14. ----- the evacuation operation of 215 Japanese 19. The dictator stated that his directive about the
people by a Turkish plane during the Iran-Iraq war, governing could ------- be disobeyed.
Satoru, one of the survivors, donated 5 million yen
to the survivors of the Marmara eartquake, after 14 A) meanwhile
years. B) at all cost
C) deliberately
A) Despite D) by no means
B) As a result E) regardless of
C) unlike
D) In return for
E) As 20. ------- a dream of a bit welfare, many innocent
people have been losing their hopes in cold waters
of the seas between their country and their
15. The vise president declared that the security of destination.
the ambassador should have been maintained
during his visit -------. A) Regardless of
B) in pursuit of
A) above all C) Irrespective of
B) incidentally D) In contrast to
C) on purpose E) Excluding
D) in connection with
E) at all cost
21. The naive politician was speaking in the opening
ceremony, ------ what it would result in.
16. The company’s profits are thought to have
declined ------ the recent drop in sales. A) unaware of
B) with respect to
A) in favour of B) to a certain extent C) aside from
C) due to D) as a result D) other than
E) on the point of E) as opposed to
22. The patient responded to the drugs well, ------ he
developed a little tolerance to the antibiotics. 27. He dissipated all the money he inherited from
his grandfather. ------, he ended in bankrupt.
A) regarding
B) without considering A) In any case
C) except that B) By any means
D) to illustrate
C) on purpose
E) on behalf of
D) Rather than
E) As a consequence
23. Though today’s buildings have perfect technical
and modern designs, most of them can’t compete
with the old ones ------ duration or resistance to

A) at all cost
B) in cooperation with
C) for the sake of
28. The security in the city was maintained ------.
D) on behalf of
However, there are minor clashes in some districts.
E) with regard to
24. Although the shepherd was charged with the
A) in due course
waste of the herd of the sheep, it then turned out
B) above all
that the leader sheep of the herd was also to blame
C) notably
for it ---------.
D) to a large degree
E) likewise
A) in due course
B) ignorant of
C) of his own accord 29. The soldiers ran out of all their hopes, together
D) to some extent with their bullets. -------, they had to surrender to the
E) in other words enemy.

A) All in all
25. We made our comments on the event B) By the same token
inconclusively . --------, did any of you come up with C) In response to
any good suggestion about the delivery of the D) In addition to
goods? E) As a matter of fact

A) To suh an extent
B) In an attemt to 30. According to a research carried out in Norway,
C) By the way ------- the common notion men tend to gossip more
D) Furthermore than women.
E) For instance
A) in cooperation with
B) besides
26. The police chief suspected that his wife had C) for the purpose of
killed him but ------ the man was blown out by his D) by means of
business partner. E) in contrast with

A) that is to say
B) actually
C) specifically SET II
D) likewise
E) in short
1. Capital punishment was abolished in many B) notably
Europen countries. -------, it is no longer practiced in C) except that
Turkey. D) as to
E) in short
A) However
B) Likewise
C) As well as
D) But
E) In a way

6. The spokesman tried to soothe the public saying

that it was, ------, a temporary crisis.
2. These types of airplanes have a bearing capacity
of 500 passengers, ----- the crew and cabin staff. A) after all
B) specifically
A) excluding C) namely
B) on behalf of D) all the same
C) in compliance with E) by no means
D) incidentally
E) as for
7. The commander consolidated their defence with
reinforcement ----- the enemy’s intense attacks
3. During the Great Depression many great towards the final stages of the war.
economies almost collapsed, ------ some others
reversed the case in their favour. A) in advance of
B) in response to
A) Unlike C) to such an extent
B) with the exception of D) for the sake of
C) Concerning E) unaware of
D) while
E) In addition
8. -------- the demands of the employees, the
managements agreed to impove working conditions
4. Alcohol and tobacco sale was restricted to the and ensure work safety.
certain ages. -------, those under the age of 18 aren’t
allowed to purchase any of them. A) Ignorant of
B) With the intention of
A) However C) In accordance with
B) Also D) Rather than
C) In addition E) On the verge of
D) Regardless of
E) For example
9. The representatives of the health workers' union
accepted the proposed pay increase ----- their
5. In order to attract more investors the company is members.
planning to associate with foreign banks, ----- big
Japanese banks. A) with the intent of
B) with the advent of
C) by virtue of
A) meanwhile
D) on behalf of
E) in search of
15. ------- its local effects, the carbon monoxide from
the industrial region led to many cases of poisoning
10. ----- the government's repeated assurances to
in the nearby areas.
the contrary, inflation has continued to rise over the
past decade.
A) Even though
A) In accordance with B) More and more
B) Particularly C) Because of
C) Despite D) As a matter of fact
D) in cooperation with E) In addition to
E) In favour of
16. Our ancestors tried hard to defend our
11. The experts aren’t even aware ------ the country homeland against multinational attacks ------ their
will be affected by the epidemic. lives.

A) to what extent A) in an attempt of

B) ahead of B) unaware of
C) on no account C) at the expense of
D) on the brink of D) in search of
E) by no means E) in vain

12. Most of the members were ----- accepting the 17. ------- modern medicine, alternative medicine
defeat, while a few others were against it. comes into prominence nowadays, especially as it
fails to cope with all our health problems.
A) on purpose
B) namely A) in return for
C) in connection with B) Rather than
D) in advance of C) under no circumstances
E) in favour of D) After all
E) On the point of

13. All the internal expenses, ------ foreign debts,

formed too big an amount for the government to pay 18. The departments of the company are being
in the short term. computerised. -------, most of the staff seem to be
made redundant.
A) in relation to
B) together with A) Consequently
C) at the expense of B) To a large scale
D) in other words C) In connection with
E) for instance D) Owing to
E) At all cost

14. He tried to explain the deaf woman what had

happened ------ sign language. 19. ------ the steam engine, life was made easier
and better as in almost all inventions,
A) in summary
B) indeed A) Despite
C) in connection with B) On behalf of
D) by means of C) With the intent of
E) with the aim of D) In any case
E) With the advent of
B) In the meantime
20. Despite longlasting hatred, the two sides had to C) Regardless of
put up with the terms throughout a year ----- the D) Contrary to
peace treaty. E) Owing to
26. The captain’s effort to avoid colliding the iceberg
A) especially was --------. The enormus ship sank in a few hours.
B) including
C) For instance A) in vain
D) for the sake of B) all in all
E) that is C) correspondingly
21. As there were no sensible grounds to do that, D) in a way
they thought their warplane was shot down -------. E) under way

A) on purpose
B) after all 27. Some migraine sufferers also complain about a
C) to such an extent blurred vision ----- the migraine attacks.
D) anyhow
E) on the brink of A) by means of
B) in advance of
C) ignorant of
22. Most of us develop phobia ------ our genes, D) in response to
whereas some of us acquire it in our later life. E) at the advent of

A) in return for
B) in pursuit of 28. The society’s value judgement was distorted
C) by virtue of ----- it seemed to take a long time to restore it.
D) likewise
E) apart from A) with the exception of
B) on no account
C) in return for
23. In accordance with our belief, everybody will get D) to such an extent that
what they deserve ----- – punishment or reward. E) different from

A) in connection with
B) by no means 29. It seems a nasty behaviour, but ----- it can be
C) in proportion to acceptable when everything is taken into
D) in due course consideration.
E) along with
A) in terms of
24. For a few months the new drug has been B) as for
studied for possible negative effects -------migraine C) in a way
headaches. D) by no means
E) to summarize
A) by means of
B) in relation to
C) in a way
D) above all
E) similarly

25. ------- the nationwide strike many sectors came

to a standstill, leading to collapse in economies.

A) In fact
32. ------- many plants grown in the warm climates,
30. Unfortunatelly some leaders avoid combatting the primrose can be found at a temperature of about
terrorism ------- others, unaware that it’s much more minus 30.
than an individual attempt.
A) In reply to
A) in the same way B) On the arrival of
B) particularly C) On the point of
C) for the sake of D) Unlike
D) with the aim of E) In connection with
E) in cooperation with

33. In today’s industrial football games many people

31. Fortunately almost all the citizens worked, -----, give importance to the score ------ to the game itself.
night and day to reconstruct the country which was
badly destroyed by heavy air bombardment. A) for the sake of
B) rather than
A) by no means C) together with
B) on their own accord D) on behalf of
C) in exchange for E) in addition
D) in pursuit of
E) in vain

B) by the way
C) for the purpose of

34. During the Dardanelle War countless civilians as

well as hundreds of soldiers from different military
units were transferred to the region --------- the zone

A) in accordance with
D) in any case
E) in particular

35. The firm has always tried to keep its confidence

against their customers ------ profit.

A) at the expense of
B) unaware of
C) for example
D) different from
E) in other words

36. During his far eastern journey the president was

escorded by a great many politicians, ------
outstanding journalists and businessmen.
A) for example
B) in any case
C) prior to
D) at the expense of
E) including




AS ( + noun )= olarak ( when talking about someone’s or something’s job, function or role)

Not: Bir ismin önünde kullanılan as, o ismin (ki o isim çoğunlukla meslek veya unvan’dır) görev veya işlevinden

As a mother, Mrs. Hike herself brought up her children very well though she lost her husband early.
( Bayan Hike, erken yaşta eşini kaybetmesine rağmen anne olarak çocuklarını çok iyi yetiştirdi.)

Not: Bu cümlede Bayan Hike bir (gerçekten) annedir.

LIKE ( + noun) = gibi ( similar to someone or something)

Not: İsmin önünde kullanılan like, o ismi bir benzetme örneği olarak kullanmaktadır.

When she lost their parents, Jane, who was the oldest in the family, brought up her siblings like a mother.
( Ebeveynlerini kaybedince, ailenin en büyüğü olan Jane, kardeşlerini bir anne gibi yetiştirdi.)

Not: Bu cümlede Jane gerçekten anne değildir. Sadece anneye benzetilmiştir.


LIKE: Yukarıda bahsettiğimiz şekilde özellikle benzetme yaparken kullanılır.

Martin behaves like a child. ( Martin çocuk gibi davranıyor. )

SUCH AS: gibi / örneğin ( when giving example for something )

Not: Such as, önündeki isme örnek vermek için kullanılır.

Scientists have long been trying to find cure for certain incurable diseases, such as cancer.
( Bilim adamları uzun süredir kanser gibi tedavisi olmayan belirli hastalıklara tedavi bulmak için uğraşıyor.)

FAKAT ???????

Such as = like ( like da such as gibi bir ismi örneklendirmede kullanılabilmektedir.)

Scientists have long been trying to find cure for certain incurable diseases, like cancer.
( Bilim adamları uzun süredir kanser gibi tedavisi olmayan belirli hastalıklara tedavi bulmak için uğraşıyor.)

AYRICA ????????

Such as + noun = Such + Noun + as ( gibi / örneğin )

Not: Aynı örneklemeyi yaparken, isim such ile as arasına alınarak aynı anlamda kullanılabilir.

Countries, such as Russia and the USA once competed with each other in space exploration.
( Rusya ve Amerika birleşik devletleri gibi devletler bir zamanlar uzay araştırmalarında birbirleriyle rekabet


Such countries as Russia and the USA once competed with each other in space exploration.
( Rusya ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri gibi devletler bir zamanlar uzay araştırmalarında birbirleriyle rekabet

AS WELL AS / BESIDES / IN ADDITION TO + NOUN / VING ( … yanında / ilaveten)

The country’s economy deteriorated due to excessive public expenditure as well as high inflation.
( Ülkenin ekonomisi, yüksek enflasyon yanında aşırı kamu harcamalarından dolayı bozuldu.)


Suicide bombings took place in almost every European country, except for Sweden.
( İntihar bombalamaları İsveç hariç hemen her Avrupa ülkesinde meydana geldi.
FAKAT ????????

Apart from / aside from = as well as /besides / in addition to

“Apart from” ve “aside from” ayrıca as well as /besides / in addition to gibi ‘yanında’ veya ‘ilaveten’ anlamında da

The country’s economy deteriorated due to excessive public expenditure apart from high inflation.
( Ülkenin ekonomisi, yüksek enflasyon yanında / dan başka aşırı kamu harcamalarından dolayı bozuldu.)

Correlative Cojunctions /Bağlantılı bağlaçlar

Aşağıdaki iki kısımlı bağlaçlar özne, nesne ve fiiller için kullanılabilir. Bunlar ayrıca özne olarak kullanıldıklarında
‘both…and’ hariç (bunun fiili daima çoğuldur) diğerlerinde özne ikinci isme göre belirlenir.

Both …..and….. (hem …hem de…)

Both inventors and discoverers are those who contributed to human in their lives to a large extent.
(Hem mucitler hem de kaşifler insanlara yaşamlarında büyük ölçüde katkı sağlamış kişilerdir.)

America both imposed drastic economic sanctions on Iraq and invaded it.
( America Irak’a hem sert ekonomik yaptırımlar uyguladı hem de işgal etti.)

For their research, many ecologists use both biology and many other disciplines, such as Mathematics,
Chemistry and Computer Science.
(Pek çok ekololog, çalışmalarında hem biyoloji hem de Matematik, Kimya ve Bilgisayar Bilimi gibi pek çok diğer
branşları kullanmaktadırlar.)

Neither ….nor…. ( ne…. ne de…)

Neither animals nor plants can live without water.

( Ne hayvanlar ne de bitkiler susuz yaşayabilir.)

In this ancient tribe, neither people nor their leader was dedicated to their customs tightly.
( Bu eski kabilede ne halk ne de liderleri örflerine sıkı sıkıya bağlıydı.)

Any kangaroo can be found neither in America nor in Africa.

( Bir kanguru ne Amerikada ne de Afrikada bulunabilir.)
The opposition party neither accepted the government’s healthcare budget nor opposed it.
(Muhalefet partisi hükümet’in sağlık bütcesini ne kabul etti ne de karşı çıktı.)

Inversion form of ‘neither…. nor’ ( neither… nor yapısının devrik şekli)

Inversion (devrik) cümleler soru olmamalarına karşın soru dizilimindedirler.

Normal cümle:

The opposition party neither accepted the government’s healthcare budget nor opposed it.

Devrik cümle ( Inversion)

Neither did the opposition party accept the government’s healthcare budget nor they opposed it.

Not: Eğer fiilin önündeki neither cümle başına çekilirse inversion gerekir. Diğer taraftan yukarıdaki cümle
aşağıdaki şekilde de devrik yapılabilir.

The opposition party didn’t accept the government’s healthcare budget, nor did they oppose it.

Either…or…. ( ya…ya da…)

Either Mike or John will be seeing you at the airport tonight.

( Ya Mike ya da John bu gece seni havaalanında bekliyor olacak.)

You should either say what you think or be silent for ever.
( Ya düşündüğünüzü söylemelisiniz ya da sonsuza dek susmalısınız.)

He’s going to travel either by air or by bus.

( Ya hava yoluyla ya da otobüs ile seyahat edecek.)

Not only…but also… ( sadece… değil aynı zamanda…)

Not: aşağıdaki yapılar aynı anlamdadır

Or: Not only….but…as well

Or: Not only….but….too
Or: Not merely…but also
Or: Not merely…but…as well
Or: Not merely…but…too
Or: Not solely…but…also/as well/too

Not only motivation but also willingness plays a vital role in education.
( Sadece motivasyon değil aynı zamanda isteklilik de eğitimde önemli rol oynar)

Scientist not merely seek to know what the facts are but also try to explain them.
(Bilim adamları sadece gerçeklerin ne olduğunu öğrenmek için araştırma yapmazlar, aynı zamanda onları
açıklamaya da çalışırlar.)
The characters in the novel were not only unattractive but dull as well.
( Romandaki karakterler sadece itici değil aynı zamanda sıkıcıydılar.)

Inversion form of it

The internet not only provides us with knowledge but olso entertains us.

Not: Fiilin önündeki not only cümle başına çekilirse inversion gerekir.


Not only does the internet provide us with knowledge but also it entertain us.

Prepositions for parrallel expressıons

1. Paralel ifadeler arasında kullanılan edatlar:

Not: Aşağıdaki paralel ifadelerdeki edatların aynılığını (to noun as well as to noun) görelim.

To something as well as to something

For someone in addition to for someone

By something besides by something

With someone rather than with someone

Noun/Ving instead of noun/Ving

Noun other than noun

Mike is addicted to alcohol besides to cigarettes. ( Mike sigaranın yanında alkole de bağımlıdır.)

The bad situation in the country was triggered by the global crisis as well as by the drought.
( Ülkedeki kötü durum kuraklık kadar global krizden de etiklendi.)

Unfortunately, he is notorious for ignoring the traffic rules rather than obeying them.
( O, maalesef trafik kurallarına uymaktan ziyade onları ihlal etmekle ün saldı.

In 1968, Bermuda, which used to be a British colony, was granted some rights other than foreign relations,
defence and internal security.

(1968’ de, bir zamanlar İngilterenin kolonisi olan Bermuda’ya dış ilişkiler, savunma ve iç güvenlik hariç pek çok
haklar verildi.)
Örnek soru

The trend of increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is documented by the examination of air bubbles
trapped in glaciel ice ____ by direct measurement of the atmosphere.
A)as well as B)unless C)because of D)also E)whereas

Çözüm: Bu soruda ‘by + noun by + noun’ ifadeleri açıkca bir paralelliğe işaret etmektedir. Seçeneklerden buna
ışık tutan da A seçeneğidir. B ve E seçeneklerinden sonra cümle gelmesi gerekirdi. C seçeneğindeki because of
edatından sonra ikinci bir edat gelmez. Yani because of + by yanlıştır. D seçeneğindeki also bir eyleme ilave bir
eylem katmak için kullanılır. Ancak bu kullanım için genellikle iki cümleye ihtiyaç vardır ve also da ikinci cümle
içinde yer alır.

İki parçalı bağlaçlar daki paralellik



Neither…… nor ……

Not only…… but also…….

Not only……but………as well / too

Not merely………but also…..

Neither animals nor plants can live without food.

He was promoted not only for preparing a comprehensive project but also for making a big profit on behalf of the

In the early twentieth century, the motor car was one of the first major consumer products to be both mass
produced and mass marketed

Örnek soru

Various nations of the world have a great number of differences _____in their economic goals ____ in their
institutions and methods of organising resources.

A)not only/and B)as well/as C)much/as D)both/and E)neither/or

Çözüm: In edatları paralellik için açık işarettir. Bunu veren seçenek te D seçeneğidir. A ve E seçeneklerinde
ifadeler yanlış verlmiştir.( …not only…but also diğeri ise neither…nor… olmalıydı.) B seçeneğindeki ifade
bölünmez. C seçeneğindeki much ile as arasındaki ilişki ya as muh as (mukayese) olarak veya much as (though
anlamında) ayrılmaz ifade olarak verilmeliydi.


İki parçalı olmasına rağmen bunlardan anlamca farklı olan aşağıdaki yapıları karıştırmamalıyız.

1. More………than…….

more + multisyllabic adjective/adverb + than + noun/pronoun/clause

Fish, according to food experts, is almost always MORE nutritious THAN most other foods.
( Besin uzmanlarına göre, balık, hemen hemen her zaman diğer besinlerden daha besleyicidir.)

Örnek soru

The term ‘radical’, in politics, refers to anyone with opinions ____ extreme ____ the main current of a country’s
major political party or parties.

A)so/as B)more/than C)only/that D)not only/but also E)either/or

Açıklama: Yukarıdaki gibi iki parçalı sorularda şayet iki parça arasında sıfat varsa bu soru ya as…as veya more…
than yapılarıyla tamamlanmalıdır. Bu nedenle A veya B seçenekleri üzerinde durulmalıdır. A seçeneği öncelikle
anlam itibarıyla yanlıştır. ( Siyasetteki ‘radikal’ terimi bir ülkenin öndegelen siyasi parti veya partilerinin temel
görüşü kadar aşırı görüşü olan kişiye işaret etmektedir.) Halbuki radikal ifadesi temel görüşlerden daha aşırı
olmalıdır. Diğer taraftan so … as yapısı as … as yapısı ile aynı anlamda olmakla birlikte genellikle olumsuz
cümlelerde kullanılmaktadır. O halde doğru seçenek B dir. ( Siyasetteki ‘radikal’ terimi bir ülkenin öndegelen
siyasi parti veya partilerinin temel görüşünden daha aşırı görüşü olan kişiye işaret etmektedir.

2. As + adjective/adverb + as + noun/pronoun/clause

Cem was at least as competent as Hakan. (Cem en azından Hakan kadar yetenekliydi.)

He doesn’t certainly think as sensibly as me on this subject.

( O bu konuda kesinlikle benim kadar mantıklı düşünmez.)

Örnek soru:

Some anthropologists think that man wasn’t _____ honest hundreds and thousands of years ago ____he is

A)much/as B)neither/nor C)the least/of D)as/as E)little/as

Açıklama: iki parçasıyla sorgulanan bu soruda en önemli husus honest (sıfat) kelimesini farketmektir. İki isim
veya nesne, iki farklı yer veya zaman ile bir sıfat’ın verilmesi mukayeseyi gerektirdiğini unutmayalım.Bu soruda da
hundreds and thousands of years ago ile today arasında bir mukayese yapıldığını görmekteyiz.. Öyleyse doğru
seçenek D seçeneğidir. Bu arada şunu da bilelim ki her ne kadar farklı anlam içerse de bu soruda bir more/than
seçeneği de doğru olacaktı ( Bu konuyla ilgili daha detaylı bilgiyi aşağıda verdiğimiz ADJECTIVES konusunda

3. ------- the World Bank and other international

development banks, the banks in Switzerland
usually operate independently.

A) Owing to B) But for C) Moreover

D) While E) Unlike

4. The RADAR, invented in the course of the

Second World War, is mainly used for military
purposes -----civil aviation and sailing.

A) since B) in addition C) as if
D) as well as E) but

5. The World Health Organization, commonly

referred as the WHO, has launched a new
anti- swine flue campaign ----- avoid its world-wide

A) due to
B) in accordance with
C) so as to
D) in addition to
E) in contrast with

6. Measles is spread through respiration which

contacts with fluids from an infected
person's nose and mouth, ---- directly ---through
aerosol transmission.
A) so as /to B) as well / as
1. Romans are generally famous for only their C) rather /than D) so I that
advanced engineering accomplishments, ------ there E) either I or
are numerous inventions and other improvements 7. Insomnia may be caused by stress from the many
based on ideas, concepts and inventions. areas of life, ----- it can also result from
medication prescribed by physicians for other
A) for B) so that C) as though conditions and anxiety as well.
D) since E) yet
A) at most B) so that
C) whether D) but
2. Like the reptiles, birds are primarily "uricotelic"; E) thus
----, their kidneys extract nitrogenous wastes from
their bloodstream and excrete it as uric acid.
8. The consequences of the two world wars were
A) in other words B) nevertheless ---- devastating for Europe ---- it almost
C) inasmuch as D) however took a century for many regional governments to
E) even if recover.

A) as I as
B) rather I than
C) so I that 14. -----being used for medical purposes, the seeds
D) both I and of the "octavius" flower are also used
E) either I or in many other industries.

A) Besides B) Though
9. ln accordance with recently released reports, GM C) Whether D) As though
owned up to selling 53% fewer cars and E) On the other hand
trucks than a year ago, ---- Chrysler admitted that its
total production also fell dramatically.
15. Most of the collapsing mass is collected in the
A) in that B) just as centre that forms the Sun, ---- the rest of
C) in case D) whereas the mass is flattened into a proto-planetary disc, out
E) whether of which the planets, moons, asteroids, and other
small Solar System bodies formed.

10. The hurricane linda was actually forecast to A) since B) so long as

move toward southern California, but ------, it C) so that D) while
headed for another unexpected route that surprised E) due to
weather forecasters.

A) instead B) except 16. In roughly 5 billion years, the Sun will cool and
C) hence D) in addition expand outward to many times its current diameter;
E) in case -----, it is likely that the Sun will be left alone with no
bodies in orbit around it

11. ------scientists are concerned, the effects of A) still B) even so

global warming may last for at least a thousand C) however D) nevertheless
years even if carbon emissions are totally stopped E) moreover

A) As if
B) Unless
C) Providing that
D) As far as
E) Now that

17. The results of the contest which ran through the

whole week will not be made public
immediately ----- attempts of abuses can be
12. Mankind has become ----- dependable on
machinery ----- it is almost impossible to consider A) on the other hand
future living without technology and advance. B) just as
C) however
A) not only I but also D) so that
B) so I that E) as though
C) much I so
D) either I or
E) the more I the less 18. A tornado caused widespread damage across
downtown Atlanta, including to the CNN Center, -----
the 2008 SEC Men's Basketball Tournament was
13. Billions of dollar have been spent for space postponed.
Mars exploration projects, ----- none could
have been able to gather satisfactory evidence yet. A) now that B) likewise
C) whether D) so
A) in that B) thus C) but E) nevertheless
D) now that E) just as
19. The actual history of the Trojans could not go
beyond legends and myths ____ the lack of
proper historical records that cover the realities.

A) due to
C) as well as
E) consequently
B) besides
D) therefore

20. NASA has declared that the upgraded rocket

engines are still on trial and that they could ---
make a breakthrough in rocket engineering and
space exploration _____ cost a fortune without any
specific achievement.

A) so I that
B) the more I the less
C) rather I than
D) either I or
E) as well I as

21. ------ being an accomplished artist, Leonardo da

Vinci was also a sculptor, an architect and a man of

A) Not only B) However C) In order to

D) Besides E) Moreover
Cümle tamamlama sorularındaki zarf cümleleri genellikle zıtlık, sebeb sonuç gibi eylemleri ifade ettiğinden
dolayı kolaylıkla farkedilebilir. Bu sorularda anlama odaklanılmalıdır. Diğer taraftan tense uyumu zorunlu
olmamakla birlikte cümle parçalarını birleştirirken soru kökündeki zamana uyan parçanın tense özelliğini dikkate
almak yararlı olabilir. Aşağıda zarf cümlelerinde en çok karşımıza çıkan zıtlık ve sebeb sonuç soru örneklerine bir


Though /although /even though /while /whereas /despite the fact that

Zıtlık gösteren eylemler için kullanılan bu bağlaçlarda verilen anlamlar tezat teşkil etmesine dikkat edelim. ( Yani,
faydalı-zararlı, avantajlı-dezavantajlı, eskiden-bu günlerde …gibi. Örneğin; son zamanlarda basında böcek
ilaçlarından bazı zehirlenme olayları haberleri çıksa da onların yararları asla inkar edilemez.)

Örnek sorular:

1. Though the Maya were never a homogeneous group, ________.

A) they believed the same creation myth and worshipped many of the same gods
B) artisans sculpted strrikingly lifelike clay figurines
C) apperantly they tied boards around their babies’heads, making the skulls grow flat and elongated
D) they were several disparate groups with their own languages
E) their jewellery and artifects have been photographed with care

Açıklama: Zıt anlamla tamamlanacak cümlelerde öncelikle, anlamı iyi görmek gerkir. Anlamı ararken fazla
teferruata girmeden fiil bazında anlamı görmek genellikle işimizi görebilir. ‘Mayalar hiçbir zaman homojen grup
olmamalarına karşın’ cümlesini anlam olarak tamamlayacak cümle aynılıklarını / benzerliklerini ortaya koyacak bir
cümle, yani, ‘onlar aynı yaradılış efsanesine inandılar ve pek çok aynı tanrılara taptılar’ olacaktır.

2. _____, although they didn’t have any really serious grounds for doing so.

A) Quite a lot of the objections will be easily dealt with

B) the foreman may take it on himself to fire the man
C) several people are thinking of declining the invitation
D) several nations boycotted the games
E) conclusions reigned at the following meeting

Açıklama:: Bu sorudaki anlama bakarsak ( öyle yapmak için gerçekten ciddi sebebleri yoktu ) fakat ne yaptılar gibi
düşünerek tense uyumuna bakabiliriz. Fakat bu soruda görmemiz gereken in iyi ipucu soru kökündeki çoğul bir
özneye referans eden they öznesi olmalıdır. O halde seçeneklerde they öznesine refere eden özneyi aramamız
gerekecektir. Bu durumda A, C ve D seçeneklerinden birini seçmek durumunda kalırız. A ve C seçeneklerine
tense ne de anlam olarak doğru görülmemektedir. Halbuki D seçeneği anlamsal olarak tam bir bütünlük
sağlamaktadır. (‘Onların öyle yapmak için gerçek ciddi sebebleri olmamasına rağmen, pek çok ulus oyunları
boykot ettiler.)
3. While oil prices rose towards record levels,______.

A) domestic economic news seems relatively positive

B) most British companies would have been unaffected
C) consumer spending in Britain reached an all- time low
D) inflations indicators are being closely watched
E) markets would remain as strong as ever

Açıklama: Sorudaki olumsuz anlamı gördüğümüzde (Petrol fiyatları rekor seviyeye yükselirken) seçeneklerde
bunu olumlu olarak tamamlayacak ki muhtemelen ‘rose’ (yükselmek) fiiliin zıddı olan düşmek / alçalmak
anlamında ( decrease /reduce / lower ) bir fiile ihtiyaç duyarız. Diğer taraftan tam zıtlık ifade eden ‘while’ yan
cümlesinin zamanı ( rose-V2) ile ana cümlenin zamanları genellikle aynı olduğundan past bir fiile ihtiyaç duyarız.
C seçeneğindeki cümleye baktığımızda soru kökündeki cümleyle hem tense (reached ) hemde anlam olarak
(Petrol fiyatları rekor seviyeye yükselirken, ingilterede tüketici harcamaları bütün zamanların en düşük
seviyeyesine ulaştı.) uyumlu olduğunu görürüz..


Because/as/since/inasmuch as/seeing that/now that/due to the fact that

Sebep- sonuç gösteren ve den dan dolayı anlamına gelen bu bağlaçlar, cümle tamamlama sorularında en çok
karşımıza gelen sorular arasındadır. Zıtlık gösteren cümleler gibi bu tür cümlelerde de tense uyumu olmayabilir.
Fakat yine de doğru seçeneği ararken verilen cümlenin zamanına uyan cümleye öncelik vermemiz yararlı olabilir.

Örnek sorular:

1. Because unemployment is rising and wages are falling,______.

A) the government would soon be out-of-favour
B) Americans are naturally worried about the state of the economy
C) the state of panic was regarded as unfounded
D) no one could lose on the stock market
E) it would have been a good time to change your car

Açıklama: Verilen cümle anlamı önceleştirirsek ‘ işşizlik artıyor ve maaşlar düştüğü için ‘ekonomi ile ilgili olumsuz
bir durum olduğunu anlarız. O zaman seçeneklerde bunun sonucu olabilecek olumsuz ifadeyi aramamız gerekir.
Tabii ki buradaki sebebin sonucunun da aynı tense’de ( present) olması gerekecektir. Bu da açıkça B
seçeneğidir. Bu arada ‘Would V1’ veya ‘would have V3’ yapılarının zaten if , unless veya if only gibi bağlaçlarla
kullanıldığından dolayı doğru olamayacaklarını anlayabiliriz..

2. As the chess-playing computer Deep Blue can assses 36 billion moves in three seconds, ______.
A) chess is far from being a game of chance
B) the game had come to an end
C) there was no room left for the human element
D) no one has managed to defeat it
E) the game would soon lose its appeal

Açıklama: Sorudaki anlama baktığımızda ‘ stranç oynayan bilgisayar Deep Blue üç saniyede 36 milyar hamleyi
değerlendirebildiği için …. ‘ soru kökündeki olumlu eylemin, yine onun sonucu olabilecek olumlu bir eyleme ihtiyaç
duyduğunu anlarız. Bu present eylemin sonucunun present olacağıda açıktır. Bu özelliklere haiz tek seçenek ‘D’
seçeneğidir. ( Stranç oynayan bilgisayar Deep Blue, saniyede 36 milyon hamleyi değerlendirdiği için, hiç kimse
onu yenmeyi başaramadı.)


1. Despite/in spite of
2. Despite/in spite of
3. Although/though/even though
4. however/nonetheless/nevertheless/even so
5. but/yet
6. Despite/in spite of

QUESTIONS-1 (16-20)

1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.E 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.E 11.B 12.E 13.C 14.E 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.E 19.B 20.D 21.B
22.A 22.E 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.C 29.A 30.B 31.E 32.B 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.E 39.D 40.B
41.D 42.D 43.B 44.D 45.C 46.D 47.D 48.E 49.B 50.A 51.E 52.B 53. B

QUESTIONS - 2 (31 -38 )

1.D 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.B 6.E 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.E 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B 21.A
22.C 23.E 24.D 25.C 26.B 27.E 28.D 29.A 30.E

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.E 13.B 14.D 15.E 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.E 20.D 21.A
22.C 23.D 24.B 25.E 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.E 31.B 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.E

QUESTIONS - 3 ( 46- 47 )

1.E 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.D 6.E 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.E 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.D 21.D

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